What happened to him? I thought he'd be in the final battle, but he wasn't.
What happened to him? I thought he'd be in the final battle, but he wasn't
Morally gray characters are lame
didn't die in the snap so wasn't brought back in the second snap
He was killed in the first few minutes of Inifity War and apparently people who didn't die by the snap couldn't be resurrected by the snap, which is fucking stupid given how all powerful the snapper is presented to be.
>murders thousands
>morally gray
Hulk could resurrect anybody but Nat and Gamora. It wasn't just because they weren't dusted. I guess he just forgot to resurrect the people directly killed by Thanos.
He escaped before that in Endgame.
That's like .0000000000001% of the people thanos murdered
Isn't that a different timeline or some shit
Why couldn't they wait till Hulk healed up a bit, used the stones again to resurrect Tony, and *then* send Cap back to return the stones?
based hiddleston
Yeah, they created a new timeline where he escaped after the battle of new york. They explain multiple times that they can't change their own pasts.
What the fuck does that have to do with Lokis morality you retarded fuck
Im just glad garrett made it big.
Wait, from what I understood during the exposition, the "main" timeline wasn't altered in any way, they just create an alternate one when they interfere with the past. So "main timeline" Loki is still dead and they would need to jump into the alternate present to see Loki survive.
But then, Cap going back to the past did alter the main timeline since his aged self meets the characters.
Tell Hulk; Loki, Vision, Heimdell, the half of asgard killed by Thanos before the snap, I don't feel like this is asking too much...maybe quicksilver as well
The bit with Cap at the end isn't really explained but I think he lived his life with Peggy in an alternate timeline then used a short range jump to rejoin his friends after she died.
Morally white characters saved billions
Morally black thanos killed trillions
That puts killing thousands as gray
It's basic arithmatics
Its implied that the only people you can bring back to life, are those that died un naturally to the stones. And the people who "died" to the stones just had their souls transferred into the Soul Stone so its not like they "passed over" to the afterlife.
Everyone else who died naturally is not coming back. So you cant just wish Hawkeye or Loki to come back.
Not Hawkeye. Meant to say Quicksilver.
You're an absolute dipshit the morality isn't adjusted because someone killed a lot more you fucking idiot
Yeah it gets a bit lame once you realize Loki's final move was trying to stab Thanos with a dagger in front of his face.
Though he was close to doing it, can we pretend Thanos would have died if not for the Space Stone he just got from Loki?
Tesseract took him outside of the MCU. He's in the Disney universe now.
I thought it was because it would defeat the point of the soul stone demanding a sacrifice if you could just undo it.
t. Retard that can't math
He did. The directors confirmed it.
"let's gas HALF the jews"