My dad is rich. If you manage to reach 200 posts discussing the Simpsons WITHOUT mentioning SN**D once, everyone ITT will be paypald $20. GO!
Actual simpsons thread
Sneed. What do I win?
What can you do with $20?
Sneed you ruskie piece of human trash. Kill yourself.
I don't _need $20
fuck you i wanted those $20 :(
Chuck faggot
>83k in bank
As if money could fix my brain
lmao poor eurocuck
>he thinks $83K is something to brag about
>mfw i have more than that in my account
I’m 25 and I own 270k € in Financial Assets
Post your bank account.
>my dad is rich
>makes less than 6 figures
>less than 100k in the bank
Is this really what europoors think is rich?
LMAOing @all these V I R G I N S claiming to have more than $50
čo voda to potok, čo čech to kokot
I'm American and have priceless liberties like being able to post memes without legal repercussions, owning weapons, and no Shariah law zones
its my pocket money, why are you bullying me?
What is your favorite simpsons movie?
heh my dad pays twice that for hookers every year
shut up poor slut
Actual richfag user here. If I can get 15 non-sneed related (You)s I will send everyone in this thread $40.
Have sex
wageslave here
I have 7k euros lel
Look son, there will always be someone richer than you. And bragging about how much money you have just makes you look like a jackass.
Based comfortable salary poster
I want about three fiddy
koruny xD
When you joining the Euro? You been in the EU long enough.
Never. Accepting the euro would destabilize the economy...
why would we join (((their))) currency?
Fuck off poorfag
So if I don't say sneed you'll donate money for feed?
I thought it was no longer possible to opt out of the currency like Britain and Sweden did.
no. u
2 mega
Andrej Babiš junior?
Guys, seriously. Let's try to make it happen.
What's your favorite episode? Personally, It's S11E05
You're a good man, OP.
I hope you enjoy your wealth.
ne, ale jezdili sme za nima na capi hnizdo na dovcu
Pocket money’s a good term for it.
shut up, slav
Give me the 83k and I'll promise I'll never say the s-word again
Oof, hang in there buddy.
you are a complete faggot
I'm trying to find this Homer Simpson shower gel i used when i was a child and still no luck.
The smell is like under my nose right now.
they are retarded czechs from /pol/
to have euro you first need to pass many economical conditions and we failed to do it for many years
our economy is going to shit, everything outside prague is a shithole, (even slovakia is a better place to live now which we always considered as the retarded little brother), and to cover this up we are larpring like "HURR DURR WE DONT EVEN WANT EURO JOKES ON YOU HAHAHA"
hey I have 3 dollars in my bank account can you give me money thanks in advance