When is this shit coming out
Hey is that...
what is that? I can’t tell what the hell im looking at
Holy shit
There he is
>people thought he died in "Bravo"s magnum opus
There's a reason you should shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Welp, here we go...
fucking christ
Who the hell are those two?
Isn't the idea of an unshifting Rorschach blot somewhat self-defeating. Or is this some sort of autistic thing about his unmovable morality
Apparently, the show it's set after the events of the movie/comic so this is probably not the real Rorschach and just a copycat/follower or something
it's about lack of budget
Fair enough. Why'd this setting get picked up anyway? All the character arcs seemed pretty done and dusted and it was basically just comparing how different ideologies would work out if God was living with us. A sequel especially seems odd
Well, what else. Just remaking the movie as Yea Forums series seems pointless. Apparently the source material is just a series of 10-15 books and they already covered it, so theres nothing else to adapt, so they went with a new story.
Actually, I think theres a new watchman storyline in the comics released recently, but allareny everyone says its absolute dogshit and it also includes other DC superheroes so I can see why they didnt go with it
They can't keep getting away with it
A Watchmen TV series could actually be interesting if they made it a critique of live action superhero fiction in the same way the original did for comic book superhero fiction.
This probably won't be that, though.
Isnt that what Watchmen basically is?
Lindelof can pull it off
>Lindelof can pull it off
Name one fucking thing he HAS satisfactorily pulled off.
Leftovers was great
It's not rorschach.
I'm thinking...
I wish I could quit finding this meme so funny
Lost and Leftovers until he shit the bed with the last season
>Actually, I think theres a new watchman storyline in the comics released recently, but allareny everyone says its absolute dogshit
Those were "Before Watchmen" and they were dogshit even with DC hiring some decent talent. Doubly so because that talent could have done work on the actual DC universe and its shitty New 52 reboot. Think it was about the same time.
That's called The Boys on Amazon. Though Ennis is a whole other animal from Moore. Crazy bitter Irishman instead of crazy hippie Brit.
sooooo.. he didn't.
as much as I defend LOST and even the final season, it was still a mixed bag and poorly recieved.
and weren't those original works, not adaptations?
god damn this place his irreparable damaged my brain
I dont read comics much, but arent pretty much all DC comics utter garbage in the last 5-10 years?
every single mainstream comic book released since 1989 is pure fucking thrash
ironically Rorschach made his mask out of fabric from a fucking dress. he mentions it was a special order (from kitty genovese of all people) so maybe it's not a dress you can pick up at amazon or whatever, but the fabric exists. anyone else could make their own mask.
also i'm willing to bet 20$ that lindelof created a group of people who worship rorschach or some shit, want to bring his truth to the public, and they dress like him. it's more than a couple people
Isn't it supposed to be (((HBO)))? So, besides the propaganda it WILL have, it could be kino, right? Right!?
But isnt the whole point of Blueman dusting Rorschach in the end is so no one would understand what Rorschach knew? Why would he have followers
Each board only gets one good meme. All others suck. This is Yea Forums's.
The diary. And he was already famous before of the ozymandias events.
I work on the show
Just guess what the deal with that dude is. Just guess. Y’all will either 100% hate it or 100% love it
>There's a reason you should shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
He's a fag? Or was the actual rorschach brought back to life?
>Crazy bitter Irishman
and a hack.
He’s an alt-right 4channer?
Rorschach doesn't actually follow a strictly black and white moral code. He's just literally insane and believes that he does.
Time traveling bullshit
No you don't.
Who asked for this?
You've never seen how the women that get to write all the shows talk on twitter, have you? Ya'll and folks and tea are their most common words.
>I crashed the plane 35 min ago....with no survivors
Oh holy shit.
He voted to outlaw masks.