What you snacking on during kino time tonight bros?
What you snacking on during kino time tonight bros?
its boiled potatoes day, so that
Delicous Aloe
I bought a large pizza to eat while I watched GoT S08E03. I only ate half of it tho. I'm saving the other half for a bedtime snack
Why the fuck are you keeping canned soup in your fridge fucktard
fucking this
>putting your campbells stew in the fridge
what even for, that shit lasts forever
I know right, wtf
Steel reserve
>peanut butter in the fridge
There's also an open container of water for some reason.
So it doesn’t go bad? Seems fairly obvious.
>Voss vann
user, hva faen...
I will never understand why american love lite beer
its like beer flavouring added to fizzy water
i just ate 2 sandwiches and 2 cookies from jimmy johns - wtf is wrong with me, I'm not even a fatass (except today)
>get drunk w/o getting fat
Gee it’s a mystery
my man
>ketchup in the fridge
>apple in the bag still
>diet coke
>miller lite
>so on and so on
the stuff in it, the organization... it's like it was designed to be as stupid as possible, but just real enough to be believable.
Extremely based and incredibly redpilled
I made a pot of gumbo and am eating it while watching the Sopranos.
Those fucking cans are one of the most ingenious trolls i've ever seen
>tfw my parents used to keep peanut butter in the fridge
This. It’s so perfectly triggering.
Fast day
>no one comments on the size of the fridge
thats only because you have tiny cans, you can't get drunk because they are like 4%
you would need to drink 20 330ml cans
here in canada it's 4% and like 100ish calories a beer. if you are so worried about getting fat drink water and vodka, or whiskey. whats the point of drinking 15 or 16 light beer when you could just drink a normal amount of proper alcohol.
Beer buzz is more comfy. No one wants to drink vodka at 1pm on a boat.
but then you have to drink more because it’s so low abv. just drink less of something that is more flavorful and has higher abv
Ew wtf. Who puts bee syrup and peanut butter in the fridge. Besides not a single veggie on sight. Obviously amerifat
>>ketchup in the fridge
>room temperature ketchup
>room temperature ketchup
this is an old meme pic on Yea Forums. ALl these newfriends on this boards are so fucking disgusting.
>refrigerated peanut butter
>refrigerated canned soup
Did whoever took this photo just jam a bunch of shit from the cupboard in there so they don't look like fucking poorfags who can't even shop for groceries
>dipping hot fries in cold ketchup
bitch.EVEN cigarettes are better cold,fool/
If this triggers you guys this much you'd have a nervous breakdown if I showed you the contents of my refrigerator.
We’re waiting user
Somebody PLEASE explain to me the willing choice by so many people to drink disgusting urine "lite beer". What is the fucking point? How is it not an enormous money sink with literally NO enjoyable benefit?
Not everyone is an alcoholic like us, fren. They can get drunk off of lite beers.
Just because it's an old pic doesn't mean questions can't still be raised about it today, stupid gatekeeping teen. Die.
>honey in the fridge
do americans really do this?
I'm not alcoholic at all, though. I drink very moderately. I just respect my body to much to ingest such garbage, much less pay to do it. I don't drink to get drunk. I drink to enjoy the craft behind it all.
God, what a depressing life it must be to willingly consume miller/bud/coorshit.
Whatever I feel like having at the bar, cause I’m doing karaoke with some friends tonight
I had some Broccoli and cheese soup and a tuna sandwich. Slow cooking pulled pork for tomorrow but might try some when I get fucked up later.
Why refrigerate the soup?
Ok joe cool
But it's delicious.
Karaoke is probably the least impressive bar one could go to so I’m not really bragging
haha Yea Forumsbrothas this is actually not my refridge hehe this is a fridge from many years ago on Yea Forums hoho is this not epic and BASED broculture snacky snacky hehe
Patrician choice
Americans are disgusting.
whatever you say Mr. Gucci loafers
Ok Clooney
Do you even have refrigeration?
Bongs need refrigeration licenses because of the CFCs and climate change etc. Most of them when I was there just had like a ventilated beer cooler with a fan inside of it to keep the essentials chilled. It was real third world shit.
I didn't know alcoholic hobos posted on Yea Forums
The voss is the most offensive part 2bh
>honey in the frige
You tell me
hot sauce, mustard, catsup, and ranch are all way better when served cold
>uncovered plate of cooked chicken
It's dry ageing
>diet coke
Based fitbro
Chicken breast and eggs, I think he may be on Keto.
Hehehe..... canettes
Doesn't this simp drink like 5 diet Cokes a day? lmao
it's called gazpacho you plebs
That was actually a self-aware statement, afaik. It is very easy to imagine he was drinking one of the damn things when he wrote that.
Anons ITT btw