What the actual fuck is wrong with people?
What the actual fuck is wrong with people?
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For those of you who don't know:
It was toned down for the film
I am referring to the actual events, not the movie. Horrible fucking people. How can you do this to somebody?
Kinda. As I recall, the clit burning didn't happen. Either way, I regret watching the movie and reading about the case.
didn't know they did a movie based on that
i know the case because i'm an /x/fag
how accurate is it? not the torture but the characters i mean
does it have the 2 sisters, the evil old bitch and and the evil kids and the bfs?
typical amerikkkans
there's another movie based on the same story with Ellen Page as the girl
was it inception?
How the hell can one woman make so many people do all of these atrocious things? She paid the neighbourhood kids money to come to the basement and torture this woman. Sick to my stomach.
Holy shit what nightmare. The American justice system is so shit, no wonder we have an obsession with vigilantes in our culture.
kids are shitty
they basically have no morals so if there isnt an adult controlling them they're capable of the most atrocious shit
>if there isnt an adult controlling them they're capable of the most atrocious shit
But THERE WAS an adult controlling them, Gertrude Baniszewski!
This case and Junko Furuta's case are the two worst real stories I've ever read
Tool Box Killers were also some depraved fuckers as well
>comparing this to Japanese Yakuza degenerates
They were both high-school girls held captive and tortured until they died, the comparison is fair
I feel fucking ill jesus christ
Reading shit like this, cartel shit and all other fucked up cases makes me wonder what goes through these killers minds... Insane or not, everyone should be erased fucking hell
americans are FUCKED
Scientists have already developed drugs that can drastically slow our perception of time. The same scientists believe that we'll be able to fine-tune the drugs within 10-15 years to such an extent that we'll be able to have someone perceive 1000 years of time, in only 1 hour.
The timeframe for being able to upload our consciousness to a computer, and have someone serve an extremely (perceived) lengthly sentence there is also about 15-20 years away.
Needless to say, soon enough these sick fuckers who get several life sentences will be able to serve out the entire sentence.
>they basically have no morals
not entirely true.
Kids have no EMPATHY, they don't develop the mental capacity for empathy until sometime after their first real growth spurt between 6-10, and then depending on the environment may never develop it properly becoming sociopaths. This is why the line "psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made" is so true.
all she had to do was not be a lying whore
You shouldn't want something like that to exist.
Can't imagine why they didn't want to pretend to burn a little girl's clit off with a red hot poker on camera.
That book made me fucking depressed
Next time you say shit about feminism, remember this.
>the prosecutor at the defendants' trial describing the case as the "most terrible crime ever [to be] committed in the state of Indiana," with Sylvia having been subjected to acts of "degradation that you wouldn't commit on a dog."
was torturing and degrading dogs a fun pastime in the 1960s america?
Of course. What do you guys torture? Fish?
I used to fuck a woman that let her 8 yr old daughter watch this on a regular basis. It was her favorite movie.
I don't believe you.
Excuse me? You think feminists work to stop shit like this from happening? The perpetrator was a woman. Feminists are all about giving female criminals a pass. How fucking dare you even suggest otherwise?
>was torturing and degrading dogs a fun pastime in the 1960s america?
it was a different time