So what did you think of this episode Yea Forums?

So what did you think of this episode Yea Forums?

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Fuck off phone poster

It made me sad because of the show is ending.

I thought it was epic.

If you think it was anything other than detritus you are a normalfag.

probably the best tv i'll ever watch

It genuinely killed my excitement for the next episodes. The presence of the night king was the tension that held the show together.

A fucking travesty from a story perspective but pretty decent as a mindless action movie

11/10 flawless episode yaaa kween slayyyy!

My wife and I watched it with my buddy then we had a threeway. Open relationships are fucking killah and hot af.

The episode was entertaining until the end when they decided to dump 8 years of build up down the toilet.

>when you realize if Melly Sanders didn't show up the original plan was to send the Dothraki out in total darkness with regular swords and no dragonglass

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>So what did you think of this episode Yea Forums?
All the tactical errors in defense killed the suspension of disbelief, starting with sending all the dothraki to blindly charge in dark against enemy who sees in the dark and cannot suffer from poor morale

The episode should've been 80 minute long siege taking place over the entire night with the dead relentlessly pressing the attack on the living who are desperately trying to hold onto the the castle and its chokepoints, doing a competent defense but still being ground down and getting tired

Can't lie it was a blast even though I wanted to see the NK win

Whatever fixes the dothraki problem post-war. I dont think anyone in westeros would like the idea of land iron borns

So much of it is just so dumb when you think about it, but when I was actually watching it I really enjoyed it.

Although I did want way more main characters to die. It's a little silly that so many of them made it out, but my biggest disappointment was that the NK died without any more of his backstory or motivation being explained. They have been building this storyline up from literally the first scene of the show, and it's all just come to nothing.

I don't have any issue with WHO killed him or HOW, I just wanted at least some explanation as to WHY he has been doing any of the things he has done.


>I just wanted at least some explanation as to WHY he has been doing any of the things he has done.
Because of all the emissions from cowshit causing global warming and the Red Keep wasn't taxing the population enough to fight it!

>I just wanted at least some explanation as to WHY he has been doing any of the things he has done.
He was tired of the nobility, of their wars, of the endless catalog of their abuses, he thought
' why not i?' And why not indeed, for he might have saved the realm had he not been cut down at the moment of his triumph.

I liked her fighting scenes and short sword

She is unironically the only one who can use a sword.
Everyone else just starts clashing them and slashing like retards

>lights swords on fire
>it helps nothing
>lights trench on fire
>buys 1 minute of peace
>beric dies
>chooses not to revive him even though she's a red priest

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Had some kino moments like the dothraki getting btfo but otherwise was pretty stupid.

A lot of teasing of character deaths (Brienne and Jaime both had like three deaths each that somehow got resolved once they went off screen) and taking the story in an interesting direction with everyone in winterfell getting btfo with jon and dany stuck outside not able to get back in but nope le epic arya gurl power moment and back to dany and cersei fighting over the throne