Can we get a Godziller general?

Can we get a Godziller general?

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For me it's King Caesar.

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for me it's Ghost Godzilla

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I’m pretty hyped bros, this is going to be some comfy kaiju kino

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Apparently Criterion holds the rights to most of the Showa movies, but they have only released Godzilla 1954 on blu-ray. You have to subscribe to their gay streaming service to watch the other ones.

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has anyone ripped them for torrents?

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Is this the Pulgasari thread?

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I'm most concerned about how they'll handle Mothra. I know they're going for "realism" in these movies about giant monsters, but Mothra won't seem right without the twin fairies. I'll even be satisfied if they make a passing reference to them like they did in GMK. I feel like without them and the supernatural element, Mothra is just a giant bug, which is much more absurd than a giant dinosaur or dragon.

The poster contest produced some kino
Too bad most of it was stupid “minimalist” bullshit
And then you had one guy who was literally just submitting pictures of his iguana

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He was designed after cats at a certain point, especially the Godzilla from Final Wars.

Shin Minilla?

I honestly haven't tried looking. This site has most of the movies available to stream for free, but most are probably not blu-ray rips:

Also they don't have Pulgasari unfortunately.

Heisei Godzilla looks like a cat, which always struck me as an odd design choice.

You okay with spoilers?
Evidently there are no fairies, though they are musically referenced (the Mothra Song is used as her theme, with two females singing
It is implied that she (as well as Godzilla) were at one time worshipped by ancient cultures
She and Godzilla are also portrayed as “natural allies” whose species existed in a symbiotic relationship in prehistoric times

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I forgot I downloaded all of these in high school. Dunno about the quality though and I have no idea how to drop a link.

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>tfw I own that Showa Godzilla collection
>Now it's worth like $250

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You talking about the Classic Media DVDs? I own most of them too. feelsgoodman.jpg

I kinda wish they had kept Godzilla in more of a moral grey area in regards to helping humanity. I feel he's more interesting when it's not automatically assumed he's not going to hurt humans. Contrast this with Mothra who is almost always protective of humans.

Not really. It's pretty common to design "heroic" reptilian monsters with features you'd find in cats and dogs, helps the audience relate to them.

But Heisei Godzilla is bad half of the time.

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Toho, like Marvel at one time, screwed up and gave away distribution rights to several different companies for cheap in the US, so now we can't have a decent collection release. They have glorious box sets in Japan.

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The point is to give him personality. If he was JUST a big dinosaur it would be a downgrade from what people associate the idea of Godzilla with

Kiss you guys!

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They sort of do. He’s depicted as being generally heroic and mostly benevolent but the threat is still there, the military still sees him as a threat and it’s implied he can and will fuck humanity up if provoked
They released a clip that sort of shows this

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Alexa play Bio Wars


Forgot clip

Too bad that movie was kind of mediocre

This looks like King Ghidora and Godzilla have some tender sex.

Judging from the trailers they will have rough fucking in the movie instead.

I want a movie with kaiju sex now

I don't get where Godzilla and Mothra's alliance is supposed to come from. They hate each other in all but two films (destroy all monsters and Ghidorah the three-headed monster). Godzilla is otherwise the leading cause of death in Mothras.

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It came from the fact that Godzilla is already established as a protagonist of sorts, and Mothra is mandatory positive character.

Yeah sure let's get more people like this posting in here

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My cinema isn't getting the movie. Good grief. Now I have to drive over sixty miles and back again just to see it.
Country living is fun until this happens.

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Speaking of trailers, I watched some for the new movie and in one of them there was this talk about how "earth species are dieing out and the only way to save the planet is to find the titans and let them fight" or something. WTF is this bullshit? Did I understand that correctly or am I retarded?

The new Xbox looks sick. Shame only 4 are made for a twitter contest

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>tfw have an actual IMAX theater within 10 minutes of driving
Feels lucky af

>oh no, an occasional cancer may appear, we can never discuss these movies here, ever!
Get a grip, faggot.

What the fuck is he exactly a chinese dragon rabbit

No, it's the crazy eco terrorist bitch. She's a villain in the movie.

Let's not
The one thing I dislike about the Godzilla fandom is that our cringy faggots are some of the worst out there

He's supposed to be a Shisa, which is like one of those Chinese lion dog statues that guard doorways.

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Because it's supposed to be King Shisaa

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I think the plan is box set once they've finished the run as closely as possible, as I'm assuming that Universal isn't gonna budget on the Toho Kongs. Kraken's Showa rights expired last month, so Gigan, Hedorah and Sea Monster will probably end up in Criterion's hands soon.

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I'm not big on commentaries but the one included in the Criterion collection from a film historian that has specialty in Showa-era Japanese films does a really good job detaling the background behind the film.

I mean to be fair with Sea Monster in the Showa series, they were just doing an replace text of a King Kong script.

You mean her? So she will be responsible for releasing all the monsters? Will she also be the mother of that girl from Stranger Things?


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Forgot pic

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It's kinda amazing how much Japan fucking HATED the original Gojira when it came out. There were cries of "too soon" and it being exploitative because the Lucky Dragon 5 incident had just occurred only what, 7 months earlier?

Hit submit too soon. I was going to say that Japanese critics and audiences only decided to re-examine the film after the praise it got in its US release.

Yeah, she's working for Charles Dance, who is the lead ecoterrorist that decided after a lifetime of war and seeing the worst of humanity, it's time for a culling.

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America did the same thing with Cloverfield, and that was made a whole seven years after 9/11.

9/11 doesn't really compare to the most devastating war in human history and from the Japanese alone cost 3 million lives (if you count the whole 15 years they were at war starting in China)

A general will only attract them like a moth to flame

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Based Tywin

Be honest, you know jack shit about Japanese Godzilla fans.

I just finished this series and I am so fucking MAD at all that awesome lore and ideas that were wasted on this plodding Netflix throwaway and will never get any proper treatment. If they made these 3 movies entirely shit it'd be much easier to accept and move on but all these little nuggets of brilliance hidden on a typical netflix original anime turd it's much more frustrating.

To give it credit, Earth Godzilla rise on the first movie and Ghidorah's descent on the last(the fight was shit though) were really good sequences.

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Well, that kinda makes sense, I guess. At least it's not as shitty as my initial thoughts after watching the trailer where I thought that she works for Monarch and they want to save the earth/species by releasing all the monsters and all goes horribly wrong.

Don't tell that to New York especially because Cloverfield tore down building seven and killed everyone who saw him do it.

I'm from Jersey, I'm well aware of how the tri-state area feels about the subject. I just simply think it's not comparable in terms of loss.

>it's a weeaboo episode

Yeah but only English dubs as far as I know. Which is beyond gay

Huh, James Rolfe said the Toho BD collection has no english subs, but my rips all do. They must have been fansubbed.
I had to watch the crappy dvd version of Final Wars instead because the Japanese BD had the audacity to dub over Don Frye.

people probably just put the dvd subs onto the hd files

Yeah probably. Which might explain why one of the movies has mistimed subs, forget which one.

God, I hope that uus shitstormingly good, and not as bad as that 2014's atrocity.

Speak for yourself Yea Forumsmblr, you're in for some big surprises you ponyfucker piece of shit.

I'm sure they're aware of the criticisms of the first film considering pretty much everyone had the same complaints.

Doughtery has stated that he wants KoTM to be "the Aliens to the first film's Alien," as in being a sequel that has loads of monster action in contrast to the more restrained film before it

is that you, Caleb?

Not the best comparison since I think Alien is a much better movie than Aliens, even if Aliens is great.

It wasn't THAT bad.

>be obsessed with Godzilla ever since I was little
>eventually get the nickname Godzilla from my cousins
>still called that nickname to this day
>finally took the time to watch every movie
>autistically scoured the internet to find the highest quality versions of each movie
>have my collection assembled and begin watching
>majority of movies are bad to outright garbage
I'm still a fan, always will be, but man was I disappointed. I'm excited for King of the Monsters despite absolutely despising the amerimutt fatass godzilla design. Sorry for the blog.

>amerimutt fatass godzilla design
Starting with Heisei, all Godzillas are fatasses.

The worst thing a Godzilla fan can do is watch the movies again as an adult. They belong in your childhood memories, not your To Be Watched queue.

you betcha

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>majority of movies are bad to outright garbage

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>that's shitstormingly good
Fix'd. Sorry for that.


Godzilla 1984 is the comfiest of all Godzilla films

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I only owned 2 godzilla movies as a kid though. Vs. Megalon and Vs. Mechagodzilla.

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At least only one Godzilla movie is just outright boring. Sadly, it's the second movie.

Why did they never try cadmium missiles again? They seemed very effective.

They kept thinking the next strategy would work better. And it did sometimes, like the bacteria that drove him away at the end of Biollante. His constant recovery is their worst problem, and there's no real way around that.

fuck mothra

If maybe you said the majority of the Showa era films were bad I'd accept that, but Heisei is nothing but bangers and Millennium is half good half okay.

Yeah, but after cadmium missiles he only recovered from random lightning that hit skyscraper he fell on.

The new movie needs a dumb radar dish tank.

I was thinking about rewatching these movies and your post made me a bit worried, but then I remembered all the Godzilla movies I watched as a kid were Heisei ones.

I probably went too far calling them garbage. I did enjoy them, but I wouldn't want to watch them again. I'll say they were disappointing and just leave it at that.

best godzilla march version coming through

still makes me shit my pants

Mothra looks dead

godzilla a cute

heisei is ass, the only good kaiju films were directed by honda, fukuda, kaneko, and anno

What's the grey one?

Special features.

City on the Edge of Battle > 2014

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Ghostzilla is OP af.

Every last poster is a work of art.

Motherfucking iconic. I bet these artists would have worked for free.

This goes a ling way toward explaining why I love Zilla so much. He's a gigantic dinolizardcatbear.

The new design seems most influenced by the Heisei King Ghidorah.

I’ve never heard that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Imagine you were a Japanese person living in 1954 Tokyo watching that movie in the cinema. It would be horrifying.

MC impregnated one of the Mothra twins, but an heroed into Godzilla because his original waifu died. Wtf man?

Damn, that Zillabox looks tight.

Yeah, it was just incredibly mediocre.
>human characters are unlikeable except for Bryan Cranston’s character who dies in the first 30 minutes
>Godzilla has the spotlight stolen by amorphous grey bug monsters
>impossible to actually see anything in the final battle
I guess the normies loved it enough to warrant a sequel, though.

He's a golem kaiju made from the remains of a dragon and they built it in the shape of their guardian dogs.

The normies were lukewarm about it, which is part of why KotM is failing to generate hype.

>majority of movies are bad to outright garbage
There are really only a few gems out of the entire franchise, but that’s because the Showa movies eventually started catering to kids. A lot of Godzilla movies intentionally rip off popular American movies and TV shows that were contemporary to their releases. All the Showa movies with aliens were probably influenced by Star Trek, and the Heisei series had obvious references to action movies like Terminator. A lot of the cheesiness of Godzilla movies was intentional.

That and a solid lack of advertising. 2014 did the same thing. They both have absolutely no marketing, and people who aren't already interested have no idea what's coming.
Or maybe I'm just comparing it to Godzilla 1998's marketing, which was everywhere and couldn't be avoided.

Ending is sad though.

>Heisei is nothing but bangers
Watch vs King Ghidorah again and tell me that’s not the corniest movie ever.

I know! I'm hype as fuck!

My absolute favorite of them all, I was so excited to get the bluray.

I like how the King Kong vs Godzilla title theme gets inserted in there.

>All the Showa movies with aliens were probably influenced by Star Trek
Monster Zero predates Star Trek

>but Heisei is nothing but bangers

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He an heroed because he knew that otherwise the circle would start anew, humans would try to kill Godzilla, rebuild their civilization and Ghidorah would came again. The brown slut didn't hate Godzilla, those people were fine living in harmony with it. So the mc's sacrifice at least postponed the cycle for a while.

Godzilla is the worst part of the movie. It's only good when it's focusing on the political stuff.

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>Godzilla 1984 is the comfiest of all Godzilla films
>My absolute favorite of them all, I was so excited to get the bluray.
MFW the (IMO superior) American cut will never get released on Blu Ray or even DVD.

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Are these from piratebay? I remember downloading a batch with all the movies too.

Can kinda relate. As a 80s kid I was obsessed with the 60s/70s movies but didn't know about the one after 84 and when I did I couldn't get any of them, though they sold the toys for some reason. Finally in the late 90s I started to get them and..... yeah kinda disappointing. mostly because I had imagined so much about space godzilla and the new mechagodzilla and such.

Wasn't the original Godzilla supposed to be ''a scaly otter of whale-proportions''?

Our first really good look at the 2019 Ghidorah model

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What's that got to do with the Lucky Dragon thing?

He was just doing his job.

It was shit after Cranston died and they were clearly way too embarrassed of the source material to play it straight and that's why you barely had any Godzilla in the movie and far too much superfluous army shit, which just made it worse because the human element was so atrociously boring. I mean if your entire human theme is family how coukd you fuck it up so badly by barely showing the son's family in San Francisco? That should have been the hook, the mom and kid struggling to survive while monster shit happened around them. For fucks sake, even Ken Watanabe was more interesting pov character and he barely did fuck all.

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>muh Cranston
I hate you guys.

Based laughing Rodanchad reminding us how many days.

His head seems way smaller than it should be


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