Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #458
Previous Thread:

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Guys I don't have the kissu lips
someone post them please
and give me a kissu

Attached: kissable.png (97x46, 8K)

I haven't started making OC yet but I just got my setup ready again so next time I'll have some

Disreguard I'm a dummy

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>literally had that OP few threads ago

meh....everything else is fine. 7.6/10

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>Nice hot sunny day outside
>Decide to take a nice stroll
>The sun is filling you with energy & you feel very vibrant
>Decide to cool down a bit with some ice cream at a local creamery
>Notice a peculiar looking girl with what appear sto be robotic arms of some sort
>You're somewhat curious but are more pressed for the icecream
>Buy your favorite flavor and get ready to head out
>Just then you bump into someone and knock their icecream on the floor
>It's the strange girl with the robotic arms
>You apologize profusely & offer to pay for another
>The girl stares at you for a moment before simply walking away
>You decide to just leave it at that and head back home
>Arrive, grab your keys and are about to open the door
>Before you can open the door you're violently pushed with monstrous force, flying through the door and utterly obliterating it
>You break a chair in the hallway where you landed
>In extreme pain you gather your senses to look up
>It's that girl from the ice cream store
>She begins to approach and casually craters one of your walls
>Comes over to you and lifts you up with one arm, balling her fist with the other
>Looks at you like this

Wat do?

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Attached: endless bread.png (657x393, 583K)

Hello new bread pleased be healed by comfy

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Just my opinion, I have a right to voice it.

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Probably start crying, I'm bad with pain

Bless this thread with Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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ah, comfy Friday posting continues.

Attached: k-in-alitageneral.webm (952x396, 2.79M)

Hello new bread. Please be healed by the friendliness of Our Lady of Mars' disciples.

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To the anons that went to the Irvine Denny’s meet up, do any of y’all remember what we even talked about for the past 5 hours? I remembered clearly we talked a lot of mad shit

Lots of topics. Vidiya and movies often, some heavy shit too

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We used it already? Shit that might have been me actually.
I don't keep track except by memory, I promise OC next time though.

I see I'm not the only one with these fantasies.

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Yes, and we have the right to mock you for it.

Attached: You're Serious.png (497x360, 284K)

Reminder Hugo did nothing wrong.

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>Wat do?
I stop loving her. Abuse is evil.

Lucky. There are no cheap theaters here that are also safe

Fuck you Dan.

Attached: IMG_20140809_2337391.jpg (260x267, 12K)

>extreme pain
>what do
Clearly the ol' "grab both wrists and spin them around so you're hugging them from behind with their arms crossed" trick won't work

Continuing from this.

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Reminder that fag is dead and will never come back

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Attached: When VA drives by a Hugo so fine.gif (310x200, 2.09M)

Vitaly's design work is gorgeous.

i just finished alita from the mega that was posted last thread. im sorry i made fun of you guys, i cant believe i waited so long. when is part 2?

Yes, you do have that right as well :)

not for a while, fren. Get comfy and get /healed/ while we wait.

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Eagerly anticipating this.

Attached: Chuck Heals.png (665x222, 260K)

Fic of Chiren being cuddly and motherly toward you while you're tied down and anesthetized and she amputates each of your limbs and packages them up to be sent to Nova when?

It would end with just your torso left, then she'd be removing organs one by one. Finally she'd call Nova to ask if he wants the brain as well, he'd be like "no, dispose of it" and she'd sing you a lullaby while she releases all the clamps on your severed limbs and drains your blood. As you slip into darkness the last thing you would perceive is her closing your eyes with her perfectly manicured fingers.

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shes a cute, i cant wait for the release and deleted scenes

When James Cameron and a director feels like it and he has financing, probably. I'd say at least 3 years, but then we might be getting two movies in short succession.

>I didn't mean it, user.

Attached: cryinginshadow.png (1281x1084, 1.22M)

Add this one to the /healed/ folder

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You absolutely have a right to voice your opinion especially since you're a thread user I dub thee Anti-Namefag from now on but you can't possibly expect the /ALITA/ threads to behave like the rest of Yea Forums and I don't think any of us want the threads to become uncomfy or completely fall apart so we're going to resist any changes to the formula that has worked so far.
We do love you anyways though

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Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (10).jpg (2020x1094, 190K)

>skips arm day

unfortunately there probably won't be much of that. The VFX was focussed on her so completely and it was so expensive that it's doubtful there's much leftover. They made an extremely lean movie.

Fuck that was me lol but I think I was up super late that night so I totally forgot

>psychotic violent Alita
but why

Attached: can you believe this fag.png (293x698, 305K)

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (11).jpg (1928x1250, 140K)

Zapan a rich white man
Poleece give a fuck less even if he did do sumfin

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Doesn't sound like Alita at all.

No not those fantasies.

Attached: hide.gif (414x487, 410K)

There will definitely be behind-the-scenes, bloopers, and director's commentary, but I doubt they went to the trouble of doing very expensive animation over the deleted scenes. We might get rough pre-post shots, but that's about it.

>You again, stop this, now.

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Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (12).jpg (2043x1100, 190K)

Because the hottest parts of the manga are when she's slaughtering people

Welcome, new Alitan. May I introduce you to Rosa Salazar's hot body

Attached: crash.webm (720x405, 2.9M)

When will the VOD come out?

Please don't give me a name...but I really appreciate that you didn't spit at me like the other user did.

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>It's very likely we will get Alita Battle Angel 2
>Cameron has sent Rodriguez the notes of the sequel’s script, which is around 600 pages.


Hey friend glad you could join us and be healed!
No shame in being doubtful maybe a little shame, we're all aware of what the threads look like from the outside but we do our best to be welcoming.
I'm glad we found you.

Attached: alitans1.jpg (826x600, 217K)

I will help you in this holy mission.

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You best source me, right now.

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Is this a repeat of an old interview, or is it actual news?

from what i remember we talked about the following in this order: the movie (what we liked about it, favorite scenes, how we found out about it, etc.), other boards, music, other movies, videogames, heavy stuff, and then we all decided to go home. probably messed up the order and missed some subjects but that was most of it

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it's common knowledge that there was some 600 pages of notes added to JCs original script. I forgot who made the notes but it was only after, that JC gave RR the green light.

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (14).jpg (1939x1050, 124K)

Oh, I wish I could, mommy. I just can't help but be a bad boy.

I guess you'll have to cut my tongue out. And then take my hands, idle hands are the devil's workshop after all. And then my arms, and my legs.

Have you ever thought about taking my eyes? You could attach blades to those long, delicate fingers of yours and slip them beneath my eyelids, deftly severing each ocular muscie before you cut the optic nerve and lift each eyeball from its socket. You'd like that, wouldn't you mommy?

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They're not organic muscles so they won't benefit from strength training. They're synthetic fiber so they can have more tensile strength than organic muscle tissue. Alita's physical strength comes partially from the power her heart can put into her limbs for strikes, and partially from panzer kunst.

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I want to relieve that night forever

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (15).jpg (1928x1250, 157K)

Kek nice

>I'm gonna have to cut your tongue and hands just to get you to stop once and for all

Attached: ugh.jpg (498x462, 41K)

Someone post the review

>600 page scrip
JC is literally a madman

>I can barely manage 20,000 words and I'm trying to write a novel.
>Dude just wastes 600 pages on a waifu and then goes on to make, like 50 Avatar movies on a whim.

Lol I'm not going to call you that I just wanted to tease you a bit. We're a little too defensive now than we need to be. Mainly I just want everyone to respect each other because we've formed a weird community here and I truly feel like we've changed some lives (if only a little bit) by being friendly and relatively chill and I don't want that to change.
I think some of us (myself included) are just scared of losing this group or feeling unwelcome so we're ready to defend it and each other but we need to solve our problems in a better way than just being all shouty.
IDK just my 10 creditos

i love mommy posting so much, i actually think started it

Attached: 6c70cf20ebd10f65e87b364e271241db.jpg (736x1131, 72K)

Last one.

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (16).jpg (1928x1250, 127K)

JC made 1000 pages of notes, 600 of which he gave to RR alongside the 180 page (three-hour) script

Thanks user! Now I don't have to do it myself lol. He also posted the doll body though

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>Suffering-user reading these posts

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No come back we'll make it comfy again

>Hey kid, something wrong?

Attached: 1556061504629.png (157x199, 46K)

I'm with you, Alita. This stuff weirds me out

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Attached: jennifer-connelly-dark-city.jpg (432x647, 24K)

Well I'm done with that so good luck with the doll body.

I'm not into RP at all but I do appreciate the other anons' enthusiasm

Attached: you alright.gif (245x235, 1.37M)

Attached: Alita Jeanne.jpg (725x1022, 152K)

I didn't expect you to keep at it, people usually get accused of spamming if it's all the same type of image but I'll save them to the archive and download all the doll body images now that I know how to do it.

Ok that's just disgusting, I got better taste than that.

Attached: absolutely disgusting.jpg (500x533, 58K)

I respect everyone here.
The namefags have a place in my heart

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I love it but Alita looks a little baked

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Its all good fren.

Attached: feels.jpg (720x708, 43K)

we have so many saintly Alitas.

Attached: alita brings healing to the heretics.jpg (780x940, 129K)

Attached: waltznod2.gif (500x211, 493K)

>I got better taste than that.
prove it

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is this the alita thread

Would she feel you cumming all over her feet


>we have so many saintly Alitas
Not nearly enough IMO, we especially need more of these:

Attached: alitans2.jpg (1125x750, 223K)

>you'll never come home from school to be greeted by your loving mommy
>she'll never make you chicken tendies
>she'll never cut you open

Attached: 740full-jennifer-connelly.jpg (740x916, 47K)

Probably not the doll feet but definitely the berserker feet

Thank you friend.

I guess it must be

Attached: hi.webm (640x480, 285K)

Forgot to add.

"Je jure de toujours combattre en présence du mal!"

Translit: "I swear to always fight in presence of evil!"

I watched the movie in both English and Quebec french dubs. I think that was that the line

Here, the request I made to writefag: pastebin.com/YiF1CYCt

Physical pain is plebeian, emotional suffering is patrician.

Attached: Anons see Alita.webm (720x400, 2.99M)

>so many new artwork posted in the past 24 hours
>cute alita stuff everywhere
>bucky alita hybrid posted
>op uses same pic as yesterday

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it is but some anons are being dorks right now.

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Yeah prove it SA
VA's into comfy and she's ace (mostly) so you're like her opposite

>Never say never

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Oh it's you. Nevermind, I already know your taste is shit

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Sorryyy I posted that both times but I was sleepy the first time so I forgot
I wanted art that said Alita on it and I thought I used most of the other ones already

Attached: mangablam.jpg (675x623, 87K)

>Is that Leeta's mom? why does she look so much like my mom?

Attached: 1554348204588.jpg (568x528, 29K)

Its ok. lets bless this thread

VA says she wants a partner who's exclusive to her. She's also asexual.

And you think SA is a sadist?

Shes the true mommy

Attached: article-2133646-12B8111C000005DC-771_634x469.jpg (634x469, 59K)

Asexual, not aromantic. And she's very up-front with it, so if someone's not happy in a sexless relationship, they shouldn't be together.

Oh man
You kinda deserve severe punishment for it you know? use this next time

Attached: 1556885960061.jpg (723x949, 172K)

I always forget how fucking many films JC has-been in

That's how I am too. I just gave up on it because partners like that are extremely rare, and it's not fair to expect a non-ace person to remain exclusive in that kind of relationship.

I can't believe I just spent so long editing, but if my voice is gone at least I can make this kind of content, right?

Ayyyyy. I know how that can be. I mostly look for ace people at this point.

Attached: Kissu-or-Boop.gif (288x216, 2.63M)

>Not my mommy

Attached: 1554406059158.jpg (1000x938, 94K)


Best OC we got in a while, well done.

Attached: 1554227628794.jpg (1280x528, 85K)

this is beautiful user, A+ work.

Attached: ido-coin-giver.webm (960x402, 393K)

SA? You're ace too?

This is great

No, I'm not SA. Sorry if that's how my post came across

Asexuality is a meme, you ask them "so you don't ever masturbate?" And they're like, "well, uh, yes, but like, I don't have any sexual thoughts about it." Lol.

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this has to be one of the best oc from alita in my opinion, i couldnt stop laughing the first time it popped up.

Blonde chiren real chiren

Attached: 795b714c9098d635fd9c0235c8a5b498.jpg (1655x2500, 390K)

> what was this facial expression trying to convey?

Attached: B98FE7CC-73D1-4CF8-B364-BB898EB0AA97.jpg (1295x785, 149K)

>That's not my Chiren

Attached: 1553153120639.png (759x538, 541K)

Is what she thinks is happening, but in reality you beat her down with style, grace, and overwhelming violence. So brutal was your assault that Chiren began to hallucinate removing your limbs and harvesting your organs.

You are no mere spare parts for some organization, no. You are an ascended human being. A God in the flesh, forged through the arts.

You are GAROU.

Attached: 6c7aaed9d44edea1f2f9493dc7d09ec2dc931803_hq.jpg (381x538, 62K)

It was supposed to convey dust and debris away from the eye, and to convey cuteness and humanness to the viewer.

vintage Peaches. Doesn't get much better than that.

it conveys Alita doin a biG thInK

Attached: too-many-chromosomes-again.jpg (400x378, 43K)

Biggest brain cybergirl

forgot to add nobody will ever know but I've always been happy my 'mongolian throat singing' comment got in that lol

Unbelievable that she displayed so much more charisma and emotion in that gif than Rosa did as bland Alita

I haven't seen Alita because I was in a mental hospital at the time. I guess we liked it. It should be out later this month on dvd right?


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>emotional suffering is patrician
Well you'd love me then
I almost listed my various wounds and scars but decided against it


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Damn that's nice work
I really need to learn some new programs

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Are you alright, user?

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It was very meh, these threads are corporate shilling from Fox

Attached: 1556675363293.png (960x804, 639K)

This is the type of OC I see in my dreams.

Attached: 1556655374882.jpg (956x719, 177K)

>ah, Friday; pay day!
>what a wonderful bounty this week!
>Mountains and mountains of Alita smiles!
Well, break time is over. Back to work.

Attached: fastlegs.png (1280x538, 1.14M)

Some people enjoy shitting on other people and some people just appreciate not feeling like they need to take a shit


A company that has been absorbed by Disney, didn't promote Alita properly when it was in theaters, went silent on social media for weeks, for a movie that's only running in a few second-run theaters, and people are seriously considering traveling hundreds of miles across international borders just to see Alita again.

>Brie faking a laugh and then immediately going back to dead fish face
>more charisma and emotion than Rosa

Attached: rosalaugh3.gif (500x250, 1.12M)

now that alita generals outlived avengers 4, what's your endgame?

good work

Attached: [angsts internally].png (790x790, 387K)

>A company that has been absorbed by Disney

You'd think things would actually have improved, however slightly.


No one is this autistic and obsessive unless they mean it.
Fox didnt even pay for marketing and ads and now Alita is owned by disney.

No. No, sorry bro. This is real autism.

>those san diego anons that went to mexico just to see alita's movie in 3D
Some of the biggest heroes in these generals desu.

Attached: Jack Black Salute.gif (498x278, 531K)

Brie looked more alive in that gif than anything she's done in the Marvel movies or in her own speeches. I actually think she's cute when she smiles, but for some reason she seems to think her smile is ugly.

If we're lucky we'll get a good rip by the end of the month and the bluray maybe a month after that. We do have a pretty good rip though:


Reach 999

Now this is some extremely high quality content!

Attached: Lars and the Battle Angel.png (560x356, 391K)

oddly, this is the MOST genuine she's ever looked, however fleeting it was. She's got nothing on /ourgirl/ tho.

Attached: rosa-being-a-dork.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

This is so cute

Attached: 78AA82D8-6670-4669-8047-06E37329FF87.jpg (500x376, 42K)


when did that happen
it's playing in Temecula, why wouldnt they just go there

People have forgotten what primo autism means. This place used to stand for things even if they were retarded but now it's just (((jews))) this and fucking MAGA that. The new people on these boards don't understand these generals because they never experienced the fact that this place had community.

reach #999 and... to finish the mission. Destroy Zalem.

Attached: 0-G-training-URM.webm (960x402, 2.5M)

When the outdoor cinema season opens in Europe, there's also going to be some long distance traveling over there. There are already outdoor Alita screenings planned, but for other cities the audience surveys are still being done.

I actually really liked Brie up until she started promoting Captain Marvel, idk what changed.
She was great in Scott Pilgrim and she had two great interviews with Craig Ferguson (who is the best talk show host ever in my opinion) but lately she doesn't seem comfortable with herself or something.

Remember how Alita's theater run completely eclipsed Captain Fungus? I went to see her twice after CM was gone from all screens in my theater.

I need to know what Ace means

I think it was in the /abag/ days so I'll have to go far back in the archives to find them.

Attached: spongebob young people.jpg (500x372, 57K)

It was the last IMAX in Mexico.

madlad actually did

this is outstanding!

Attached: 1555880907790.png (500x374, 490K)

she's such a goober

Attached: rosahowl.gif (160x160, 1.17M)

would probably bust a nut then and there seeing that face up close in real life

ywn be that dog, why is it all so unfair bros


>I actually really liked Brie
yeah I had no issue with her until recently. I forget which Alita-twitter page posted that compilation of her just being weirdly rude and awkward during interviews and giving the most horrible, disgusting corporate-drone answer about how big studio execs are people that deserve to be placated by showing that a woman can be the lead in some big budget blockbuster. Absolute shit answer and not a woman of the people. hi other lefty-user I know you're here somewhere

Attached: comrade-rosa.jpg (938x609, 122K)

kek 420/10

Attached: 1556210062619.jpg (280x287, 37K)

>ywn be that dog
I'd rather be her human

Attached: Rosa-Salazar-awesome-pic.jpg (640x640, 58K)

s-somebody saved and used my shitty OC. c*:

Attached: beepbeep.png (522x504, 195K)

Hey guys, what does 2 hours of bonus features mean?

Attached: um.jpg (1206x1500, 367K)


Attached: 1555113697953.gif (111x141, 7K)

That whole post is great, I wish I had a screenshot of the whole text. It's not super "woke" it's just intelligent and reasonable.

we don't know but I'm sure they could easily spend an hour alone on Rosa and the other hour the rest of the VFX/cast interviews.

It's also a quote from a Soviet woman from over 100 years ago.

I'd be more than fine with two hours of Rosa eating things

Attached: rosalitachocolate.gif (500x250, 2.58M)

So ace means asexual... I don't like labeling myself in general.

But I would say that my view on human relationships and reproduction is rather... Callous or cold for lack of a better term

Attached: 1554864698515.jpg (541x696, 32K)

What does the romance in an asexual relationship even look like?
Is it just kissing and handholding? Basically really close european friends?

Peaches better see this shit. This is too good.

Attached: 1550424179227.jpg (768x432, 42K)

sjws whine about media representation and vie over woke points.leftists just want a world where people aren't ground down by inequality, endless war, poverty or lack of medicine that is artificially kept scarce.

Other lefty user checking in. I wonder if you'll figure out which of the namefags I am.

imagine if they included the aftermath of all that eating too ahaha

It started when Brie started saying that playing Captain Marvel was her form of activism, and starting begging for money for GoFundMe's to buy full price tickets for kids to go see the movie. Money she would get a percentage of. What if those kids wanted to see Endgame or Alita instead?
I mean, activism - the only minority Brie is part of is "the rich". Apart from that she has the most typical majority gender, race, creed, political opinions and age you can find.

well considering how common 'kissu' posts are... this gif is gonna come up A LOT.

There are people who are both aromatic and asexual but yeah you're pretty close for those who aren't both.

Kissing and handholding, yeah. And um some heavy petting type stuff, but never going all the way. Making out is fine.
We can repost it a couple times~
ayy, I'm lefty too

I didn't know one of the namefags was a leftyfren but no I can't guess. The only one out is Peaches.


One user:
Second user:

Attached: 20161025_235943.jpg (768x576, 93K)

>aromatic and asexual

Isn't that just a friend? How can one have an aromatic and asexual 'relationship'?

unless she's in the SRA, I doubt that.

Most of it is but I thought some of it was her own words

Can you stop talking about Brie and captain Marvel?
This is more annoying than my suffering posting.

nothing is -more- annoying than that, SA.

Attached: in-time-you'll-remember.jpg (1070x1615, 143K)

as far as I know aro-ace folks don't usually date.
that's not me, but I am lefty
sra? I am lefty tho

whole thing is literally a quote of part of the Soviet woman's essay

mfw was a skinhead 10 years ago

I voted Trump.

Based Peaches

SJWism was created specifically to shut down class consciousness and break people into countless tiny identity groups squabbling over who's most oppressed. "Intersectionality" is a zero-sum bucket crab contest where the smallest, most obscure group wins and material conditions never improve.

Finish the mission. Destroy Zalem.

Attached: 1556713030584.jpg (768x1024, 413K)

What's your story?

Have a thee

>implying they're mutually exclusive

I'm a Bernie/Tulsi-lefty and I voted Trump too. Fuck Captain Pantsuit, the only greater wahmanist evil than Captain Fungus.

Thankfully since this film and its promotion was materially non-political in a real life context (while the classic cyberpunk staples of class divide are present there's no ham fisted metaphors about the modern political climate shoved in) we don't need to fight over these things. I love all my Alita friends through the unique people they are.

Attached: 1554540392580.png (1104x643, 575K)

This is the single coolest picture I have ever seen.

Yeah my Maoist housemate who is pretty far down the propaganda path hates identity politics he thinks it's a waste of time. I'm so fucking glad we're finally seeing the backlash against it from people on all sides of the (political) spectrum.

That pic is R A D

Omg All the politics and sjw talk in this thread thread is gonna make me puke.

Being apolitical is one of the reason why I liked Alita so much.

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Based Thread Man saves the day again.

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Socialist Rifle Association. I didn't know fren, usually the leftyfrens here blanketpost because we know it'll cause problems.
I kind of assumed. I don't really care either. Trump has raised much of US govt officials out of the murk and it's been hilarious to see 'center left dems routinely get rooked because they just won't admit they want the same shit as cons but prostrate themselves whenever they actually have power. Instead of fighting their political enemies, they fight us leftists who have had to push them to even accept something like universal healthcare.
your 'have a thee' will be an /alita/ shibboleth from now on lol

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Don't worry fren we're not getting deep in to it. See:

nobody is arguing though? We've actually kept politics talk remarkably civil and we don't linger with it.

Do you think there could be any political significance to the image of the glittering sky city above the decrepit trash city?

You're my favorite non-named consistent poster.

Analyzing the literary significance of Zalem lording it over Scrapyard is different than people talking about their personal politics or going on about unrelated politics.

Indeed - Alita is awash with eternal political and social themes, but blessedly free of attempts to comment on current-year topics and ideas which will be irrelevant in five years or maybe already are.

Trumpo here too.
2020 same thing. Only choice

you can probably tell because of my unique file-naming-style

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That was SA? Haha, I thought that came from outside. I've been seeing it everywhere in these threads. I like it a lot. (Thee) hahaha

I'm effectively asexual until I'm in a relationship and then I just adjust to whatever their sex drive is like, I'm much more concerned with having a close relationship than having sex which makes dating hard.
Luckily I'm attractive so I haven't had to work as hard, but as a result I really have no idea how to initiate things or do Tinder type stuff that isn't in person.

2 women visit these threads
Both of them become namefags
Bith of them asexual

What are the odds.....

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Based and redpilled

I learned more about human anatomy in 5 minutes from the berserker body image dump than I ever did in my life, much appreciated user who posted them

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lol, this is fantastic

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>Get ready for bed, checking the thread first
>Oh, I'll guess I'll post in the new thread
556 posts later
God night, for real this time

its a psyop

SA is the only one I've seen use it so now we have a password.
>"what does SA say to incels?
>"have a thee!"

I voted Johnson because I couldn't stand Hillary as a person and I wasn't going to vote for Trump. I heard that if a third party gets enough votes then they get federal funding and can participate in debates and that was enough for me.

SA isn't ace tho

>tfw you made a drink but you've been too focused on /ALITA/ and now all the ice is melted

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Good night, fren

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I actually use that more on people who shot on the movie.

Wait are you VA or another user.

Trump has done alright. Strongest economy. Lowest unemployment in 50 years. North korea neutralized, out of syria. Middle class prosperous.
It could be worse. Right now out of all the liberal candidates. Theres not a single one thay wont destroy america

I learned more about human anatomy in 5 minutes from berserking your mom's body in bed last night than I ever did in my life

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Have sex

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I'm VA, that's not me. I'm asexual all the time no matter if I'm in a relationship or not.

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Slightly-longer-hair Alita is cute.

What drink did you make?

Hey guys, how about that ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL?

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We already did.
Lose weight

here's what a color looks like without the black lines in case any of you anons are curious.

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I think we need more of Zapan saying shitty playground insults it's hilarious

I hope you don't have watery OJ now

Being a sadist dominatrix doesnt make you sexual unless you have actual sex

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Huh that's super neat user ty

Cross-over when?

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incels aren't asexual

Are you talking about the film Alita: Battle Angel?

>out of syria
lol, no we're not
>Middle class prosperous.
lol, no it's not. Longer hours for lower wages, less disposable income, more in debt, fewer own homes, most households can't afford $1000 emergency, 83% of tax cut benefits gone to 1%

>It could be worse.

I agree with this and your other points, though. Trump has become a mediocre Republican president, but he's not the evil sky-is-falling dictator many thought him to be, and he's not some wildcard savior many others paint him out to be

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Yes, I'm talking about the 2019 film ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL

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VERY rude and uncalled for

More people are at work than ever before.
I call that real change. Thats all. Economy is amazing.


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I'm a different user, technically I'm a namefag but I don't use it much even though I'm almost constantly posting on here. I've shown my face before on here.
I nearly shared a bunch of stuff after you said that emotional suffering is patrician

Oh shit guys I love the 2019 film Alita: Battle Angel

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Wrong thread
here's your (Thee)

Incels want sex but cant have it so they masturbate.
Masturbation is a form of sex technically.

Asexual people wont even pleasure themselves.

hi leftyfren

Ever been to Yea Forums? Ever been to one of the >girl joins the guild thread? Girls joining an online community almost always spells bad trouble simply because of orbiters and I feel like anons on /ALITA/ area gonna repeat that cycle as well.

some aces do, some dont

>lowest unemployment
Actually, now they don't count people who aren't actively looking for jobs so the real unemployment rate is something like 15-20%

that's some pretty cool art. is it any good?


It's awesome isn't it? Humans are great at stuff so naturally a super advanced humanoid would have muscles like a human.

Hello friend, what did you like most about the 2019 film ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL?

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we're doing fine so far I guess

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Why is there a permanent general for this movie why not just go to Yea Forums and talk about the manga

There is still more people at work than ever before.

Ah ok. Not namefagging can make tread difficult to follow sometimes.

I don't think I am, but I do have my own eccentricity.
>Reproduction via eggs donation because relationships and family are too much of a hassle...

Like what stuff?

Just a margarita out of a bottle with ice, normally I would just do a shot of tequila but someone else was having one

You got it brah.

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After 400 threads there has not been any orbiting.

Based and asexual pilled

Why does this stupid shit always make me laugh fuck you guys.

this image is fascinating

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Don't let the cover fool you, the manga is 95% architecture porn and the 5% of characters are lacking detailed features (intentionally)
Cool imagery though.

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>More people are at work than ever before.

More people are slaving away for longer for less pay than past generation's were paid for the same or similar job. Wages have not risen high enough against inflation. CEOs and other top fat cats are pocketing more and more of the profits when they should be going back into worker's wages. Our HDI, education numbers, quality of healthcare for lower costs, and Income per capita isn't as high as other developed nations

The "economy" as a whole functioning body produces most of its fruits for a handful of the top 3% of people. Everyone else is getting a bum deal. Yes, unemployment and booming economy is good, but not good enough, especially not when most of this activity in the short-run will lead to increased long-term inflation and a very likely recession bubble burst. Not to mention all the damage and serious long-term monetary costs done to the climate and environment for short-term gains in the energy sector, for example.

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I liked the scene on the bridge where Alita: Battle Angel and the male lead, Hugo, kissed together. What about you?

I'm thinking about it.

fren this is another leftyfren but we need to let it drop. I'm glad we blanketpost but we are going to derail things if you have to explain that 'more jobs' doesn't = worthwhile or living wages being met.

>socialism is the answer guys.we need to be like venezuela

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bump for Alita saying bye to Ido in the locker room


Because the vast majority of people here are more interested in discussing the film than the manga.

I can see this happening.

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We dont care about the manga that much

Blame is one of the most distinctive sci-fi manga ever drawn. It's like the opposite of Gunnm in some ways - there's very little dialog, characterization is very subtle and you have to pay close attention to understand what's going on. Everything that happens is explained but you'll miss it if you skim the dialog.


Are people saving this because I kept posting it? You're forgetting the vital part which is the title.

>be like venezuela
>constantly get America destabilizing itself
yes this is a good plan user good job

Speak for yourself, there's lots of manga discussion but the movie is the centerpiece of it all, it's what brought us together.

Every single lib candidate is talking about opening borders for all and higher taxes, defunding ICE and free everything.
Sorry but no thanks.

New thread soon let's wipe it clean and leave it.

but who's baking?

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>lets higher taxes to 70% guys. Its not like the rich wont leave. Lets allow all of central america in. What can go wrong. Lets cut police funding. Bravo AOC.

Friend, my favorite part of 2019 film ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL was female lead ALITA was unable to save male lead HUGO from falling to his death. ALITA's sadness and anger moved me emotionally. HUGO's death showed ALITA the pernicious influence ZALEM has over the inhabitants of IRON CITY.

I've learned that people will distort whatever you make here, OC or even image titles. It's just the way it goes.

let's do 90 like the 1950s lol

>what stuff
Ugh I dunno if I want to vent in this sacred space but if you really want to hear it I'll post it.

LeArN tO cOdE

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SA please no I love Hugo

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I'm not doing it unless nobody else will
I fucked it up last time

I hope you're memeing. We need to be more like a SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, (which is still within the confines of Capitalism, by the way. Market economy, private ownership, entrepreneurship, supply and demand, profit-motive, etc. Literally is Capitalism but with social safety nets implemented through better tax, budgeting, and spending policies, like effective (Neo)-Keynesian economics), like what they have in Finland, Norway, Denmark, and other places where it all works.

On another note, Venezuela is failing right now entirely because of Western sanctions and political turmoil that has nothing to do with the socialist state but with corruption, the same kind of corruption that would exist there if it were fully capitalist. I don't like full-blown or semi-blown socialism, and it's already failed and isn't doing so great in other countries, but that's not the current situation in Venezuela, but I digress, and this is my last post on this, and this is your last thee.


just use a new banner? You did everything else fine.

Sure why not in the next tread

I'm trying to get /ALITA/ to return to talking about /ourgirl/, the movie, gunnm, anything other than contemporary politics.

based leftyfren, I appreciate your posts because I'm too lazy to go on a rant about this.

I think SA likes Hugo tho


Do it fren

you can't make rules but I think we leftyanons are done anyways.


>lets higher taxes to 70% guys

Highest proposed MARGINAL tax rate is 56%

>Its not like the rich wont leave.

They literally never have before, even when the highest marginal tax was at 90% Leave? To where? Any other country on earth that isn't a shithole already has even higher marginal taxes than what what the U.S. is merely proposing today, lol

>What can go wrong.

Only for the super rich, and by "going wrong" it means only being able to afford 7 yachts vs 12.

>Lets cut police funding.

No one has ever suggested this.

>Bravo AOC.

Bravo, brainlet.

My only point is that the current liberal candidates are bat shit insane.
Trump 2020 no matter what

>Liberals arent screaming for cutting of ICE
Nice denial. Live on denial.

Bernie isn't. And even if you think he is, Tulsi sure isn't. Hell, I don't like the guy, but I'd say Pete Buttigieg is sane too.
You said POLICE. ICE is not police. ICE is also not border patrol.

They're not even saying to get rid of ICE, lol, just to cut some funding. This level of cope.

I don't consider myself a "lefty". I'm technically a social democrat/left-libertarian/green party/progressive, but some of my views align too much with certain conservative/Republican/right-libertarian/fascist values for me to be a true "lefty"

That's right, bitch. Who's living on denial now?