Holy shit was the Eastern Front really this brutal?

Come and See thread. Do you lads have any similar recommendations?

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This didn't even take place on the front

Russians were animals that destroyed eastern Europe. Yes.

it was partisans behind enemy lines it wasn't the battlefront of the war but it is still considered part of the Eastern Front as a whole.

Mein Krieg

guy with the goggles looks kino

War is often not pretty.
The actual Eastern front was the combat. It's the rear action stuff, on both sides, that is infamous
Come and See is decent propaganda but a poor movie.

Me on the left

>Come and See is decent propaganda
how is it propaganda?

muh wehrmacht dindu nuffin and were merely relocating all undesirables to other countries.

'bloodlands' by snyder.

>were merely relocating all undesirables to other countries.
Imagine being labeled genetically inferior by this guy

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>that section about the Holodomor
Jesus Christ

I love the look of this guy, not sure why he has a lemur or whatever it is.

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What the FUCK was his problem?

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he was a communist

That there's a slow loris


Attached: Berlin in 1945.jpg (1273x1080, 384K)

slow loris


good post user, this is really interesting so far

why did Hitler put a Mongolian in charge of the SS


imagine being an assblased communist

>You shit on Himmler? You must be a commie!
the zoomer brain at work

the retard leftist response

u mad bro?

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was he based or cringe?

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>'If I had to have the same time again I would do the same again, but I hope I wouldn’t have to.'
Absolutely based

It's a perspective you never get. Of course you get all allied perspectives and you occasionally hear about some German dissident or the views of the Nazi high command but you never get the perspective of the German soldier.


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>but you never get the perspective of the German soldier.
that's incorrect though. sure it's rare but to suggest it never happens is not true. Heart of Iron and Das Boot are also good films about the German side of the war

Attached: 220px-Stalingrad_film.jpg (220x321, 36K)

It was in Belarus, where the movie takes place. About 25% of the population was killed during the war.

That film is boring, even Stalker is more exciting.

Also, watch All Quiet on The Western Front.

>Heart of Iron
Cross of Iron is almost surreal in its depiction of the war. Hardly realistic.
>Das Boot
Kino, but unrelated to the trials and tribulations of your average Landser. Oh and Stalingrad is platinum shit.

>Hardly realistic.
Moving goalposts. The original user suggested that WW2 films from the German perspective never happen when that's just false

>Stalingrad is platinum shit.
How do you figure?

based fuck Belarus

>Moving goalposts.
Not really. Cross of Iron is in the same tier as the dirty dozen in terms of how it depicts the soldiering experience for the respective sides.
>How do you figure?
in short, it feels like a movie where the writer spent maybe an hour researching the eastern front and tried to make his movie as grimdark as possible for the sake of it.

>Not really
Yes really

>Cross of Iron is in the same tier as the dirty dozen in terms of how it depicts the soldiering experience for the respective sides.
There's very very few films that depict war accurately. Once again that wasn't the original assertion anyway, it was:

>but you never get the perspective of the German soldier.

>it feels like a movie where the writer spent maybe an hour researching the eastern front
What about it felt so inaccurate to you that it took you out of the film?

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And I'm telling you that Cross of Iron isn't a good example just like the dirty dozen isn't a good example of the American soldiering perspective. It takes more than kraut uniforms and some artsy expectation subverting freezeframe ending to actually offer a glimpse into the german perspective.
>What about it felt so inaccurate to you that it took you out of the film?
It's about the feel of the film, I don't know how else to describe it. It doesn't do it for me like The Forgotten Soldier did, nor does it even begin to approach something as shit as SPR in terms of how authentic it felt.

>watching a movie about the eastern front
>complains about grimdark

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>It's about the feel of the film, I don't know how else to describe it.
I mean we can both agree that's a pretty vague critique of an otherwise universally praised film right?

The Forgotten Soldier is proper grimdark, Stalingrad felt like a series of unfortunate events.

There was a real germ officer like that. Dunno if he had lemur or a monkey though.

>Come and See is decent propaganda but a poor movie.

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Imagine being told this guy is a subhuman leading a nation of equal subhumans

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imagine losing to said nation of subhumans after you attack them without warning and completely cripple their military almost immediately

Is it true that they were all shitscared of Heydrich because he was the only one that physically embodied the who 'ayran specimen' that they were focused on ideologically?

Imagine being so ugly and acne ridden that you have your image altered to fix your shitty self-esteem

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Whos this again?

Stalin was 5'5".

>Imagine being told this guy is a subhuman leading a nation of equal subhumans

That image was airbrushed. Stalin was short, narrowed shouldered, had a paralyzed arm and a pockmarked face.

the person in that image isn't even stalin