Every single Stark idiot has forgotten they had a younger brother IMMEDIATELY after he was killed...

Every single Stark idiot has forgotten they had a younger brother IMMEDIATELY after he was killed. He wasn't mentioned even once since the episode in which he died.

Attached: 1dfddbe7-15af-473c-8eb2-93158d347514-rickon.jpg (970x546, 135K)

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I don’t even understand why he was ever even introduced. I think he maybe had two or three lines at most.

That's how good is the show.

D&D forgot about him.

Did Arya ever ask about him? Or Bran? Sansha?

The game of thrones and avengers posts are just starting to blend together now

That's why he was killed off. Didn't know what to do with him, so shock value. Done. Moving on.

>Introduce Starks as thus bunch of people that value family above all and are super tight with each other
>Arya forgot her brother ever existed, never even asked about him after coming back from a different continent
>Nobody even mentions him, nobody cares, ever
Being Rickon is pain

It's just shit tier writing.

>the only reason he was brought back was so that Ramsay could kill him to get Kit Harrington to make an angry face for the camera in order to pander him for an Emmy award

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 13.56.48.png (1838x1028, 1.74M)

To be fair they don't care about Robb or their father either, shitty family.

Rickon's been mentioned like 3 times

They all know about it, Ned's dead too and they don't talk about it every fucking second

Why is this meme being propogated and who cares if its true

>youngest, angriest, most fearful one
>direwolf is damn near uncontrollable
I expected great things from Rickon later on. D&D suck ass.

He's literally created to be the useless character, his wolves name is Shaggydog.


He was last mentioned in the episode battle of bastards in season 6, the same one he died in, just searched through subtitles and name Rickon never pops up after this episode.

I kinda forgot I had a little brother after moving across the country and living alone for a couple years.

Its based on the writer's own DVD commentaries and various interviews they've given. And its significant because it explains the logic behind every illogical decision they've made when writing the show post-season 4.

The Starks have been through a ton of shit.
Life gets bad enough, eventually you need to stop remembering things, and in fact avoiding their mention, to not get sucked down into the black thought hole again.

These fuckers deleted Victarion, you think they have any sense?

He was, at one point, considered the rightful Lord of Winterfell and thus played a large role in the events of season 6.

It's kind of sad though, that in a show that made a certain family into primary protagonists, a member of this exact family has been turned into a prop/plot device.

medieval royalty was never sentimental about sibling deaths

George Martin said in an interview that I don't have the source of that if he could turn back the clock and rewrite what he's written so far, that he would have made all of the children older and gotten rid of Rickon.

Rickon and Dickon, gay emperors of wessos

the way they treated his death is weird. it's like he never existed.