>Iron Man
>An arrogant and wealthy innovator driven to heroism by a traumatic ordeal.

>Captain America
>A soldier out of his time who never gives up.

>A mighty prince sworn to defend all of humanity despite conflicts with his homeland.

>Doctor Strange
>An arrogant and wealthy innovator driven to heroism by a traumatic ordeal.

>Captain Marvel
>A soldier out of his time who never gives up.

>Black Panther
>A mighty prince sworn to defend all of humanity despite conflicts with his homeland.

Attached: New Trinity.png (1700x1450, 2.47M)


Or is it?

You can't spell her without he, woman without man, nor good without god. Think about it.

why can't black panther look more like that? boseman looks fucking weird too skinny and long ass retarded arms

Stan Lee recycled his ideas constantly. I don't blame him. There are only so many.

How is captain marvel out of her time? She wasn’t frozen or anything

She left Earth in 1995 and never came back.

90s is not out of time

1995 was 25 years ago in the MCU.

>Boomer Thor
>Dr Strange
>Captain Marvel
>Black Panther
>Captain Falcon
>Scarlett Witch

confirmed kino for the next 10 years

And? She can fit in just fine with society still, they'll still be making 90s references then

more like
>every film is the same

>Not liking FalconCap

Attached: Eagle.jpg (1000x1300, 1005K)

Looks neat tbqhwyf

have sex

>yfw they add random Nordic/white Africans to Wakanda in background scenes for Black Panther 2.

Attached: HatersGonnaHateDonaldDuck.gif (320x240, 805K)

>Dr. Strange
Absolutely Based.
>Captain Marvel.

I get the oddest feeling that CM isn't going to have such traumatic things happen to her best friend, lose the love and friendships she made in the first movie, and keep fighting after getting the absolute shit beaten out of her in an inspiring moment.

I also get the feeling Black Panther isn't going to have his homeland wrecked and his people dispersed until eventually a foreigner has to take the crown from him.

Dr Strange is absolutely going to get the shit kicked out of him, his girlfriend if not ghosted outright then moved to a minor role until she becomes a sorceress, and everything he works to build broken and shattered though.

Just speculation of course, I would love to have my expectations subverted.

Wakanda being destroyed is the bread and butter of Black Panther stories.

Attached: Imperius Rex.jpg (2002x1540, 3.01M)

>anything capeshit
Kill yourself npc-kun.

Falconcap a meh.
No super steroid, just a guy with jetpack and shield.

The npc opinion is to not like capekino, retard.

But he has HEART.

I want the real bird. The drone sucks.

im just a nigger with a rocket launcher