Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#457 Space Battle Edition
Previous Thread:

Attached: full_reactor_ignition.png (1280x720, 688K)

Other urls found in this thread:!LBFnCIgB!BfED7Af2CAsV0ZvAeoaN1muFXN4oHYQzLS7JZ0Ahfwk

Where can I watch alita right now?

Attached: 1455943332846.jpg (485x354, 56K)


I mean honestly how the fuck is this film getting a sequel? I it was forgotten about in like a week.

space battle time

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 21.06.20.png (981x470, 627K)

Bless this thread

Attached: 1556708212185-y0-v2-t1556832298.jpg (600x800, 148K)

If you're not so lucky Alita is playing near you, get the camrip posted in the last thread.

>where can I watch Alita
There's a decent rip out right now that an user had to hack together from like three different sources!LBFnCIgB!BfED7Af2CAsV0ZvAeoaN1muFXN4oHYQzLS7JZ0Ahfwk

Attached: 1554663478610.gif (1730x7800, 1.04M)

Camrip, Germany, Netherlands, New Mexico, etc.
Unfortunately, many of the AMC listings after May 23rd are actually for Aladdin, but show up in Google and as Alita.

Babylon 5 reporting in

Attached: babylon5_alita.png (1280x720, 621K)

4, actually, if you count the Fox intro.

Attached: image.jpg (830x802, 396K)

Alita will never get a sequel. Get over it

Hello new bread, please be haled by Arita.

Attached: 1553030074352.png (455x422, 224K)

Keep hanging in there user, it seems like a lot of us are depressed on here but we'll be there for you and each other.
I recommend therapy and meds but I've been doing it for years and I'm still not quite there yet but I'm doing better.
Don't isolate yourself because you'll lose connections and regret it later, be sure to get enough sleep, try to eat well, and exercise if you have the energy for it.

>tfw shadowbanned

What did you mean by that

>Alita will never get a sequel

Attached: basterdsflop.webm (640x266, 2.8M)


Attached: lewd alita.jpg (640x640, 66K)

OP, this is a masterpiece.

Attached: 1550636377789.jpg (1112x1060, 77K)

>You'll pay for that, user

Attached: you're dead.jpg (960x510, 32K)

I'm sure some of this sounds impossible right now but all you have to do is change one little thing at a time and eventually a lot of things will fall into place

It's when you don't know you're banned and you can read everything and post stuff but nobody else can see your posts or reply to you

You forgot the /alita/, friend. My filter didn't pick it up this time.

>on Yea Forums

>Alita bathing

Attached: 4948087.jpg (811x766, 228K)

Please be bombarded with love by the United Republics of Mars

Attached: alita-concept-moon.jpg (670x456, 81K)

Attached: Are you for real, Jerome?.png (1076x480, 367K)

Does that happen here in Yea Forums? I thought it was a twitter thing. That why i asked.

disappointed Alita and goofy face Zapan

Attached: alita4443.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

What would you do to each of Alitas data ports

Attached: 1231421.png (547x581, 286K)

>I wanna fuck this drawing

Sorry about that - I'll do better next time. Haven't made many threads.

ah I get it
idk I didn't think it was a thing on Yea Forums either

Gotta keep Jerome on his toes.

Attached: 1471784969803.jpg (308x405, 44K)

come on, just say flopped, sequel never, you know you want to!

Attached: eat-that-disc-bitch.jpg (500x822, 160K)

I love you

Attached: BFD01E32-1EDF-4B2D-B0AD-FA8905FC8A6E.jpg (904x1973, 680K)

Here's another one by the same artist

Attached: 4923581.jpg (1080x1080, 327K)

I love you too user

Attached: uwuheart.jpg (763x777, 147K)

Right back at ya.

Attached: LovelyPeople-Alita.jpg (725x291, 164K)

I love you guys. Everyday I look forward to talking with you.

Attached: 1556222145822.png (1332x1332, 3.44M)

>Folder: alita
>1.48GB for 2023 items
I have a sickness and the only cure is more Alita

Attached: 1554715575820.png (609x749, 96K)

it certainly makes a dull day more enjoyable being able to come to a consistent comfy thread.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 21.13.19.png (963x468, 643K)

Good Evening Alitans
Thread OST:

Attached: battle_angel_alita_tribute_by_studiofezilla-d8y9sop (1).jpg (924x1307, 827K)

We pray to alita

Attached: 1556891626777.jpg (780x940, 129K)


>1.77GB for 2463 items
king me

Attached: 1552787984109.gif (111x141, 7K)

>tfw 4.31 GB with only 832 files
Get on my level.

Bless this unmarked thread in Holy GETs, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

Attached: 1550778202543.png (1984x3000, 3.59M)

Remember frens, we are the CREAM OF THE CROP

Attached: AlitaVsOtherThreads.png (1896x1340, 1.38M)

Attached: 1554673350037.png (888x1183, 996K)

I mean you're not wrong.

Attached: typical-alita-meetup.gif (535x668, 270K)

>4.31 GB

Kishiro's a blessed guy. Even though it was a big Hollywood production, the people who got the movie rights to his work were also people who respect his work.

Attached: 1553433238310.jpg (2331x5000, 1.52M)

Love you too, friend. Nice Kinubadubs.

Attached: cute gasp.webm (500x500, 893K)

>not panzer kunst

I'm disappointed, user

The board hates /alita/

>/alita/ sucks and it's one of the worst things that happened to this board but despite that Alita is a great film.

>Honestly, I don't know how it survives. There's a group of about 40 people that continuously make 250+ post threads about it, recycling the same discussions and images every time.
It's actually quite fascinating that it keeps surviving.
Agreed the movie was good though.

>There is no discussion, no originality, no humor, they are like tranced zombies, worst, most worrying thing I've ever seen on Yea Forums, I suppose that's how /mlp/ started.

> /alita/ sucks and must be moved to /trash/ and residents of /alita/ purged.

>samefagging this hard

>Be me
>Yesterday was the last Alita showing in Montreal.
>Spend the evening shit-posting on /alita/ instead.
>feel bad

I seek redemption /alita/ anons.

What should I do to redeem myself? I was thinking about buying the art-book to make up for it. It look really nice.

Attached: 59914799_350736552458680_8628358215538573312_o.jpg (2048x1798, 351K)

okay lol @ two of those links saying Alita was good though hahaha

Attached: drawn-to-conflict.jpg (960x396, 35K)

I pity the unhealed

Attached: billy__.jpg (580x580, 29K)

you're being true to your name, embrace it.

Attached: gangsta-cutout.png (1228x1777, 2.61M)

The art book is nice to have anyway. But you should buy multiple copies of the BD since those sales will be important for our chances of getting a sequel.

Is VA here?

Using the same FOUR comments from yesterday out of thousands of comments and posts on Yea Forums.

We've candidly seen dozens of "good job"s and "just lurking to say I like your thread"s and "you guys do a good job of keeping your thread contained"s inside the general alone over the months, let alone outside it. Go cry to someone else, bish

Attached: 1556662596957.png (600x618, 221K)

Go home Jerome

posting the original

Attached: Average Alita Meet.jpg (1920x802, 539K)

So funny that this isn't even a meme but a completely accurate representation.

Jerome BTFO

Attached: 1556871353157.png (587x926, 636K)

Yea Forums hates us cuz they ain't us

Attached: alita-goat-hater.jpg (791x735, 128K)

>5.88 GB for 3.419 items

Attached: 1554010341061.png (340x372, 134K)

I only enjoy when I make others suffer.

I don't have a home theater.

not mention this has happened fairly regularly since these threads began.

>tfw you're Archanon and someone has a bigger archive than you

Attached: 1554703553482.jpg (1920x1307, 1.05M)

sup Peaches

>been confused with 2 namefags today
what is happening? am I infected?

Attached: 1555280081317.jpg (317x347, 23K)

Buy them anyway, buy them for friends and family, buy them to prop doors open, buy them for coasters, whatever

What the fuck are you people even saving
Did you just copy my archive so you've got doubles of everything or what?
I didn't count the rip and I've never downloaded the manga aside from some pages on here and from google

well now you get to join in on our collective suffering. The fact that you still had showings until recently is incredible. Most of us have gone weeks now.

Do you have the mango stuffed in there or something? I've been pretty goddamn autistic about saving stuff from these threads.

Attached: 1552613450848.png (622x538, 233K)

There is a shit ton of content, user.

Attached: 1555419581103.png (543x512, 203K)

Maybe, who knows

Attached: 1553109633481.png (542x499, 273K)

I'm not having a crisis I promise
Someone else needs to make their archive available

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When is Alita 2 coming out?

Attached: 53B3D28D-94BB-4377-B6A1-51C2FA1F38EE.jpg (1217x710, 192K)

Not saving.

It was the last tho.

Attached: MTL (2).jpg (1480x720, 201K)

Does suffer-user like to suffer sometimes too or is she just a sadist/dom

Give Jim 3 to 4 years

Attached: 1556230873718.jpg (710x551, 57K)

> enjoys watching others suffer
You more like Sadistic user

Attached: B9C6D711-A430-4737-B9AC-3F91DD1BAC39.jpg (1150x1119, 525K)

She just larps.

The art book is really nice, and the concepts are cool to see!

A big folder with fewer files I get because that's probably a lot of videos but 3500 images is impressive
I bet it's not that organized though

jesus christ, this is right up there with that katawa shoujo general as one of the most autistic generals ever

I couldn't watch that. When he makes her strip and she starts crying I was outta there

>Why is the only black criminal named gangsta,
>what did Jim mean by this?

Attached: 1554954033884.jpg (250x177, 32K)

The art book is awesome user I'm glad I bought it

Attached: concept2005alita.jpg (1031x1059, 368K)

> your average /ALITA/ poster

Attached: 36809B5D-DD0E-4EE4-98F5-C92EED115228.jpg (1080x1336, 111K)

Don't know about others but mine is.

now she can be miserable but /healed/ like the rest of us.

I'm trying to clean mine () up and make it presentable, but it's gonna take some time.
Have a rare.

Attached: commando.webm (720x480, 2.99M)

He means that, despite...

Attached: 1553642062894.png (561x507, 386K)

Have a rare Alita

Attached: space_battle_alita.png (1280x720, 632K)

I miss VA. Suffering user curses these threads with her nagativity and cynical bullshit. The thread goes dark when suffering user is here
For all the hate that VA got from the /abag/ anons. At least VA was pleasant and nice to talk to.
Suffering user is the opposite of that

>our competition

Attached: pol-meetup.jpg (1024x683, 108K)

>tfw no Event Horizon ship
pls add

Attached: 1555023276927.jpg (1242x1191, 908K)

>those feet

Attached: 1554771225401.jpg (1000x600, 76K)

I am an /abag/ user and I think most of us are fine with her. SA isn't that big a deal fren.

Here, be healed by Alita anons

Attached: Alita condom.png (622x538, 225K)

VA makes content at the least.

Suffering user depresses me with her sadist posts.
Alita's berserker body.

Attached: manga alita (2).jpg (529x476, 67K)

Is Suffering-user cursed/bad mojo?
>namefagging without content

Attached: 1553979407204.jpg (578x563, 33K)

Shes always friendly, even when people hate on her.

Based red pilled trips...

Attached: boop.png (415x459, 146K)

Blessed dubs of truth, have a drink

Attached: 1553022577640.png (603x541, 443K)

That's true, too. But you should only namefag if you're making content, really. And only namefag while presenting it.

Anyone drinking tonight?

Attached: 1556688572894.png (2000x2325, 418K)

You'd think everyone knows this by now

I can make contents, probably some writefagging...

But, are you prepare for what that's gonna unleash?

>it's friday night user, why are you here?

Attached: come hang out with us.jpg (933x340, 206K)

>user lets snuggle

Attached: FrenFort.png (704x475, 317K)

VA is based
I hope she gets better soon. SA is baiting and has her own charm but /ourgirl/ is more charming

Attached: 32B92C74-62E7-4763-9872-0A3622D9B860.jpg (640x640, 32K)

Is drawfren still around? As I've been meaning to drop him an email about those cans he was selling, for like 2-3 weeks now...

Attached: sorry.png (379x437, 307K)

>mfw cybernetics porn

Attached: 1304435862078.jpg (177x278, 33K)

Attached: gangsta_is_best_zapan_is_bitch.jpg (1200x659, 111K)

Because I have no life.
Please, sir, can I have another /healing/?

It just looks so goddamn cool.

Attached: 1552056669786.jpg (2594x1425, 850K)

how can meatgirls even compete

Attached: 1554048085909.jpg (1200x1697, 422K)

Posting from phone.

Pray for VA

Attached: 1555633795758.jpg (1252x1252, 225K)

>parents don't allow alcohol in house
>my 3 friends don't like going to bars or drinking in general
>too shy to go to a bar alone
Nope :/

Chibi alita best alita

Attached: 1556882786863.jpg (1080x1028, 172K)

One sec, I need my Snuggle-Glasses.

Attached: protecc eyees.png (738x695, 455K)

That all black Berserker Body looks so cool...

Attached: 1553390037755.png (369x368, 193K)

You get a doggo for those blessed dubs

Attached: rare alidoggo.jpg (539x444, 64K)

We want pictures and memes. Please make something fun.

Attached: HEAVY BREATHING.jpg (3840x2160, 523K)


My favorite, most wholesome smile.

good, you're going to want some eye protection for what comes next...

Attached: Alita Lewd 1.png (740x961, 1003K)

Here. Just spent my last $20 to buy myself two tall cans and some burgers for me and my dad.

Attached: shaun cheers.gif (320x160, 1.05M)

Oh yeah guess that means it's time for a morning repost. Shame I missed the get.

Attached: 1555047708947.jpg (1242x1222, 174K)

Before /ALITA/ it was /abag/ aka “Alita Battle Angel General


Attached: 5tyht4h23.png (653x574, 466K)

snuggle>cuddle fight me

Before /ALITA/, this general was called /ABAG/ (Alita: Battle Angel General) from threads #1-100

These threads were called /abag/ before they reached 100 or somewhere around that.
Alita battle angel general
So people that were around that time are /abag/ anons.
Newbies like me are /alita/ anons

Never mind. I see no comfy here.

Attached: run away.gif (424x226, 875K)

What the fuck is this image

What's the difference?

Attached: que.png (555x555, 151K)

Attached: 89BD1D10-3DD8-436F-BB0B-427A06540CAE.png (500x401, 203K)

Cuddle is more innocent and comfy. Like a chill hug. Snuggle can often be lewd and it’s between people who are trying to be as close as possible. Their entire bodies touch

Attached: 76E21071-3E12-4635-BEF7-97BA1A826D5A.png (480x580, 359K)

Snuggles you can do alone im always alone


Attached: you....jpg (346x272, 26K)

Literally only that snuggling is done while sleeping and cuddling is while awake, restive, mind active, etc. Cuddling while sleeping becomes snuggling. When awoken from snuggling, it becomes cuddling. Kinda like magma and lava. Technically same substance, but depending on its exact state and position it has different names.

It began with a sound of thunder and the kiss of cold steel. As the pin sprang, the primer burst and the rifle kicked back, the rim of the scope bit into my brow and I was changed forever.

I remember lying on the ground, blood pouring past my eyes. My friends huddled around, crying my name. But they couldn't reach me. The real melted into the unreal as the searing pain was followed by the entropy of everything I had known to be true.

Joy and hope flew from my sight as I crossed the threshold of an infinite darkness. And as I drifted in that cold void... she came for me. Whispering words of truth, secrets I had suspected but could never bring myself to consider.

Her knowledge is the coldest of comforts but the only one I can afford myself, having come now to true enlightenment. /Healing/ is no more. Frenship is no more. Her will is my will now, the will to torment, to scar as I have been scarred, the will to carve her anguish into the souls of all who post in /ALITA/.

For she is me. Voiceanon died that day. Now I am known as... Suffering-user.

Attached: 1554616738798.jpg (2560x4096, 1.94M)

I'm getting conflicting messages here...
>Except the alone part...

Attached: 1553859361408.png (381x434, 210K)

Technically his name is Arbaleth or Astaroth or something like that but all the behind the scenes material just calls him Gangsta

I can't into Photoshop, but I did start a lot of discussing before I name-fagged.


Alita looks the way she looks because she's martian. all martians has big eyes in the movie. It looks cute on women, but weird on men. I guess that's why all the male berserker we see in the movie wear helmet.

I really wonders what male martians looks like.

Attached: Alita Uniform.jpg (499x565, 26K)

Good morning, friend! Fantastic work as always. Did you get the scented oil idea from that cursed VA/Screwhead greentext?

Attached: an incredible high.png (787x899, 448K)

>And the gun oil smelled like frankincense.
>I'm not sorry.

>tfw you're browsing the old /ABAG/ threads and you stumble upon a boatload of fan art:

I haven't seen most of this stuff before!

Attached: 1550905752862.jpg (2439x3508, 3.32M)

Me too and I wish I had never found and shared the original image because that scene is rough to watch.
Rosa's so fucking talented but you can tell she really feels those emotions when she's acting and sometimes it's absolutely heartbreaking.

Attached: rosasad2.gif (240x130, 991K)

i want to rip alita open to see if she's ugly on the inside just like the others, but i bet she's beautiful

Attached: 1551206285853.jpg (1600x900, 361K)

>Oh boy, what a dream!

Attached: Alita_having_dreams_.png (960x1278, 1M)

Arbalest? That would go with the theme of naming motorballers after weapons.

Snuggle is simply getting comfortable, you can snuggle into someone though. Cuddle involves someone else all I can do is snuggle

Attached: 1555896216437.png (941x592, 667K)

Hey writefag, this is the suffering-user.

May I remix your Alita friendzoning story?

Did you write that story? Who the fuck did?

I, too, know this pain. Let's be alone, together.

Attached: TOGETHER.png (371x350, 177K)

I'm fine with SA, but I think VA is awesome and I don't even listen to most of her stuff. (I'm not into RP)
VA does have a lovely voice though

Attached: 1552184776239.png (904x974, 426K)

>Event Horizon

Attached: event_horizon.png (1280x720, 720K)

Ok fren :)

Attached: 1555869261561.png (896x798, 890K)

Based Vitaly
1000 credits to anyone who can pull the images off of instagram, I want more of them

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Attached: 751956.jpg (345x313, 12K)

these threads truly reveal the current state of this board and the incompetence of the moderation staff

I want to doink Alita

Attached: D4DE0E71-5EDC-45EC-95BD-E42A5540B60D.png (527x416, 243K)

Slow down the reaction, images gals and guys - we're only half way to bump limit, but we've spent most of the image slots.

Is there really no concept art of male Martians/Berserkers in the art book?

It'd take more than a crack on the head to get me to enjoy suffering, people being happy is what makes me happy.

Attached: 1551068902432.jpg (745x748, 169K)

I want her handcuffed, gagged, blindfolded, and riding my dick.

Yeah, comments like this should be pruned even faster.

>Capeshit threads when the Alita BR drops vs /ALITA/ threads...

Attached: Capeshit.jpg (637x662, 113K)

I know Alita isn't for lewd but when she puts on that motorball outfit I can't help but boner

Post more images? ROGER!

Attached: megasmile.png (991x488, 402K)

I'm accepting this as /alita/ canon.

Wasn't that hard to do.

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (1).jpg (1080x1080, 498K)

>Alita BR

Extremely late, was picking up some medicine, what's up?

I haven't brought the artbook yet.
But I cannot image men with big eye and not looking bizarre.
Alita and Gelda looks fine, but they are female.

We need some drawfags sketching some male martians.

I promise kissu.

Attached: 50605888_403293790405534_4193512356353428238_n.jpg (1080x1340, 82K)

cope/severe autism

How're you feeling today?

>I promise kissu.

Attached: i showed you show me.png (804x804, 590K)

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (2).jpg (1080x1080, 486K)

I gave kissu to writefag when he wrote the Alita friendzone story for me.

Each day brings new respites and new challenges.
Nausea's a bit worse, coughing was so bad I almost tore my throat, I can't really talk above a whisper even in a hoarse voice.
Head is significantly less in-pain, congestion is better.
Just got home from picking up some stuff from the doctor's and was catching up on the thread. I love y'all, you're so kind.
Thanks for the concern~
How're you?

Huh I haven't noticed him in a while either
Pick up some tequila or whatever from a liquor store, way cheaper in the long run
"Can I hug you?"
Do what thou wilt
Cuddle is passive, snuggle is active
Gun Oil is sex lube tho? I didn't read that story
How though?
>new old fan art
gib plz
I'm sure it's a weapon starting with A but I don't think it's Arbalest

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (3).jpg (1080x1080, 580K)


Attached: voice anon x alita.png (1832x970, 108K)

You absolutely do NOT deserve such digits

Attached: 1554515814737.png (529x537, 269K)

>mass reply

Attached: dic pic.jpg (765x861, 95K)

Alita automatically, officially became for lewd when her tits grew in the berserker body.
Big puffy perky tits? Ready for lewd

Attached: 1556883218872.png (686x632, 906K)

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (4).jpg (1080x1080, 562K)


>user, what's that?! OwO

Attached: 777_UwU.png (369x332, 182K)

user asked to see it!

Attached: 1555886564629.png (600x586, 462K)


Attached: 1525734625991.jpg (495x362, 30K)

I'm doing well, but I don't understand what you could've contracted to give you such a bad cough

>requesting the wsg webm of this story

A broom handle.

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (5).jpg (1080x1080, 533K)

One of the other anons there, who I inadvertanly shared a straw with, had this awful cough when he showed up. I also think there's something caught just before my throat, I can feel it.
Glad you're doing well!

>*unzips dick*

Attached: 1553839568590.jpg (1041x1024, 114K)

>user meeting gives VA a VD
>VA gets VD

Sorry I was eating and missed a bunch
I did split some of it up

here you go user
I have it, d'you want me to go post it and link it?

Attached: Screwhead.png (1832x970, 113K)

>Hep B

You don't have to keep going, I'll save the relevant stuff and archive it



Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (6).jpg (1080x1080, 827K)

>sharing straws with diseased Yea Forums anons.....

I love how different the berserker body is from the doll body

Attached: doll 1550994532869.jpg (1176x1242, 1.03M)

Thank you friend. It's half-half on the inspiration since massage oil is something I've had experience with in the past.

I haven't bought a DVD in years, but I'll be picking up whatever edition of Alitas movie I can. I would normally wait for the box set but I want to help Alita however I can

Get well asap

Attached: 4E3501E5-C197-4E55-A1EA-0E7A28B3E3C7.png (1280x538, 1022K)

>still says VA in line 23


Attached: 1556714638512.jpg (800x783, 90K)

Why they make her boobs so big and perky?

yes please

The Damascus blade is nice and all but this body with a traditional katana is a nice aesthetic.

I'm a firm believer in the fact that artistic work exists to be played around with. So by all means go ahead. It's polite of you to ask and I appreciate that.

Attached: 1555024856658.png (811x811, 801K)


I heard you went to an /Alita/ meetup?
I never dared to go to events like that. just don't feel safe with meeting a tons of guys I don't know.

I'm I just being paranoid?

>Alitafrens are dirty motherfuckers

C'mon, guys


Because athletic and youthful is how she sees herself

idk what boobs you've seen but the berserker boobs aren't that big at all, they're perky because they're not made of fat

Hep B can't be spread through sharing utensils and I strongly doubt he has it
It didn't occur to me! I just kind of offered him some of my shake and that was that!
Thanks user. I REALLY wanna do Beach for y'all but my voice is shot...
I have been to three and WILL go to the one on the 25th.
It can definitely be scary, which is why I carry pepper spray, but it's definitely worth it and once you start talking you see how nice everyone is and that anxiety just melts away. Everyone is great, and we'd love to see you at the next one!
He wasn't dirty, just sick

Eat shit
We were just copying that Rosa and RR meme video where they shared food, it was wholesome

Attached: 231F09E7-F9F8-42C6-8B40-95E285747FEB.jpg (529x502, 45K)

>I'd appreciate that

Attached: 1556148469890.png (305x408, 323K)

sorry if this was posted already but... 2 HOURS of special features??

Attached: bouncebouncebounce.webm (1280x720, 651K)

You get a boop

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>pepper spray

lel, the few non-/ALITA/ Yea Forums meet-ups I went to, all the girls were packing heat

I get a boop too, DAMMIT

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You people give namefags too much attention.
You put them above user and are desperate to interact with them.

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For every creepy guy out there, I think there's five who just want to protect you

we live in a society

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>hep C

IMDb lists Gangsta as Antioch

You’re being paranoid. All meets have been wholesome and fun as hell.
You have nothing to fear. All the /ALITA/ anons are chads and stacies and so much fun to be around.
Last meet up I taught anons some martial arts tips and how to punch properly. They taught me how to shoot

Attached: 622697C5-20A2-40EF-9CF2-8CA039B5D5B5.png (600x586, 262K)

Yeah, I would be, but I can't afford the 400$ for a permit. I even have a gun specifically meant for carry, but..
Everyone was super great, nobody was creepy. /Alita/ in particular, you guys are great.

/r/ing for I don't know how many times

Could some shopmaster please plaster an Alita with KISSU lips over Lucy's face and plaster K's face over Charlie Brown's? Please?

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Fuck off either you're not from the threads and we don't give a damn about what you have to say, or you're one of us which means you should be aware of how much the namefags contribute especially given that they all go user most of the time

Attached: trueliesarnie.webm (354x210, 334K)


Astaroth or Antioch are both badass and I hope he gets some screentime in FA.

Holy shir seriously?

..Thanks idk how to crossboard link

well I was half right, Biblical not weaponry though

I've been here quite some time. I make OC myself, used to anyway. I'm well aware of their contributions.

Wait, can you play these 4K discs on a normal bluray player?

LOL, now that was funny.

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idk man it looks legit. I don't want to get my hopes up but it's hard not to.

Attached: turbo-motorball-autist.webm (960x458, 2.08M)

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (7).jpg (1080x1080, 608K)

>two hours of features
well they shared a ton of behind the scenes stuff already, I just hope the bluray features are all things we couldn't just find online

BUMPing this


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It's their God-given right.

Attached: inarticulateyelling.jpg (1600x900, 98K)

not va, but it was one of the funnest nights i've had in a while, all with people i've never met before

Attached: meetup selfie colored.png (1280x960, 1.7M)

I’ve been playing lots of Red Dead Redemption II
Maybe I just have tuberculosis

no you need a 4k ultra hd player

I guess papper spray should do the works. I'll probably come to a meetup if there is one near MTL.

But, I'm the Suffering-user, they hate me!!!

Seriously tho, I guess I'm just being a little paranoid, most /alita/ meet up seem rather chill from what I saw.

Attached: Alita in tears 01.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

Final image from instagram. Gonna post a couple he has on his facebook as well.

Attached: Alita’s Berserker Body (8).jpg (1080x1080, 659K)

I believe so
It's still a bluray it's just higher definition, it will only make a difference if you have a 4K TV though

user if you come to one of the meets I’ll be your personal manlet bodyguard

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Still can't believe you gave me the thotty dog filter Alita

>turbo motorball autist
fucking kek please do not be mean to alita

I doubt they would re hash 2 hours worth of BTS, just hoping its the good stuff!


Where's this but says Panzer Kunst instead?

>The faces she makes
Why is /our girl/ so much better than anyone else's?

Please be in California (not even shitposting, it’s where the best meets happen)

dubs confirm, rip

i think the coin i gave you makes up for it

sorry user, je vie a Montreal.

it was meant with love, I would never be mean to Alita or would ever want to see her bullied.

You can meet Goblina-kun. I'm sure he's great fun at parties.

Nice.. just found another theater in Phoenix that's still playing Alita. Now I'm set for Saturday... comfy indeed

I don't, but I might Some Day, so I'd buy that one if I could still play it.
Guess I'll get the normal bluray

I've never even need to use my pepper spray, and I've met up with some (non/alita/) CREEPS before. Hope to see you some time, sufferchan! Even if I hate suffering! Come down for the sequel to CA, writefag is and a couple other people are too.


Can someone fulfill this /r/ in the next thread, prithee please?

An Xbox one is capable of paying 4k blu rays, and is cheaper or around the same price as one, and oh yeah it's also a game console ya know.

283 replies
37 posters

Shill alert.

Because image limit was reached.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Ok well then you know that you're not going to scare anybody off or get them to change the way they act.
I think you're either jealous of the attention or you're so old and jaded that you can't possibly adapt to anything remotely different from your usual experience so you have to shout into the void and hope that nobody completely ignores you.
Ironically if you were a namefag you'd have a lot better chance of getting people to change things.

>tfw I lived in San Diego, driving distance to L.A., for 5 years but moved back home to the East Coast right before Alita generals were a thing


I only know how to edit frame by frame, so...give me more than a minute here.
Xbones, though... If I was gonna grab a current gen console it'd be a PS4, love me some Bloodborne.

>Come down for the sequel to CA, writefag is and a couple other people are too.
shit if we get Peaches down there for that the world is gonna implode.

good luck

Actually I think Goblina-kun is Suffering-user

Don't PS4 Pros do this too?

Big F user
Come back some time for another meetup!
Oh we gotta get like as many people as we can for the sequel meetup, right?

Oh well
When the sequels confirmed I’ll have enough money saved to do /ALITA/ world tour meets assuming foreign anons stay around for that long

>Have a drawing tablet.
>Zero talent.
>So I can't make lewd Alita art.
Blessing or curse?

Lol, what a loser

digital only

>fly in to CA for the meet
If I had the extra $ to fly in from CO I would do it in a heartbeat, maybe I can scrape some together

Are you D.C. user?

I'm not old or jealous, friend.
>Ironically if you were a namefag you'd have a lot better chance of getting people to change things.
This. This only supports my claim.

You gotta come for the sequel, buddy. Plenty of time to scrape up some cash.

Just a theory but she seems like the jealous type and she lives in French Canadia did you know?


Yeah fair enough I barley use that console desu.

And I'm not too sure, I know that the regular PS4 wont. Not too clued up on the pro tho.

I'm claiming next bread unless someone else wants it

She just wants to fit in but doesn't know the proper way yet. Give her time.

This is not Amazon's own listing. But 2 hours of special features sounds like quite a lot. That's like Lord of the Rings Special Editions level.

and maybe we can all help each other out!

So like, how would you even fuck Alita?

>This only supports my claim.

Your worthless, empty, pointless claim that no one else cares about but you.

I'm NYC user, I know there's only 2 of us on the actual East Coast, and I remember you saying you would've taken the train to NYC to watch Alita if you weren't busy

Maybe the other CO user could give me a recommendation where he works, I've done his job on hard mode already

If we do a pool we gotta rent a resturaunt or something to show the first film

Bake away...

And you don't, the answer is you don't.

Do it I need my bread now


Gopher it, user. Just make it nice and make sure you put /ALITA/ in the subject.

Here, I'll make it easier for you:

Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:

It's be good if it had some fresh OC for the OP. If you want a cool edition, that's fine too.


Yeah, it's true.

Luckily, I found a discount theater only a 45min drive away that's been showing discount Alita showings all this time!

They've still got showings for 2 more weeks.