Feminist Propoganda

All the leaders are female now. The males left have no dicks, are asexual, are pussies, or shells of their former selves. Jon Snow was hyped to have this huge battle with the Night King and was useless (Although assassinating the NK was smart as he's too powerful, but still would've been cool to see Jon fight him and get a LOTR Witch King stab from Arya). All major kills or turning points in battle were by females. Men at most assisted them.

Jon Snow, Tormund, Darn't cuck his right to the throne) and are "toxic masculine".io and Bronn will be killed off as they're in their prime, have their dicks, and don't cuck (If Jon Snow doesn't cuck his right to the throne).

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The best characters on this show were mostly women. Cersei, Margaery, Brienne, Catelyn Stark, Dany in the first half, Arya in the first half. The best male characters were Ned Stark, Theon, and Tywin.

Tywin was better than all female characters combined. Jaime is also better than any of the stronk womyn too

Jaime was great for one season (the one where he loses his hand and pals around with Brienne) but was a who and Cersei’s whip most of the time. I forget Oberyn but he also only lasted one season.

Charles Dance has the gravitas of a thousand men so I won’t argue there.

and on a scale of 1 to 10 how mad does that make (You) ?

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>got is a soap opera for muffin-top feminist cat ladies

Welcome to season 5.

Agree with Arya and Brienne because unlike Daenerys who had everything given to her by name, they earned their positions.
Also don't get why none of the female characters are funny except sometimes Brienne and Arya. Humor is charming They're all so serious and bland.
Guess I watched at this point to see how it ends. May as well be over after last episode. No way Cersei wins vs. dragons and either Daenerys or Jon Snow will make fair leaders.

this is the most pathetic thread I've seen in months
have sex

God I wish Lena was my cocksleeve

have sex incel

Lest we forget the pirate queen who magically made the iron Islanders forsake their raping ways bc silver haired bitch told her to

Have a nice day

Eat shit and die cuck.

Lady Olenna and Tywin were the best characters

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Triggered for sure. As Tywin said, she's not as smart as she thinks, but the show runners decided to give her plot armor and here we are with her on the throne

At this point it's true. GoT has become a feminist power fantasy. Can't wait until Jon slams his sword through Dany's chest and a million obese blakk kweenz cry out together in pain

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>h-have sex

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I think the Hound, Tirion and Jon would be included on that list as well. Eddard and Tywin are obviously god-tier though. When I found out that Charles Dance was actually fucking gutting a deer in his first scene, I realized how BASTE he really is

Ironically the guy on the right's outfit is probably the nicest thing either of them have worn since they attended their Nan's funeral or something

>not a feminist and a liberal

No no, obviously he is. But J&J take it further than the fatman seemingly ever would

And it's a pretty piss example of it, since none of these female characters are likable or competent.

At least the books are better than this pandering.

The books are at least fair to male characters desu

that’s a great pic.

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be a woman
looks like neither of us got our wish...

Congratulations, you noticed this and arent a retard/NPC.

You can be "liberal" without having to force obnoxious far left, anti-science propaganda into your books.

>redditor SEETHING

>that’s a great pic.

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>using memewords and talking about sex with male strangers on the internet


for gods sakes isnt that hard, you lazy milenials hate hard honest work i swear to god

fuckin dead


Women are subverted and deconstructed. No thanks.

>watching shows aimed at roasties
Have sex

what the hell are you talkin about son?
who told you that?
u spent too much time on the internet
every day thousands of men find joy in the eternal bliss of marital sex and having kids
youll gonna end up old bitter and alone
my cousin Charlene is a great woman, my wife Rhonda too, up your sleeves kid, because someone used your teen´s apathy for their own goals, your not a teenager anymore, you cant afford being reckless and dumb anymore, man up son youll be okay

Imagine how fucked in the head the cucked jews who write this shit are

The only woman that didn't appear completely incompetent in this last episode was Arya. Dany and Sansa were completely fucking useless. Brienne doesn't really count.

I get what you're trying to say but this is a terrible example.

Who is this LARPing namefaggot and why haven't I filtered him yet?

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im just an old friend that makes sense, you can laugh at me and call me boomer but you cant deny the truth of my statements thats for sure!

Imagine being such an incel that you can't even watch a fantasy show without being reminded that you can't have sex

why on earth would anyone sane as described buy an american car. Seriously.
Also, pathetic thread. Get laid, boys.

>Imagine being such an incel that you can't even watch a fantasy show without being reminded that you can't have sex

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>why on earth would anyone sane as described buy an american car
my buick is older than you and runs better than your car.
>Get laid, boys.
woah there, you dont just get laid you also need to get married and have kids, if not? whats the hecking point?

>Posting on Yea Forums is masculine
Is that seriously your argument?

when was it build?


He was calling you a soyy boy, you fucking dumbass. You're probably a hole though.

Then it indeed it is older than me.
Regarding the marrying thing. Don't wish for too many of the imbeciles here to be procreating.

Show has dragons, zombies, faceless men, wargs, direwolves, giants and THIS bothers you?

>Posting on Yea Forums
>Thinks he's manly
You're fat and ugly and can't have sex

Seethe harder, redditor bulldyke.

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Read this in the voice of the mirror from shek 1

Are you implying that people watching this will understand that women in positions of power is merely a fantasy akin to dragons and zombies?

What's manly about posting on Yea Forums?

Never watched GOT so explain this to me, now they're two more factions at war? One on the left and one on the right?

Based retard. I was saying you sounded like a fucking numale feminist. Nothing to do with Yea Forums or manliness. Do you always need simple things broken down for you, stupid whore?