The old Simpson's episodes used to have a lot of character and actually discussed themes relevant to real life...

The old Simpson's episodes used to have a lot of character and actually discussed themes relevant to real life. The old episode "Homers Odyssey" where Homer tries to kill himself feels surreal compared to today's garbage. When did they begin to change?

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Around season 7-8 when the original writers' contractors were up.




Damn, that sucks. Did these writers ever go on to do more work? I really loved the old episodes.


In the sneed episode


The old episodes were great. They felt like something for the whole family to sit down and watch and come out of it learning something. This ep was one of my favourites.

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Lol no, it was like season 2 where the show jumped the shark (retard Homer). That's not to say that seasons 1-10 weren't overall some of the best television ever

S1 episodes are my favorite because they look like they are legitimately drawn on paper.


and we DID watch it together every week. good times.

Around what episode do you think they started changing Homer? I always felt it was just a gradual shift.

>me and 3 brothers would all watch the Simpson's together at 6pm after dinner

Good times.

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This episode is a favourite of everyone's I think

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yeah I agree. The Simpsons peaked at season 7, 8 max.

just watch anime idiots

formerly it was one of my favorites, presently its the Tomacco episode

the first 2 seasons are really weird, 3-9 was the golden age, 9-12 was decent

It was all downhill from S11E5

What makes you think that?

The zorro jokes were really good in that episode

where is the cia version?