Local theater after avengers: endgame

local theater after avengers: endgame

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lame on people for doing it
that mess can be cleaned so fast though

how many times has this thread been made

What theater has fucking couches

have sex wagie

galaxy theater and town square in vegas

people love it and request it

>waaaaah I need to toss some trash away and sweep up a little bit of popcorn
Kids these days, unironically

That's good for the economy. Creates more jobs and whatnot. Show some gratitude, wagies.

My local AMC theater has those same exact seats. They recline all the way too, which is cool

90% of theaters switched to "luxury" seats years ago ma dude. At least where I live.

> Hired as a janitor.

Clean it up, wagie

At least you're not mopping up jizz in a porno theater

He could have cleaned half of that up in the time it took him to pose for the photo

Stop living in a shithole

Why the fuck do people have a whole meal in the theater? Do people really go to eat? Just get a medium popcorn and coke so you'll have something to munch on.

>noooo let us just work in a cinema and watch free films and shit before release!! lolz xD
Fuck off wagey. Pick up my shit.


>he has never noticed the couples seats

>won't even do intermissions for 3 fucking hour long movies so you can piss anymore
Fuck them. That shit literally takes no time to clean up.

but go to the movies with a empty stomach fuck you if you have a problem with that
go to a morning showing if really bothers you

most non-mainstream theaters have this now, because people really don't want to leave their house anymore to see a movie. My local theater started serving alcohol too, but there's a 3-drink limit and they won't serve you straight liquor you have to get it mixed (e.g. I can't order a scotch, I must order it mixed with coke or some bullshit)

>Complaining about having to do a job you get paid for
Americans, everyone

I figured the theater bar was pretty widespread now.
I still sneak in alcohol anyway because it's overpriced as fuck.

My local theater started serving wine and everything

Cracking beers during explosions will never get old

About to sneak in two nippers and two beers in my gf's purse for endgame tomorrow

You realize how fat Americans are right?

When I saw Blue is the Warmest Color in theaters there was an interracial lesbian couple in the back that legit brought in a twelve pack and just started cracking them open

This. If I was his boss I'd beat him and if he tried to quit I'd tell him he's not allowed to and dock his pay for even trying.



this user gets it

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>in my gf's purse
Kek, totally misread this first time through.

>interracial lesbian couple
Well they can pretty much do whatever they fucking want.

People who eat in a movie theatre are the weakest race

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This. You shouldn’t leave trash but thar mess takes 1 minute to clean. Also if you spill popcorn there’s not a lot you can do unless you can pull a broom out of your ass.

>being american savage
>working for american savages

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People who don't even drink are the true alphas

What, am I supposed to take out the garbage for them so it doesn't get overfilled? Fuck that, not my job. But atleast all that garbage isn't around it on the floor.

the ones that have to support the weight of Amerifats

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It doesn't even look that bad.

Seriously clean up your manchildren and stop leaving them to be cleaned up, they don’t fit in the bags anymore.

>porno theater
Do those still exist?

Or just bring a dang can of beans with you. Easy peasy.

almost all theaters in my area have these recliners. You can reserve the seat you want too, it's nice

Make sure to eat soft food so u can make a real nice poop penis

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theatre drinkers are weak, i could sit through a 4 hour movie if i wanted

omfg intermission?! its a fucking movie i held my piss just fine seriously

We just had it yesterday, where it served as an excuse for children to pretend they leave a mess because being obnoxious is cool and edgy.
Every one of those kids is a ban evading spammer I guarantee it.

Good for you.


This was found at my local theater

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it fell out of you ass huh?

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I used to work at a movie theater, I've seen a lot worse than that.


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Whiskey and coke is the best possible drink you absolute incel

Mr. Shekelberg said to bring your mop to the elevator once you're done cleaning the shit dick off the bathroom stall

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Vote with your urine.

I have plenty of that after drinking 128 oz of refreshing, ice cold Coca Cola during the film.

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Oops, wrong webm.

Attached: clean_it_wagie.webm (480x360, 1.02M)

I drink whisky neat. Adding coke in whisky is for women and metrosexuals

I did exactly this and it worked perfectly. Her purse fit 4 bottles

Have sex


stop marking up prices ten fold and perhaps I won't leave my empty beer cans and crab legs on the floor

punchline writes itself

Did he died?

I don't even need to it, it's just the only time I touch popcorn and damn if I love popcorn

it's also because bedbugs are a real problem for non leather seats