ITT: Fantasy books that should get a tv adaptation

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Your sex life

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Iesous Christos is Historical.

based superior IQ atheist dabbing on bible belt mongrels

would need TV series, can't compress it into 2 hours movie

Get on my fedora level

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Jesus (Ibris Elba)

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So edgy, so very edgy. *eyeroll*

Why is this guy being posted here all the time? I never seen him in a movie.

Hmmm... I feel like OP is trying to make some sort of point. What could it be?

wtf? stop being anti-semitic and islamophobic

I'm Jewish and agree, cringe.

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The Jews killed Jesus

>The Jews killed a Jew
Why should I care?

He was your messiah? yet you reject him?



Only crime in Jewish law during the time of Christ that was punishable by death was a non-Jew entering a Jewish Temple. If you forgot, Jesus was Jewish.

The only method for carrying out that sentence was death by stoning. Crucifixion was entirely a Roman method, and a common one at that. Learn to history before you call yourself out as an uneducated retard. Seems everyone here follows the "path of least effort", that youtube and Yea Forums is sufficient education.

You "woke" retards act like you know everything when in reality you don't know anything.

It would be updated for modern diverse audiences, and many of the problematic elements of the source material would be edited out.

Are Jews and Muslims fedora tippers to Christians because they don't believe in your god?

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that's funny and all but for real imagine believing in god in 2019 lmao

Facebook tier thread

lmao if I copy what I think intelligent people believe it makes me clever

The bible mostly takes place in the middle east so I'm assuming there wouldn't be any roles for wh*te men

i disagree

is this the reddit thread? hey guys xD

Jewish cope

Imagine NOT believing in God in 2019.

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based and christpilled

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I'm Jewish, and personally love nearly every Christian or Muslim I've met, which is saying something on the latter since a lot of the Islamic extremists overseas were trying to kill us.

The majority of folks (beyond faith) are just trying to get by, and provide peace and sustenance for their families. That in my personal experience is the human condition. Outliers exist in every religion or culture.

Personally all I care about is being a good person to your neighbors and fellow members of your local community. Just acknowledging and giving them the human decency that they deserve as fellow human beings.

Following that has served me well, and to treat those uncaring as individual human beings being dicks. They are the exception, not the rule. I personally believe it is lazy to paint all from any demographic as automatically being the same.

TL;DR, most human beings are good people, get over your personal and lazy biases.

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u wot?

That's all well and good, but it didn't really answer my question. don't know if this is pasta btw

It was alright
The whole thing is pretty unfilmable though


Okay, I'll put it this way. Both Jews and Muslims treat Jesus as Prophet of God. A significant Prophet in which there are many teachings to be learned from who he was and what he did.

The primary difference that we have with Christians is the belief that he was not Divine in himself. That he was a great spiritual leader, but not the Son of God.

As I understand the relationship, that is it. My Synagogue has great relations with both local Christian Churches and Islamic Mosques. We really aren't that far apart, and the divide is largely self-imposed by those who look for religious conflict and divide.

Overseas, that was the civil war, your interpretation of faith over mine. We are a lot closer than most think.

Take care user.

Okay, cool. Everybody is anonymous here, so it's hard for me to tell for sure, but it seems to me like the Christian posters here are the most aggressive with the fedora posts and stuff like that, so I was actually asking that kind of person whether or not they think religious non-Christians fit into the fedora group. Thanks for the time and effort though. What you had to say was very interesting.

There are segments of every demographic that fit the "fedora" identity. In my experience, most folks are doing more or less the same thing. Maybe just in a slightly different way.

"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." President John F. Kennedy

Enjoy your weekend Mate.

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