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.webm thread
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That was literally rape, why didn’t the SJW snowflakes object to this?
Because no one saw it.
I read this manga, it was meh
the askenazi jew actor wouldn't rape another askenazi jewess on the big screen. They only fuck their relatives off the screen.
holy shit
god I wish that were me
Well deciding if I want to start the Thor 2 webms or not. God I hate that film.
>literally visually blurring out the lips saying the word "fuck"
is this real life
Broadcast before 10 pm and yep.
After 10 pm they can do Hannibal
Just realized that I took my daughter hunting soon after making that webm, and now she really good at it.
Oh my
> with tongue
Wholesome and cutepilled
Tha fuck was up with that channel's obsession with slim back then? Always thought that stuff looked disgusting as a kid.
Dan Schneider likes to see little girls covered in goo
>be kid
>family goes to universal studios once
>at nick studios part
>tour of the building
>watch a bit of a taping of Figure it Out with summer sanders
>have migraine
>someone comes by and shows us some new gak they might start selling
>one is green with pink cubes that look like ham
>disgusts me and i puke right there
he cute
Why was velma so fucking sexy bros
>RLM has this flick in their collection
will they ever feature it in Best of the Worst?
In all honesty, I remember having loads of headaches as a kid, and now i feel like watching nickelodeon may had caused it. Everything on that channel was an ugly sea of orange, bright yellow, and green.
a cute.
Can you guys post youtube links it doesnt play on my iphone
Can you ask your parents to buy a better phone for you faggot?
look at ben afleck trying his best to fit in. that room is probably and hot smells like dragos hair gel. poor bastard just sitting there for the check trying his best to act like he wants to be there
>look at ben afleck trying his best to fit in
Is it sad that I smile every time you post that because I made it? Probably, but I don't care
please marvelchad, it's already dead
>wonder woman caught on tape
Who else uses Firefox and just had their Yea Forums X disabled?
Isn't it strange those boxes land exactly in the right spot to cover RDJ's feet when he steps out of the suit?
Btw Ezra has put on weight noticeably and seems to be bulking/training in some recent photos.
Could this mean Flash movie is still happening?
I thought that was good moviemaking
>widely ridiculed
>once chance at stardom fails miserably
>solo movie gets cancelled
>be a depressed degenerate and eat a lot
Making RDJ not look like a manlet is decent moviemaking at best.
There's so much wrong with that post I can't even my dude
>This post is filthy and incorrect! Let's clean it up! This post is brought to you by Dial Soap.
>I emotionally responded negatively to your comment, but cannot logically counter it
It's okay Ezra, have another cockmeat sandwich.
It was a different tyme
Why should I waste time when every one of your "points" is easily logically countered with a simple Google search?
FF devs fucked up
What's this from?
Thanks, I'm actually in that thread right now.
I do hope it's a fuck up and this isn't some impromptu roll-out of the feature.
Actually a very inventive way to make the dodging/speedforce look authentic.
He's apparently writing the film in a desperate attempt to get it made and stay on as star. It's going to be a beautiful trainwreck
Because he's homo?
>still posting camrip webms long after the bluray has come out
can't remember why Yea Forums used to seethe about this scene so much
Not quite:
>Script WB has is cringey worse-than-JL Marvel quipfest
>Knows they can do much better than that for Flash
>Partners with someone who he knows can bring something fresh to the character that actual fans of the material would appreciate
It's going to be capekino if it happens.
Well I'd post true BR ones if I had them. But I don't.
He's got absolutely no professional writing credits. Writing isn't the sort of thing people are inert talent for, it takes years of work to git gud. Unless he's purely an ideas man and the other guy is doing the actual writing it'll turn out a steaming pile.
But even if it does turn out good, they'll hire some hack to direct it, and he'll absolutely ruin everything with incompetence
imagine the smell
>the other guy is doing the actual writing
Obviously, since he's...you know...a writer. Derp.
Warner wanted to make the film derivative garbage and Ezra advocated for preservation of the actual character and a decent/unique story. It doesn't matter how much you hate him, it's based.
Ah, I got ya. Don't get me wrong, I love that charming little queer just as much as the next guy, I was just skeptical about his writing abilities.
that webm is a good example of how music can alter a scene.
Link to video? Forgot all about these clips.
>mfw Ace replaced Murdoch in Gorillaz
We'll see what happens, everything still seems up in the air as the only "report" about the outcome we've gotten was unofficial from one site (who has been proven unreliable in the past) who said their "source " told them one thing and then another source said something else, it was a bogus article basically and nobody actually knows what's happening with this film.
It sucks because this nigga was cast in 2014 for fuck's sake - WB hasn't been able to get this movie off the ground in FIVE YEARS. And I'm sure it's not for a lack of enthusiasm on his part because he loves being the Flash: youtube.com
My new fetish
I remember Summer Sanders or one of the other hostesses saying it tasted like candy.
night all
Night m8.
It's not seething, it's just the only scene in the entire DCEU that's worth anything at all.
Good night user
i don't get it
best position
mane I wish I was her
some millionaire jew would have me as his pet in a giant fuckin house
I'd have absolutely zero worries/discomfort in life
RIP Atnon Yelchin
The Avengers tv show.
Jeep goes beep
A Prachett book was turned into a movie?
(Not counting Good Omens coming as a show soon)
What was his fucking problem?
How many hours a day would you say you spend searching for things to be offended about? Do you ever consider the fact that you have to sit and theorize about things that didn't even happen to be offended about reflects poorly on how you choose to spend your time?
I fapped to this
Good Lord I like Avengers but Thor really needed to bulk up in hindsight
Thats part of the charm user
the possession 1981
its freaky how their heads are taken clean off
Any info on where this is from? I only found what sounds to be a much more wholesome film by that name
Okay Ezra faggots, I'll give you this one. He doesn't seem like a complete faggot in this webm. Looks like a nice guy
>in an instant Barry took off his costume, fucked her several times, cleaned her up, and redressed
Speedforce has it's advantages.
Yeah? Why does everyone seem to assume everything DCU is cancelled? It's done pretty well financially, overall. They will keep making movies until they start actually bombing. It's not like WB has many franchises like it to milk.
Honestly the levels of spiteful dishonestly these movies bring out is baffling.
He's extremely nice, why do you think Snyder and the rest of the cast liked him so much?
Of course, because it actually looks good in a lot of places, and the Superstache CGI is only really obvious in that opening scene.
I was listening to Plastic Beach a while back and, i'm not the biggest Gorillaz fan but I was way into them when I was younger and when I saw Ace and I was like, "Is... is that Ace from PPG?". I had to look it up, pleasantly surprised.
He’s like that extremely gay friend you have in college but they’re nice and get girls to hang out with you so you’re okay with it.
I laughed aloud user
I appreciate the rip but whoever did it had never used a VCR before. That tracking issue is easily fixed.
canada show had slime
nick gets bought out by viacom
who also owned canada show
airs it on nick its really popular
start making more game shows for america
kids like it add slime kids like it even more make slime nicks signature
What the fuck is this movie?
its called happiness (1998 film)
This is like some bollywood trash...
I didn't realise footage from that survived, usually they destroy it.
What the fuck is this and what the fuck? Context?
God damn newfags
One of those movies where the jew intends for you to laugh at Hitler but in reality makes you actually like and agree with him
>oooga boog sjw
take your meds nigger and go donate to pateron of all the numales
Who is this?
This is disgusting
This is hot
>using phones
the sheer depth of newfaggotry these days
>superman uses the slowest possible form of attack against a speedster
Actually, three were.
Hogfather, Going Postal and The Colour of Magic. If you like Pratchett's books, you'll like their adaptations.
Just no. He is simply fast. A reasonable way would be to make him have completely normal movement and everybody else being extremely slow. The Flash is even orders of magnitude faster than Superman, so this would still work for him.
the fuck did I just watch?
I'm thinking the first one is Total Recall and the second Hannibal
they'd get #metoo'd into next week if they did this today lol
any movie with Common is kino
You could say it's something they have in common
Still think he's a better rapper than actor though
So many hotties in that movie
>Amanda Donohoe
>Sammi Davis
>Catherine Oxenburg
Why the hell is this movie in 1.85:1? Was it Whedon?
>tfw no sienna milf gf
why even live bros?
Total recall and hannibal
she's a real boner-block because she reminds me of my younger sisters
I like your younger sisters then
He had cystic fibrosis, which mean he wouldn't have lived to see 40
I have the same thing with Kirsten Dunst
same thing when someone says the no doubt singer is hot.
I really need to watch the last season of fortitude
Hey there mate
She's actually in Alabama right now, playing Jessica Mitford in a movie about the Freedom Riders
O nice, hopefully that becomes a nice hit for her. That not TOO far away from me.
It's the hair toss that does it really
that's happened with me several times over the years -- usually takes an update on X before it sorts out
Don't drink the green fairy then
>Don't drink the green fairy
Man I wish I could
I fapped to her so many times when i was 14
Just realized how much of a shitty rip off of the lobby scene from the memetrix this is
>that'll never hapen to me
why even live?
Whatever happened to Shannon Elizabeth
she was on celebrity big brother a couple years ago
Oh god is it that bad
Whooosh goes the hair. Arya so fast! Run, Arya, run!
why is there someone dressed as edward elric next to her
body guard next to the car at 0:02 is literally me
Prime Cut (1972)
wish it wasn't cancelled
new pitfu
Morrison is based and know how to be subtle.
Why does that rabbit on the back have tits? Is iron man a furry?
The smell?
Fuck Joss Whedon.