Why can't they make good movies?

Why can't they make good movies?

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>Why can't they make good movies?
What country are Guillermo Del Taco and Inarritu from again?

why can't she brap on my face?

Why can't she ride dick while screaming "¡AY PAPI!"

Crimson Peak is Del Taco's best imo, people only give it shit because the marketing made it seem like a full-on ghost movie when it's actually a gothic romance.

La Perla
Maria Candelaria
Los Verduleros 4
El Santo Contra Las Momias de Guanajuato
The whole hermanos Almada filmography

No, honestly I think people give it shit because it's a bad movie, directed by an overrated hack.

pans labyrinth is my personal del taco fave. devils backbone i remember being good, too

Every movie with El Santo in it is instant Kino

>not tres lancheros muy picudos
gtfo pleb

The problem with Mexico is that it's full of Mexicans.
The reason Mexico makes bad movies is because the movies are made by Mexicans.

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Go get a job

I have a job, and it's better than cutting grass.

Isn't Del Toro Spanish, though?

Guillermo Del Taco Bell has an academy award for Best Director. How many academy awards do you have, virgin?

He's from Guadalajara Jalisco
>tfw el Cuauh was dabbing before it was cool

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Una vela

are there any other pictures of this whore?

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>American education

Plenty of white directors have academy awards.
Cut my grass.

>no la pulqueria 3


Based Kristoff dabbing on culo becker and his boyfriend

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Amores perros is the 2nd best latinamerican movie, the first one it's City of God, absolute DELICIA

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the only people who can make good movies are the frenchs, the americans, the italians, the spaniards and that's it.

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May Sakaali on deviant art for sauce

Lol I’m sure you do.

mowing lawns is a pretty low bar my hispanic friend



Based :v

You showed him tiger

lot of good italian movies

by the time any filmmaker worth it's salt has proven himself, hollywood will poach him.

The fag that made "nosotros los nobles" went on to do netflix stuff for example

>El Santo Contra Las Momias de Guanajuato
overpraised, El Santo contra Blue Demon en la Atlantida and El Santo contra Las Mujeres Vampiro is where it's at.

I would totally watch Aztec kino, before the Spaniards.
Mel Gibson at least gave us Yucatec Terminal Postclassic kino. Sort of.

Brain drain. All the good directors move to the US to get 10x the budget they would've gotten for their projects in Mexico

That was Spanish, not Mexican.

Pan's Labyrinth got a foreign language nomination for Mexico, not Spain. The film takes place in Spain, but most of the behind-the-camera talent, including the director and the DP, came from Mexico

Low iq

Mexican elites are purebred spanish though

>El Santo contra Blue Demon en la Atlantida
My negro, that shit is better than most bond flicks

>enter mexican thread

boy am I glad to be a white hispanic


Fuck you, Samson vs. The Vampire Women is great

Calzonzin Inspector


All they know is tequila and wrestling, and I love them for it.

name a good mexican movie



The Exterminating Angel

El Infierno.

Mexicans excel in gore shows tho.

Matando Cabos.

anything with Little Lupe

>Enter Mexican thread
>Expect cute Mexican girls
>Literally the only cute Mexican girl
>That's it, there is literally no more unless you like orcs

>Enter a mexican thread in Yea Forums
>Expect tv and movie discussion because you're not retarded
>It's pretty much it.

verdadero kinocedor amigo I salute you
also not mentioning our most heartfelt kinos:
>Nosotros los Pobres
>Ustedes los Ricos

mark my words el Cuauh is gonna be our next presidente

Wait, she is actually mexican? I tought she was just a Japanese larper.

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Looks like Spanish people from Spain to me.

Says the faggot who's never been to Spain or Mexico

>he thinks spain is homogeneous

Well I've never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music

spics make soulful movies that actually have character and a genuine interest in being an impressive pure movie
unfortunately, if they aren't willing to compromise their ideas to project jewish subversion, they're unlikely to see any fruition. people like del toro and inarritu are blessings
and no I"m not joking, trolling or being ironic.

Why hasn't this been mentioned yet? This is the best Mexican film.

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The guy probably got confused cause he looks white but theres a big light skin community in Jalisco


There's a movie I saw on TV when I was young whose title I never learned. It's about a musician whose wife divorces him. Then he meets a blind cutie and pays for her operation. When she opens her eyes, she falls in love with the handsome doctor instead and cucks the musician. Then his son dies. The closing shot is him singing the saddest song I've heard and then he hangs his head in defeat. Anybody knows. It might be black and white.

El Infierno
El Crimen del Padre Amaro
Amores Perros
Y tu mamá también
Espinazo del Diablo (formerly Mexican)

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Nazarin, also from Buñuel, is better.

>modern shit
Try Dos tipos de cuidado

Like this one?

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Just went and saw this, it was ok.

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Old movies are better but I don't think foreigner would understand them

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>Not mentioning "Esta noche cena pancho"

Disgusting pleb




Nazarin is an actual true work of art and a favorite of Tarkovsky.
>In a seedy, plague-ridden corner of turn-of-the-century Mexico, a pious priest, Nazarín (Francisco Rabal), takes in mentally ill Beatriz (Marga López) and her prostitute sister, Andara (Rita Macedo). At odds with the other members of his clergy, he decides to go on a religious journey with the two women, but manages to accidentally alienate or ruin almost everyone he meets. As Nazarín attempts to bring goodwill and faith to a decaying society, he's met with scorn, suspicion and persecution.
Robsinon Crusoe is also amazing (and in English but still a Mexican film) there’s one scene in particular that makes the whole movie worth watching where Robinson is having a delirious vision of a conversation with his dad (played by the same actor that plays Robinson) it’s probably one of the best examples to get a look at Bunuels unique style of editing

>>Literally the only cute Mexican girl
>the only one

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fuck off doobs

May Sakaali is Mexican.

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Go look for women who don't have much indio blood. I know it's hard to understand because Mexico's trash likes to go up to the US.

she isn't a whore, dude. don't call her that



