Let’s settle this: did she really leave with the best man’s number?

Let’s settle this: did she really leave with the best man’s number?

Attached: A3934034-B7EA-4431-B19B-8D716DA9DB73.jpg (622x415, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes but he's only doing for good gesture. If immediately ignored the number.

Bitch looks like the backwards talking jazz midget from Twin Peaks

The best man could have easily been another goblin or maybe a hunchback

yes but only through force

these posters are not wrong


>Let’s settle this: did she really leave with the best man’s number?

Yes. He is a plastic surgeon.

What the fuck am I looking at?


Maltesers, they're the British version of malted milk balls

She lied and the other two went along with it as not to hurt her feelings. Both knew a deformed cripple wouldn’t have a chance with almost any normal man. That or the best man went along with it and gave her his number to be nice. He never messaged her.

>i left with the best man's number
>guess i'll have to set up the cripple sex harness

Attached: laughing.png (800x680, 196K)

Your mum loves my malted milk balls

Fucking bongs, man.


God bless.

Attached: Goku.jpg (1280x720, 119K)


Probably but out of kindness of the person. This goblin isn't fucking anything with standards.

Unlike me

Where’s the pasta?

I prefer the tard who had a fit while giving a handjob, and the man enjoyed it.

i'd fuck it then throw it out the window on my way home

youtube.com/watch?v=YgUqmKQ9Lrg another one

whoppers are fucking delicious. Do europoors have these delicious chocolate balls?

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The fuck is up with the brits?

someone post the pasta already

Maltesers are plenty nice

The number was a suicide hotline


I'll be real, if a regular sized person took a sexual interest in me and I looked like this, my first thought would be that they they're some kind of closet kid-diddler who's looking for the next best thing that won't land them in prison.

>she's is in a wheelchair therefore it's ridiculous and not realistic

lol poltards are pathetic

not as pathetic as discord trannies

So if she literally just wasn’t in the wheelchair there’d be absolutely nothing else off/wrong with her appearance/health in your opinion?

of course its a fucking uk ad

I've seen enough American commercials to know you have no leg to stand on, here.

Based maltposter

So because she's short she isn't normal?

She's ugly

Fuck you Shoresy.

>I am the burger, and I talk like this

Best man was a /d/ poster

Is she? What do you guess her height is? Is it a normal or abnormal height for a woman her age?

Post one that's as bad as the op.
Protip: you can't.

Give yer balls a tug you tit fucker.

>wide-faced screeching with laughter at strangers' bodies is the only real comedy
zoomers and boomers are brain-damaged

The girl in that ad doesn't seem all that bad though, just has cerebral palsy I think? At least she doesn't appear to be retarded, just her muscles and eyes are a little fucked up. I'd go on a date with her.

waiting for the pasta

She's short enough to require a wheelchair to get around. That qualifies as abnormal to most people.
I don't think people as deformed as that have anything resembling a normal sex life.

Insomniac Bong here, this is anther example of a long line of virtue signalling bollocks we have to put up with on a daily basis.

I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility. What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to write her in and say she got with the best man.

This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-trike bound butthole wheeling up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later rolling away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to be fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.

I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this ad needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to watch her own shitty advert for eternity.

The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

Also maltesers can fucking do one. They look like they fell off a black man's diseased dingus.

Only boomers

Attached: zoomer rekt boomer.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Yeah, he runs a circus.


Left with a phone number

Meanwhile he left with a woman that has functional legs

That's your personal (bigoted) opinion and you're free to have it (but I think your an asshat).

Oh please, what is, per say, "normal" and "abnormal"? You're just repeating things you've heard on pol like you make it thinks you sound smart.

Attached: Why-Didnt-Night-King-Burn-From-Dragon-Fire_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqtR1WRZ4lb6BOb1-FBRpn-lFGGjcI28awSNtOPAV (480x300, 25K)

Honestly, if no one could EVER find out.

Would you reject her offer on a blowjob?

She is muck on the heel of a shoe.


It's gotta be the same for really fat women. Just assume it is someone acting on a fetish.

For reasons unrelated to the fact that she is a weird midget monster... are we ruling out the possibility that I'd be putting her in a box or... dufflebag? Like, for BDSM reasons, not "she's a midget" reasons.


Are you just being obtuse or are you really that retarded? The official cutoff for dwarfism is 4’10 so if she’s shorter than that her height is by definition abnormal indicative of her having at least one serious medical condition/syndrome so being in a wheelchair isn’t the only thing that disqualifies her from getting the best man’s number (imo it’s the lack of neck of wrists)

The couple's wedding she attended

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>decades of commercials in the us
>this is the worst you can come up with
It's stupid as hell, but nowhere near as bad as the op

He actually gave her the number for a voluntary euthanasia clinic.
Nobody wants to stick their dick in what amounts to one of God's paper mache sculptures that got left out in the rain.

I pictured this

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Snow white theme wedding?
Outstanding commitment

She's more than short m8
Eesa fuckin goblina tho

I was waiting for this pasta.

What, so a black guy can't have an opinion without being bigoted? Racist much?



Attached: AND IM MALTESERS.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Have sex

based maltesers rape poster

She was making a joke, she was using her self deprecating sense of humour to make the best of the situation, something she learned early on in life, I thought you guys would empathise with that

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You should have used this guy to combat the GOT and Avengers spam. Stephen had to carry Yea Forums all by himself.

>i left with the best man's number
>you are terrible, not going to invite you to my wedding!

why is she terrible?

>This is a 10/10 in the Islamic Republic of Britain.

they don't make em how they used to

Jesus Christ shitain what the hell are you doing?

Don't be absurd. Nobody's going to fuck a britshit.

Absolutely unfuckingacceptable

In the novel it explains that the wedding was a circus troop and the best man was part of the freak show. Show watchers are such plebs.

I bet that's a formica table

Attached: TwinPeaksFormica.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I like a big fat bird every now and then but this is to far and i wont have it

That table is precious to him.

This is true. I like chubby women as a fetish but I would never marry one, I’d rather have a thin average girl and a chubby girl on the side to piss on

Lads... Shall we send the copy paste to her?