How is Discovery Channel in your country?

In Brazil we got trannies

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Other urls found in this thread:

Im from brazil too.

Niggers, GTFO of my Yea Forums.

Im from Huezil too.

Someone call Ramon

ramon will never get here in time, we need adam sessler here now to stall for him

what's the point of getting naked people on tv but then blur it?

discovery does it a lot


SupeRamon to the rescue

Attached: SupeRamon.jpg (720x960, 63K)

Where's the beef?

Those are not trannies, you gay asshole.

Are the people in this picture men? I'd fuck them all in the mouth and ass regardless.

this. i got excited for a second. fucking lying op.

Fuck, really? Don't tell me I just jacked off to regular women.

Are the people in this video Trannies? If so I'm shocked. They look and sound like very attractive women.

>all reality shows + Daily Planet
It's gone the same route as the History channel.

this is what happens when you have an entire country with the inability of abstraction

gonna need some proof, my dude

Should be a banner

wtf i thought favela monkeys were supposed to be based?

look at the hips. dead giveaway

Why are they naked and is there an uncensored version?

Fucking trailer pig
If you want to fap, go to xvideos

spic favela monkeys

this is how it starts. they put real women on tv and blur everything and call them trannies. then you start to actually believe that women can be passable with a fat sack of testosterone hanging off them.

my god thats a tranny?
hot as fuck

Imagine getting so tired of fucking super hot chicks for years with your massive dick that you actually start to prefer fucking dudes with tit/ass jobs and make up.

Shitskins have a higher rate of homosexuality according to the CDC, it's why black men have very high HIV rates

Attached: hiv-us-ataglance-2017-new-diagnoses-subpopulations.png (2712x1066, 81K)

You're the most gullible people on earth

No wonder trannies are using this place as a platform to brainwash you losers into fucking them


Please don't refer to my people as shitskins. Its very disrespectful.

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you guys earned it with sweat and blood,

Brazilian here. Let me help you guys.

An actual tv show with only trannies:

Mirin some of those bodies no lie.
Especially the first ones lats and biceps

you got me for a bit

thought for a second tranny technology has be surpassed in south niggermerica

we know they like their nazi doctors

Who will portray this person in the inevitable biopic?

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brazilian trannies look like THAT?!

Welp if those are dudes then im gay

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based and straightpilled

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Best shemale pornstar?

Chanel Santini for me

>if you only knew...

Are you Brazil nigger invaders the ones endlessly shrieking about Trannies? Did that come in with you fucking faggots?

Can you just GO BACK please. Unlearn English. Stop spreading your nigger degeneracy in white culture PLEASE.

Most Spanish people I know are super low key homosexual. I work with a guy who is always weirdly asking me to hang out and he's gotta be half a fag. But they cover it in big time macho airs.

Anyway - my point being is who cares because you degenerates fuck each others ass all the time

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Maybe he just wants to be your friend?

Idk. Maybe. He's married and has a wife but they are out of state because he moved for the job. But he's just constantly making references to how you have to be careful what you say in latin countries because they will think you're gay. Like he's brought that up oddly 4 or 5 times in casual work conversation. And just other weird vibes.

Think he'll be popular in prison?

Maybe he is lonely without wife.
I'd give him a chance and hang out.

Big fucking YIKES at your racism my dude

Major oof from me at your transphobia dawg

Holy fucking YIKES

please dilate

Based and diversitypilled

OwO what's this? A LARPing mutt?

be honest would you?

Gonna live in brazil for a month. Any tips on what to do and how to be?

Gross. Am i the only one with classy trap taste nowadays?

Spend a week roaming around Sao Paulo's favelas

With a good looking one, probably.

thats a funny dog.

>Homosexuality acceptance
>Beastiality acceptance
>other degenerate behavior
Yeah MUH whitoid culture. Lmaooooo

not with those monstrosities, we got enough of them here not to go to the capital of traps
Ill expect a 10 if im flying to Thailand

what's this body type called?

? what explain please
t.brainlet non english native speaker

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where do i find this uncensored ?

Why do they all got a big dong ? i mean the most feminine guy should have a tiny dick nah ?

how can you tell when its censored

>low key
>literally kiss their bros on the mouth as a greeting

Attached: ABIGAIL-WEINBERG-spanish-men-gonzalo-1[1].jpg (525x601, 54K)

These are not trannies you absolute degenerate shit.
>those perfect asses though

that's normal spic behavior dude, if he's new to your job and you were the first to be nice and friendly to him, then he's trying to be your fren in his own spic way. Has he shown you pics of his wife and family? That's another very common thing spics do when you meet them.

He's probably not gay at all and its true about being gay in Catholic spic countries, they don't tolerate that shit and fags get their asses kicked

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Hey, Don't post images of my uncle

I mean in general

theres many tranny with average or tiny penis. maybe you're recommended shemale big dick porn for a reason

>that's normal spic behavior dude, if he's new to your job and you were the first to be nice and friendly to him, then he's trying to be your fren in his own spic way. Has he shown you pics of his wife and family? That's another very common thing spics do when you meet them.

I thought KOTH was joking about that shit...

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>All southamerican/mexican trannies you see are criminals that got surgery to escape law.
Would explain why there are so many down there.

>It really is a woman who accidently looks like female version of criminal
Maybe he can make some bucks to sell his body or pimp himself out to one of prison mobkings. If does it intelligently, he will have a nice lifing in prison.

Stop speaking like a demented retard

First this Than it isnt connected to dick lenght. Thats more like genetics.
Besides doesnt bodybuilder who eats anabolics have shrimpled dicks? Or was it only small nuts?

Is that real? What an amazing time to be alive

kill marry fuck

>In Brazil we got trannies
saudi arabia couldnt spare a scimitar for them. there writing is almost as bad as engdame.

Kill yourself

they look like living realdolls.

its amazing what silicone can do.

did you ever see a naked woman?

No human has such weird proportions without a ton of implants.

i want to kill trannies

lmao, how can white women even compete with that?

What's with Brazil and trannies? How can there be so many there, and why? And it's been like this since always, not just in recent years.

We have a tranny on the Flash tv series

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Theres prep now so you fuck away to your hearts content

What the fuck, why does Brazil get trannies like them but we get gross ass balding neckbeards wearing skirts

>enter trap thread on Yea Forums or /gif/
>70% of the pictures are shemale monstrosities with 9" cocks.
>20% dudes wearing wigs and their moms clothes
>10% actually passable traps with cute, feminine penises


Sex tourism

This is why I still come to Yea Forums

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Yikes is that like the bachelor for trannies? And this actually airs on tv?

>Click on a random video
>Skip ahead to a random time
>He pops up

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brazil friend, can I ask you a question
why do all brazilian transexuals have the same g-string tan-line???

can someone explain the premise of this show?
What does the title mean? Are they cis or trans??
Are they pornstars??

if only HIV didn't exist

is this /ourhero/?

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In SP you can fuck this for 60$

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sadly they're not trannies, they're real women

Why so cheap ?

They are trannies?????

I'd smash all 3 of them lol

That's not cheap the Dollar is worth 3.5x more then Real.All this girls are college students and live in expensive apartments in the best neighborhoods they make a lot of money.

Attached: pricila8_frlb1yn.jpg (640x411, 89K)

bet she has aids

>That's not cheap the Dollar is worth 3.5x more then Real

thats not how currency works.

Any website that shows what girls you can find in SP?

based aricia

Attached: aricia.png (806x502, 1M)

They do longtime compagnionship ? like you stay in Brzl for few weeks and i want a girl to show me stuff and fuck and surf and beach without having to meet someone, fall in a trap and get killed etc... ?


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It depends every girl has a dos and don'ts page

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I don't think you understand how currencies work. 1 real in Brasil doesn't buy you the same things in brasil as 1 us dollar would in America.

it's the same value.

It's all a coincidence. I assure you.

Attached: brazil.webm (1280x678, 2.83M)

When did I said that?All that I said was R$200=$60 or 60*3,4=204.

>No eating ass

What is going on here

you can see the asshole

why is brazil so degenerate?

absolutely based

First, like sao paulo their rivers are polluted to hell. Imagine how much hormonlike stuff floes in there.
Second, i kinda remember homosexual is kinda frowned upon, so its more social accepted to be a tranny or hide it with going to a tranny instead of a twink. Like try to be a woman more than a week man thing.

Where do you lads go for your daily tranny porn?

He just didnt like that you were making Brazil look poor.

Which site ?

>hot women
>beautiful tropical country
>no puritanical religion

sounds like paradise imo besides the crime and poverty desu

ramon got blacklisted from fucking chicks because of religious intolerance

pretty sure this is acompanhantesuniversitaria com is mostly college girls

chose your favorite

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How do I buy decent prostitutes in Brazil? Preferably not favela hoes

>When did I said that

If you didn't say that then what exactly did you mean by
>That's not cheap the Dollar is worth 3.5x more then Real

Most people will read this as "I think everything is more expensive brazil because the number of local currency units used to pay for common goods and services is greater it is in the US."

Seriously, maybe you should learn to write more coherent arguments.

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That is the story of my life too, user

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>black rain


Just look the neighborhood where they are from

>make fantasies
what does that even mean? can i pay her to finish ASOIAF?

8 has a huge ass though

she doesn't shit on your chest

She is showing how she does squats.

>Golden Shower=Piss
>Black Rain=???


You have to go back


They're clean generally ?

This can't be a tranny jesus CHRIST

>these are trannies
Im gay now

it isn't. There are no attractive trannies. Period

The only thing they do without condom is oral sex(not all of them) from my experience,you should be as careful as you would be with any other prostitute,in my opinion the chances are low since they aren't street walkers and attend more high class clintes in general.

Brazilians, why are you like this?

marry, fuck, kill

Ass and tits implants ill give to you,but the rest is pure training on the gym

Whos 5?

Fuck off,Brazilian Chad trannies dont need to shitpost on image boards to convince others to go gay,its because those trannies are just mentally ill chads while faggots like aero are just pathetic virgins,BR Trannies actually fuck and work out,carry switchblades and fuck up anyone

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>First world trany, unironically a beta incel
>Third world shemale, unironically hot, extrovert and cool

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Panicats aren't really trannies, they are just pumped full of steroids.

God I love this place

lol. I bet he is a protestant

I had to google some

White bois cant even compete

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>white culture

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why are brazilians so superior?

>This one wants to drag me into a trap

What did he mean by this?

I'd like to stick my penis inside girl number 8 if you know what I mean.

The only good parts left of this shithole have already gone to shit and if you're a foreigner coming for work you'll most likely live in a shit state like SP or RJ, which isn't even as shit as the rest of this shithole. Just look at how among the first replies to you was a shitzilian talking about cheap whores, shit people make a shithole, but have fun in this shit country filled with shit I guess. The shitty land bothers me, but the shit people make it even more shit, and my state is supposed to be one of the best.

the most based one

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I remember back in the late 80s/early 90s Discovery Channel and A&E were 24/7 Nazis and Mob documentaries.

Then came Shark Week and it was downhill from there.

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>since always
No it hasn't, there was a tranny explosion around the early 00s, about the same time the cosmetics industry grew a fuckton. It turns out trannies mean not only subversion, but a lot of money.
Holy shit lads the look on his face at the end

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>black rain

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I gave up on this country around 5th grade after reading several books from the XIX and XVIII centuries about europeans who immigrated here with dreams of making it big only to find themselves corrupted and borderline homeless, not to mention the obligatory mulatta lover.

that's BAND not Discovery Channel fucking fake news faggot

unironically got a boner.

based br trannies

>A bunch of friends go to Huezil for the WC
>On the first day they already had a bunch of 14yos offering themselves for a few dollars when they went walking around town

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>no closeup of their feet
cameraman is a faggot.

prostitutes in brazil are stupidly cheap, it is insane.

disgusting fake ass.

Aren't they catholic? Why are they like the Thailand of South America?


if you're white you're definitely going to get robbed and possibly killed


>What's with Brazil and trannies? How can there be so many there, and why? And it's been like this since always, not just in recent years.

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>it's a /pol/ post

Why is he shocked? Is she not a trannie or something?

he learned she's post-op

that's some terrible kissing

Daily remember, average dick size of south america trannies are 8 inches.

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Ice road truckers and crab fishing were the final nail.

Trannies look like THAT???

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So this is how princess peach met mario?


>Has shows like Naked and Afraid or whatever it is
>They're naked
>But it's blurred out on TV even post watershed

This has to be one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. Half the title is inaccurate immediately and I don't believe they're in any real danger so they have no reason to be afraid.
Who the fuck could use semantics to this extent and get away with it completely unironically?

>Naked and Afraid
>Executive producer: David Garfinkle

Well, there's a surprise.

based retard who can't read.

>homosex is frowned upon
Brazil is about 20% gay, blacks and jungle natives have the highest rates of homosexuality in the world and Hispanics ( I mean actual Iberians) the highest among Europeans ( though Iberians have been raped by literally everyone, so they're mystery meat to start with). Perhaps it's the low IQ from black admixture causing societal conditions to be more easily "absorbed" or the genetic combination results in some bizzarre "hybrid vigour" wrt homosexuality.


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How did they know they were 14 ? they all look 21 in this continent

Wait what? central europe is higher middle?

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Thats why most fags are trannies in brazilia


ask to her in watsapp


200 reais = 50 dollars
This is why

I haven't chuckled out loud to a post in 10 years well done user

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Low key porn for huehue people, anything with sex, football and beer sells in Huezil. Also most men here are closet homos so they can pretend to be machos while appreciating a big cock

t. Pedro, ayudame

I recognize some of these girls from instagram. So either it is fake as fuck or the girls promote themselves there whcih is unlikely

I already fucked her

Tell us how it was please. With details :3
On the model description there's "mannequin". What does it mean

>Aren't they Catholic?
that's debatable since Protestantism is right on par

It's true. Central and South America are literally just African slaves and a few mixed mutts from failed Portuguese colonization. The Portuguese killed all the Indians too so it's pretty much the US only it's just niggers

I love this abdomen bulge, whatever it's called. There should be a cute name for it, like with love handles or dimples of venus

Attached: hips.png (343x286, 107K)

That's called the "I've got high octane monkey shit" brewing tank

It means her uterus is tilted forward and she'll probably be a baby-making factory.

It work like that ?
I think she just got APT like all the instahoes

it's called being fat

>The Portuguese killed all the Indians too so it's pretty much the US only it's just niggers
No, they didn't.
The portuguese tried enslaving the local tribes, but they were basically still nomad tribes and were shit at manual labour, so they started importing workers from africa.

The natives were breed out.

It's called human anatomy

For me it was their faces. Their bodies don't look too feminine. And trans women sometimes have wide hips

this isn't the first time he overheated his cock in a van.

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They got cute feminine faces desu ?

Too old

90+% if all natives were killed with the arrival of the Portuguese and the Spanish in the Americas. Within 200 years the mortality rate of Portuguese and Spanish diseases was reaching 100% in many areas. (Meaning they killed all the natives)

If you're american I wouldn't be surprised with your ignorance, but Brazil got immigrants from lots of places other than Portugal. My state alone has regions colonized by germans, italians and to some extent spaniards, and there were also minor groups of lithuanians, russians, hungarians, austrians and swedes. That's why some parts of the country were unironically white until a couple decades ago, but things started getting really bad in the Getúlio government when he started cracking down on colonial culture, forcing immigrants to accept brazilians into their communities (i.e. mutts) and promoting the whole mutt nation ethos. My school was closed for some years because it taught in german (in a region where most didn't speak portuguese) and I know some elders who were briefly arrested for working in german written newspapers. I know the whole "there are whites in Brazil!!!11" thing is a meme by now, but that doesn't mean it always was. If you want to find people of actual portuguese descent I'd say your best bet is São Paulo or Rio(in elite areas). But any hope there was in the past is long gone by now. And I see at least thrice as many men racemixing than women.

>bred out
Lmao sure, that's why half the population looks like a defective indio.

Imagine being the detective on this case.

Portuguese were the first. They are the ones who killed all the natives. The reason Brazilians look like baboons is because they're mutts mixed with African slaves

There was literally a King of the Hill episode about this phenomena.

t. Meteoro Brasil queer


Stop talking about shit you understand nothing of, textbook memes are different from the real world. A shitload of people you see with that earthy complexion have mostly native blood, and in some cases it's particularly obvious, like our vice president. African blood yields a different skin tone, "latte-like", such as our first lady's. The stereotype for an entire region (the northeast) derives from what the locals looked like, "flat heads". And if you knew anything about brazilian history instead of spewing random cliché garbage I wouldn't even need to explain any of that, a look at the average brazilian and an understanding of native culture is enough. To this day natives offer their women for you to fuck like it's nothing, now imagine if you're from a faraway land they've never seen, brought shiny trinkets and had no women travel with you.
Here goes a tip for the future: if you don't understand a subject shut the fuck up.

Cause they literally told them, those little whores know foreigners go looking for that shit just like in Thailand. They looked the part too in the photos my friends took before they told them to fuck off.

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post the pics they took


It was 5 years ago in 2014, I don't have them. They were some little favelado whores anyways, nothing special.

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I'm neither huezillian or muttmerican but even I can literally see the indio in most huezillian mutts

that's a czech pornstar, you doofus

>feminine penises

Attached: based umar.png (548x95, 11K)

Brazil is a mix of everything. Indio, african slaves, all kinds of euros, even japanese.

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iirc it's a comedy show that does comedy skits, pranks and interviews. the hot girls are stage assistants.

6 and 1 are my favorites.
2 needs to be killed with fire and 7 is too native looking.

>romero britto
Dropped, bury that whore.

Mons Pubis

I know, but I'm saying even an untrained eye can see the admixture.

does brazil have good traps?

>even japanese
Why do burgers insist on talking about shit they have no clue of? Nips came in great numbers, but to this day they are some of the most tightly knit communities in the country, mixing of others with them isn't nearly as impactful as to warrant comparison with what happened with natives and niggers. And in the later case, until 20 or so years ago having visible nigger ancestry meant you were likely condemned to living in poor areas, i.e. not nearly as much contact with the rest of the population as those with indio blood.

Nigga it's between Brazil and Thailand as the CHAMPION of traps

Formerly straight

>most spanish people are low key homosexuals
Objectively false, I've known people that have gotten attacked for being fags in my home country.

tfw she married some ugly soccer player

i'm not gay but I love riding a trap while i jerk off onto her chest

Patrician fetish.

I'm brazilian viadinho. And even if it has a low impact, it's still part of the mix.
São Paulo has a shitload of japs.

Uncensored versión anywhere?

Just because people get attacked for being fags doesn't mean your country is rife with fags. I bet the people out there beating fags are fags themselves.

I think you may be right

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Who the fuck is this

They're mostly limited to SP, city dweller. I'm from SC and I can count the number of nips I've seen in my life. There's a load of them there, some bled towards PR and MS and then I know of a very small community in RS, that's about it. And from what I've seen they're mostly cool and keep to their own, so it's not like they would mix others away. I'm more worried about the literal africans the government is bringing, some of them haven't been here for a year and already walk around with 4 kids.

that's just her belly

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theres something really hot about the idea of cosmetic enhancements women get to make themselves more fuckable for men. literally turning themselves into sexual objects for our pleasure

some instagram thot

>Diovana Konigsreuter

The place would give Ackbar a seizure

>I'm more worried about the literal africans the government is bringing
That's been happening for a while. My university had a bunch of them and they had to find wives fast so they wouldn't need to go back to their countries.


Já transaram com quantas travecas? Preço médio de uma boa trava aqui é 150 paus.

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Aren't you just there for Uni?


I'm not mentally ill, so none. People like you are what I hate the most about this country, more than niggers.

In SC? I am from here, my family immigrated after WW1.

fucking hell, imagine a threesome with them

How close to reality was Tropa de Elite?

Attached:[2018.07.23_14.18 (1920x1040, 2.99M)


Ok, larper incel

Pretty close,ironically the movie was supposed to be lefty drivel propaganda against BOPE and police brutality and it only ended up making people praise BOPE and military police even more,Wagner Moura still seethes to this day that kids basically chant about killing criminals,fucker is not even a fraction of the man Cap Nascimento is


Yeah, I don't really understand this film was supposed to be left-wing propaganda. Police are brutal in response to brutal criminals. BOPE had to be especially brutal considering their low numbers.

What I don't understand is the fucking sequel. It sucked so much ass. Suddenly BOPE was swarming with corrupt cops even though they had been repulsing that element of the police force effectively for presumably years? It just seemed like the dude making it had a grudge against the first film.

damn it, how do we solve this problem bros?
Even the meanest guy of my classroom knew stuff thanks to history channel and discovery in school back in 2002

would make for a good doujin desu

Are you people this stupid? That's Carisha from Femjoy. Some people deserve to be scammed.

Attached: caprice_ariel_carisha_-_femjoy.jpg (4000x2667, 523K)

Damn dude the left and right bitch are straight ROASTED

no one would think that retard, they'd think the dollar is vastly superior to a shitty currency not that everything is more expensive, maybe instead of telling people to write coherent arguments you should learn some reading comprehension

That's Caprice user.

What does sex feel like bros...

He has,altough corruption is indeed a problem here,due to the enormous bureocracy,the government budget for security and the salaries of said cops,sometimes cops are forced to buy ammo from illegal sources since sometimes the money wasted on ammo has to come from the police officer,the sheer amount of restrictions put onto the police force is astounding,couple that with the populace being mongrels who chimp out at anything,a ton of officers end up on deskwork if they kill some criminal on a firefight,that sounds reasonable at first because due process and procedures but our legal system is so damn slow they stay in deskwork for extended periods of time,couple that with the shit salary that is delivered in parcels and you get extremely pissed guys with military training(since we have military police force for the serious crimes and civilian police for the other cases).
Some cases of true corruption is awful tough,like cops letting militias roam around and essentially just be cartels of a community defense force,cops smuggling weapons for cash,ex-cops acting as hitmen and etc.
Its all derived due to the enormous incompetence of the government and the lack of action and revolt of the populace.
Going back to the movie: the director is another pseudo marxist shill who wants to be opressed and be a faux rebel and was assblasted that his movie essentially praised "fascism" by making it cool

Okay? Cool?

Caprice is ROASTED

altough we do have a real problem with corruption due to a plethora of issues that result in it,the director is a pseud intellectual marxist and wants to be a faux rebel so he was enormously assblaated due to how his movie ended up making "police brutality" something positive that teenagers wanted to be,since they wanted to be real men and a ton of the populace despise criminals and want to go full punisher on them

Imagine that all your anxiety, pain, worry, and stress disappeared and was replaced with warmth, contentment, pride, and confidence.

It's unironically like that.

Like you're masturbating with tight, wet, hot, fat and vacuum sealed hands.

user, I...

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>Seriously, maybe you should learn to write more coherent arguments.
Learn how to read friend.

Even if i cum in 5 seconds ?




Those would be five of the most blissful seconds of your otherwise miserable life my man.

Better something than nothing, right?

>Fuck, really? Don't tell me I just jacked off to regular women.

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>melee massage
>greek kiss


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>caters to the disabled
I have a chance

Fucking sudaca scum. Yes we know you have a bunch of trannies. Keep em there.

Someone get this hothead Manolo outta here

>caters to disabled
Aww that's sweet

So it this like a brothel or outcall service?

t h i c c c c c c c c c

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>black rain
You learn something new every day


It’s fake

He's dead for our faps. Let us pray for this user in hope that the j*nnies wont be too harsh with our thread

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Recommend me a good escort site here in brland, Yea Forums.

didn't know ace ventura was a documentary

So, uh... Is this uncensored somewhere?

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