Movies about being a far right 2nd activist and shitting your self after a frat party?

Movies about being a far right 2nd activist and shitting your self after a frat party?

Attached: Photo May 03, 6 51 03 PM.jpg (540x960, 59K)

me on the floor

thats a big shit

That's a quality turd, would sniff.

How did she shit that much?

That's a lot of poop

Imagine the smell

Imagine the taste
Imagine the stench
Imagine the sulphurous smell

Attached: sniff.jpg (600x445, 40K)

imagine bros


Attached: 1551980797235.webm (480x360, 952K)

who is that
she's got a lot of poop that comes out

I wish my poops were solid and thick like this instead of wattery and runny

im a shit detective and thats a planted shit if i have ever seen one.

hey tranny

Most of that probably isn't hers.

Eat more candy.

That's what I'm saying, what is this bitch's diet?

this. probably dog shit

White "people" should be shot at birth.

_______ ___ _____

owo who diz


The human body can hold a lot of shit.

>see woman passed out on the floor
>pull her pants down and shit on her butt
Who'd do that?

I weighed myself before and after my last shit and lost 1.0kg

Attached: 1525601111133.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

She's a reporter for info wars you dolt

But she's clearly birthing a black "person" in the pic

1. Who is it?
2. Is that actually her as you claim?
3. Hang yourself tranny

That's a big shit

They all took turns shitting on her

stop posting pictures of corpses, go back to Yea Forums

wtf does dolt for the state mean?

any proof to that claim?

id kill for shits like that

for loo

Human upper decking

is that the gun chick?

it was big 4 me


How do we know those two girls didn’t poop on her butt while she was unconscious? Something smells fishy here.

>le tranny conspiracy

Why are /pol/ incels so delusionals?

Some hue monkey. They love literally shitting on things they don't like.

What is it like to have a nigger dick up your ass

lel underrated

Not cool bro.

Attached: cutcaster-photo-800889026-Black-Man-Sunglasses.jpg (299x450, 186K)

My arch nemesis

lactose-free milk and welfare checks

who isthis
aware mebefore thread delete

why do newfags always have to acknowledge /pol/ newfags?

Attached: 1651653213216511.jpg (308x299, 12K)

How can you tell by the back of her head and her ass