What's the most accurate portrayal of alcohol in film? I feel like Hollywood never seems to get it right

What's the most accurate portrayal of alcohol in film? I feel like Hollywood never seems to get it right.

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Homer Simpson constantly drinking Duff in The Simpsons

that one movie with nicolas coppola and the hooker chick whose pimp used to cut her on her rump when she didn't work the street properly

leaving las vegas of course

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gf won't stop drinking, its every night just realised its been every night for 10 years

don't get how people do it, thinking about leaving

Trailer Park Boys

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does she get horny when shes drunk?

Me, abusing Vodka on an empty stomach so irresponsibly I get stomach ulcers and eating usually hurts over a year later and probably taking 30+ years off my life.

That should be a common warning with alcohol, it’s not the liver problems is rupturing your stomach liner.


no, just flobbles around like a drunk asshole

noticed health problems kicking so i've tried bringing it up, but its like telling a fat person to stop eating cake you will just be met with hostility

tried hiding the alcohol a few times but then she waits till I sleep and starts drinking something shes hidden

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same with me bro. i can barely eat anymore. when i'm hungry i just drink beer instead.

Whats worse?
>Being addicted to alcohol
>Being addicted to opiates

>just got my 1 gallon food grade ethanol jug in the mail


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You really should. She has no commitment to change, and you'll never be the one to give that to her. It's a choice only she can make and she doesn't want to. You're better off without.

did she ever shit in your bed and then wake up, cry, and blame it on you?

ultimatum time user. you can't do anything to enable it if you want her to stop/get help. she needs consequences.

Leaving Las Vegas does a pretty good job

alcohol because it delays the inevitable death for longer. and opiates actually feel like heaven. alcohol is a different high and not nearly as pleasant

(pic related)

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orel's dad in moral orel

just harder when its 10 years

no, shes relegated to sofa one of the health problems is teeth bruxism. its a nightmare listening to teeth grinding

Whatchu know bout dat? Prolly nuthin'

I would express your concerns one more time. Just be as honest and straightforward as possible. Say you feel like it's affecting your relationship and your unsure of the future because you want a proper family, etc.

Hopefully she can cut back after that. Don't just be like, "lol cunt stop drinking," because I can assure you she will go out with the girls and fuck tyrone that night.

prolly tons

Rehab doctors will tell you that while opiate withdrawal is excruciating, alcohol withdrawal can actually kill you. From experience, I can tell you they both suck.

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Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

The Lost Weekend from 1945 still holds up

wait do you mean that she refuses to have with you? even drunk??

dude leave

idk me and the gf drink a bottle of wine every night and sometimes two but im french so fuck you thats my culture you teetotaling faggot

most of Yea Forums doesn't have that good beard genetics

>don't drink
>don't smoke
>don't do drugs
>don't consume dairy
>don't consume processed sugar
weak willed faggots

I do, Scottish and French background

you've never had a gf and live with your parents

based frog and frogess

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you must be fun at parties...

>tfw you may have a problem

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>do drugs
>consume dairy
>consume processed sugar
I guess you could say based is back on the menu

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Alcohol posters are just as bad as weed posters on Yea Forums no one gives a shit you sad druggies

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have sex

yeah because life is all about partying

13 days sober and I feel pretty good, anyway watch pic related

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You must be fun at (insert chosen social event)

2 weeks is the golden rule for it, once you hit that mark you should've basically kicked it if that's what you truly want.

Buddy who is an addiction doctor told me his alcoholic patients are the worst because they are older when they make it to him they usually have done decades of abuse to the organs and there isn’t really much that can be done at that point. Hard drugs will kill u if u OD but if u get clean before 40 u can make a full recovery.

It's not about partying but elitism over being straight edge is pretty cringe

>this hasn't been posted already

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Trees Lounge with Steve Buscemi

Leaving Las Vegas
The Verdict

>don't consume dairy

I agree

"A vanity spawned by fear"

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definitely lots of great songs about drinking though


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Crazy Heart
A Star is Born

10 years? damn you pathetic fat fuck

How fat is she?

My record is 49 days, but I didn't really want to quit. I was forced into rehab, this is the first time I've felt serious about quitting.

No wonder your country will soon be the first true caliphate

find love

It’s better than bragging about being a degenerate

Reminder that you're not white unless you drink milk.

as a borderline alkie i'mma disagree. holy fuck i wish i was straight edge so much
>all the money i'd save
>how much fitter i'd be
>all that time that'd open up for me with no drinking and hangovers

i've had stretches of a month or so with no drinking and it's amazing how much it improves life. but i keep coming back because alcohol tastes so good and being wasted is so enjoyable.


No one here is bragging about it retard you just wanted to tell us how straight edge and non-degenerate are. Good for you if I was a teenager I might be impressed

>drinking vodka under the shower
do amrricans really?

Nothing wrong with being straight edge but bragging about it is cringe.

Not before the UK

drunk showers feel great my man

Replace all the alcohol with sugar water she'll never know the difference.

And if that doesn't work punch yourself in the face and call the cops for domestic abuse.

Cold beer and warm shower is a great feel. Try it out

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there's nothing wrong with drinking everyday if it's just 1 or 2 unless you're an indian

Some boozekino right here. I'm surprised this doesn't get mentioned here on account that it starts two meme actors.

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>tfw can't go to parties because of health conditions
How is it? Can we still be friends Yea Forums?

god post and digits interesting any more stories?


anybody here ever taken the axepill? I did and literally ended up sleeping on some guys lawn like in this video

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Nope he only gives generalizations to keep his patients the discretion they deserve. I used to rail meth but only on weekends every once in a while but stopped. Damn that was a high!

>doesn't use hallucinogenics to disable his thalamus

Do you reccomend meth?

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Why didn't blondie just handle the banter?

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Leaving Las Vegas.

No question.

I can’t recommend it because some people can handle their shit and some can’t and lose everything. I kept strict rules. 1) Do it at home. don’t be driving or in public. 2) Get a time safe. I would make three fat lines and start Friday then set the time to at least a week because by then I wouldn’t have the urge.3) Best high I have ever experienced those weekends were amazing.

what's special about it? i've had belgian and other euro beers that have been 10-15% alcohol but i found i couldn't drink too much of them because they have a nasty syrupy sweet flavor that gets too heavy for me so i always opted to switch to drinking something else to get proper blasted.


solid advice, especially point 1

What made you quit? And good job. I obviously won't do drugs, that would make me even more suicidal.

I imagine this is something of a daily occurrence for most Russians.

Gf didn’t like it and gave me the ultimatum. There is no hiding that you are high on it. Also another reason you do it in your home.

as a slav, i'd rather be on my table pairing the alcohol with some food like salo or pickles. not in the shower where water might get in my vodka. not to mention it's a bitch having to be standing up while drunk

Avengers: Endgame

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based and steelpilled

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I doubt u would feel suicidal. Just sayin.

>not eating delicious kinds of cheese
Non white confirmed

Animal House

Thats good man. Are you still going strong?
I was attention seeking because depression sorry about that.

But for real, redpill me on the steel reserve meme, i don't have it where i live, is it memed cause it's bad? or good? whats up

it's true that alcohol withdrawal can kill you, but that's in severe cases, like when you've gotten to the point of slamming more than a pint of vodka every single day. I'd say the bigger problem, especially when it comes to trying to quit, is that alcohol is on every street corner and in almost everybody's fridge. overindulging on alcohol is literally a societal rite of passage pretty much everywhere.

the real danger is the ease at which it can weasel its way into all aspects of your life. you think it's totally benign, and for the most part others do to, until the drinking gets to the point it starts to ruin your relationships with them. it really doesn't take much to cross the line from having harmless fun to flat-out self destructing.

and at risk of sounding like a moralizing grandparent, in media alcoholism is often depicted as the pastime of witty and likeable people. I can assure you that there's nothing cool about it.

I did it every day for 2 years, no I do not recommend it if you have an addictive personality. The honeymoon period is splendid and then you do it because you have to. It was the first thing I thought of when I woke up, and it drove me to abusing alcohol to deal with the comedowns in the afternoon. I was never non-functioning but it did permanently alter my personality and even though I've been off it for 4 years, I am more short-tempered, more easily depressed and I can't enjoy things the way I could before it. If you can stop yourself from doing it every day, great. If not, don't.

My buddy was far worse. He would get paranoid and think the cops were watching him and shit, something I fortunately never experienced.

>>don't consume dairy
damn pajeets

I feel like he peaked at 22

ITT: Famous historical figures that would've been steelpilled

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It's just high proof malt liquor that's 2 dollars for 24oz and will get you fucked up on a budget

All good man. It’s like a even more fucked up gremlins movie. Obey the rules and you will have the most amazing high. Break the rules and you might be running down a street naked thinking people are after you.

Bill Burr talking about how it's at every single event on whatever late show kind of opened my eyes to the cycle I was in. Never been nearly as bad as some of the people on Yea Forums, but I've had my problem drinking phases and it's always around November until the start of Summer, when every couple of weeks there's some new event that people are expecting you to drink at. I've been at the point for a few years now where I don't even really enjoy it unless I get beyond feeling shitty, which means drunk. A mild buzz just makes me feel nauseous, so every time an event comes up I feel like I have to just keep drinking to make sure I don't feel like crap. Combine this with weekly or bi-weekly events and you wind up hung over and feeling shitty, so you might as well just drink again to get over that hangover, just prolonging the suffering.

If you're one of the few to say I don't think I'll drink tonight, you will be weeded out from whatever group. People that think that's not true haven't actually done it.

Yes we are. If we weren’t I’d definitely be high looking at weird porn.


>mother is all alone after my brother and I moved out
>my father died 4 years ago
>her mother died 3 years ago
>her father died 2 years ago

Now she just sits home alone all day and drowns out her sorrows with wine, and she has no one to talk to. She calls me every day to talk, but I don't have time to speak for 2 hours every day. It's fucking killing me inside.

>tfw got her a cat last year to ease the loneliness, but it was ran over by a car 2 weeks ago. now she's drinking even more

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I've gotten to the point where after a binge, I'll experience cold sweats, can never get fully comfortable, aural hallucinations, and like my insides were rebelling. Never felt like I needed a doctor though, although the worst withdrawal I woke up and realized I had shit myself.

Isn't booze glamorous?

well, based it is

>Oh man I'm an alcoholic, and now I'm outta money. I'll have to stop drinking.
>Oh man I'm an opiate head, I guess I'll have to start doing heroin

Man yeah that's tough.

>>Oh man I'm an alcoholic, and now I'm outta money. I'll have to stop drinking.

oh child

>come off 4 day binge that fiance doesn't know about
>so paranoid that I think she's driving me somewhere to kill me
And then I never binged like that again.

Sorry I'm not a retard and know to only drink moderately.

I never got that bad, but I do understand the anxiety. I would be paranoid that everyone at work was talking about me behind my back. When they'd laugh about something I'd think they were laughing about me.

Four days of whiskey is no fucking joke, and that's definitely the worst I'd ever been. I knew for a fact that she wasn't doing that, she wasn't even mad at me, but my brain would not let me stop going back to thinking that.

you can take opiates moderately too. the vast majority of it is prescribed by doctors.

are you underage or something?

Tell her to do something she is a grown up user. She is like a neet who complains about being alone despite having no hobbies, no shit. Don't let her be self indulgent in her grieving and depression. Some people never move on. I know people who have had a child die and they have visited the grave almost every day like 5 years after. Make sure she doesn't waste her life call her out on it and get her to a psychologist asap and tell her to get hobbies and to make friends. Life is hard for be there for her but you can't waste your life when some people just don't want to take any steps forward.

I'd never drink alcohol again if I could just pop some oxy on the weekend. It'd probably be better for my health too.

Alcohol is a shit tier drug and addiction, but god dammit, I gotta do something on the weekend so I don't get bored to death.

Same, I'm fine on work days but having the day off makes me antsy. Idle hands and all that

There is no "forward," and it's literally impossible to have hobbies with anxiety disorder. You're an idiot.

I'm happy that I have this type of shit, or else there'd be little to stop me from drinking way too often. my hangovers are more mental than physical, it's often a weird combination of anxiety and depression. just the other night I blacked out with my friends and they were trying to do round two the next night, I literally had no motivation to give it a go even though drinking with the boys is something I constantly look forward to.

as much as I sometimes envy people who can just cyborg their way through it and not get terribly affected by drinking, it's probably better that I don't have that gift

user asked about being "addicted to opiates." Being addicted implies you're abusing it. No one says they're an alcoholic if they only have 1 glass of wine during dinner. Similarly you're not a pillhead if you're just taking what your educated physician prescribes you to take. Fucking moron.

Pschologists are a step forward.

>$2 for a 24 oz.

What are you buying this in Commiefornia? You can get a 6 pack of 16oz for $3.99 here.

Just wanted to let the alcoholics in here know about Baclofen. It saved a buddy of mine and it’s cheap.

I used to be able to drink every night and be fine, but as I've gotten older the symptoms have worsened and its taken its toll. 2 weeks sober atm

what the fuck are you even talking about? you said that an alcoholic can just "stop drinking" when they're broke, and that sets them apart from opiate heads who apparently must resort to using heroin. I called you a retard for this ridiculous fucking opinion. go up the reply chain again and maybe you'll see how much of an idiot you sound like

I'm a few months shy of 29 and my ability to drink is definitely 1/10th of what it used to be. That and I've been doing keto/carnivore for a long while now and it makes you feel much drunker, much quicker, and I swear the hangovers are worse. You feel generally better, but drinking becomes a no go zone quickly.

I guess if you drink the whole thing you'll be messed up. I don't like beer that much.

Sorry user

get her another cat soon.

Yeah, we're considering waiting a few more weeks though. She fucking loved that cat.

The poor woman just can't catch a fucking break in this life.

Alcohol is shit, heroin is the ultimate comfy drug.

>got her a cat
why would you do that? get her a dog you idiot

>friend complains they have a pain in their side
>tell them its because they keep drinking and they don't drink water at the best of times
>no its not user


>user thinks water is magic and cures all problems

no, but it will fucking take away your dehydration symptoms

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I guess I'll throw in
Feu le follet , Serpents poison, and the Noose.

So what is the appeal of Moral Orel? Everything I’ve seen or heard about it is just endlessly depressing real shit for 20 minutes, and nothing else, like is it actually funny and I’m being big stupid or what?

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>pain in their side

F for your friend

That was our initial plan, but she's 65 and her knees are giving out. She's having a knee surgery in a few weeks. No point giving her a dog she can't keep physically stimulated.

Heroin is incapacitating and can make you nauseous. Speed is what's up.

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If you are drinking until you are blacking out, you got a problem. You're gonna die.

Most people are dumbies and think they should only drink water when they’re feeling dehydrated, when it should be the other way around.

>dating an alcoholic gf for ten years
Why are you still here?

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Yeah I turn 30 next month and long gone are the days of my cast iron constitution. The latest physical symptoms are what finally convinced me to stop for real. It's been affecting my ears, as in after a binge my ears will sting and I have trouble hearing. When I wake up in the morning they are stuffed up and I can't hear shit. After a few days without drink it goes away. That and the itchiness, I always feel fucking itchy.

Just let them find out the hard way by pissing kidney stones the size of marbles. It'll be a valuable lesson.

I remember the worst drunk I’ve ever been was four years ago, I was hiding from my parents living a lie in Minnesota when they thought I was up there at technical school, but instead I was wasting my money on a cheap hotel enjoying all the amenities the small town could offer, which was mostly alcohol and breathtaking wildlife. I bought a bottle of Kraken and started drinking, and drinking, and drinking while shitposting in Yea Forums and watching John Wick for the first time. It was incredible. Eventually I got so drunk I decided I was going to just sleep it off, and when I awoke later that night my insides were telling me I fucked up big time. First and last time I ever threw up.

And then when I woke up Donald Trump was elected president. Forgot that happened. My mother sent me a text saying, “god help us all.” It stuck with me.

Clean and Sober hands down. The fact that Michael Keaton didn't win an award for this is mind boggling.

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>incredibly social
>but also a raging drunk
>like a bottle of whiskey a night on a good night for seven years
>finally decide to quit
>worried my social life would die without it
>it's got better
>life is better

If you think you have a problem, work on stopping. If you are worried your friends will pressure you to drink or will exclude you if you don't, they won't. If they do? They aren't your fucking friends. I haven't felt this happy in years. I haven't looked this good in years. Do I miss it? The occasional time. Is it worth quitting? Fuck yes.

The worst part is, as people said, it's such a staple of society. But so is a lot of other stuff like hobbies and eating and exercise and reading and music and video games. Fill that time with other shit.

You won't regret it.

Leave a like and subscribe, thanks for watching my blog.

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For me, it's foodquig.

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Have sex

Based whitepill user.

Nobody liked Puritans, not even the Puritans liked Puritans.

>tfw grew up with an alcoholic father
>tfw never touched alcohol in my 28 years of life

I guess something good came out of my nightmare of a childhood.

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>don't have fun
>don't live
give me one fucking reason why. we all dying you retarded fuck

After I quit I filled that void with DUDE WEED LMAO and so far so good.

End Game

Being a junkie/addict is just a part of the human condition. Imagine a button you could press that would fill you with pleasure, would you only press it once? Of course not, now imagine that button as alcohol, weed, etc

Nice job user

Once I found kratom I stopped drinking and smoking weed, no more need

proud of you for never touching that shit.

same in florida but eventually switched to hurricanes cause slightly cheaper

>Family loves Buffalo Trace
>They can’t get enough of it
>I try it
>Tastes like turpentine, and gives me the worst drunk I’ve ever experienced

>2 bottles of wine between 2 people
that's nothing frog from the sounds of what he's saying his girl is probably going through at least a half liter of liquor every day for years

What does Kratom feel like?

I don't personally know, but it made a close friend of mine insanely angry and he'd rage at next to nothing.

Like codeine but without all the shitty side effects like constipation and crashing your testosterone levels

Thank you. 2 months in. Here's to many, many more.
A couple people I talked to at AA said they do the same. I just never really liked smoking weed but that's just a personal thing. I'm sure it helps lots.


similar to opioids. its cheaper, natural and you don't have to worry about over dosing.

>I stopped drinking and smoking weed, and got myself addicted to a dangerous opiate instead
Inb4 you post the outdated research that lured thousands of people into abuse by claiming it wasn't addictive, or damaging.


>he can’t imagine having fun without chemical stimulation

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>don't drink
I Don't
>don't smoke
Never had a cigarette in my life
>don't do drugs
I take a daily thc/cbd pill for my sciatica and fuck you it's cleaner than anything a pharma company will sell me
>don't consume dairy
I drink lactose free milk
>don't consume processed sugar
Natural Cane Sugar Only

try having sex

the only ones I can relate to are

1. drinking with friends in public and not enjoying myself at all
2. casually drinking with a girl in her apartment until we both have a nice buzz, then fooling around and fucking

i'm sure there are plenty of movies that depict both of these.

Get her help m8

My aunt did the same, my uncle couldn't get her off it, ruined all their lives

fuck the FDA. bunch of pharma lobbying scum. the only reason they don't like kratom is because its a natural plant that rivals pharmas dangerous opioids.

pharma is losing money big time because of a natural plant.

Take her on a trip bud

Cherish your mum, you only get one

Like warm apple pie

My girlfriend she's 2 years sober, I cut drugs and alcohol out of my life when she got sober, I don't have a problem with them, I'll still go out on occasion to drink and get baked with my boys, but she does and it's important to support someone in a relationship and overall I feel much healthier replacing it with swimming and the gym has been great

Yes goyim take fentanyl and oxycontin instead they are FDa approved

kratom isn't dangerous. it can be abused though and cause withdrawal which sucks but doesnt fucking kill you like pharmas shit.

>and at risk of sounding like a moralizing grandparent, in media alcoholism is often depicted as the pastime of witty and likeable people. I can assure you that there's nothing cool about it.

This. Good Lord this. Also I've noticed that normies will say shit like 'always found with a drink in my hand', or 'borderline alcoholic', as though it is some kind of badge of honor. Full blown alcoholism is disgusting and awful and dirty.

>fuck the FDA. bunch of pharma lobbying scum. the only reason they don't like kratom is because its a natural plant that rivals pharmas dangerous opioids.

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Sounds like you're one of those annoying fags whose life revolves around not doing things and making sure everyone knows you don't do those things while judging people who do do those things. Nobody's impressed and nobody likes you.


have sex

it's played more like a running joke than a horrible addiction, though to be fair if you showed homer accurately considering how much he drinks it wouldn't be much of a fun show
barney is a better portrayal of both

I miss al/ck/ threads. I get why they were banned from /ck/ but they were a comfy combination of a support group and the schaudenfreude of watching people destroy themselves from a safe distance.

Me, on my friend's phones.

>Shoulders and wrists hurt from nurling my friends while pissed

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I think we've spoken in these before. I've been running into those guys on other boards more frequently in the past few weeks, all it's done is spread them across the other hobby boards they like, where they still attention seek. Should just bring them back.

You're a good guy, user.

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Like the other guy said, it's easy to get fucked up on a budget. It also has a reputation for making you do violent or reckless things in general, but that's probably just because the main consumers of any malt liquor are bums and teenagers, neither of which are known for making good life choices regardless.

>drink ltr of vodka
>need to water
>miss top stair
>fall face first down stairs
>too drunk to feel anything
>get water
>go to bed
>wake up with carpet burn bruises and lumps
>rib hurt for a month
>tell people it was a fight

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I've always wanted to fall asleep in my chair but I always cuck out and manage to roll onto my bed.

you can do sooo much harm reduction from alcohol just by fucking staying hydrated. to be fair, it's not like you're in a mode of giving a shit in the first place and it's bad either way, but it makes so much fucking difference, at least half the shit people complain about is simply dehydration
i wanna be pissing clear, fat rails all night and jumping out of bed in the morning

having a oneitis

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Probably not, I was more of a lurker than anything and this is only my 3rd time bring up al/ck/ since its banishment. I'm surprised they haven't regrouped in Yea Forums or /r9k/ or somewhere else by now.

>sometimes I get lost in my own room needing to go the bathroom at night after drinking
>sometimes wake up with bruises and scratches with no memory of how I got them
>moving to a raised-floor apartment and worried I am going to walk straight off the balcony
>father nearly died doing exactly that

yeah, opiates are really neat huh? have fun bud
hope you don't like your hair

>raised-floor apartment
you mean like, the second floor? raised floor? who says that?

my brother is like that, he nearly did go of a balcony

had to grab him

Does alcohol damage your test levels/affect your ability to reproduce?

When I'm drunk I can fuck for hours, and when I'm hungover I'm constantly horny as fuck and can cum like 15-20 times in a day.

How would you phrase "higher than ground floor" Dr English PhD, if you please

how is Trees Lounge? the steve buscemi alcoholic movie
i was thinking of watching but it might tempt me. i'm 9 hours sober

>What's the most accurate portrayal of alcohol in film?


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>get brown-out drunk because I want to see a band but hate crowds, especially hipster/metal ones
>instead of relaxing, just sink into a pit of anger
>puke on the patio
>fight the bouncers
>miss the band I wanted to see after 2 hours of shitty openers
>have to tell everyone I caught multiple elbows in the moshpit so they don't know what a jackass I am
Found out Dixie Dave is a cool dude though, so the night wasn't a total disaster.

steel reserve... fuck those things taste terrible.

I agree. When I turned 21 all I drank was high gravity 8% shit, and steel reserve was the most rank. did Hurricane for a while, then olde english 800, and once i finally got sick of shitty beer and moved onto mad dragon/4 loko/joose, they came out with this 8% "natty daddy" which tastes just like regular beer to me. fuckers

Jesus Christ fucking kill yourself. Thread about alcoholic anons and some faggot brings up his gf right off the bat. I fucking hate you so much please die.

i moved up to things like lagunitas ipa and good barrel aged dark beer and sometimes sweet wine. i used to drink tequila but i stopped drinking the hard stuff.

>Jesus Christ fucking kill yourself
>I fucking hate you so much please die.
so many posts like this on Yea Forums and Yea Forums now, where are the bantz?

>Does alcohol damage your test levels/affect your ability to reproduce?

Yes to both, in several ways.
>Alcohol damages the Leydig cells in your testicles, which are absolutely fucking essential to production of testosterone.
>A coenzyme called NAD+ is s used for both alcohol metabolism and testosterone synthesis. When you have alcohol in your system, NAD+ has to metabolize alcohol instead of synthesizing testosterone
>Endorphins produced by alcohol consumption can negatively impact testosterone synthesis
>Alcohol increases the stress hormone, cortisol, which is known to negatively impact testosterone synthesis
>Alcohol can under some circumstances convert testosterone to estrogen

It's literal poison. Your test levels and sperm quality should be the least of your worries when consuming it.

Not your safespace, faggot.

>Drinking because you can't get laid

Yeah, alcoholism ought to solve your problem.


I'd probably say "third floor" or whatever particular numbered floor you are moving to. If you don't know you could say an upper storey apartment, raised floor sounds fucking weird.


Have sex.

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who else /4loko/?

>Being 16 years old
>In 2019


i just want it to be 2007 again

Why look for film what you can find on youtube?

Is that when they still had caffeine in them? Just mix an energy drink with a complementary flavored vodka, it would probably be better than that shit ever was. pussy

y u so meen :-(

>buy pack of beer
>drink 2 beers
>feel bad about 4 left
>regret buying
now i feel obligated to drink them

They removed the caffeine cause dumb teens were actually dying

Grape 4loko was the shit tho back in the day

I take pride in my being able to chug cheap whiskey from the bottle and chase with nothing but water because I have no other talents to show off. But really, that sugary shit is for bitches.

>now i feel obligated to drink them

See you at the next AA meeting bro

>liquor store shares same building with gas station
>get 2 brisk lemonade/ice tea
>walk next door for a 5th of Tito's
>stop at other gas station closer to apt for a 40oz steel reserve

ty for this thread im so sorry

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>Grape 4loko

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ehhhh even though it fruity flavored i wouldnt compare it with sugary bitch drinks. its not sweet enough

>consuming the liquid jew

No thanks.

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>been alcoholic for 4 years
>recently started getting massive kidney pains
thank god its nearly over

>He thinks this is the end

Just wait till the kidney stones the size of marbles have to be pissed out. On the bright side, you'll get to call women who have given birth pussies for complaining about the "pain".

I've gotten lucky with my kidney stones. They hurt, and there have been a couple of times where I was writhing on the floor sweating and crying, but then I go to piss and they're just tiny pebbles that pop out ez-pz.

>be Nicholas Cage
>start as a meme actor
>end as THE meme actor
>in between make a couple legitimately great films with world-class performances

What a fucking boss

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>>don't consume dairy
Explain to me what's wrong with consuming dairy

Get her involved in a foster home program. She can take in kids temporarily which will help her be less lonely.

I knew someone who shot himself over pills. he used to abuse painkillers after 2008 when he lost family and house. Later on he would go on and off to rehab/relapsing. It was pretty bad.

>no alcohol and dairy
how to spot a 3rd worlder

Something like 75% of the worlds population are lactose intolerant. Mainly Africans, Asians, South Americans and Amerimutts.

As long as you're of European descent, dairy is good for you.

It's really not. Look at the research correlating bone breakage and heart disease to milk consumption

wasn't that shit literally like a steel reserve + 4 cups of coffee in one can? fucking hell

I drink fuck loads of milk and my bones are like steel

I'm sure there is atleast as much research for the benefits of it. Sounds like complete meme science, user.

T. My weakass mon

>In summary, fermented dairy products have positive effects on cardiovascular health (Figure 1) and may be even more beneficial than non-fermented dairy products.

The whole "milk is bad for the heart" meme stems from brainlets seeing that milk contains saturated fat, and they leap to the conclusion that milk is bad for your cardiovascular system, when it actually has a positive effect.

The only negative thing that can be attributed to dairy products is additional hormones. But in any non-third world country, the amount of hormones are so fucking miniscule that you get about the same amount that you'd get from drinking tap water.

i think in NYC they got rid of it because the ad actually said girls get something something if they drink it i can't fully remember but it caused an outrage i only see it here in jersey now

>The whole "milk is bad for the heart" meme stems from brainlets seeing

Might as well add that "mom bloggers" are also pushing this shit hard. Whether they're getting paid or just retarded is a 50/50. But there's an entire meme industry dedicated to getting people off cheap dairy and onto expensive meme alternatives like "almond milk", which is really just water, a little bit of oats and something like 5% actual almond milk.

Like every other meme diet, people are pushing bullshit to gullible people online because there's easy money to be made.

Get help
>inb4 the rat experiment
Those rats where in isolation with nothing to do. There's another experiment with rats and heroin-laced water. In this one the rats weren't alone and they had exercise things.
They didn't drink the heroin water.
Get help.

Based rats

>>don't drink
>>don't smoke
cigars are actually very healthy (clean the body of toxins), and enjoying a good cigar after a long, hard weekend is excellent
>>don't do drugs
done right, some drugs can be an eye opening mind enhancing life experience. you're missing out.
>>don't consume dairy
ching chong bling blong ding dong wing wong ling long ping pong wing wong ting tong sing song....
>>don't consume processed sugar

Im sure if that "mouse utopia" experiment had heroin watering holes you'd find a small group always returning. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.


stopped a massive 10 year vicodin + vodka habit with kratom overnight.
absolute wonder plant.

Any interview with Nick Nolte

I highly doubt that. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

Yeah, you totally can't tell alcohol from sugar water. Wanna know how I know you're an incel in a basement?

Don't copy me, dingus.

A temporary cure to a problem that is probably unfixable. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

top tier bait

>went to a meeting of AA after missing a few fridays
>hey user, its been 30 days since you started coming, LETS GIVE user HIS 30 DAY CHIP
>people start getting excited
>uhhhh no. actually Ive drank 3 or 4 times since I started coming. I mean its not blackout drunk but Im just so sick of staying up to 4am.
>everybody just kinda tries to change the subject
>get the fuck out of there the second the meeting ends because people are gonna try and talk to me
>go by gas station, linger by the beer section out of habit
>not today
>buy smokes and a diet coke and leave
>getting closer to 2am
>still thinking about getting beer
>there is a rodeo going on close to me and I can here the drunken people having fun

also if anyone else is recovering. why the fuck do I like sweets now? Ive never eaten candy or any sweets all my life. even as a child.
but now Ive eaten a brownie. bought a candy bar. eaten sweet rolls for breakfast.
the struggle is real and I still havent found a reason not to drink.
it doesnt help all the sponsors have been sober almost as long as Ive been alive.

Nothing wrong with buying some sweets. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

>like when you've gotten to the point of slamming more than a pint of vodka every single day.
>pint of vodka every single day
you mean ages 17 to 28?
bro Ive known people who could do a fifth or 750 every day. dudes have started shitting blood. puked bile. and still drinking and supremely functional.

>tfw wake up for work
>dont feel that bad, just kinda hazy wondering how much I drank last night
>entire 12 pack is empty, thought I just had 6 or 7
>just a normal morning and I feel worse if I dont have at least between 6 and 8 beers but my tolerance is that a 12 pack is nothing to me now on a daily basis

They passed out on 3 coors tall boys? Really light weight.

>The Rock
>Face Off
Can he ever tope these 2?

>thread about alcoholism makes me want to go out and get some tall boys
when does it go away anons? I know we arent normal but when will I be able to trust myself again?

Who knows, he always seems to suddenly get these amazing roles while his personal life is in complete shambles, so even though he's now spending his time getting his money absorbed by his stripper ex he could still do something unexpected. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

>be me
>drank less than 0,5l of alcohold, beer included, in my entire life
>live a comfy life where i get to laugh at all the peers who waste themselves drinking
go fuck yourself faggot
you'll never stop drinking because you're fucking stupid and dumb and retarded
your iq is equal to your posts' last two digits
you're retarded, just drink yourself to death

Think about having lived a life where you never drank in the shower before.

I drink heavily once a week usually, with no drinking in between. I always get the scaries these days. Never used to get anxiety but in the past few years it’s become a regularity. 28 now.

>there is a rodeo going on close to me and I can here the drunken people having fun
sounds cool

raging incel
have a drink, relax

Tell your mother to get off social media and stop watching Rachel Maddow.

My grandmother went through the same stupid “the sky is falling” thing. Why are women so susceptible to this? not a real question

>t. R*ddit

Recivered alcoholics are really fucking obnoxious

absolutely seething incel lmao

seems perfectly natural, my step-dad was a hardcore drunk and he blew the fuck out when he decided to stop because he started eating sweets. If you stop smoking, too, you'll probably end up pretty fat.
The trick is to start on weed instead, yeah it fucks up your appetite but in the end you won't just forget that you've already eaten, you'll also forget when you haven't eaten.

That same kind of overly-hysterical mindset is what makes them much worse addicts than men in many cases, I think. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

>not fruit punch
smdh pleb

>tfw I look like the doomer meme

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can you not

If you can't afford a rehab option with actual medication just leave. She can't stop at this point because she'll convulse if she stops and then die.

Mandy deserves an Oscar for lead performance.
Also, that vodka bathroom scene was kino.

how long did it take to grow that beard?

Who wouldn't slam more then a pint if you're an alcoholic? Any less than that then you're just fucking partying.

>why the fuck do I like sweets now?

You know that good feeling you get when you drink alcohol? That's your brain releasing endorphins.
Sugar releases the very same endorphins, which is why fat people thinks it's so fucking hard to stop eating sweet stuff.

Same thing applies to almost all things that are addictive. Gambling, cocaine, alcohol, etc, etc.

The other user is just crying out for attention in a society that doesn't let him voice his fringe opinions without fear of chastisement and doesn't force women to touch his penis. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.


Don't be an asshole about it though. If I stop drinking for one day I flail and have horrible tremors. I'll die. Get actual professional help.

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This was too real and I fucking hate you for posting it.

>What's the most accurate portrayal of alcohol in film?

Attached: The-Matrix-733005.jpg (1000x1383, 327K)

Thanks, I knew that there was someone here who could understand my perfectly reasonable point of view. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

Any alcoholics who has kids in this thread?

Putting kids through that horror should be punishable by 20 years in prison, since you're essentially destroying them for life.

>I am more short-tempered, more easily depressed and I can't enjoy things the way I could before i

That's called becoming an asshole old person. I'm not saying this to be a dick. But you probably would have became this way naturally. Just accept it and don't think about the drug or blame it too much because that leads back to thinking about it.

It's over. Be happy.

Non-arguements. Enjoy buying into your propaganda faggot. You're so bad ass for sucking in smoke chemicals and drinking poison!

>still an hour from 2am
dont know if Im gonna make it bros
I clicked the wrong thread tonight
I need grizzled nick nolte alcoholic patron saint necklace
also Im drinking a pitcher and a half of iced tea a day. found out that iced tea can shut down your kidneys if you drink that much.
I just cant even win for losing over here.

I WISH my gf were an alcoholic. Fuck she's so much fun when she's drunk. I can do anything to her, and she's always down to fuck. She rambles about how much she loves me and how great I am, and is generally hilarious.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Obviously a half-truth because it's made you a little whiny bitch and a moralfag niggerfaggot.

>tfw drinking for 11 years
>tfw you've definitely had a problem for 6 years straight

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Literally this, the brain is lookinh for an easy replacement addiction.

Nothing wrong with spiking her drinks and slowly pushing her over the edge until you get her where you need. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

Fucking same dude, i also cant sleep because i get immediate sleep paralysis that feels like forever but then 5 minutes of real life time has passed. Every time i close my eyes i get flashing images of horror and or paralysis.

No need to go overboard with the sugar. Small "doses" over a long period of time, just to keep you from crashing and having a continous release of endorphins.
Switching out one harmful addiction with a less harmful addiction is the best way to go. Plus, getting off sugar is a hell of a lot easier than getting off alcohol.

Don't be a faggot and cave. Just remind yourself why you wanted to get sober in the first place.


t. Dennis Reynolds

Shit meme, uk has WAY less muslims than france and other euro countries like sweden

>Why am I craving sweets now
Your body was used to drinking liquid bread that's a super calorie dense liquid you cut that off so your body wants it's fuel

based practical no-nonsense user

drank 3 steels and barely feel drunk wtf

>I can assure you that there's nothing cool about it

I've literally got people to like me because I was buzzed. I don't care what you say but I wouldn't have moved up without it even if it'll kill me.

How about parents who abuse heroin and crack while supposedly raising children? Is that alright by you, you child abusing cunt?

Because the druggies are on the very same level of neglect as the alcoholics.

delet this


My problem isn't alcohol

My problem is jacking off to porn 10-15 times the next day. I hate porn and want it out of my psyche but the next day I am a massive porn junkie. I can't focus or enjoy anything else.

>cigars are actually very healthy
Either a bad troll or an absolute retard I'm not sure

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Your post made me tear up. Fuck you dude seriously

Fuck dude, this is depressing as fuck

a bloo bloo bloo >:(

You still have the super brown indians. The fuck is the difference other than culture they're still non white fucker.

Shit dude, this post made me shed a tear... Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

Why are alcoholics such cry-babies?

Why even raise the kids when they'll end up despising you, and doing everything in their power to not end up like you?
Just give them away to caring people. For their sake, and for yours.

I'm certain you're trolling but any environment can breed insanity. The only place that creates insanity is a willingness to accept what's around you and not be able to contain it.

you ever lay down and just fall backwards for what feels like a million miles? shit is crazy. I do a million backflips sometimes

Loss of inhibition dumbass.

>father is an alcoholic
>has never cared about anything else except getting drunk
>was a total asshole when I was a kid because he was constantly hung over, and his emotional range consisted of 'mildly annoyed' and 'total rage'
>fast forward 20 years, meet up for lunch
>he looks like someone you see on the side of the street: skinny with a huge beer gut
>tell him what he looks like, ask him to stop drinking or else he'll be dead soon
>attempts suicide and tells the extended family it's because of me
>I still drink alcohol on weekends

I don't know if this is a story about alcohol or not but it's a weird thing to process. What am I supposed to say to my father next time I see him? I would like to say "if you killed yourself it would be the only honest thing you have ever done" but what if he actually does kill himself to spite me? I wouldn't put it past him

First of all, you won't have kids and if you do the wife is out of there before the ten year mark. Second, a child will despise you matter what. It's called being a teenager. Did you absolutely love both your parents when you were some dipshit listening to sad music in the room alone? No. Sit down.

He's doing a bit

I was too much of a chad to have any of those problems. Not sure why it seems so hard to you, honestly. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

>Comparing the teenage rebel phase to deep seated hatred that usually lasts for life

I know a lot of people in their 30s who grew up with an alcoholic parent. And the one thing they all have in common is that they don't want that parent anywhere fucking near their own children.

Or you could ask him if he wants to quit. If he accepts pay for the medical expenses. If he refuses at least you know you tried. This isn't very difficult. You obviously hate him even though statistically you're going to have some fucked up mental shit as you get older similar to alcoholism.


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You weren't a chad and no chad would even attempt that joke on Yea Forums of all places. And by the way you proved my point about the breeding of insanity.

Pretty much how you did in this very post you retard

You're imagining you, just in different circumstances. Trust me when I say there is no-one behind the eyes.

>Distancing the teenage rebel phase to deep seated hatred that usually lasts for life

See? I can do that too. The horrible hormone induced bullshit that starts in the teenage phase doesn't just disappear. Are you real happy? Talking shit in a Yea Forums thread? Relax. You're broken. And not in an emo way. In a "life didn't turn out the way I thought it would be" way. Deny it. But you're living it.

Well considering I don't drink and neither did my relatives I'd say you're the one projecting. If we're being scientific chances are pretty good you have a shit brain prone to medical illness and that's not even a dig. It's just fact. Try to help him or don't. Either way make a decision and quit being a little bitch.

Maybe learn a little English before trying to critique how I talk about my own fucking apartment, you stupid prick. None of the shit you typed makes you any more correct.

You're a retard and just because you knew people that did that doesn't mean that its normal or that they're actually functioning.

>Projection: The post

I'm happy enough. The reason I talk shit is because I work with children who have to suffer through shit parenting like yours.
And the teenage rebel phase doesn't last for life in the vast majority of cases. That's why it's called a phase.

if this nigger says urban insanity breeds society one more time

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That's telling.

>The reason I talk shit

You've told us all we need to know. Just fucking calm down and live your life you miserable shit.

The in your post is aggression is totally unwarranted

Imagine being this sensitive just because you got called out on phrasing something like a retard

You could at least quote it correctly, it's a fact that everyone should honestly remember. Urban living is and always has been a cancer that breeds insanity.

The term you're looking for is passive aggression unless you have a bloody nose right now? No? Then let's move on. Calling someone a little bitch isn't even considered passive aggression unless you are one.

Try to help him or don't. Relax. Bitch.

>Just fucking calm down and live your life

I will, user. Who knows, maybe next week I'll be interviewing your kid after the cops finds him or her wandering next to the highway at 3am because daddy is angry-drunk again.

This is my favorite movie of all time. It was more of a portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton's crazy ass marriage. They were known alcoholics and this was more of a piece about how alcoholism affected their lives and those around them.

Just watched this . . . . wtf. I am sure it will grow on me like Withnail and I

Under The Volcano has one of the all time greatest drunk preformances

No you're not passive aggressive you're outright aggressive. It's unusual. I'm not offended I just think your emotional reaction is odd and maybe you would benefit from thinking about why you react the way you do.

10/10 taste

>piss drunk
>completely blacked out room
>get up to piss
>scrambling over the walls for 20 minutes trying to find a light switch door frame
>finally find my trash can
>piss in trash can
>realize I can turn around and find the door opposite the trash can

nobody on Yea Forums has seen A star is born.