
>You ever notice that what people do (X) like thiiiiiiis
*starts slowly walking around the stage like Frankenstein*
>But Chicanos....we do (X) like THIIIIIIIIIIS!
*starts flailing his limbs while moving manically around the stage with shit and piss pouring out of every orifice*

What's the name for this type of "comedy"?

Attached: 220px-George_Lopez_2010.jpg (220x342, 17K)


Oraleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eh wassapening


thats not his act at all though. George Lopez's act is/was

>You member when we were es poor and stupido? Ya you member!

all my friends

>Ya'll evuh notice how wypipo (X) like this!?
*starts dancing the robot*
>But BLACK PEOPLE......we (X) like THIS!
*pulls his pants down and starts thrusting his pelvis back and forth, making loud moans with every thrust*

Attached: MV5BMTEyNjM5MjgyNzdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDAzMzUyODc@._V1..jpg (1362x2048, 760K)

As a proud member of the Mestizo MasterRace, I hope George Lopez gets thrown off a helicopter.

You want me to do it right now right now or later later
