The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

He was growing into middle age, and was living then in a bungalow on Woodland Avenue. He installed himself in a rocking chair and smoked a cigar down in the evenings as his wife wiped her pink hands on an apron and reported happily on their two children. His children knew his legs, the sting of his mustache against their cheeks. They didn't know how their father made his living, or why they so often moved. They didn't even know their father's name. He was listed in the city directory as Thomas Howard. And he went everywhere unrecognized and lunched with Kansas City shopkeepers and merchants, calling himself a cattleman or a commodities investor, someone rich and leisured who had the common touch. He had two incompletely healed bullet holes in his chest and another in his thigh. He was missing the nub of his left middle finger and was cautious, lest that mutilation be seen. He also had a condition that was referred to as "granulated eyelids" and it caused him to blink more than usual as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept. Rooms seemed hotter when he was in them. Rains fell straighter. Clocks slowed. Sounds were amplified. He considered himself a Southern loyalist and guerrilla in a Civil War that never ended. He regretted neither his robberies, nor the seventeen murders that he laid claim to. He had seen another summer under in Kansas City, Missouri and on September 5 in the year 1881, he was thirty-four-years-old.

What a film, why was 2007 such an outstanding year for film?

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whats the point of this thread retard

Did you read the subject line bud or is your autism flaring up again?

Pure kino. First movie I ever pirated.

good taste. that soundtrack is amazing

It's the best movie ever made imo.

I agree 100% it's amazing just how good it is from the performances to soundtrack to cinematography to the script

Made it about 20 minutes in and got bored. You can see Brad Pitt with his shirt off in Snatch, you faggots, which is a better movie anyway.

cringe bait

>this movie was kino
>Killing Them Softly was kino
>both films combined probably made about $5
>Andrew Dominik was reduced to directing Mindhunter episodes for tv because plebs have shit taste

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don't forget Chopper

Attached: chopper.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

Great film.

Yep it's flawless

absolute kino

This narrator should narraite everything

This dialogue was Robert idolizing him. We're shown how weak and sick he'd gotten in reality by the end.

Andrew Dominik has a new one coming out called Blonde, a Marilyn Monroe biopic starting Ana de Armas. Also his Nick Cave documentary is flawless.

Most boring flick Ive seen. Drags on for too long and barely anything interesting happens. Nobody actually likes this film they just say they do so theyre an EBIN PATRICIAN. Same thing with There Will Be Blood.


>So it went. Bob was increasingly cynical, leery, uneasy; Jesse was increasingly cavalier, merry, moody, fey, unpredictable. If his gross anatomy suggested a strong smith in his twenties, his actual physical constitution was that of a man who was incrementally dying. He was sick with rheums and aches and lung congestions, he tilted against chairs and counters and walls, in cold weather he limped with a cane. He coughed incessantly when lying down, his clever mind was often in conflict, insomnia stained his eye sockets like soot, he seemed in a state of mourning. He counteracted the smell of neglected teeth with licorice and candies, he browned his graying hair with dye, he camouflaged his depressions and derangements with masquerades of extreme cordiality, courtesy, and good will toward others.

There has never been a more butthurt title for a movie in the history of the world than this one.

I'll have to rewatch this soon. Forgot how much I enjoyed it.

One of the greatest films of all time
True patrician Core

Attached: Tuxed Pepe.png (225x225, 7K)

I was living in Winnipeg at the time this was filmed. Angelina Jolie came into a store my girlfriend's sister was working at. Angelina was a giant cunt who basically spent 10 minutes shitting on the staff before leaving with some stuff the owner didn't even make her pay for.

Pretty based overall. Shame about her fucking her dad though.

Brad Pitt's best Performance.
Him as Tyler Durden is great but he'll never top his performance in The Assassination of Jesse by the Coward Robert Ford

Attached: Zoomers doing Fortnite Dances.jpg (1024x521, 43K)

>Brad Pitt's best Performance.
Also his favorite

I dont think this is from the film, but its the same composers. It may just be the comfiest track ever.


Anything similar?

This is a pretty different vibe but I found it recently and find it quite comfy as well.

If anyone could link me to something similar to the other track id be grateful as well.

Yeah, I've got that in my playlist. You'll enjoy this then.

youre alright user, youre alright. couldnt agree more

This is one of those movies that women will never like or understand.

what do you gain by thinking this

I keep leaving Yea Forums but people like you remind me of why I keep coming back. This is truly the land of my people.

Absolutely based opinion user.

I havent seen this but ill be watching it soon just because of all the threads on here

>best movie ever made

lmaooo. But if you throw away that retardness then it is literally perfect.

get on it nigger. flawless film