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NK was /ourguy/, it's why he had to get the DABID treatment
Dabid on suicide watch
To be fair, in two years no one will remember or care about this stupid show.
prequel show
Just summon Satan, bruh.
Which is why they will make 15 spinoffs
What a dumb fucking show. I stopped watching after Season 3. This guy was supposed to be invincible, but all it took was one stab with a steak knife.
what is the thematically consistent conclusion of this series that was lost because of this choice?
>wanting fairy tales when the most important thing is the politics
get a load of this guy
Petty squabbles over who becomes king mean nothing when there is a looming threat to all humanity. Now that’s gone.
The politics were good in the context that it’s a bunch of meaningless bullshit when death is coming for everyone if they don’t get over it. Turns out death is a bitch.
Wasn't the very first scene in the entire show about whitewalkers?
have an upvote
ok wtf
>The politics were good in the context that it’s a bunch of meaningless bullshit when death is coming for everyone if they don’t get over it. Turns out death is a bitch.
People who have sex
>The politics were good
>wanting more politics from the guys that thought "blow everyone else up lol" was a good conclusion to the Tyrell/High Sparrow arcs
>being surprised by a major GoT character dying in an anticlimactic way
It's literally been this show's gimmick from the very start.
if they said what the plan was in the room with the map
would the night king know about it cause bran knows it?
if not, then i wish they at least hinted on some sort of plan
>Some blunt spear weilded by a sapling
>Valerian steel dagger weilded by a goblin
Reminder goblins are stronger than saplings
That's the spirit, OP.
>thinking dnd can write good politics
>children of the forest used to give dragonglass weapons to men
>don't have dragonglass weapons at their last stand
"Okay, but what is your tax policy?"
>people thought the Ice King would win despite Arya being there
Arya, Jon, and Dany have the strongest character shields and they can't die until the finale episode.
ned dying was not anticlimactic
the nk dying was
If they look retarded, the odds are they have the strength of a retard.
This meme is going over my head.
>major character who trains in assassination ninjutsu kills irrelevant minor character who was constantly downplayed by more sinister antagonists
What exactly is the problem here? So the Night King was a plot device to set up the final "game of thrones". Who didn't see that coming?
Was that not the same spear that Meera picked up to kill the WW just moments later?
The politics were good. It’s just the show completely undermined the threat that was established second 1
This is how your average NPC sees the world. Black and white, with zero capacity for any nuance. Everything is either exactly the same or completely different. They see Ned dying in season 1 and basically extrapolate that to the whole show. "lol its abut all the tweests man who cares for zombie shit"
You won't feel anything is undermined if you never picked up that threat in the first place
Politics are meaningless now though. They just stopped the devil himself from bringing about the apocalypse and you expect us to care who they nominate as president? Besides that, Dabid can't write interesting politics anyway so it's just going to be another "shocking" battle.
Okay.. BUT... Get this..
I think people are mad the series isn't interesting anymore
But I do remember the whole "Winter is coming" thing, all the mystery and forewarning of the white walkers was building up throughout the whole series. Now it seems for nothing, and now who cares about the throne
what even happened to the Reed girl?
It's as if Daenerys killed the mountain or Brianne killed Cersei. It's not their story
It's all George RR Martin's fault. If he stopped banging hookers with his new wealth he'd be done with the story by now
daily reminder the sapling literally run with the spear against the chest, the best way to create the most forcefull thrust meanwhile Aryas stab came from her elbow strength
>>major character who trains in assassination ninjutsu kills
She did not even finish her training, and the faceless man were not some naruto tier ninjas who could go super sayan, they had their whole gimmick about stealing faces exactly to avoid fights and make their lives as assassins easier, they are not warriors, they are assassins.
Besides they cannot even keep her character consistent in the same episode, one second Arya is sneaking in the library, whimpering in fear because six zombies are hunting her, and in the end the zombies still find her, showing she is not exactly that good at being an sneak assassin.
And then five seconds later she is sneaking past 50+ walkers and not a single one reacts to her, and to top it all, she actually screams before reaching the NK, giving herself away and giving him enough time to grab her by the throat and either crush her neck or shatter her like ice, because if walkers are cold enough to shatter fucking iron, human flesh is not going to fare much better, but of course, nope, instead of just killing her like any well written villain would, NK just holds her midair and patiently waits for death, because at that point he is no longer a character but just a puppet being controlled by the director to set the "twist" scene.
The entire episode was dumb, at one point Danny has five zombies reaching her while she is totally unaware, but of course the camera cuts away and when we come back the zombies have been magically teleported away, because god forbid fan favorite characters actually dying.
underrated comment
Arya has a perfect skill set for killing Cersei. It could have been a fantastic surprise, and it fits her character arc. There is nothing special she has for killing the night king in her current skill set.
Most of the politics was from the Fat Man. You really think the two kikes know anything about politics? Any good politics related things in season 5
Good lord that looks like the most generic cheap low budget fantasy tv character ever, fuck I can't believe this came from season 1, literal cardboard armor, that fucking face too lmao looks like a foreign B-movie gandalf in blue.
who would win since training gives you infinite superpowers?
Since both can OHKO everything i guess it depends on who strikes first
Yes. It was.
I guess they subverted our expectations.
>the politics were good
"were" being the keyword in this post.
y'all acting like the show is over
I would also like to know this.
/pol/cel pls
>fuck I can't believe this came from season 1
Good because it didn't.
go fucking die in a fire normie
Obviously Saitama. The other is a weird British woman who smokes pot in a bathtub in between takes on a tv show.
Saitama would beat anyone though. That's his thing, he's completely unbeatable, by anyone, doesn't matter who they are or what they're from.
Might as well be
we haven’t had good politics on game of thrones in years, user. Conveniently right around the time they ran out of book material. huh...
>writing good politics
Pick one and only one
Shut up, incel.
I think she fucked off immediately upon realising that Bran is autistic.
>*teleports behind Saitama*
>Petty squabbles over who becomes king mean nothing when there is a looming threat to all humanity.
That hasn't been contradicted.
The key part is 'when there is'
Now there isn't.
It looks like it doesn't go through the walkers armor completely
>now that’s gone
I keep hearing idiots repeating this as though it’s fact, instead of a highly remote possibility. By now, the fact that you feel like it’s over, should signal to you that it’s not. It means you’re just the ideal D&D puppet. Soon, they will have you sucking their dicks, and you’ll be complaining when they cum in your mouth, as they promised to cum in your eye first. Right then, they both shoot loads in each of your eyes, triggering you to complain that it was counter to canon, bc they came down your throat first, before jizzing in your eye, and that simply was not the jizz that was promised. Then, before you know it, you’re sucking again. Repeat.
arya is female she cant be beaten either
When Ned died I felt something. And given that I still feel things in other media I have to conclude that either I have an undue bias against game of thrones or the writing has gotten worse. One of the two.
>arya kills the NK subverting jon's story
>therefore jon kills cersei subverting arya’s story
it’s pottery
the point is the name of the first god damn book
"a song of ice and fire"
The point of GoT was to drop all the petty political bickering and come together to take on the really enemy death. To stop grandstanding each other and unify under one banner. It was a bigger meaning now its just lol were fighting for a throne with swords on it. The symbolism is dead and it will just get worse from here.
Its like having a han solo movie after you just killed off han solo. The fuck did you think would happen no one actually cares about prequels they are garbage money grabs.
I need to cum on her face
Yeah good thing the show's name is "game of thrones" not "a song of ice and fire" get your facts straight nerd
You're a fool if you think dnd's fanfic will be on par with the earlier seasons
Spear is made out of DG and kills him when he gets stabbed in an open area showing that these frozen corpses have 0 durability and that they aren't really much of a threat.
I hope Euron's kraken turns you into an inside out condom
so basically you want it to just be a good vs evil morality tale, because that reflects your world view, and any nuance or reflection of the complexities of political struggles is not interesting or realistic?
there will be no kraken, Euron will get btfo by a powerful woman and his inclusion in the show will have been for nothing
The entire cast was a hype beast for Auschwitz papa smurf and then they didn't let him live up to the godlike powers they gave him.
Fucking disappointing.
>fantasy kino
>armor does fuck all
>any nuance or reflection of the complexities of political struggles
"orange woman bad" is all the nuance you're getting for the rest of this show
that's a different issue and i already find her sympathetic so i doubt i'll see it that way
plus the political situation just in the north and with Daenerys isn't straightforward
why not both?
The real reason a larger focus on the night king isn't interesting is because he's not an actor so he's not a character so there's no way to have drama with him, and there never has been any.
He's really always just been a plot device and a symbol.
A good villain in a quality drama has to be played by an actor.
I would prefer if the white walkers were never a thing. But they are, and the show built them up over the course of 8 seasons as the ultimate threat. Fucking over that storyline for Cersei of all characters is stupid.
I always read it more as that these human petty squabbles cause nothing but death and unhappiness. This looming threat will unify people temporarily, but ultimately after victory they will return to normalcy having learned nothing and gained nothing of value.
The show is absolutely shit at conveying anything though. The writers care more about shocking you and subverting your expectations than they do about writing a good story. The victory of the chosen one is actually the victory of tyranny, and whatnot, is very grrm so that’s the sorta thing you should be expecting. That said this was a special kind of anti-climax. They didn’t even subvert expectations well. They just pulled shit out their ass.
or both.
>tfw sansa is the little brother and kills cersei with a gun
Cersei is the one who has Bran pushed out of a window in ep 1
that's the signal that she is the villain of the story.
And she has been given motivation for it, way way more so than the night king has, having her children killed, living under the tutelage and abuse of her father, the arc with that religeous guy, finally parting ways with her other brother, etc etc
It's just WAY more compelling. And she's easily one of the best actors on the show.
Is this basically just
lol steak knife
>nuance or reflection of the complexities of political struggles
Are we watching two different shows? Game of Thrones hasnt been nuanced or complex for a while and with 3 episode left expecting anything other then a dumpster fire makes you the retard.
It's only trad fantasy if the "good guys" win. The good guys won. So right now we're in a trad fantasy.
compared to goodies vs baddies "lets all band together and forget our differences and defeat this existential evil threat that wants to end the sun", there is.
You're the only one injecting good and evil into this whole thing... there's nothing evil about the dead, they're the consequence of things that happened ages ago.
that's not exactly how Arthurian shit plays out though. Which is the absolute archetype.
a lot of it is about the ruin and decline of 'good guys'
ah yes, the cowardice of moral relativism
i'm pretty sure wanting to literally kill all humans counts as evil
sorry lol, it's actually
*end all life on earth
>compared to goodies vs baddies
We got that anyways and expecting anything remotely satisfying in the next 3 episodes again makes you retarded.
Actually, they're just cramming a bunch of shit in as fast as possible to wrap up the show. Last season was like that too. Anyone who did not know that Arya was going to kill the Night King is a fucking retard who can't follow the thread of a show. It was painfully obvious that she was going to be the one to do it like three or four seasons ago. /pol9k/ just literally can't handle women existing, which is why everyone's losing their mind over this absolutely predictable outcome (oh no, it wasn't my Johnny snowy my poor wittle cummies). Why on Earth would it be John Snow? That makes no sense, but everyone on this website seems to have thought that that was what was going to happen. Oh no, muh prophecy.
Have sex
>any nuance or reflection of the complexities of political struggles is not interesting or realistic?
You know what would be nuanced and complex? All these characters and factions having to put aside grudges they've held their entire lives, forgive one another, temper their greed or pride, and let go of what they've been scheming for years after in order to stave off a force of god. You know what isn't complex? "lmao I want to be king and sit on the big chair"
It's in the god damned title you fucking mongoloids. It is a "GAME" OF THRONES. A game. Games are for children. They are ultimately inconsequential when compared to the looming threat in the north that the show fucking opened with, that they've been alluding to for 8 seasons now, that they built a huge fuck-off wall a hundred feet high to keep out.
Sure, except there are 3 episodes left. There's no room for new characters or revelations.
Well that's been the entire fucking show since the first season, I'm not sure why you're just realizing it now.
at least it was at the end of the season
that happened though
and you're essentially repeating what I said
I never said that, refuting a specific criticism doesn't mean i'm unilaterally praising the show
just because the only positions you cunts are capable of are 'this is absolute shit' and 'this is genius kino' doesn't make that the only positions possible.
consequential and complex are different concepts user
defeating a big evil which threatens all life isn't complex at all, unless it's climate change, in which case most people behave like cersei
Really makes ya think, doesn't it?
>NK's armor survives dragon fire
>gets pierced by a tiny dagger thrust by a womenlet
everyone who didn't think it would be arya is an idiot
there were a million clues pointing to that
be honest, the problem is you don't want to fuck her
if it was moner as arya you'd be all for it i bet.
excellent point. on the other hand, have sex.
there were none
Not him. I fucking loved Arya killing the NK and fucking hated the way the whole thing went down. He was a total retard, that meant a retard could beat him which diminished what she did. Have him be a dangerous crafty adversary and her killing him with brilliant assassin tactics and skills instead of just running in going "RAAAARGH!!!" would still be cool for more than a few minutes after it happened.
>major character who trains in assassination ninjutsu
For like half a season. Her entire 'training arc' was a bag of goods. She didn't even come close to finishing her training. And there are so many other infuriating things about this episode.
>immune to dragon fire but a valyrian steel sword kills him
Valyrian steel weapons are 'woven with spells' meant to emulate dragonfire. When Sam finds that old book, it has a reference to the Others being vulnerable to 'dragon steel.' The fact that her dagger fucking shattered him but actual fire from a fully grown massive fucking dragon that is supposed to be the second-coming of Balerion the Black Dread did nothing is COMPLETELY retarded. Pure pandering for shock value. Lowest common denominator writing.
Biggest one being the fact that Arya is female and Jon is not
whenever there is a retrospective on western pop culture in the 2010s, this will come up first.
she didn't pierce his armour, she stabbed him through an opening, idiots
It's a shitty scene of a shitty episode on a formerly good show, but get your fake news outta here
>when the most important thing is the politics
if that was the case, it would have been set in a medieval world.
I'm still mad
Remember when marrying the wrong girl would get you, your mother, your whole fucking army and even your pet killed?
Yeah, that was a good show. Now anyone can do whatever and it has no meaning.
yeah, they have no eye measure. if something is vaguely similar, it's just the same. stupid.
Did Meera wipe Bran's ass for him every day? How do you think she felt about that?
This show has been a major redpill about npc's overall, i just can't accept most of them as people now, I used to remember how i was stupid before 12 hit me and became so conscious about my own existance like everything felt like a dream before, i now believe all npcs never get that awakening
Maybe most people don't value some shitty show in their life as much as you do?
Also, The Burlington Bar fanatics do not represent the majority. A lot of people have things they dislike about the show but chooses not to make a fuss about it because they have other things to worry about aswell. Relax man.
honestly, why couldn't Bran just send a raven to the Temple of the Many Faced god with a payment and a note to kill the Night King?
If Arya Fucking Stark, the assassin flunkie and drop out managed to do it, I'm sure notJesus could've done a cleaner job
Could Arya Stark kill global warming?
The Faceless Men would ask him for his arms as payment or some shit like that
No, you don't get it, most people who aren't npc strive towards philosophy, politics, music... there are people out there who literally can't think
Most people put most of their energy into their social life, be it family friends or relationships. Most people don't care as much about entertainment as more than just a time killer.
That's just the indent of of his armor on his chest, there's no actual exposed area.
And then you ask them why their relationships are meaningful for them and they put a blank face, like they don't even know what meaning even means, do you even realize the issue?
>rewrite history to get your sister trained by assassins to save the world so you don't have to hire an assassin to do it
Is Bran the biggest jew in GoT?
>at one point Danny has five zombies reaching her while she is totally unaware, but of course the camera cuts away and when we come back the zombies have been magically teleported away, because god forbid fan favorite characters actually dying.
Pretty sure you could make a drinking game of every time a character is literally surrounded by walkers and is 1 second away from certain death, they cut away, and then they cute back they were apparently fine and got out of the situation somehow. Except you'd probably get alcohol poisoning.
that "armor" looks like a leather vest, surely a Valyrian steel knife would cut through that like nothing
The richness of prophecies in the books is that on many different levels, it could be several of the main characters
>normies watch Battle of the Bastards which had a ton of inconsistencies, lazy writing, tropes, and asspulls but they applaud and toast each other with onions glasses
>normies watch this episode and suddenly complain
Why though? The series has been rolling around in shit for more than half of the running time
Arya killing the Night King does nothing to really add to the story besides apparently establishing now she's an invincible ninja assassin. There would be no difference in the overall plot if Jon did it instead of Arya coming out of literally nowhere to do it. It's more of how they did it instead of Arya being the one that did it.
Well it's got some magic bullshit placed on it because it survived the dragon's fire as well.
Because Battle of Bastards did not shit on 8 years of buildup you retard. The only major thing BoB did wrong was not having the Northern lords abandon Ramsay. That was in the script but got cut.
>last year, after Littlefinger died
>wanting politics when the most important thing are fairy tales
you do realize that the genre is medieval fantasy?
>he thinks Dumb&Dumber "politics" is any better
Can't wait for three more episodes of everyone saying how smart Sansa is but not doing anything particularly smart or Cersei randomly requesting elephants. Or how about Tyrion being nothing but background noise or Varys being even more background noise? RIVETING
>the entire vale army sneaks up on Ramsay who has the best knowledge of the north so muh Jon doesn't die
Yeah, no. Jon Snow deserved to lose the battle and die but game of thrones is now basically cape shit so we had that instead
They should have made John kill the zombie dragon like the hero he’s supposed to be. The NK then would fall to the ground, hurt, and all his army of undead destroyed. Turns out NK gave half his heart/core to the dragon so he’d be inmune to fire (makes sense since Danny has 2 fucking dragons and she even roasts the NK alone). While the NK was on his knees, the survivors surround them and before anybody executes him, he tells them his motivation in afew lines of dialogue.
Honestly, this is nothing. Try to imagine the complete rage in 2 weeks when Daenerys isn't killed by Jon and becomes queen, invalidating all the prophecies because a woman can't be dealt wrong anymore after Sansa's rape
left is a STRONK WOMAN
right is an incel
yeah, so it has to have both at the same time. You can't alternate and focus only on one in each season
The normies loved s8e3 at first. They've had to be educated not to like it by patricians.
Doesnt make it good.
>now the reason for Jon Snow's resurrection is...
yeah whole armies that teleport right behind you on your own turf is retarded
Quick here lads.
The Walkers released their new album!
For people bitching about Arya piercing NK with Valerian dagger, reminder that this gem happened.
Valerian flip flops between worthless and OP when it's convenient.
The same shit happened with Luke throwing away his lightsaber in TLJ
>dude he threw it away in RotJ, so it's exactly the same! You can't complain about it if you liked the old movies!
They conveniently ignore how one scene was Luke following the Jedi way of non-aggression, while the other was played as a joke aimed at the audience.
Just wait till Dany finds out she's pregnant this week and you fuckers realize her plot armor is now unbreakable.
this but arya
As someone who has never seen the show or read the books, I am plenty entertained by the snippets of fan reaction I find here and elsewhere.
I also summarized this episode in a snarky way to my mom.
There are no more politicians in westeros, incel.
Imagine thinking like this loser.
I know who you are. You're the same retard who said in 2012 that Sansa was gonna be a great player. Neck yourself, legbeard hamplanet wannabe thot (wannabe is because nobody fucks you).
While I do think that ending White Walkers in one episode in one of the lamest ways possible is very sad, I don't get people who think returning back to politics is silly.
It's absolutely 100% something Martin would do, it's breaking convention. Think back to Lord of the Rings, after they defeated Sauron Aragorn became king, Samwell married that wench he wanted to fuck since Frodo is too frigid and everyone lived happily ever after.
Here, the big bad is defeated but they still don't know who is to be the king, they were betrayed by Cersei and got completely wrecked.
Perhaps disposing of more characters, especially important ones like Brienne who really has nothing else to do at this point, or Sam, or easily the most crushing one being Jaime which would pit them in an interesting situation against Cersei.
Anyhow, what I am trying to say is that I do believe Martin wouldn't end book once White Walker threat is over. He started writing them to write a story that doesn't end with ring being destroyed.
Based on this, can we assume that Cersei will end up dead at the hands of an original character that's the waifu of the two gentlemen on the right?
You've been pretty much outed as a moron here by all people who replied to you and yet you still act the smuggest out of all of them.
Grow up.
LOTR didn't end with the destruction of the Ring either. GRRM has said he loved the scourging of the Shire, implying he wants a similar minor conflict at the end of ASOIAF.
>It's absolutely 100% something Martin would do, it's breaking convention.
I would agree and disagree on this point. If Martin was writing a scene similar to what happened on the show last Sunday, he would have had it play out with a bit more grounding in real-world logic. More of the Others would have been destroyed in the attempt to attack the fortifications of Winterfell, some of the humans may have been killed due to some sort of mistake or bad luck, and the Others would not be stopped simply because their leader was killed. At least, that's how I feel it would happen.
It's not Jon Snow's story either. He's just some upjumped Mary Sue that already gets to go from lowly bastard, to LC of the NW, to King in da Norf, to fuckbuddy with a dragon queen, to King of Westeros. He's already just some super lucky faggot kid. The idea that he'd ALSO be the one to kill the NK wasn't something I EVER though was going to happen. That's not how GRRM rolls. It's not even how Tolkien rolled. Fucking Bilbo doesn't kill Smaug. Some Dude does.
This. Arya isn't the Mary Sue of the show. It's Jon Snow. He was even resurrected.
>That's not how GRRM rolls.
NK isn't in the books.
it is dragonglass that's the point retardo. It's established visually that's all they have.
>there were a million clues pointing to that
yes in the episode but not in the preceding 7 seasons
See You're a fucking moron. You obviously didn't read the books.
Exactly. However this shit gets resolved in the books isn't going to involve any of this shit (primarily because it'll never be published). There isn't going to be some kind of 1v1 ebin animu showdown.
yes but why the fuck was his midriff exposed for no reason? there's literally no armor design that would expose your gut area of all places
>Who didn't see that coming?
probably GRRM when he wrote the first five books
>People wanted a good pay off to a villian shown from there first scene in the first fucking episode
So you're one of those fags eh? My advice, kill yourself so we can stop getting such shit stories.
Well done OP, well done OP, however...
why was he at the front lines anyway lmao. if he waited hed won in 5 min
Fuck off, the white walkers and the zombie army were a major existential threat to Westeros, which was literally added in the first scene of the first episode. Two main characters' series arcs revolved around this storyline (Jon and Bran), there were two major settings dedicated to it (beyond the Wall with wildlings and the Wall with Castle Black).
And then we end up with both Jon and Bran completely cucked out of the conclusion of their series arc, as well as the main villain of this storyline killed in the most anticlimatic way possible. A major storyline that has spanned the entire duration of the show.
oh yeah he had literally no reason to confront Bran in person so there's another plot hole
Amazing bait
What I dont get is why they went to all the effort of having certain characters gain Valerian steel weapons when dragonglass also kills white walkers. What's the point of having both do the same thing? And how many other things can kill white walkers that they haven't found out about yet? Can dragon dung be used to make explosives that shatter white walkers? Having a "krytoptite" to begin with is stupid, but they ruin it even further by having both materials do essentially the same job. They should have had Sam investigate the secret of how to create Valerian steel, and Dany should have used to dragons to forge new weapons. Maybe the Lannisters attack the forge and take all the weapons for themselves, and the white walkers run a train through the north until they reach Lannister territory and get BTFO.
Ugh, I still can't get over this. The only way to redeem the show is for the White Walkers to somehow still be a threat and this is a fake out or false victory. I heard a fan theory that Bran isn't actually Bran; he's the original Three-Eyed Raven who warged into Bran during Hold the Door scene, and he's been the real BBEG the whole time, with WWs coming to try to whack him specifically for...some reason.
But of course, Dabid will fuck this up, WWs are gone, now its just realm politics. The apocalypse was just a distraction from what's really important, which is which of these unqualified assholes gets to lord over the oppressed peasantry.
I don't know if dragonglass was effective on the White Walkers, but it was clear that it was effective on the *zombies*. Remember, WWs and their zombie minions (often called "wights") are two different types of creatures. One is an icy fey humanoid, the other is a reanimated corpse under the first's control.
The dragonglass was to defend against the massive hordes of zombies. The Valyrian Steel was for the few WWs themselves (like two dozen at most).
She returned home after Bran tell her to fuck off even she after she saved his life
That's some bad dungeon mastering in my opinion. The wights should have just been relatively easy to kill or at least dismember. It's just poor writing and comes off like they couldnt think of a way to actually make human vs zombie fights interesting.
Don't act like this show wasn't ruined from the moment it left the published page as backup for the show's writing.
>Not getting the point of the show
Ur legitimately retarded
It was the other way around, the dragonglass was made to kill white walkers as was shown when lardass gurm self-insert killed a white walker with a dragonglass dagger.
Bran spent his entire time in the north only finding out the meaning of Hodors name in which he got from Bran being in the north. There is nothing else to Bran's character.
I don't blame a wolf when he eats a man, why blame a magical creation for doing its purpose?
Bilbo didnt give a shit about Smaug.
Jon spent 7 seasons searching allies explaining that the real threat were the undead army, freefolk, nightwatch, Lords of the nord, Dany, Cersei and how is jon a mary sue? he accomplished nothing without help. Battle against freefolks? saved by stannis. Hardome? got raped by NK. Protecting the wall? yeah no. Battle of bastards? Saved by Sansa. Vs Karl? saved by a girl. He Becomes lord commander? Betrayed and resurrected. King of the nord? bended the knee. Go to king landis to search a truce with Cersei then beyond the wall to capture a wight? Saved by Dany and Cersei didnt even send help
Arya instead is a master in archery, throwing dagger, using sword staff, bested Brienne, she can stealth, use poison, change face, detect lie, killed Meryn trant, the freys, little finger, Night king
Have sex
how to spot a redditor: the post
I'm pretty sure he's a volcel
worst case scenario, he can pin down any woman he wants to and rape them on the spot
Completely right can't believe these incels who do not have sex don't see it.
1. She's immortal as proven in this image
2. She's a woman
>whenever there is a retrospective on popular music in the 2010s, generic talentless nigger crap will come up first.
your point?
Valyrian steel also kills WWs, as per Arya w/ NK and Jon with Hardhome WW
How was it anticlimactic? You have a scene where Varys says war soon™ with stark/lannister, execution of a stark is just repeating history and what they went to war over last time. You know finger is manipulating things because he knows too much be uninvolved. His first major acts are killing a man with the sword he's killed with and murdering his houses sigil. Walking fucking death flag of a man.
The entire fucking point of the show was that stupid humans are fighting with each other when real threat is growing stronger.
They abandoned that for muh throne bullshit. Literally years of buildup, prophecies and other shit made completely worthless.
Now show the webm of Snow shattering a WW in a single hit of his sword.
The dude that killed Smaug is captain of a group of archers and a descendent of the lords of the city that Smaug destroyed. By killing Smaug Bard reclaims his family's right to rule, ending the dark times his ancestor failed to prevent.
Instead of a bunch of dwarves who ran away on day one and only came back years later for the treasure.