What are some shows that defy or reverse this image? KotH and The Shield are two that come to my mind.
What are some shows that defy or reverse this image? KotH and The Shield are two that come to my mind
none, all series suck, the one who maintained the same were bad from the start
Seinfeld, minus the last episode. The first season you can tell they don't really have their dynamics down yet.
Mad Men for me peaked in the middle instead of the beginning or end.
KOTH first season is great though. That episode where Hank couldn't shit was one of my favorites.
I.T Crowd. They finished it before it got overplayed, as much as I wanted more. Open All Hours. Porridge.
>episodic relase
>more than 2 seasons
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Freaks and Geeks
season 1 was great, but the rest of the seasons are about equal in my opinion.
The Walking Dead.
Die you degenerate barneyfag lol
KoTH dropped way off when Lucky became a regular
literally none
>The first season you can tell they don't really have their dynamics down yet.
That's literally every sitcom, user.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s first season is almost universally accepted to be its weakest by trek fans while the last season is the best one
South Park
This is England
the office
Closest I can think of.
your mom is literally every sitcom because they need to play a laugh track whenever she's present to cover up the constantly loud farting
Avatar the last air bender.
Most Star Trek series. They all start out week with the cast getting into their role and universe, by late season it's just pure kino.
Are you fucking joking?
I love Sunny, but I'm pretty sure anyone with a brain agrees the quality tapered off around season 9 or so, whenever they did the Wade Boggs episode
This but with The Americans
last season literally worst season
season 7 and 8 were still good boomer
Unironically The Simpsons is good up to season 11
I remember the first season pretty much being its own thing with how the story was going. It ended with the dance. Then season 2 is just pure comedy and the love plot is never mentioned again.
I would say even early as Season 5-6
Meh, I was more thinking the first 5 seasons continued to get better. It does start to go downhill around 7 or 8.
>up to season 11, episode 5
honestly, i would say it dropped around season 4-5.
>hey guise you know that tv trope that exists in literally every tv show ever called flanderization where the show gets progressively worse every season? yeah you know how it exists in every show literally ever?
>is there any that it doesn't????
Breaking Bad.
based self-portrait poster
The two part high-school reunion episodes is when it started to lose steam
Spartacus, you fucking roman
i watched the seasons with the original actor, stopped when i saw his corpse was replaced. is it worth watching all the way through?
They say Farscape but I’ve never watched the whole thing.
Greys Anatomy though, straight up. Just keeps getting better even if it kind of drags for a bit when the Mercy-West kids show up
i think so, yes. the new actor really comes into the role well. lots of kino moments in the final season