
>Now that the dust has settled...
>Did you watch her movie, Yea Forums?
>Well, Yea Forums?
>What the fuck was his/her problem?
>What was his/her endgame?
>What was his/her name again?
>What did X mean by this?
>What went right/wrong?
>What's the best X, and why is it [insert self opinion]
>What are some movies where...
>What is the X of movies?
>"We want the Rick & Morty audience."
>X was never good
>X killed millions
>X is a cute! A cute!
>movies for that feel?
>*opening line* X thread
>One ticket for X, please
>*tink tink tink* AHEM!
>”girl says something” What do you say in response, Yea Forums?
>*blocks your path*
>Cunny thread!
>*random twitter pic* kek
>Based and redpilled
>Movies only you watched
>it’s going to flop
>How do you go from this...
>Comfy Simpsons thread!
>X is for ________
>main character is _______
>X did nothing wrong
>This is X, say something nice about her/him
>Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

Attached: 1531098410772.png (426x382, 206K)

have sex

Thanks for proving my point about all the retards on this board


that's a yikes from me, dawg

Movies for this feel?

yeah, that's a big OOF from me dawg

hotheads leave

What are some movies where the main character has an autistic meltdown?

who will play OP in his inevitable biopic?

>Yea Forumsnime SOIBOI worked into a seething shoot solely by the mere EXISTENCE of Yea Forums LADS

>Yea Forums
If you didn't start posting on Yea Forums before 2011 then you're not Yea Forums
you're Yea Forumseddit

Yea Forums is one of the last decent boards on this site because people there actually know how to keep retards and shitposting out


Have sex

>Forgetting the TICK TOCK capeshit war threads

I'll make sure to add that to the list

You forgot:
>What's next for his/her career?
>What do you think of their body of work?

This one should be an immediate ban.
The moderation here is lacking, but it doesn't help that you retards give these stupid thread 109 replies.

Yea Forums is worthless TRASH except for the based dragon ball shitposting general. know your place you fucking DOG.

>women make me angry because they wo't have sex with me without me paying them, what are some movies for this feel
>500 replies

This forum is just an incel playground at this point.

Why do you post like a non-white?


why are you asking when you know the answer? non-whites love dragonball

cope and concede pathetic moeshitter spic dogs

Dragonball is a shit wnime that drags way too long.also fuck niggers

Ironic that the DBShitter is calling other people spics

a daring synthesis

Why do you post like a non-white that just got the internet?

>and it's beautiful
>and that's a good thing

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