You There

Yes, you.

Name one film you've seen which distinguishes you as a Patrician of Film.

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Double Indemnity

French Champagne


Unironically, and it's kino

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You are not admitted, plebeian.

I have a very refined taste.

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>reddit in charge of whose a patrician

The Last Picture Show


For Your Height Only.

Back to the Future part 2

Pharaoh (1966)

I don't watch films. I drink smoked brandy out of a crystal goblet while reading Kant on the poop deck of your father's yacht, Orsen

only Patricians know the name of this film

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Star wars TFA

Intolerance (1916)

this is such a tryhard answer. intolerance is the biggest example of "look, I'm directing!" in cinema history

Sonic the Hedgehog (2019)



I defended my masters in Fitness and Psych majors essaying two of my favorite movies with the underlying impact, parallels, patterns of consistent human behavior in relation power vs force, plus the added caviat of strength training, endurance ect.
Total Recall and Conan the Barbarian

the master

The Woman in the Window

Alexander Nevsky.


My answer is One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

Anatomy of a Murder

old black in white movie #420

Prince of darkness

none because merely consuming the works of another cannot make you a patrician


Cyrano de Bergerac


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Зeлeный Cлoник

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Yes, yes.

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Only God Forgives.

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Last Action Hero

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Good choice. Very underrated.

Come And See

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aguirre the wrath of god

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Raise the Red Lantern


That film is boring as hell btw.

based and goosepilled

nah it was hella interesting, pure kino

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The Giant Gila Monster.

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F for Fake

Branded to Kill

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>After botching his latest assignment, a third-ranked Japanese hit man becomes the target of another assassin.


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Captain Joe!

Dragon Ball Super: Broly

Wild Strawberries

Ah, yes. Yes.

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The Land Before Time V

I watch film, not movies.

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Yi Yi: A One and a Two

Singin' in the Rain

The Other Side of the Wind

>black in white

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l'ascension du chevalier noir

On the Waterfront

Flesh Gordon

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crank: high voltage

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Less than zero

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Trouble Every Day

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Le Voyage Dans la Lun

La Jetée
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

smokey and the bandit

fanny and alexander

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Fight Club

Iron Giant

treasure planet

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Honestly think Bringing Out the Dead is ridiculously underrated.

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Not until the Boondock Saints has there ever been filmed a better depiction of brotherhood.

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