
King tony addition

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Still the best scene in the show for the best character

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Are there any game mods that let you play the battle of winterfell how it should have been done?

High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

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6 > 5 tho


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Fuck the king.

The NK's army wouldnt have stood a chance against Gladiator Ralph

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if the wolfs are cgi why didnt they make them big as horses as in books?

hope NK wins

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Post yfw Jon kills Daenerys

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Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.

send a raven, message as follows "lol at least i have a cock you bald fucking bitch XD"

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lmao fuck i really am a brainlet

>sits up
>leaves grease stains on chair

Couldn't these just be alternate endings? I thought they said they filmed multiple endings?


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So if a random girl with a dragonglass shard can BTFO the Night King and his army with a single shank, why didn't the 3ER just have Meera ambush him in the cave?

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Oh fuck those things were so fucking fun to play with as a kid while waiting at the doctor's office.

The grieving continues

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Why can't Arya be the one to kill her?

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get off my iron throne before you flip it the fuckova

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Where is Cecil & Stannis?

you're going to be a father, ned

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The most KINO outcome would have been if the NK bent the knee before Bran and then cut to credits

In the end the real enemy is climate change and we all need to work together to defeat it

>NK bent the knee before Bran

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I always imagined killing him would be some complex or difficult affair involving either Azor Ahai or dragonfire but nope, if he tripped and fell on a random shard laying on the ground in Winterfell it would've ended his 8000 year long career

cecil is covering the sky, use ya eyes nigga

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Shrekmode Sandor was almost as kino as Thanos

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>NK bends the knee
>Bran looking away
>Bran turns around
>blue eyes

>tfw you will never be this good at banter

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>NK bent the knee before Bran
That would be interesting

giants cum...

h-hold on! Arthur let's take a break, my wife brings the good news!

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>tfw Jon doesn't get to meet a hot wildling princess and instead has to settle for Dany

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i want to KISS that artwork

imagine the smell

this was D&D's attempt to write a Guy Ritchie character into their magical fantasy show

>they still watch game of thrones
>they still haven't watched the last kingdom

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>NK kills Arya.
>NK kills Bran.
>Only Jon, Daennerys, Jamie and some of the people manage to escape Winterfell.
>The episode ends with a shot from distance showing Winterfell totally destroyed and all people dead.
>Silence in the credits.

Now that would have been shockingkino ending.

I would have like a similar ending that Infinity Wars were the villain wins and kills half of the protagonists and people just don't know how the fuck they are going to defeat him. Leaving them all in shock.

The NK would have been showed as a magnificent villain after that.

So we all know they are going to put a girl on the throne even though it should be Jon, right?

this is literally the average English exchange, except the other guy would banter back instead of meekly taking it like a little prick

I'd be fine with this.

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Jon will kill her to prevent it


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>(and i count myself as one)
>this is a pretty faithful adaptation of the books

I feel like he's trying to convey something with this post

>Self-taught man armed only with two knives fucked up Aegon Targaryen

is the implication here that the quality went down over time?

Literally the mythology got wrapped in EP3,

- Euron's fleet takes down Rhaegal.

- Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

- Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

- Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's lineage. Tyrion tells Varys.

- Varys betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better ruler.

- Cersei has Missandei executed.

- Dany has Varys executed. Dany assaults King's Landing and it's one-sided as hell.

- Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses.

- Tyrion frees Jaime to try to get Cersei out of the city.

- King's Landing gets wrecked in the battle. Drogon burns Euron's fleet.

- The Hound fights his brother. They both die.

- Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.

- Jaime makes it to Cersei and they die together.

- Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.

- Dany has Tyrion arrested to be executed for freeing Jaime.

- Tyrion tries to convince Jon that his family will never be safe because his lineage makes him a threat to Dany's rule.

- Jon tries to talk to Dany but she justifies her actions.

- Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.
A council gets formed to decide who the King should be. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes on Bran to become King. The end.
In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany. Arya leaves. Sansa rules the North. Bran oversees his council of Tyrion, Davos, Sam, and Bronn.

>aegon targaryen had to be saved by an incest wife who stabbed the real man in the back
>then he stabs him from behind too

Well he's the FOOKIN LEGEND after all

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So for what exactly was that one extra year of waiting for this season?

I still can't get over the fact that after all those foreboding staredowns, all that build up, the whole 8 years of Jon fighting, Jon trying to rally people against the Nightking he didn't even deliver the killing blow. THEIR SWORDS NEVER EVEN CLASHED HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH

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but the NK is dead??

top fucking jej

>You just think I'm a dumb whore

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>Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.
You think D&D will let a man kill the main female protag? LMAO

Maario Naharis

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They literally had to spend a year playing with their idea crayons because they had no idea what to do

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>pod's song as it shows Theon and Jorah

That's a lot more depressing in hindsight now.

animated ASOIAF

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>this is the level of inteligence, creativity and integrety we are dealing with

How the fuck did these people ever get a job? I wouldn't hire them at a local McDonalds


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So did anyone else wonder why undead were raining from the sky at one point?



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Where the fuck is the source on this

>Bran becomes king
You had me up til that point. No way they vote for autismo supremo.



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Drogon was shaking all the undead off of it mid-flight that had climbed on after Daenerys made it land to save Jon

I dont care anymore, as you see, remaining episodes all would be focusing on shock value and subverting expectations.. I hoped that they will do something interesting with Bran redeeming mythology of the show, but no... Mad Queen Dany destorying everything and then got killed.

Can't wait for victarion scenes. Especially one with the monkeys haha

>yfw they spent the two years filming dozens of endings to the story
>yfw they have a poll the final week
>yfw winner gets the Iron Throne and thats the episode we get

This. Would be Earth-shattering if true.

t. an autist

>tease azor ahai for literally the entire show
>it wasn't stannis but I swear it's that gormless tosser jon snow seriosly bro hes the chosen one
>"According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn to wake dragons from stone and reforge the great sword Lightbringer that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago.
>it must be jon or dany wow I cant wait until they defeat the night king its gonna epic and not forced at all
anyway it doesnt matter bro we have arya stark shes epic assassin girl it doesnt matter bro just have her kill the ice zombie nigga btw I cant see anything for the entire episode.

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Fucking asshole dragon flying right over the castle while doing that then

If only...

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If they ever do animated ASOIAF it better be true to the books. That's means 6'4" jacked Robert, anime protag Jon, purple eyes Targs, red haired Stark kids, giant fucking wolves not getting killed for the budget, etc, not just copying and pasting the show actors likenesses.

It probably is true, she was originally just some random prostitute/porn actress who got into acting randomly.

How new are you?

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cringy art style

Why the fuck would Rhaegar name both of his sons aegon?

Maybe they could just do like choose your own adventure, and you vote at certain points what you want to happen from some options. Everybody happy.

this could have all be avoided

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They should use the comic book's designs

Youre gonna die for a chicken?


Where's the body?

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How would you salvage it?
Later seasons remake after new books are released?

thelordcommander. The greatest /got/ youtuber that ever was or will be.


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>Wight Crew is done two more now

And then only Jon, Tormund, Gendry, and The Hound remained.

Emilia Clarke (Dany) said in an interview filing that shot where Jon touches a dragon for the first time was an absolute nightmare to shoot, since Kit Harrington couldn't comprehend the scene

Apparently Kit started freaking out, since they kept telling him to look at the dragon with a sense of bewilderment and amazement, but in reality there was no dragon there, just a green balloon. He started flipping his shit because he couldn't understand that there'd be a CGI dragon in front of him.

Eventually they just gave up and told him to make that same expression he's been doing since the start of the series while they finished the shot. Emilia said that it took like an hour too film that two minute shot because Kit was so fucking terrible.

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Movies, milk it as long as possible with the biggest budgets imaginable. Each book is 3-4 movies.

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I think Lightbringer symbolized conception and Arya was invisible to the WW because she got knocked up by Gendry. That's why WW needed sacrifices... they can't sense "new life". Winterfell makes sense for "Salt and Smoke" because salted food is mentioned often in the North, so you can assume they use it heavily as a preservative. Smoke because it's the North and it's cold, and they always have a fire going. Compound this with the fog from the hot springs, and Winterfell would have a salty and smoky aroma all the time. I think it'll be this way in the books, but George will make it work.
I think Jon will be the Volonqar and choke out Cersei, so him and Arya switch roles. Jon is the younger brother of the Targ line, and Volonqar is a Valyrian word... so Maggy could be saying "The Valyrian younger brother".

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>comic book
Wait what

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toppest of keks

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There’s no way this is true... right?

I hope this pasta never gets old

Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) said in an interview filing that shot where Jon brushes against a plant for the first time was an absolute nightmare to shoot, since Plant (Plant) couldn't comprehend the scene.

Apparently Plant started freaking out, since they kept telling him to stand still with a sense of bewilderment and amazement, but in reality there was no wind there, just a short human. He started flipping his shit because he couldn't understand that there'd be a fan in front of him.

Eventually they just gave up and told him to make that same expression he's been doing since the start of the series while they finished the shot. Kit said that it took like an hour too film that two minute shot because Plant was so fucking terrible.

Why can’t the Kingsguard fuck? Why won’t they let them fuck? What is the justification for this rule?

There's always someone taller...

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kit is 5'8"

If IF the books are ever released, I'd wait a few years then do a big budget animated adaption of the whole thing again.
Wouldn't need the supermassive budget for cgi or big wages for lots of star actors.
It would be some great mature animation that would be as faithful as you could get to the source material.

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>danny dragon can still fly even when carrying hundreds of zombies
>this mean night king could have used his own dragon to journey south to king landing, fucking the city up and giving cersei a nice surprise
>episode 3 could be about winterfell managing to "win" against night king forces with minimal losses, end of episode would be everyone embracing and cheering each other, only to cut away to king landings being overrun by zombies and giant ice spiders

It could have been so much more....

They usually fuck the queen

god damn she looked hot back then

Same as the NWs. No titles, no land, no women. Attachments are a distraction, there is only your duty to the Realm/King(Queen).

NW and Kingsguard are basically two sects of the Jedi Order.

Made by Netflix. ;^)

kingsguard can fuck lol. they just can't marriage or have children

Can't wait to ser her death

>hates manlets
>forces the man who loves her to spend time with her boyfriends
>paltry bitch
>doesn’t care about height
>definitely fucked the guy who plays Jorah

Answer this, sexist incels

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Bolt-on confirmed?

Lets be real, they may have not had a romantic relationship, but between them and the children/dragons, they honestly had one of the most purest loves there was in the show, it had its faults and started off deceptive of course, but it grew. Jorah realized that, why can't anyone else? It's beautiful in that respect and rare.

Reminder that when Stannis is told by Jon to burn all the dead before nightfall because Jon has seen some spooky stuff, this is how Stannis reacts. He doesn’t mock Jon like the women characters do, he doesn’t demand proof, he doesn’t write Jon off as opportunistic; Stannis is genuinely spooked as well and I assume follows through with burning them.

He was the only king to take it seriously. THE KING THAT CARED

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>Jon takes the black again
What's the point of the Night's Watch now that nothing happens north of the Wall?


Why are we still here

Just to suffer?

But why? Why is fucking something that would cause them to renege on their vows? All of these guys are from high born families anyway, what about getting their dick wet is going to make their family loyalties stronger?
Not according to Arys Oakheart

The wildlings have to go back
They have to go back

global warming

>Few of the birds that Aemon had sent off had returned as yet. One reached Stannis, though. One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared.

how could they do him dirty like that

>we'll find out dany's pregnant on mothers day

dabid you did it again you bastard

>Dany snaps after her entire family and loved ones are gone other than Drogon



wolf star babbies

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>One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared.
Stan fans all seem like horrible edgelords but this is kind of sweet. Stannis is growing on me

>But why? Why is fucking something that would cause them to renege on their vows? All of these guys are from high born families anyway, what about getting their dick wet is going to make their family loyalties stronger?
Because sometimes you get attached to what you have sex with user, it's just a precautionary thing, it also speaks of discipline. If you can not have sex, you can follow orders and uphold the law.

I miss gabe...

I would love to see it adapted by the guy who made the Castlevania animated series. Might need someone to write but this style would be fine.

Stannis is a lot better in the books, he's actually an extremely just man who is trying to do the right thing just in a magical God of Fire type of way. He even sets up an entire thing in case he dies that Shireen is Queen.

D&D did him extremely dirty, Stephen Dillane salvaged it best he could.

Can you believe that is was all pointless in the show narrative?

He defeated wildlings only for Jon to let them in, could have saved the trouble then and there, also how pathetic NK was, it all seem so pointless desu.


Gods.... they had a quality then...

you're a talker

This is late but I'm finally half way through book 3. Haven't watched the show seriously since season 6. Why is it that when Mero of the second son's is talking to Dany on the show, they frame her eagerness to kill him motivated by how offended she is by his sexism and male priviledge rather than the fact that it would destroy the morale of of his troops thus ensure their victory.

Why did they turn Dany into some postor child of feminism when her character is mainly about just obtaining her birth right and doing whatever it takes to rule not proving to everyone how strong women are.
Just her exist is an example of feminism to the audience. so why did they feel the need to amp it up, and pretend that anyone, including the women, care about ideas like feminism at this time? All this while of course warping Dany's character for the most part. It's all so unnecessary and dumb.

A lot of things they changed in the show season 2 and beyond were pretty unnecessary(Jeyne westerling vs Talisa is biggest example).

Will she ever be back guys? Is she behind some secret identity? They say she threw herself into the sea but there was never a body...

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>if you can not have sex, you can follow orders and uphold the law

Why don't you look up some of those crime spike statistics in Germany and Sweden and see how that whole "can't have sex it's agianst allah" is working out. Also read: the catholic church

First, stop using freefolkphobic slurs. Second, the 7 Kingdoms are their home now and Westerosi people should welcome diversity, which will make their society stronger. It's 305 after the Conquest, damnit

someone post the pasta where the whole story is a dream and ned and ashara are happily married

Septa Lemore

Because it started to get popular and catch on, as much as I hate to use the argument its too big for its britches now.

Wait until you get to the scene where Dany exiles Jorah, it paints it pretty damn clear she's always loved him, he's just far older. Hell let alone all the shit changed during Book 3 and beyond.

>Jaime betrays the North

>Stannnis wakes up
>Seasons 7,8 were all a dream
>Stannis uses Red Witch power defeats everyone by will of The Lord of Light
>last episodes are hardcore porn of the red witch titties and hot chick from Doerne orgy
>show is actually a Dream On prequel
>HBO overtakes Netflix and Hulu top streaming service

what a terrible case of newfags

Backing this up, it's easy to forget now he's in the rearview mirror of the show, but Stannis seems like a good man who has destiny going against him in the books.

He started as an asshole, but has grown, learned to be social and brought the Northern lords on side with feasts and he's always stuck true to his principles.

How D&D thought he'd be a 'terrible king' I'll never know, unless the idea of a truly just man scares them.

I didn't say that, I said that a Commander would view it as such. If he gave you an order not to have sex, and you followed it. You may get an order to protect the King and follow it or die. It's more like that, than it is "Just don't have sex guys, it boosts morale."

Look at how slow the pacing has been this season. No way all of this happens in 3 episodes (2 really, since we know none of it happens this week).

Stop derailing the thread, retard. “They maintain celibacy to demonstrate their discipline” is a good answer to the original question

He believed well and truly. Made a point to tell the fatass librarian that there was loads of Dragonglass at Dragonstone.
A few years later and the same fatass neglects to tell the Dothraki that dragonglass kills wights.
Fucking Tarlys

>rewatching the series
>around s7 everyone is just spamming the word night king
jon says it like 14 times in a single episode when he meets dany, he says it like she's going to go "oh shit the night king, I totally know who that is"

could be worse, at least normies will flip their shit due to dany dying

>S8 E8, Ned wakes up in a cold sweat
>Ned, my love, what’s wrong?
>Oh, I had a terrible dream I was married to a ginger shrew and got decapitated
>How awful! Come downstairs and have breakfast with me and our three beautiful sons, that’ll take your mind off it
>Thanks, Ashara. I’m really glad that our actual children are cute and none of them look like horrible goblins

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>army has a self destruct button
>sends self destruct button into enemy lines
>It gets pushed

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>Few of the birds that Aemon had sent off had returned as yet. One reached Stannis, though. One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared.
>and a king who still cared.


Damn, if that's true then she's currently on team f/Aegon... and I wonder how that fits with her disappearance right after seeing Ned at Starfall.

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They view him as nothing more than a pariah of religion come to burn all heretics in his way and doing anything it takes to get ahead, even his family. That's how they viewed Stannis.

Rather than a man who doesn't believe in the Gods, but knows their power is real, who is trying to unite the realm under rightful claim after conquested through civil war, while also trying to defend and help the other houses.

So its less a just man scares them and more they completely misinterpreted or forgot his character entirely and made it up based on simple facts they skimmed off the ASOIAF wiki.

Why were you people expecting NK to be anything more than what he already he is?
If he was this compelling villain with complex motives then he would loss mass appeal because he would just be too complicated for the average viewer.
Why do you want depth in these characters? They would become confusing to the masses if they had strong characterization like in the books.

based and daynepilled

This is not actually 100% bad...

>playing mount and blade warband clash of kings
>spawn in the reach
>poor and bandits everywhere
>decide to enlist in an army to build up my skill and make some money
>Enlist in Mace Tyrell army
>given a cracked spear and a uniform
>literally 5 seconds later all the events from the book occur
>Robert is dead
>Baratheons declare war on Lannisters
>Tyrells support them
>Mace Tyrell calls all his banner men to join him
>we start moving towards king's landing
>then out of the woods comes out a significantly larger Lannisters force
>Tywin is leading it
>battle starts
>all we have is a handful of cav and a bunch of spearmen fodder
>told to form a spear wall
>then i see it
>2000 Lannisters cavalierly units appear over the horizon
>out cuck spear wall isn't going to do shit
>they charge in spear head formation into several areas of the spear wall
>i turn my head left and right and all i see are tyrell corpses
>spear head formation coming right into my location
>then from the corner of my eye i see something pass me
>mfw it's fucking stannis leading a massive counter-cav charge
>Baratheons reinforcements have arrived
>they smash into the Lannisters forces and decimate them
>battle won
>he heads straight off to kings landing and takes the iron throne
>rules the 7 kingdoms and makes westeros great again

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I'm legitematley not trying to derail it with /pol/ tard logic, just genuine logic instead, which tells us that not allowing sex isn't good for mental health and makes people violent as well as about a million times more likely to commit rape/sexual assault.

OP even made a good counter-argument to my objections against it.

Watch "KFC "Game of Thrones" Commercial [HD]" on YouTube

First for Lord Turmund! 1st Bannerman for the Lords of Winterfell.
Lord of the Last Hearth

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Judaism and nepotism

For Lord Forrester! Iron from ice!

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Everyone listen. We're fighting a battle against an army that can raise the dead. Every man slain in battle will rise to become part of the enemy army. We need to minimize losses at all costs, because as our forces are killed, the enemy grows stronger. Let's get everyone in the castle. Lets send our two dragons to take out their one. Let's set up all sorts of ground defenses to hold them back and have archers and artillery fire on them as they approach. We will litter the ground with spikes of dragon glass. If they get to the walls, we will pour oil and fire upon them. Our dragons can obliterate them after taking out the undead dragon between them. Our last stand, if need be, will be to create a solid wall of shields with dragonglass spikes in a circle, with everyone else inside poking them with spears. We will also need to burn of all the dead bodies in the crypts. We can kill them all by taking out the boss zombie. We have a highly trained ninja stealth assassin who may be able to carry out this task. There is no point arranging all our troops outside facing one direction, because we don't know where they are coming from, it's pitch fucking black. And also, they could surround us easily. This plan will work, and I am a fucking brainlet. anyone got any better ideas?

>"uhh yeah lets just send all our horsies in first and then retreat"

No one cares about NK as an individual (he's not even a book characteR), it was walkers/cotf/raven/bran lore and backstory we wanted that ties everything together.
Looks like we will never get answers from the books, and this stupid show was probably our only chance for an explanation.

Or a super talented mega fan like the guy who spent his time animating the Helreach audiobook for 40k. (dude got hired by the company)

I'll take 2!

What would be his sigil and motto?

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She left a hole so big not even 7 servings of Karen's ziti could fill it

Digits confirm

>the show will never be this good again

u mad goyim?

>none of your choices matter the game

>unless the idea of a truly just man scares them

They are hollywood people, what do you think? They probably spend their weekends snorting coke out of the asses of child prostitutes, m8te, you wonder why they dont like the law guy.

An enomous pink mast, with red pubes

>user will remember that

no,I don't live in goyland.

>anyone got any better ideas?
Grind obsidian into a powder and drop it from dragons or ravens on the white walkers, WW1 style.

sigil a giant's tit and moto pic related

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At this point I was just hoping for NK to pull a thanos and kill everyone, final episode would be like the ending of warcraft 3, Night king sits on the Iron throne holding lightbringer, now burning cold with a blue flame, and that's it, the good guys dont always get to win, and the few people who could have stopped NK like stannis or tywin, are long dead.

A stick figure on a poorly drawn kindergarten castle with a big smile, and he'll just go

>So whaddaya think, i got talent ayy?


You guys got it all wrong, in the end cersei is killed by arya and instead of jon and dany fighting over the throne, they decide to SHARE it and build a brand new nice throne with 2 seats11!!!!! They rename King's Landing 'Rainbow Rock' and the dragons become vegan.

grey worm has his dick magically replaced and gets to fuck his girl, and all your favourite characters from Game of Thrones™ like Tyrion, Sansa and funny Varys live too!

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he's going to be lord of bear island, he once fucked a beah

>Ned supported Stannis' claim
>Northerners say fuck that and try to rebel instead of backing Stannis
>his death was ultimately pointless
Robb and the North got what they deserved tbqh

holy shit, the dialogue used to be so good.

>tfw will never steal a living off mindless hordes of yaass kweens, beta cuck faggots and angry neckbeards that can't seem to stop watching my actual joke of a show

Why are jews so well-connected? How did this happen? I'm not a /pol/ mong, but they quite literally run Hollowood despite supposedly being a tiny fraction of the population

>"With the leaves... on the bottom?"

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Look at this image and see this wasted potential, fucking retard

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>Tormund of House Amazon
>Sigil: Giantess
>Motto: 6’ or Above

Sigil: A giantess feeding a child
Motto: Giant titty make strong

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>wakes up
>home-cook makes them pancakes
>feeds 10 year-old son estrogen pills and onions milk
>Tesla drives them to work at the studio
>Writes absolute garbage
>Gives no shit
>collects millions
>drives home
>Turn on MSNBC in background while home-cook finishes making dinner
>thinks about how horrible things are

gormless retard ahai edition

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>Motto: Fuck Womanlets

Lol you expect the average viewer to remember all that ancient shit? Lmao


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Name one good OC D&D scene that's not in the first season. They always smeared their shit all over the source material

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Davos should get bear island just because its an island and navel defenses are important.

Tyrion and Varys banter in Episode 1 was hilarious!

Mark my words. The dude goblina killed was not the NK.

the NK is just a puppet of the 3ER

Just opened up GIMP and was about to make this exact edit. Perfect post, user.

Stop. That would be even more retarded

You are overestimating Dumb&Dumber intelligence.

Not a single fan theory about this show has ever came true. There is no deeper mystery. Let it go.

None of the book shit matters my guy. The show exists in a vacuum.


*rides on a dragon* lands, scream at undead dragon!!!!!!* wow this is fucking epic i love when he screams at z ombie dragon

and i love when epic assasin arya kills night kiong yep epic this is good writing (smiley face) yep epic (ayra kills night king) epic yep epic

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It's because the real NK is Euron.

>The icy breathe of the sea sails on Westeros once more
>The Drowned God of Darkness and Death and the Abyss
>The Great Other

Euron is the NK. Jon will kill him and become Azor Ahai truly.

would winterfell win?

Attached: battle of winterfell.png (2550x3300, 3.94M)

Im too retarded to do it myself, but there's a lot of humor in the idea that Dany is like Phil Leotardo trying to whack Jon's Tony. Because she wants to be the leader. Just have her say retarded Phil Leotardo shit

Bran is the new NK. He will obsess over Danys child. With her being dead Sansa will Exile Bran and save/raise the child.

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>ice shards melt and come together forming the NK again

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Bran was the NK till the moment before Theon's death. Jon should have killed the NK because that was part of Westeros' mythology( the original NK was killed by his brother, which was a Lord Stark back then). Arya killing the NK was a literal subvert of expectations, a shitty one.

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Best Characters:
1. Azor Arya (Night King Slayer, suffered the most out of everyone but always pulls through. My savage little wolf cub.)
2. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne. Best girl, best khaleesi, best queen. Most pure and beautiful. Cute dragons.)
3. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf. Removed Tywin, another nonsensical patriarchal archetype that was shitting up the plot.)
4. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character, defeated Cersei, Baelish, Ramsay. Greatest character development. Keeps up with my Dany.)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to a fault. Completely destroyed the hound who exemplifies toxic masculinity. Justly executed the worst character.)

Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. So vile, burned his own kid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels.)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong. Has no character but memes.)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot. Forced redemption arc that doesn't make sense.)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved.)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany. Doesn't know when to give up.)

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Just like Vegeta, he smirks, imposes some shit about a power not seen for millennia and then gets fucking bodied by a teen girl/android with no emotions.

>one is literally from this season
Did D&D just think the spiral is some random le spooky thing they used to make?

reverse positions for tyrion and cersei, your meme would be better

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Will they explain Eurons blood eye in the next episode?

show your tits, hot babe

>suffered the most out of everyone

Jorah says hi. Just because you're used to the girls you love banging other dudes doesn't make it suffering for everyone else.

I decided to go back and watch season 1 - 4 to wash the shit that was s8e3 out of my mouth. S2 is complete fucking kino.

NK can no-scope a dragon with an Olympic javelin throw but he can't snap a girl's neck
NK turns humans into undead wizards when he touches them, but his touch does nothing to a girl he's holding in the air
why is this

cersei with long hair = 10/10 woman
cersei with short hair = 2/10 woman

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>male in the best section
Can you not?

Just watched the episodes, yes the quality has gone to shit since its not based on martin but its fun to watch but kinda predictable. Danny will turn into her dad and the twins will kill each other.

see He's also actually Patchface.

>S2 is complete fucking kino.
Tyrion as Hand is so fucking fun

Naw, she still a cute.

>NK stole cersei from KL and used illusion magic to make her look like him
>jon snoo and the gang go south to KL, where the real NK disguised as cersei
>NK blows up the city with the Wildfire to make a new wight army to battle the gang

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>white walker shatters a steel sword with his palm because he's so cold
>NK grabs arya by the neck and she's fine

Men are supposed to suffer, women are fragile.

This makes me even more angry. Maybe they think that this is the White Walker house sigil?


Did you just assume Jorah's gender?

you're a fag

So basically in this scene if Meera had hid in a corner and waited for the Night Kind and then killed him with her spear instead of the random White Walker, she would have ended the entire war? Seems pretty fucking easy.


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Best girl

Stay mad, most people loved the episode. Only autists keep crying because a woman did something.

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>D&D explaining something
Lol good joke m8.

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Is Gin Alley a reference to Hogarth's Gin Lane?

Attached: gin lane.jpg (845x1024, 346K)

Correct. Imagine tying her long hair to the bed so you can play with her ass unlimited

That review reads like satire.

>gin alley
>nobody on the show has ever drank gin

>ass unlimited
sounds like the name for a whorehouse

Correct, or if Jojyn had never taken Bran north in the first place he'd have never found out about the 3-Eyed Raven.

Or if Jon wasn't so pussy-assed about the NK and his army then they never would have gone North, lost a Dragon, and got the wall burned down too. Or why not fight at the Vale so funnel the NK's army while the dragons hold Viserion and him off? Why not fight at Dragonstone, they're bound to mindless run into Dragonglass at some point.

How could Ned allow this qt to commit suicide ;_;

Well, they never went to Gin Alley, did they?

>Tyrion as hand of the king
>trolls joffery, pisses of Cersei, outsmarts Stannis, exiles slynt, takes harrenhal off the table
>Tyrion as hand of the queen
>okays a deal to legalize slavery for 7 years then gets attacked anyways, loses dorne the iron islands and the reach immediately, can’t even get dany to be nice to him anymore
Really makes me think

NK/undead army should have won, red woman should have scorned Brienne for killing the one person who could have stopped him, the prince that was promised.

Stan is deserved better.

As someone who still likes Arya, she didn't deserve that kill. Jon, Jaime, or Jorah did. Hell I'd have accept Beric or Brienne doing it before Arya.

Are you ready now? To witness a power not seen for thousands of years???

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It's that plot armor. Was that shit chase scene at the end of season 6 not enough for you to understand?

thank you, user

meant for lol

Hes still coming back, right lads?

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House words “big peepee”

Need me to get my wife?

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well Hogarth's art shows gin being drank by the lowest class scum in society while beer is drank by the affluent and prosperous

meanwhile GoT is full of french faggots always drinking wine

Nice bait. My expectations have TRULY been subverted, this is fucking epic. Jon snow isn't Azor Ahai for some reason, k, makes no sense whatsoever but surely D&D dumb & dumber the retard squad have something planned which will make up for it. I believe. Guess im out now.

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I couldn't disagree more. Arya's entire arc is about embracing death, t only makes sense that she's the one who ultimately destroys it.

I, too, mock things made by people who are obviously more talented than me.

Badass dude

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Stop shitposting, faggot.

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is this bait


You have to go back. It was Jon's destiny to kill the NK, D&D stole it and gave it to their goblin puppy.


No, it really doesn't considering the entire prophecy about the Prince that was promised. It's physically impossible for it to be Arya. Sure they're misinterpreted all the time, but the prophecy is pretty fucking specific with them being the Savior. Nobody is looking at Jon as the Savior over Arya now.

7 keks

Not forgiven
Not forgotten

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>horde of mindless blue-eyed WHITE walkers marching against the racially diverse group of people in westeros on a seek and destroy mission with no explained purpose because of lazy writing
>every human leader is a female with the potential to become the queen
>the only potential king is a total beta cuck that says shit like "it doesnt mattah who sits on the frone wen tha white walkas cam, we r in dis togheta"
>arab/paki/african armies crossing the ocean to "take the iron throne" ie dominate the europe of the got universe

It seems so fucking obvious that it's just a big "white man bad" show, yet you still wonder if it's actually not doing it on purpose

prophecyfags are nearly as bad as subversionfags you jonautist redditor

You are now reminded that they not only wrote, but also directed the series finale

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>Arya kills NK
>Everyone rightly points out that Arya should have literally no trouble killing Cersei considering how busted her powerset is
>Arya conveniently remembers (because Jaime or someone else told her) that Cersei is pregnant so the Many-Faced God wouldn't allow it
>Many Faced God: "Actually, by killing the Night King, you released about 304,273 undead from his control, and we count those as technical kills. Therefore, you have a 300,000+ credit account with the Many-Faced God, which gets you a gold card and one additional free credit rating in the future."
>Arya goes and kills Cersei because there's no reason she can't
>House Stark rules with an iron fist and nobody retaliates out of fear of their busted assassin

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But i'm right, you fuckin autist, and you know it.

>the two dirty blonde, blue eyed males die (only the lannisters remain)

Also the Dothraki were slaughtered pretty easily.

Glad you’re reading the book! I liked feast for crows a lot, don’t let others sour your opinion before you start. Also, keep in mind how fucking legend storm of swords is while reading it. SOS lost the Hugo award to fucking Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire gdi.

Yeah I used to say GoT had the best women in fiction, and the books still kinda do. Book dany is like you said a great female character just by her existence. And she’s human! She fucks up exactly how an over confident teenage girl in charge would fuck up. But the show just decides to make dany this epic badass girl. It’s sad for the fans who genuinely enjoyed the women of Westeros before DABID

Except Book Drogo continues to force himself on her every night.

A Sonnet of Wind and Earth
>The Council of Westeros has assembled
>Bronn as Martian Manhunter
>Jon as The Green Lantern
>Arya as Batman
>Gendry as Superman
>Sansa as Wonder Woman
>Yara as Aquawoman
>Tormund as The Flash

Together they shall protect Westeros from all threats from Asshai, such as Eldric Shadowchaser who will be playing Darkseid.

And the book paints a clear picture of stockholm syndrome, so much that she has visions of just whimpering and crying in pain with blood just pouring down her.

What's the equivalent of Greggs in Westeros?

Hot Pie's food?


Bot comment

What's the original?

The Shae boat one