>What is The Last Drive-In?
The Last Drive-In is a double feature of horror flicks hosted by the worlds first and foremost drive-in movie critic Joe Bob Briggs.

>Who is Joe Bob Briggs?
Joe Bob Briggs is a redneck movie critic and horror host from Texas, famous for shows such as "Joe Bob's Drive-In Theater" and "Monstervision". After 18 years of absence, he finally returned in 2018 for his revival series "The Last Drive-In".

>Where can I watch The Last Drive-In?
On Shudder's livestream channel "It Came From Shudder". You can also watch it on Brettygood if you don't feel like paying.

START TIME: 9pm eastern / 6pm pacific


Joe Bob on Twitter:
This Week's Hint: "One of the greatest movies ever filmed in the Canadian boonies, followed by an iconic Video Nasty."

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Other urls found in this thread:!LxxRUSBb!0nbWvyhjmyRfgm6Q3OTNuA

Gonna guess the Video Nasty is Dead and Buried. Not sure about the other one.

Too early

I hope the nasty is an Argento film, he still hasn't done one (no, Demons didn't really count).

Maybe will see a Lucio Fulci movie. I don’t believe he’s done any of those.

Nobody seems to agree on when exactly these threads should be posted. The poll ended with a tie between an hour prior to the show and 30 minutes prior to the show.

30 minutes is less likely to get pruned due to inactivity.

But do we have the shit posting power to keep it alive

My internet is fucked up and so I have to watch this on my phone bc I’m a loser who doesent want to go out and drink bc I have a drinking problem so I’ll watch joe Bob on the phone instead, shitposting willl be tough though, everyone be patient with me tonight, be gentle

Are you already drunk?

Your good dude. I’ve been there when it comes to bad internet so take your time.

Nah I’ve been smoking some shitty weed all day though, I’m almost 5 days clean off the alcohol. I even declined a shot this morning so I’m doing ok


Hang tough man you’ll figure it out.

First movie is already on in Canada, it's Wolfcop

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Joe Bob liedddddd, he said on that AMA he did these live.

and this is the US feed through VPN

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>Joe Bob liedddddd, he said on that AMA he did these live.

Live to tape.

He does live on twitter, not on ther channel

He pulled back the curtain a little at week 2 after Larry Cohen died. Also I had a sneaking suspicion that the live thing was bogus.

I was in the liquor store earlier looking at booze but I left without any. I also skipped McDonalds and ate tuna out of the can instead.

I mean there was that 24 hour marathon, I was skeptical the whole time that he would just do the whole thing at once bc who could do that and not look like shit? Or fall asleep or whatever. Also I went to an outdoor overnight movie screening at a summer camp and one of the movies was Wolfcop, unfortunately I was blacked out for the whole thing and just yelled at my ex the whole time, surprised nobody killed me. My friend who was there still brings it up, very embarrassing. No more alcohol talk though, maybe this is my night to experience Wolfcop

Yeah I find the less you talk about that stuff the better.

Well I take that back. It’s good to talk about but with certain people that can aid you in the right way. But as a whole just put it in the back of your mind and enjoy the show.

Lets gooooo

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Stop with the modern self aware bullshit goddamn

Don't post what the second movie is when it comes around on your end, want it to be a surprise.

Well at least it’s not Cloverfield.

its absurd. sorry.

Damn that’s mighty strong of you, already in the store. I would have gotten the McDonald’s though but I get it. Tuna out of the can sounds interesting

Wolf Cop is one of those faux 80s movies right?

Last week was my first time every watching this and it was great. I ended up watching a few more random ones (Maximum Overdrive and Project Metalbeast) since.

I have been looking forward to this all week

I want to live in a comfy trailer in the desert

Where did you find the other ones, haven’t looked but just curious

I was thinking about this all day at work. Literally the best way to start the weekend.

I actually switched to the US feed to match up with the thread (also because there was already 40 minutes of the movie gone by)

Taking bets on earnie's hat?

Privateer Alcove

I was thinking the same thing. I am half tempted to google a trailer like that and seee what the cost is.

I found a couple on Youtube. I can't tell if the quality is bad cause of the video or the age. For Maximum Overdrive I just watched the movie first. There is a mega around somewhere that I hope gets posted

Is it fun?

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Tuna out of the can is not bad if you mix in garlic powder, a bit of cayenne pepper, and regular black pepper. A bit of salt too maybe.

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Joe Bob has given me something to look forward to in general. I'm gonna miss the guy when he ends up croaking.

God I am going to be sad as fuck when this ends. Hopefully they bring a S2 out quickly enough. Either way it's been fun watching with you all.



What if they bring in that other guy with the rubber chickens?


Also, I just realized Svengoolies is actually 11 years Joe Bob's senior.

Is it legal to drive barefood in Texas?

Streaming now on bretty good if you dont have shudder

I thought it was Wolf guy again started to get fucking pissed.

My name's Chuck

No hat?

Joe Bob names the molasses nigger.

>Henry, A Portrait of a Serial Killer
What an based lineup tonight lads

Holy fuck we got an actual kino tonight.


we got an X Rated film tonight
for disturbing moral tone

Google that fucker



I hate shitty hotel wifi. I had to deal with it for work the past two weeks but this week god help me I'm doing it for fun.

I've been to Saskatchewan. I saw their hill.

Who is he going to call?

Remember his name brand microwave pork rinds? Wish I could get those now that I'm not 12.


Michael Landon makes Joe's skin crawl.

Let's not talk about the prairie.

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Close up dick transformation? Yup, that's a Felissa Rose call.

Penis transformation, lads.

I find it interesting just how many Joe Bob fans seem to hate Sven. Sure, he's not nearly as awesome but he isn't awful.


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I can fap to this

Well, this film seems to have its priorities straight.

I'm totally indifferent.

Sheriffs in Canada are not like they are in the States. Hey, this movie is inaccurate

I don't hate him. I just don't get why he keeps getting brought up.

I hate how inexplicably attracted I am to women like her.


>wanted for questioning

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How many horror hosts do you know other than Joe Bob and Elvira?

Vodka or tequila, what's he drinking?

vote for wallace

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Cheech Marin is in this?

Isn't he the only other active horror host besides Joe Bob right now?

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For a split second, I thought Wolfcop was William Petersen.

White Rum, he's in Canada.

Why does that matter?

member the 80s?

The two of them and elicits Elvira should have a gangbang. That would make you guys Happy

I was going to say he looks like him a bit

Joe Bob and Elvira banged for sure, doubt Sven would fuck anything but a rubber chicken.

I'm ok with this

what's her name?

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You guys see someone found that Joe Bob/Elvira crossover from the 90s and posted it on Facebook?

fuck off

It's the only place it was uploaded because the guy who found it was a faggot

>implying Yea Forums isn't infested with them now
It's not 2007 anymore.

justice is blind

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I'm pretty sure I saw it on youtube.

Should I carve a pentagram into my stomach? Y/N

I'd throw one into discount Janeane Garofalo

This movie might actually be worse than Deathgasm.
I want to get this over with so we can get some Henry kino.


No. Carve a pentacle. Fuck Wicca chicks.

All modern horror throwback shit is trash

House of the Devil was pretty good.

This old lady mayor is behind everything
probably a werewolf herself

He's not biting xD

ye olde whyte wulf

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This movie is so epic and lit my fellow millenials!

Are picked eggs good?

Unironically yes.

Seems like a bad idea to make more werewolves if you're one. I mean if you live in a town anyway. If you're in siberia or whatever it's probably fine.

But is it fun?

Breast 1 and 2 soon?

Why's she so cold? What's her backstory?

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I'm not a fan but they taste pretty much exactly like you'd expect.

That is true
but I feel like this coat is some foreshadowing

Fucking denim skirts


Already had 4 (The girl in his bed at the beginning and the drawing)

Yes she gets nude at one point



Canadian girls are just like that

This hardly feels throwbacky at all.


This movie is for fags.

that autodial

consistently the best segment

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Still would

hey that's the French guy from Goon

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No, that's not Marc-André Grondin. Fooled me too.

Oh yeah, looks a lot like him.

Friendly reminder to torrent your favorite episodes before Shudder loses the licenses to certain movies. Boggy Creek and Daughters of Death were pulled (so were JB's segments)


you better not cuck deron

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You can still watch both on Amazon

His name is Lou. Loup is wolf in french. GET IT?!

He deserves what he gets for leaving cky

Will she solve this crime in time?

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Oh, so the barmaid tried to wack the guy?

Don't remind me

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I've got a crime she can solve

Wait, fuck, his full name is Lou Garou (werewolf in french).
Jesus Christ.

Who's her daddy?

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Better not be any puppy poachers out there. ITS A FUCKING CRIME!

This werewolf transformation isn’t bad. It will never beat the transformation from American Werewolf in London though.

And what does he do?

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Yeah that was pretty good

Why is this show so comfy?

Now I want a donut

Alright I might have to try to find liquor doughnuts now.

chinese billy bob thornton

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>Wolfcop uses a Smith and Wesson

the fuzz

(was this the line used to sell the movie?)

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boomer stuff is comfy

Please kiss

is dey gun fuk?

This movie's alright, just fine with a little bit of booze and weed. Not pure kino, but better than a lot of modern shit out there. 3/5 is a fair rating.

More importantly which one is more likely to show her boobs in this movie?

Why is Todd Hoffman guarding the door?

It has gotten a lot better in the last 20 minutes.

you probably shouldn't rail tang
or maybe not

Can confirm that lines of citric acid aren't enjoyable.

Holy shit that was awesome!!!

That face rip was enjoyable.

so the rituals not happening or ?

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Breaking bad up in this bitch

It's tomorrow.

The crickets

Bechdel test passed

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God damn, that cop is a cutie.

have sex incels

based gowan

Take the knot.


Ha. Nice catch.

Find love

Also, it's a trap.


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Denim vest cop or not?

Obvious body double on those tit close ups

Imagine joe bob rimming svengoolie's shit encrusted asshole

you know svengooli's diet consists of mostly meatballs and sausage gravy so he's gonna have a rough time

I can fap to this

did lil red stick the pill up his pooper?


Oh fuck I met this man at a film fest a few weeks ago.
He's pretty chill



Everyone should have figured out it wasn't live when he did the first marathon last year. They never mentioned all the shit going wrong with the servers even though they were recording "live."

What is Lone Star beer like? What is it comparable to?

Might be the first night I'll have to watch the second movie after it's streamable, I'm on the verge of passing out

>Titty bar with an app

Hell yeah dude

Gang leader is like a budget Corey Feldman. And that's fucking saying something.

Just bought one for tonight, gonna open it up for the second movie. Never had one before but saw it at the liquor store and had to get one.

Post your movie watching drinks now, gents.

1792 Kentucky whiskey here.

goodnight sweet priend

They don't sell it here and I've wanted to try one since True Detective s1 in 2014

Wild turkey

I've got a six pack of Founders Porter and a half bottle of Knob Creek if necessary

My nigga.

It's been floating around since like 2014

fucking club soda

Only place that has it here is a Total Wine, got it in a build your own 6 pack.

I am struggling, and since I never saw the 2nd I am thinking about going to bed so I can enjoy it. I was starting to fade half way through House of the Devil last week

So post it already

Holy fuck this song lmao

Jigaboo music. Yuck.

This song is pretty bad

goddamn this song is kinda good

>tfw only 7:40 pm here

That wasn't as bad as I expected. I doubt I'd ever watch it again but I didn't actively hate it.

House of the Devil is great fucking movie, but that's a fucking slog as the second half of a double feature when you're already tired. This should be a bit more animated.

It's actually on Joe Bob's page.


Paste this after the facebook URL

It's on facebook retard. Just google it. I have the entire hour long program and I'll probably upload it to youtube at some point.

It got WAY better once he actually became the wolf cop and went out in the police car. This song is fucking hilarious garbage though.

This is better than that Adams family rap and go ninja go

Nothing is better than go ninja go. Nothing.

Yeah I mean I loved the movie (it was my first time seeing it), but around the scene where she orders the pizza I considered going to bed.

oh fuck Henry Portrait of a serial killer next?

shout out to Regina !



Wtf I think I'm a furry now

Impressed with the cosplay, also I unironically enjoyed the moonlight desires song.

I wish Darcy was as hot as she thought she was

Wtf I totally remember Andy Sidaris. They are great.

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Watched Hard Ticket to Hawaii and Malibu Express last weekend while drunk on my birthday it was a great time!

ugly butthurt dumpy bitch detected


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it's amazing
it is amazing

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I'm gonna watch the second film tomorrow, g'night y'all

Is she autistic?

good night, user!

Have a good one.

Return to Savage Beach is just insane but full of hilarious action and happy goodness. I used to riff on them with my friends. They watch like a commercial for Malibu/Hawaii showcasing whatever Andy thought was awesome at the time: titty bars, model planes, hovercrafts, RC cars...

Night night nigga

Definitely possible considering her son is autistic

Her kid sure is

no im not



Apparently a lot of porn stars are IIRC.


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Lack of emotions would help, I'm sure.

Did she do porn, asking for myself

Where have you been?

So update here. It's surprisingly pretty damn good. I expected something along the lines of a Blatz or Hamms but this doesn't have a bad aftertaste at all. On par with a PBR or Labatt.

yes under the name Diana Prince, which was Wonder Woman's civilian name

god twitter looks even worse now

Yeah, she did a lot of it. Honestly she's not a great pornstar, good tits but boring as all hell.

Actually Total Recall was threatened with an X rating

I figured it might be like PBR as it's also made by Pabst.

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Another drink Y/N?

Got 2 more hours so why not.

Yeah dude

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I love listening to Joe talk about movies he really loves


I can fap to this

Love that vintage pussy

its called trim nigga

Agreed he can’t stop talking about a film he generally loves.

I watched a little segment about Joe Coleman once, he makes cool shit. For some reason I’m banned from posting photos right now

Every character in this movie is morally corrupt and Otis is the biggest piece of shit in the film. It’s fucking great!

You would think Henry is the worst of them but he is the most sympathetic and relatable.


You think I could fuck Darcy?

For some reason I thought John McNaughton was dead

It just dawned on me that Henry is played by the guy who plays Merle on Walking Dead (I remember Joe said something about TWD but I forgot it)

Well this got even darker than I expected faster than I thought

Yeah Michael Rooker got a bunch of big roles the last 5-6 or so years.

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He's also the blue dude in the two Guardians of the Galaxy films.

If your frame of reference for Michael Rooker isn't Slither, then you can fuck right off the tip of my dick.

"that's creepy"

Is it normal to talk about being sexually assaulted and having your mom make you watch her having sex within the first few days of meeting eachother?

When are Michael Rooker and Walton Goggins going to get together and produce a true Alabama kino?

Friendly reminder: the serial killer triumvirate is 1) head injury, 2) small animal torture, 3) playing with fire.

Bed wetting

I thought it was bedwetting, animal sadism, and pyromania. Did they update it to head injury instead?

Also witnessing violence as Henry just described. But the three here are the biggest, at least according to my current training.

t. childcare mental health professional

mum raped by 1000 maniacs does it too

forced into wearing panties

On noes

This is also true.

Well I guess I know what Yea Forums's favorite movie is

So did Joe just tell everyone watching how to see legal child porn?

2 Days in the Valley?

Child Bride isn't even a good movie and you only see nipples and maybe some ass. It's objectively worse than Brooke Shields' scenes

Transformers: the Animated Motion Picture

well technically American Beauty and Romeo and Juliet (the one with Olivia Hussey) count as cp too

Is it actually possible to think about legal childhood porn without referencing Brooke Shields? I'm learning towards "no."


>It was just a prank bro, let me makeout with my sister haha

god dammit i miss this every week

Good lord that shirt.

What does it say?

I didn't know she was underage in that. Well that makes me slightly more uncomfortable, especially cause I watched it in a theater appreciation class I took

I can fap to this

Not gonna lie I kinda want a burger and fries right now.

He’s snapping necks like Jason Voorhees

Well her and Tracy Lords are the two most well known ones on top of being seemingly well adjusted adults.

Might be time for sleep

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Brooke is NOT well adjusted.

I don't normally go for plastic gals, but Diana is cute. Cute!

would yiff

Anyone remember the horror of shitty tv reception?

is the sister dead yet? I had to go to the store


Jesus Christ, I think I understand why this got an X rating. Shit like Total Recall looks like a cartoon conpared to this.