Do you swim in the ocean Yea Forums?

Do you swim in the ocean Yea Forums?

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what a dumb fucking question I hope you get hit by a train

my parents let me see that image when I was a kid and it no kidding it fucked me up for life

Fuck no, there's still aquatic dinosaurs out there.

only sane answer possible

You could actually swim for a very long time on your back

I was even afraid of the shadows/discoloration on the bottom of the municipal pool. That's how much sea monsters scare me

no, and not because of jaws.
open at your own peril.

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>sea animals will kill you
>just going underwater and then coming out the wrong way might also kill you
the ocean isn't made for us desu

>You could actually swim for a very long time on your back
How does that shield me from becoming a yummy snack for something big?

Are you afraid of the dark

probability wise you have a higher chance of getting hit by lightning

There's no way that's true. Many people go missing at sea and instead of muh aliens or da gubbermint large aquatic dinosaurs explain ALL of the disappearances. Don't be a chump, stay out of their home.

As a boy I used to imagine a great white shark was at the bottom of the deep end at the YMCA, I know the feels.

And have some cnidaria hydra spawn swim up your urethra and start growing a coral reef inside your penis? no thx, user.

yeah, about once every 3 years

Everyone's home was the oceans once.

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>retards sink their own raft
lmao fuck them

how did they sink it

That's what I'm gonna say when you are being executed you fucking faggot

Your parents should have left you in the woods you weak faggot.

>how did they sink it?
Dude, you should read african news from time to time. Any given weak there's a story that goes along the lines of "20 people dead after overloaded boat capsizes while trying to cross river". It's pure kino.

Executed for what? Dumb nigger

What is that?

Retarded lefty cuck

they probably popped it on purpose so they would be "rescued" and taken to the land of gibs and sluts.

they purposely slice it to force passing ships to render aid
>waaaaaah how dare I laugh at stupid niggers being stupid
cry more bitch nigga

Kill yourself dumb fuck

Jaws getting a snack.

Yes but always stay where I can still touch the ground.

>yfw you are in the ocean and step on something both sharp and squishie

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How sad, no sharks showed up.

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I'm scared of open water because of this

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The only thing scarier the ocean is space

Why were those pirates trying to climb a shipside?


Fuck swimming out in deep, open water like that.

>snorkelling in spain
>clear calm water
>get to a spot and hover looking down
>giant crabs marching
>can't find out what they were but they looked like japanese spider crabs
>12 year old me noped
>start making my escape
>octopus follows under me
>nope even harder and drink a ton of sea water in a panic

fuck the sea

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Why are they near the elephants foot?

that episode scared me as a kid and I swam with caution for a while afterward

So you don't swim in the ocean because a pool monster might be there?

>Sup nigga?

I like how the guy who got the life preserver immediately got distance from everyone else to stop them from drowning him.

Swimming in the ocean is retarded. Like why?

I was afraid of pools and bath tub for weeks. Fuck that show.


>has its pecker out
>knows where the fun parts are

someones been doing that to it

I blame you Satan

no because i saw jaws when i was little

man what a fucking rush to be in front of one of those

everyone must learn from king of the hill to not swim with dolphins

dolphins rape literally everything you retarded fuck

I went deep-sea fishing once, 42 miles off the coast. At one point we dropped anchor and I jumped out of the boat to swim a little bit. In the short amount of time it took for me to resurface after jumping in I had already drifted out about 30 feet from the boat. The waves were about 10 feet tall and if you weren't calm you could easily drown by freaking out and not managing your breath properly as you struggled to keep your head above surface.
It was kino.

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Bullshit. If I dump you in the middle of the ocean, you'll be surrounded by oceanic white tips in less than 24 hours, and they won't leave until they've killed you.

yeh, but it was going to a covered spot


Which movie is this from?

The Julia Roberts Autobiography

how does dropping anchor work in a bottomless pit

Anchors work even with just their mass

I lost my virginity when I was 15, on Years Day, after sailing a boat in a fucking crazy storm in the Atlantic Ocean from Virginia to West Palm Beach FL as the crow flies. Spent 2 nights so far out from land that you couldn't even see the light pollution from America. Just pure night. You could see every satellite in the sky. Was fucking crazy. Then on the last day we got nailed by a nor-easter and I had to pilot the ship in huge valleys of these giant waves while my dad had to tend to his girlfriend's after she got knocked the fuck out somehow.

And then I hooked up with this crazy half-bahamanian girl after we went skinny dipping in a pool and I shot a weeks worth of saved up literal boatloads of cum all over everything.

And then everyone called me a liar at school the next week.

"you retarded fuck" is just code for "AKTCHUALLY"

Executed for what crime you stupid fucking loser?

aww man, i found that one particularly scary when i was a kid

This. 90% of the worlds oceans are still unexplored. Plus the ocean is the only place not affected by the meteor and ice age. I'm just waiting for the day where we accidentally aggro some kaiju

Would you?

ussr propaganda

>grow up on a mid-Pacific atoll
>swimming in the ocean is completely ruined for me
Even Hawaii is shitty murky water with boring fish

Yeah, but that's Africa, cradle of disease, the place where Limpopo brothers died after attempting to have their way with a crocodile (this is an actual news story). There's this disgusting incurable river parasite in African fresh water that blinds you because it literally lives in your face and eats your eyes.

What is that white thing? Foam?

>not wanting to become a yummy snack for something big
Yeah, who would want to become a snack for something h-haha

Great white attacks and many shark attacks overwhelmingly happen in relatively shallow water pretty close to the shore, say, three feet deep and ten to thirty feet out.

Based and redpilled.

If I can't see the bottom, fuck that

I wonder where most humans usually are

nah dude

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I went freediving with whale sharks while I was in mexico for like $50. I highly recommend it anons it's exhilarating and beautiful. Went way out into the gulf to where you couldn't see land. It would be spooky if it wasn't for the whale sharks all around. There were hundreds all up and down and they can't eat you even if they wanted to. It's really an experience being right among those huge animals. Swimming out there in a wetsuit is the most draining exercise imaginable though. You underestimate how strong the waves and currents are. Fortunately the guy with the boat had complimentary sandwiches and beer for the trip back. Absolutely based trip. I'm still scared of stepping on stingrays, jellies, and other sharp poisonous things when I go to the beach though. That shit is way scarier than a shark.

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That's where most of their food is: reef fish, seals using the beach. The open ocean is safer because it's bigger and its usefulness as a hunting ground is diluted.

>The open ocean is safer
t. future "alien abduction" victim

You can also see huge schools of (temporarily docile) hammerheads in Mexico.
Apparently lycra protects you from jellyfish because the stingers are reacting to chemicals on the skin.

Never been in an OCEAN, but the sea, yeah.

>Do you swim in the ocean Yea Forums?

Yes, I do about 10 miles a week.

This isnt the real life kino thread user

I mean like a normal beach where you take a grill. I don't think protective gear would be a good look.

The worst open ocean shark event was the sinking of the USS Indianapolis during WWII, where the sharks had been lured in advance by ship trash and the men were allowed to bleed for hours in one spot.

>There's nothing in this cave worth dying for!
Well that just makes me think there is and they're trying to hide it.

>I mean like a normal beach where you take a grill
Kill yourself normalfag

What a rude way to go.

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>went to costa rica once and needed to try and surf for first time.
>hot sunny day, super clear water.
>floating waiting for wave, goofing with friend, watching huge tits girl try to stand on her board.
>for a moment I looked down and saw this big cylinder grey shadow just below me.
>heart dropped like nothing i've ever felt. for about 2 seconds i thought i was shark food.
>then realized. fuck. it was just the shadow of my giant noob board.
>continued surfing.
>later - walking along edge of water to return noob rental board. noticed weird brown stuff trailing off my foot.
>shaking foot. thought it was some seaweed. then realize it's blood.
>foot has pretty large cut across the top (have scar) and i'd been apparently trailing blood for some time while i was surfing.

tl;dr signs seems to indicate i should've been eaten by a shark that day. i wasn't.

swimming in open ocean sounds like horror kino

>mfw I realize that they want to feed the monster at the other end

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go for it user

What a Chad

how the fuck they drown so fast. tread water retards

Goddammit fuck cenotes. You sink faster in that water

>>for a moment I looked down and saw this big cylinder grey shadow just below me.
Jesus that scared me imagining that.

To me, there's nothing scarier than swimming in deep open waters.
Every part of my body screams get the fuck out.
On land you have all of your senses, in the water you have your vision, reduced mobility and that's it. You're so defenseless it makes me uneasy.

imagine if the ocean was completely clear, and you could see into the endless depths like you could the grand canyon. Would that make it better or worse?

As a kid (who watched Jaws multiple times -- I was not a bright kid) I rationally knew that not only were there no sharks in the pool, but there could be none, and that if somebody went through the effort and expense of bringing a shark, it would die painfully in the chemically treated fresh water. But you look into that perfect blue gradation-consuming depth, that thing that is a shadow of itself, swallowing the light, and you feel the huge grey bulk sliding straight towards you.


I have swum in the ocean before as a kid, but I've learned so much since then, but one thing that stuck me is that how warm the water was. It was during the summer to be sure, but I mean the water is really warm until you get 40 feet out which is too far for me back then and even now. The first 5 feet of water is comfy even and going out any farther is foolish.

The water is clear and you can see probably a couple hundred feet down until it turns into a dark blue void. You can't help but imagine that you see little refractions of light that could possibly be sharks swimming straight up to you. It was pretty Lovecraftian.

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Worse. There are enormous creatures down there. Recently a great white shark, a particularly large specimen was fitted with a tracking collar. It was specifically chosen for its large size as it was reasoned that it would stand a better chance of survival due to its size and place on the food chain. It went missing early on. As they monitored in real time, the shark descended suddenly over 1000 feet down and was not heard from since.

I didn't know whales could just hover in the water like that. Makes them look like aliens, honestly.

That descent took place in a matter of a couple of seconds. Now what could have done that we know of, that's alive, or so we think?