Dude i saw some huge ass beams n shit

>dude i saw some huge ass beams n shit
I don't get it

Attached: bladerunner.jpg (1920x800, 730K)


Imagine thinking this is high art

Same manchildren types who think an 11 hour slog fest of dragon magic wizard make-pretend is peak cinema

fucking zoomers

He definitely should've have mentioned two or three more cool things he'd seen. How many did he mention again, two?

I saw some things you people wouldn't believe...... men getting shot before being thrown out of a plane

Attached: BaneintheRain.png (1570x654, 1.39M)

really grinds my gears that people cum over this movie when the book is a thousand times more thought provoking

>talks about how nothing matters once you die
>makes wreckage brother sacrifice himself needlessly

what did bane mean by this?

they expected one of them in the wreckage brother

How did he know they were expecting that?

I've seen guys so big you wouldn't believe. Aircraft crashing off the shoulders of Uzbekistan. I watched the Bat Signal burn in the dark of Wayne Tower. All these moments will be lost in time... like planes falling from the sky...Time to crash.

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his appreciation for the sublime is a distinctively human quality.

The flight plan.

Umm, no.

>dude I've been in space
>rain n shit


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>like eye water in le skywater

is there a more cringe scene in all of cinema history?

>pls remembaries
Lol k

If I had seen a vagina you bet I'd be talking about it on my deathbed

Here's your (You), fren.

Actual plebeian post.

Its a short stort


>60 thousand words
>short story
you are dumb


We get it.

Lol yup you got me on the technicality that is has another thousand words in it. It's short as fuck. I bet it took you a week to read it cuz youre a brainlet.


Attached: c beams nigger and gates man.. those were good times....png (449x442, 285K)

he knew the truth which is that there is no god and no afterlife and death is forever so the only important thing is to see cool exploding shit

Is there supposed to be a question mark in there?

i can't tell if you're retarded or not, but it's not a short story, it's a novel. no need to be a tryhard.

sneed beams

Fucking queers!

Are you retarded? I clearly aknowledged It literally barely qualifies but it does and as such it is short. Your refusal to aknowlege this makes me think you are barely literate and struggled through this short piece of fiction as you apparently struggled to understand the sentence(s) i wrote.

i seen more shit than you did!

If you find it hard to understand the purpose of his character, here’s what you need to look at:
“4, 5, how to stay alive? 6, 7, go to hell or go to heaven?”
“Quite an experience to live in fear isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.”
“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”
Also think about why he chose to save Deckard after seemingly trying to kill him. Perhaps he wanted him to ‘’’’empathize’’’ with his existence on how it felt to be completely powerless and fearing for your life? But why didn’t he want revenge for Pris? Maybe because he finally came to terms with their mortality? His final speech pretty much displayed his ability to appreciate life and to accept the tragedy of his existence.
His character is essentially reminiscent of the human experience.

fuck and suck

it's "acknowledge", Mr. Barely Literate

Not that guy, but don't troll him. I want to watch yous guys' argument unfold properly. Carry on.

It's one of the greatest goddamn actor adlibs in cinematic history, you toothless heathen. In that one scene Roy Batty shows Deckard what it means to be a man. To be more than a man. Rutger Hauer scrapped most of the original monologue because it was wordy, pretentious shit. He sat down and wrote the one line that would summarize Roy's entire journey. In another sense, his quiet request of Deckard.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.