are there any good horror movies without extreme gore?
Are there any good horror movies without extreme gore?
wtf is happening
digits thread retard, first day here or something?
check em
that looks like supernatural when they puke the demons
what could she have possibly eaten to puke that up? a fucking tar milkshake? i can't even be grossed out by this, she's spewing like a boss enemy from super mario sunshine
>It's a "le jump scarez and gore are bad, le atmosphere" söyhorror thread
Check these doubles
This is how it's done, check them
is this the off by one thread?
I'm finta bouta dab on these niggas.
Drug overdose user. That's charcoal
Wow, your post ends in the digits 222. What are the odds of that? 222. Now that is something
well, maybe she shouldn't have been such a stupid whore and done drugs you can overdose on
You see a stupid whore. I see a $10 blowjob and a punching bag.
is it ded?
Carnival of Souls
low budget film and some people think it sucks but it's creepy and stays with you
Imagine looking in your neighbors yard and seeing this
come on lady luck
is she ok?
The Babadook
Was that bb suffocated by the cord?
still pushing this mene?
No that's just how you look like at birth.
The baby falling wasn't planned
This is a German family
Not if she didn't get help
It scared me while being good quality and no gore
>dark green vomit
She dead, right?
looks like she dies in the weebum tbhwyf her eyes roll back and she sorta just goes limp