Why didn't anyone help her

Why didn't anyone help her

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Middle has perfect form

I'd give her some help, if you catch my drift

double heil hitler as well, little autistic girl.

claire is such an autistic try hard
I bet she practiced dabbing for fifteen hours on the slight chance they asked her to do it

Press "D" to dab on Alex Trebek

>cursive name
>first letter isn't capital
she's tarded

Those are all capital letters for each girl.

Pure uncontaminated joy, the sort that can only be felt by somebody young and untainted.

Strong, and unafraid, but with a touch of maturity and sadness. She knows the world is cruel and yet she does not give in to despair.

Fake. Awkward. Robotic. Manufactured. A reproduction of emotion without substance.


Help her what?

The world wasn't ready yet

maya is what i need

Any way to talk to her? I want her to be my gf.

Great post, would read again.

I read the post twice, can confirm a reread is worth it

Claire was upset about all the hate she was getting. I read it on reddit where she posted.
You made a little girl cry. Hope you're happy faggots

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Hate? People love her.

Based rereader

I know but I'm doing the funny meme

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>implying she isn't best girl

Because nobody cares about your shitty, half-retarded waifus. James is bae.

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emma did nothing wrong

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I got that stupidly easy Final Jeopardy. Where's my $20000.

What's going on here?

soulful emma roman salute vs soulless claire dab

>I see the crystal raindrops fall

Attached: jeopardy.webm (502x474, 407K)

Read the scores you retard.


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so sick of these fake women and their glasses with no frames

>tfw you found a camgirl that looks and sounds like her

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Why is she so perfect bros?

Get your vision unironically and ironically checked.

That hot dad on the right, damn I feel like I could easily seduce him into sucking me off.

Her father had a really big pipe and was able to think about it extremely logically.

*checks em and dabs on merry*

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I do not

Emma is a miracle of the universe

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I like her hands.

You niggas just jealous of Claire's perfect dab.

Do you mean lenses? I think you do, and she has them, as well as frames.

So she doesn't use any form of social media, does she? Way too good...

Hapa females are peak females.

Whoa, hand's a little low there, isn't it, Trebek?

He has cancer, give him a break

As for me, I'd put my arm around her shoulder and hold her close and lovingly

Where is she now?

Imagine being mad at Claire because her dab was better. She also won the actual Jeopardy game too.

>farmer 1
Pure uncontaminated joy, the sort that can only be felt by somebody young and untainted.

>farmer 2
Strong, and unafraid, but with a touch of maturity and sadness. he knows the world is cruel and yet he does not give in to despair.

Fake. Awkward. Robotic. Manufactured. A reproduction of emotion without substance.

Based Claire should be a professional dabber.


Based Claire should let me impregnate her.

Attached: sex arms.png (744x639, 692K)

quality analysis
what are your thoughts on /ourguy/ James Holzhauer?

>pretend nigger can’t spell
you’re doing a good job, very authentic, ask for a raise

she’s so cute, they need to bring her back so I can jerk off in my living room like the good old days.