oh man...
Oh man
White men and women come up with the cringiest lines in writing.
haha you know whats disappointing?
this dick
Oh man, that sounds fucking great!
I feel like we say "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" because women are fucking useless.
p.s. I have sex with women all the time
she hot
women hate general? women hate general.
Riverdale is such trash, how the fuck is it still on?
kek get laid femcel
have sex
is this that annoying jersey bitch from oitnb?
Huh? Where did Chad go? Is this after he left through the back door?
She's right you know..
I wish I could masturbate 20 times a day
Have se-
tfw no redhead gf
Oh man oh god oh man oh god
How would Jesse Eisenberg respond?
Couldn't agree more. My girlfriend kept watching it around me and every single line was just so fucking convoluted. No character talks like a normal human being. Not a single word sounds organic. I hate it so much. Me and my girlfriend broke up.
Men are not the only ones :(
What's the most you can push out? On a day off if I get up early I could easily beat it like 5-7 times. But I'm a 25 year old with a crazy libido so I may be an outlier here.
>"the right one doesn't have to try"
>tfw Disney has forever ruined women by giving them unrealistic expectations about meeting a prince charming
I hate this shit so much. Both sides need to work at a relationship to make it work. Fuck this gay earth.
girls who talk like this in the end still beg for some guy to fuck them
n-no, this can't be happening. we're in charge here!
this is unironically true though, if a woman isn't attracted to you from the get go, don't even fucking bother.
I'm a lightweight. After 3 my penis just hurts too much.
Me on the right
Very little said by women has any bearing on reality
me on the left
I had a huge conversation/debate, spurred by some Ariana Grande song, with my friends about how women treat men as stepping stones to the "final man" and how men are more upfront about each girlfriend being either wife material or a casual fling. Each woman vehemently denied it but then brought up stuff like how women NEED to date a guy who is bad for her just so they know what they want versus what they need and a guy who is good for her but doesn't push her to change or whatever.
This is actually how women think.
My record is 14 orgasms in a continuous 4 hour period. I was firing blanks after number 6 or so. I did this while watching the films "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", the two films in the Harry Potter series in which Emma Watson is at the peak of her attractiveness.
Why are women so sexually depraved these days?
Like maybe because I've mostly fucked girls I've met online (primarily Yea Forums girls) but every single one wants to be raped, abused, degraded, made to call you daddy and worse.
>primarily Yea Forums girls
how do u do it
>very little said by anyone has any bearing on reality
This was years ago user, back when Yea Forums had more of a community feeling and you could actually meet people through all sorts of weird shit (Skype groups, exchanging emails, Tinychat rooms, even Steam groups). These days I get the feeling everyone is either too jaded, or too many people have happened upon the cheat code that is BPD e-girls (saturated marketplace) so you're competing against 50 other faggots on discord for 10 seconds of her attention.
But back then? Just be a decent-ish looking white guy who is sexually dominant and you'd easily get them. Being a tripfag didn't hurt either.
Literally anyone can do it, they're attention-starved absolute idiots
>I've mostly fucked girls I've met online (primarily Yea Forums girls)
Discord destroyed any last traces of the community feeling. I can remember MSN groups for Yea Forums back in the day, and it always felt like an accompaniment to the board itself, these days Discord is the main event and the imageboard itself is just an add-on to that.
Posts like this have really left me unable to read the words 'sexually dominant' without thinking of Yea Forums autists
had sex
I remember a movie where they had a amchine that could record experiences and replay them with some head set. Some dude put an orgasm on loop and basically fried his brain with it. They found him some time twitching and slobbering all over himself.
Fuck if I remember the name of the movie. Think they recorded someone's death with it and that was then used for torture by some alphabet soup department.
Correct. The girls who browse this website really are one of a kind when it comes to how fucked up they are.
>tfw recently found out an /r9k/ femanon I hooked up with years ago has gone full NEET/mental illness in her 30s and is cutting again
I want to feel pity - she was genuinely well educated and had a decent job, but she said she hates me and never wants to talk to me again so I'm not sure how to feel.
Also correct. Increasingly more convenient Instant Messaging services destroyed this website's community feeling.
I wasn't actually into all of that shit before I started meeting online girls. Well, that's a half-truth, I was a bit. But honestly it was the girls themselves who pushed the whole "you need to spit on me and punch me in the face while we fuck".
have sex with men, or else you're a homophobe
i sometimes wonder whether girls on here read this stuff and have a rare moment of cognizance where they realize "shit, I really am a fucked up whore".
>women get liberated
>go right back to prostitution and sluttery
Thank god. They are so much happier and better now. Look at how gross this image is. Yuck.
To be fair the nuclear family was also kind of degenerate compared to clan families and laid the groundwork for our present predicament. We need to go back to 1050AD, not 1950AD.
basically she was ok with it until someone else found out
this is the key to women's pussy and whatever you want from them
do your absolute best to never make her seem like a slut to herself or anyone in her vicinity and you can literally have harems endlessly, women are just as sex crazed as guys, they want to FUCK, but society fucks them over and shames every aspect of it but as long as nobody knows you can do anything
if you want young, hot, available women who are easy to brainwash just hunt around mormon communities, and unironically fast food places like subway or mcdonalds
online is a shitshow
bars work but you have to go to specific kinds and not all communities have them
This fucking image right here. It's this horrific attitude that destroys so many relationships. Relationships are hard work and they take dedication to persevere. Ask any married couple celebrating 10+ years of marriage and they'll tell you that.
The idea that you will meet someone so compatible with you that you never feel challenged, you never have to change and never have to try, someone who grows in the same way you do as time goes on, is absolutely fucking ludicrous.
Women pull this borderline-psycho line all the time as a defense from having to change or put effort into a relationship. They've unironically taken the "prince charming" pill Disney fed them all throughout childhood and think that by solely existing you get a functioning, healthy relationship with someone attractive without having to try. And the disgusting thing is if you're a woman who doesn't aggressively monkeybranch, you actually can have this
>kind of degenerate compared to clan families
You have a very charmed view of pre-civilization
they're trannys not real girls
>Fuck this gay earth.
What's next memester? *hold my beer*?
Why are you gonna respond to me calling you an autist with this cringey story
even when they are, they might still try to fucking change you. I was literally dumped 4 times in a year by the same girl because she kept trying to change me. The initial physical attraction was there so sex wasn't a problem but then it was change this, stop talking to these people, get rid of this or that, stop using certain words, stop doing things certain ways.
No matter how much I tried to improve, I was never good enough. Oh by the way, she made zero changes for me, lol.
>And the disgusting thing is if you're a woman who doesn't aggressively monkeybranch, you actually can have this
It's difficult for them too to be fair. There are so many men who simply don't want to commit, I should know, I was one of them and I played a lot of girls around in the process.
>1000 AD
Pre-civilization is the pre-neolithic mate. You're thinking of pre-modern.
I dont see how that wasnt just as degenerate
Women have been whores since the bible. It's a huge theme in the bible
>and unironically fast food places like subway or mcdonalds
What the fuck did he meme by this
Failed the shit test, broski.
Stay true to yourself, lay your cards on the table and make it clear who you are and what you do. You lower your value every time she convinces you to change your ideals to suit her wants. The fucked bit is she either doesn't want you to change that way or didn't like you as a person when you started out.
Stand your ground on what you do and what you like. If she doesn't stick around, she isn't worth your time. The more likely case is she'll dig your conviction.
It's true that women are lazy and if literally everything isn't handed to them on a silver platter, they'll use that as an excuse to not want to interact with you, but the idea that your true love is waiting out there and everything will be perfect and easy forever as soon as you find them is laughable
Basically, the moral of the comic is "If a woman isn't willing to entertain the idea of fucking you as soon as she meets you, nothing you do will ever change that"
It's a matter of statistical fact that the average woman was far, far less promiscuous 70 years ago, let alone 200 years ago. Obviously whores have always been a thing, but the mainstreaming of it is a modern phenomenon.
You're just as bad as shitlibs who use the "there's always been immigration" rhetoric to justify "fuck having borders and laws and shit lol".
because young women straight out of high school who are dumb and hot and lusty and looking for attention and validation work there and will fuck you even if you have a wife you fucking moron
Sometimes it's hard to see what an absolute retard you are unless someone finally lives with you, somebody that's not your parent. Change is part of the experience and is a good thing most of the time, you become a better man and leave all your stupid shit behind. At least she knew exactly what she wanted and was direct and upfront about it, do you know how many girls, young and old don't even fucking know what they want and put you through insane shit?
Is this the "I can't get laid even though I don't try so I'll blame women" general?
>online is a shitshow
It is now, but there was a brief, beautiful window when it was actually really easy to fuck girls in nerdy online communities if you were even passably attractive (or even average). I blame mainstreaming of le nerd culture for hyping the competition up for these girls to apocalyptic levels.
Gods I was a pervert then.
Strange Days
I remember several who camwhored for me during that period and then we got together to fuck even though some even had boyfriends
it was a real time to be alive
Keep this pua value dabbler to yourself. If you're a complete wreck, can't even take care of yourself and have the shittiest taste imaginable that doesn't mean you gotta succeed the shit test when a person that loves you and cares about your well-being wants you to step the fuck up out of your manchild fantasies and become the man you truly deserve to be.
based degenerate pedophile
It's actually significantly more difficult to fuck well-adjusted teenage and early 20s girls when you hit 30 and beyond than it is compared to when you were in your late 20s.
Obviously full on daddy issues trainwrecks are another matter, but this idea that when you hit 30 you're desirable to some perfectly normal 19 year old girl who has a good relationship with her dad is bullshit. It's harder than it was when you were 27 and poorer.
The male penis was designed by evolution to function as a scoop to remove opposing male sperm. The rise of chastity culture and mate exclusivity was the modern phenomenon, and we're now losing that and reverting back to the default thanks to the internet and cultural shifts.
I would argue the mainstreaming of conservative sexuality was the rare phenomenon, and is now sadly being lost. We're turning more animalistic.
>stop talking to these people
>she made zero changes for me
>I was never good enough
Sounds like an unironic abusive relationship. Don't go back.
I seriously miss those days man, I reached out to a girl I met through Yea Forums that I fucked years ago and she's this miserable, unresponsive cunt now. Back then I had a full on rolodex of e-sluts who lived in my general area (or visited now and again). Now I'm lucky to get nudes, let alone a meet up.
What went wrong?
the point is that you're not targeting well-adjusted women at all
if they were well-adjusted they wouldn't fuck some random customer behind their boyfriend's back in their high school parking lot just because you pretend to like iron man
these girls are not wife material, they are fuck material
Ariana Grande is literally psych propganda designed to turn young girls into whores
>(primarily Yea Forums girls)
trannies don't count as girls
lmao it's just literally a clownworld at this point
I will say I had an ex reconnect who I had met via gaiaonline (yes I know) and we traveled and fucked through 2 separate relationships (I had dumped her, then came back and said I regretted it), anyway she recently reconnected and sent me nudes despite knowing I am currently engaged
anyway, I guess my point is, enjoy the memories
unfortunately those times are probably not coming back
on the other hand, if they do, older men are pretty popular so keep your chin up and take care of yourself in case it does
date of birth please, it's for research
>Implying women are easily brainwashed by disney movies and lack any capacity to think for themselves.
o wait
>primarily Yea Forums girls
there’s your reason
>The male penis
>I blame mainstreaming of le nerd culture for hyping the competition up for these girls to apocalyptic levels.
It's not just that, it's simply a lot easier for them to get attention with low effort these days. Install Tik Tok, copy whatever the flavor of the month meme is (weren't they all doing that slutty Me!Me!Me! dance recently?) and so on. Even when it comes to camwhoring, we used to have tons of camwhores on here who literally did it for free (I can even remember a few random girls showing their tits on Yea Forums). But why bother doing that when you've got /r/gonewild where you can both be an exhibitionist, attention whoring slut AND monetize it by selling your used panties? Before the mobile device took over, getting attention was harder, hence why we had more of them here.
Good catch. I didnt even realize I said that lmao
They got me by the brain user.
Where's the chad edit
I'd just like to point out this guy just tried to claim women online had a hard time getting attention before smartphones
The tranny thing was way, way less pronounced back when I was banging chicks from Yea Forums (2008-2012 primarily). It's actually quite a recent pathology.
>I will say I had an ex reconnect who I had met via gaiaonline (yes I know)
Not judging. I remember when Gaia was our primary nemesis (and not reddit). Place was full of cute JB. Good for you for managing to pull it off.
>anyway, I guess my point is, enjoy the memories
I will, and same to you.
lol i remember the cs source servers whenever a female voice would start talking. It was madness and bedlam
he's right though, I mean it's all relative and it was still pretty easy, but now it's even easier to garner literally thousands upon thousands of likes. Back then attention whoring in things like video game circles wasn't able to reach that sort of critical mass, it was mostly just things like sluts on Yea Forums posting their tits for Yea Forumstards, or gamer girls in WoW having all 10 people in her guild wrapped around her finger. It's not comparable to the sort of scale Tik Tok etc provide.
>guys with big dicks are literally cum jannies
Yeah right, you're giving women too much credit. I'm not even sure they're human, let alone able to process complex emotions like introspection and self-reflection.
I hate them so much bros, being straight is suffering
t. Failed the shit test
Game works.
Except it's not. Women get played because they're down to fuck in no time at all, ESPECIALLY in the modern dating scene. They try to use sex as leverage to pin down a man and have him stick around without actually knowing if they're compatible. The men that aren't committing haven't been shown anything to commit to. If a woman refuses to put out until she's sure that connection is there, it'll filter out the literal fuckboys who are using her for sex but want to play the field.
It isn't difficult. By virtue of existing in an online space, modern day women are swamped with dating candidates. If you can't separate the wheat from the chaff, spread your legs and then get played, you're doing it dreadfully wrong.
Depends. When it comes to looks, sure.
But when it comes to anything creative like art, music, that kind of stuff. It's very difficult. Highly competitive. And the attention you could get from random plebs on soundcloud or deviantart for your work is often hollow and unfulfilling. Anyway, the point is attention is a resource but it's tapped in a very specific way today and there's a lot of opportunity and ground for people to make it better for all kinds of people, not just those who want to show off their body.
You are playing right into (((their))) hands. They are pushing feminism to lower birthrates you turbo virgins.
this used to keep me up at night seething in anger and sadness. as a man, you have to constantly prove yourself and continue getting better because you're never good enough. meanwhile whatever girl you're gonna marry in the future is getting fucked. absolute nightmare fuel.
>conveniently hiding dick and bals
>meanwhile whatever girl you're gonna marry in the future is getting fucked
That is 100% up to you
not the same user but I have talked to girls for 2-3 months before going on 1-2 dates knowing full well I will fuck her 5 times and then dump her.
Its not hard you just send a message every couple of days and chat for a bit. Main thing about all this whoring in recent days is that back in the day, her dad knew who the girl was seeing and flirting with, for how long and from what village and family he was.
t. Failed the shit test by replying to me.
What's the matter, not congruent in your beliefs?
In a committed serious and monogamous relationship you have no excuse for being a manchild and if your partner really loves you, you need to listen to what is being said to you and make the appropriate changes together for the benefit of your family. If it's just some side hoe you've been banging in your harem of course just stay on your path, but you have to remind yourself that we leave a girl better than she was before you met her, it works both ways amigo.
Seriously, dabblers are honestly the worst.
People forget how comparatively un-mainstream and genuinely stigmatized video games were when us boomers were at school (I was 18 in 2005).
It really wasn't something you talked about openly or mentioned as an interest, let alone a hobby. I can remember another group of people mocking me and a few other friends for openly reading PC Gamer at school, and this was when we were 14 or so. So there were less girls in games like WoW when it first came out, but there also wasn't really a way for them to weaponize sexualized attention in such a nerdy environment on a mass market scale like they can do today.
I think this is partly why hooking up with e-girls was significantly easier in the past. Sure they could attention whore, but the audience was way, way smaller. Since Twitch, Lets Plays, the general mainstreaming of video games etc, these girls are swimming in attention and potential partners. You may think all of these dudes are simps, faggots and basedboys, but it's not actually true. There's a ton of extremely attractive men who go to conventions these days and basically clean house. Back in the mid 00s you simply weren't competing with that sort of man to date the sort of girl who plays MtG.
On a related note, cosplayers are by far the sluttiest of all the nerd-girl sub-groups. Holy shit.
>these days
they've always been like this user
Which is more believable:
>Far reaching jewish conspiracy involving the heads of major media organizations and politicians meeting in secret to discuss unified actions designed to weaken gender relations
>Bitches be trippin
I mean, if you don't already know she's a whore don't offer her cash. I mean come on.
>having an Amazon wishlist counts as being a whore, btw
>I will, and same to you.
thanks bud, good luck in your travels
But women are retarded and really would say something this stupid.
gamer girls were literal goblins back in the day. They still got swarmed by all those virgin fat ugly nerds tho, but both sides were so fucking beta sex would not happen if all of them were alone in an island for 100 years.
>Its not hard you just send a message every couple of days and chat for a bit. Main thing about all this whoring in recent days is that back in the day, her dad knew who the girl was seeing and flirting with, for how long and from what village and family he was.
It's funny how feminism has made it far easier for men to screw women over. Women talk about the pre-modern western past like it was a society where your average man could literally walk up to a peasant girl, violently rape her, then go down to the local tavern and joke about it with his buddies and nothing would happen to him.
There were real, serious consequences to men fucking a girl and taking her v-card without committing to her 100 years ago. Far, far more serious than today. You'd probably find yourself run out of town, your name nailed to the front of the church doors, beaten up by her male family members or worse. Feminism got rid of those consequences and made things even easier for men.
Good work women!
All fucking women must fucking hang
I’m much younger and was 18 in 2012, I remember video games being spoken about in hushed tones as well. You couldn’t let anybody know except close, close friends who weren’t outcasts but still enjoyed Halo or Gears of War.
22 yo old women might say this to a guy their age that barely has hairs to his balls and has not reached his peak yet.
Women at their late twenties would never say that to a man, because they know they are not as fine anymore and he has the upper hand.
Most reliable post in the entire thread. Man's true nature is constant self-development and growth. When you stagnate, women sense that instantly. As long as you are on some kind of path of development you will always have a chance, even if you get rejected constantly. That's why there's so much contempt for incels, not because they haven't had sex but because they've given up on all fronts.
Patriarchy was designed to protect women.
Women rebelling against patriarchy is like a girl telling her dad he's an asshole yet still expecting him to rush to her defense if someone breaks into the house.
This is incorrect. There have always been a high proportion of uncharacteristically attractive (or at least above average) women in these sorts of hobbies for the simple reason the sorts of women who have these hobbies have abysmal self-esteem that translates into weird body dysmorphia and BPD. It's actually your best shot at fucking a 7/10 if you're an average looking guy. Though I'm guessing because they can pick from any number of cosplaychads these days even that route has dried up.
Yea Forums talk about Halo and Gears like they were this prototypical dudebro series, but honestly, even playing both of those franchises was viewed as weird, peculiar and nerdy. I can't remember any of the cool kids at university playing anything more than the odd 30 min session of GTA and the Wii.
Wii was the ultimate normie console.
Could be a mix of both
I only watch it for Betty
Black Philip, is that you?
women are children, they never were in a position of constant power and decision making for a reason.
All this feminist bullshit should not be blamed on women but on us getting soft and giving in to their childish wants and needs.
We failed women, not the opposite.
>That's why there's so much contempt for incels, not because they haven't had sex but because they've given up on all fronts.
Nah it's cause it's an entire group of men that cant be manipulated through hole access. They've given up on it and are antagonistic to the cause of women. Many women go their entire early lives only hearing positive affirmation because everyone in her social circle is trying to fuck her and doesnt want to ruin that percentage chance. Incels dont give a fuck and slap her over the head with the reality of her life. The reality she tries to hard to ignore. She isn't as great as she thinks she is and is entirely overrated.
It's the only terror group in world history to directly target the most privileged and protected members of society. White western middle class roasties.
>There have always been a high proportion of uncharacteristically attractive (or at least above average) women in these sorts of hobbies for the simple reason the sorts of women who have these hobbies have abysmal self-esteem that translates into weird body dysmorphia and BPD.
Don’t remind me. I found such a hot gamer girl for a girlfriend that it raised my self esteem into levels that couldn’t possibly be sustained because she was basically a moron for dating me. Healthy women that attractive don’t go for guys like me.
>We failed women,
Older men failed their sons. We inherited this.
Back in the late nineties when I grew up, the girls that had a social circle with the guys that played magic the gathering, dnd and final fantasy were gobbos. I'm not talking about casual guitar hero once a week or mario kart every now and then, I'm talking about those girls that got all their attention from these people.
Dont know where you grew up but that was it back then.
Same. Irony is back then when I was fucking some of these girls, I was skinnyfat as fuck. These days I'm lithe and athletic, and I get less attention
Take the black (woman) pill.
You may be right that it's been a more gradual shift to better looking girls over time. Who knows. I'm referring more to the mid 00s. There were some fairly decent looking girls in the WoW guilds I was a member of.
Hey, just because my addict father beat my mother and me to the point we had to escape and hide in a different state, only to find out years later he had been living homeless for 19 years and murdered by a woman because of an argument over meth
Oh wait
>Older men failed their sons. We inherited this.
Thats some women logic and reasoning. Its not my fault its the others, I have done good in my life blah blah blah.
End of the line is, its our fault for not guiding them.
This is true, but it starts at 29. Girls see or hear the number 29 and think "he's almost 30, so old!" I saw a drop in my matches on tinder shortly after turning 29 3 months ago.
It's not just boomers man, you can trace the roots of western decline back to the fucking enlightenment.
You wanna blame anyone, start with Locke, Mill, Voltaire etc.
This cannot be real
>black women
holy shit lmfao, may as well be fucking a man. Not to mention the stink.
You must be a frenchman or something
This thread reminds me of the off-topic threads we used to have on late night Yea Forums and Yea Forums years and years ago. Good times.
Fuck the jannies btw.
It's plausible that the reaction of women is that of fear and confusion out of being placated with praise all their lives and this could be just a paradigm shift of some kind or basic cognitive dissonance in general. But I think when you have a strong emotion like hate you can't say that they don't care about it. When you're resentful and bitter it's a pretty polarizing state of mind and difficult to get out of, even more difficult than simply giving up.
Think about it, why give a shit about how many partners someone you never met or known in your life has had, how does this constitute "not caring"? If it's for the bantz then why is there so much anger in the humore then? It really falls apart the entire mentality of an incel and their motivations and how delusional such a person has cornered themselves into. This 'terror group' isn't necessarily dangerous by any means for anyone other than for themselves, resentment is a very powerful energy vibration that will keep you sedated in apathy and stagnation forever.
this. It looks like some neckbeard incel wet dream, noone would have the balls to share that shit with people even if it happened to them.
>Thats some women logic and reasoning. Its not my fault its the others
Just like inheriting alcoholism, it’s not an excuse to keep drinking, it’s our responsibility to deal with the recovery. Men must be the head of the household, regardless of how old fashioned that may sound. It’s our responsibility to teach. Teach women, teach men, teach children. If we aren’t leading, we must be learning how to lead. It’s our duty as men.
Thanks for your input bros. For the record, I'm not a manchild. I have my own place, car, stable job, make decent money, good credit, socially normal blah blah, not a blog, just giving context. I'll find someone who likes me for me and then we'll grow organically together.
Yeah, and their estimation of their own looks goes full tilt if they start industrial scale attention whoring on reddit or tik tok. They realize they're actually desirable, but go full hyperbole and assume they're too good for any man but an 8+/10. Which in turn creates another set of problems for them, namely being pumped and dumped by men who have no interest in an LTR with a girl who is probably a 6/10.
I've long suspected this is why even passably attractive cosplayers are the hardest nerdy chicks to fuck. Because their sense of self-worth is so massively inflated by the nature of their hobby (literally softcore porn these days).
>being masculine is complaining about what what some women said on a tv show/twitter
>those digits
>that post
kind of like "oh God", we project responsibility onto an abstract figure in contrast with whom we feel powerless.
>Discord destroyed any last traces of the community feeling.
I dont really get what you mean, the main users on this site now are primarily posting on discord in a group and then just sometimes posting here? That seems obviously wrong
>The best thread on Yea Forums right now is not Yea Forums related
It’s so sad that this will thread will legitimately change lives for the better but a 21 year old janny who sent in an email will delete it as his discretion, despite it being unethical to do so, simply because of lines he read in the rules page.
Nobody thinks of Yea Forums and the first thing to spring to mind is "masculine". Have you seen the threads about not having a gf and idiots here wallowing in self pity and rejecting people who try to give them advice?
>women NEED to date a guy who is bad for her just so they know what they want versus what they need and a guy who is good for her
m8 that's not what's going on there. Im not going to spell it out but it's a bit darker than that
Thank you, next
Board memes have been replaced by autistic Discord cliques basically
Read what I replied to and tell me those are helpful changes.
>Stop talking to these people
Literally psycho behaviour, only tolerated when a woman says it to a man. It's a red flag to try socially isolate/control your partner.
>Get rid of this or that
>Stop using certain words
>Stop doing things certain ways
i.e. stop being yourself/the person she was initially attracted to. I'm not saying don't grow and develop on your own terms, but don't do it on hers. These aren't dealbreakers, no woman goes "I love user but I really can't handle him saying 'nigger'", the dealbreaker was your convictions being crushed by a woman stamping her feet and demanding it.
If you're a manchild and the things she's asking are basic things, then it was doomed from the start and she'll walk away. If she's asking you to fundamentally change as a person then she's either:
>changing you into something you're not (isn't worth your time)
In which case why date someone who's something you don't want; you don't date a fat chick and make her diet to be dating a slim chick
>trying to establish dominance in the relationship (isn't worth your time)
To which there is no end, good luck being a doormat and having your wants superseded by hers
Again, lay your cards on the table at the start and say what you're all about, have convictions in what makes you "you". This isn't pua shit, this is basic communication and the backbone of a functioning relationship.
Who here /had sex/ and still hates women?
Not him, but that is essentially what happened to boards like /r9k/. Drama unfolds behind the scenes and /r9k/ acts as a stage to said discord drama. People just engage less with the board in and of itself and engage more with aspects of it that used to be ancillary, namely instant messaging platforms.
Wait a second...
Veronica is better
some boards are masculine as fuck. Others are just tryharding projecting a childs understanding of what a man should be.
At least on Yea Forums you hear unfiltered opinions and can judge for yourself.
im too dumb. pls explain
They never had a hard time getting attention, but prior to the social media boom camwhoring was a niche thing, and girls posting nudes for free was more of a spontaneous thing done for her own entertainment and enjoyment than anything now
What's happened is that more and more women are aware of it as a source of revenue, competition has skyrocketed, and now it's treated like a business venture instead of a sexy hobby, which makes it lose some of the appeal. It's titillating to see a woman expose herself to strangers for kicks, it's less appealing when you know she's doing it to con some lonely loser out of 50$
look at all that Not Yea Forums!
Note that it's particularly bad with /r9k/ as it basically got taken over by a clique of literal pedophiles, traps and underage girls. Sheep Village is the name of the particular server that killed the place off for good.
It's all a result of internet becoming what it is today and the rise of the social media. It's transforming our society faster than anything ever before. I doubt even people who created these sites foresaw these changes. We've had plenty societal shifts in the past and probably none have been centrally organised by some shadowy cabal, why would this be any different?
>that virgin posture
>neutral colours
>hair overreacts to wind
If you have all your life settled what the hell is wrong with you with choosing such a stupid chick and staying with her for so long. This happens only when 1. You didn't work for any of those and just went with the flow, never having developed the skills, willpower or dedication for anything serious 2. mental illness
no matter how hot a chick is, dont stick your dick in crazy, or dont keep sticking it in too long if that's your thing
Am I just a boomer behind the times? I have gone on discord a total of like 3 times because someone on lit asked me to continue a convo there.
I notice waves of dumb memes but there is still a lot of random posting going on on the boards I visit that doesn't seem at all coordinated
>these days
*Yea Forums implodes*
Everyone had retarded friends that cut them off, retarded habits and using idiotic words and arguements is a trademark of a Yea Forums user.
We all had that phase.
not even the same user, but he is right, just because a woman told you does not mean its wrong.
This is Patrice O’Neal level shit. Find him and listen, anybody reading this. He’s the only person in the world who has ever been able to make complete sense about women. I legitimately beg you all to search him out.
I only use discord to post memes and chat with actual irl friends while we game, but there is a sizeable contingent of autistic zoomers that have no actual friends so they use discord to make ebin e-friend servers. Then there's another group of attention seeking thots that bring these zoomer populations into their orbit. Shit is weird.
You put it far more meaningfully and succinctly than I could have. That's exactly why the early era of camwhores were titillating, because it was just some average, or above average lonely girl wanting a spontaneous thrill or confidence boost. It was totally candid. Nowadays even the girls who did it for shits, giggles and thrills are trying to monetize it though. It doesn't help that most of them are sanctimonious cunts who describe themselves as "sex workers" and think what they do is "real work" either.
It was also far more wholesome jerking off to Clover-chan's nudes than professional porn too.
this is the only realistic post here.
you mispelled kike
It's an incredibly influential platform in general just because of how user-friendly it is to set up servers, change nicks and so on, also helps that it runs entirely in-browser. But yes, it's used by just about everyone now and certain groups/cliques exert huge influence over the content of certain boards.
It's happening on other platforms too, particularly r*ddit.
Basically someone sets up a discord server for a board and gets a sizable population. The desperately powerhungry (which is literally trannies and other mentally ill losers) then kiss ass to be made moderators. Then they can outright control the discussion happening on the discord, and since it's ostensibly a Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or whatever discord they then post their cliquey trash onto the actual public board.
It's been happening on a smaller scale for all of time on services like IRC, but discord's functionality. features, and normie friendliness have made it get far worse.
Doesn't black female population have like a 70% obesity rate or something absurd like that
Finding an attractive black women is a challenge in a league of it's own, because their rarity makes them hyper valuable
Women unironically belong in cages.
Unpack that Thank you, next, song.
Literally next man come and lets make memories and them "thank you, next".
Is this show called Oh Man: The Oh Man Chronicles?
Werent there also cases of discord leaking user info, effectively doxing them, especially for the politically undesirable. And didn’t they have financial ties to state apparatus?
>Women unironically belong in cages.
>This is true, but it starts at 29
True. It's interesting because 29 is the age at which I felt genuine dread and unease about my age. It felt like a countdown timer had kicked in and I really was living the final moments of my young adulthood, if that makes any sense. Turning 30 was more like a formality after that.
>Stop talking to these people
>psycho behavior
You can't generalize it like that. People land in bad crowds, low vibration friendships, shit you can't even realize sometimes unless someone tells you etc. If you aren't at least willing to listen to your partner to some explanation as to why they think so then that is the psycho behavior here. In fact this is insanely narcissistic because you assume you have made the best decision imaginable and it can never be a poor choice of anything in anything you've done, not your choice in friends, career etc. Now you read what I replied and tell me if it is helpful to say to listen to your partner or not.
>i.e. stop being yourself/the person she was initially attracted to.
You don't find out everything about each other in a week. Negative traits pop up even years after, if you truly love this person and they love you back, it's up to you to WORK TOGETHER to remove and COMPROMISE. Change is not a bad fucking thing. Demand happens at the point of everything you're advising- not listening to your partner, patronizing them, calling them psycho.
Stopping to be a manchild is literally a fundamentally change as a person, how is this not understood? "Don't change me. Don't tell me what I don't want to hear. Don't make me question my beliefs. Don't make me put any effort into anything I don't even want to try. Don't make me compromise. But give me your holes. And be my mother on the side" The post.
Nobody is going to lay down their cards to anyone like this and that's why it's doomed from the start. You have to be open to listen to your partner and change, that's why it's called a relationship. Two people. Together. Not one.
Alongside the wagies?
too far, what's a good comeback without sounding like a raging incel?
>favorite online friend whom I’ve known for a decade starts using discord and wants me to join
>I join and instantly freeze up when I hear his other friends speaking
>Hide offline for months only occasionally popping up to play vidya and have a one on one discussion
Help me bros
what is the fucking point though? the entire appeal of Yea Forums is that it's anonymous. If you're just hanging out with your discord friends making ebic raids, you've defeated the whole purpose
it's worse even than tripfagging, which I can at least sort of understand the impulse for
>changing a thing for a woman
This is the literal anti-poon. Women will test you to make sure you have your balls for the rest of your life. If you can’t keep your balls then be prepared to get dumped.
Well it's run by leftists, so they go after the real criminals (i.e. people who use the word nigger too much in private servers), while wisely leaving all of the pedo grooming/"dating for 14 year olds" servers still active.
Leftist have their priorities straight like that.
You lot do realise you can just lie about your age right? Barely anyone can tell the difference between 30 and 27 especially if youve been looking after yourself
Im not trying to say this as a 'gotcha' honestly, but would you feel the same way about a guy telling his girlfriend to stop seeing her friends
Why not make your own chatting platform? It's a free market bro :^)
based, but also redpilled
women don't "grow", they change their act to trick you. it's not change, they'll go back to normal once they have you trapped with a ring, then she owns more than half your shit whenever she decides
These people literally have nothing going other than internet 'friends'
Doesn't work long term. The premise is that you are the alpha male you know the right decisions and the right things to do. And when the right things don't happen after a year or two, she leaves you for a sensitive and understanding guy who listens to her.
Based cunny harvesting tankies (actually neoliberal goons working for free) desu senpai
Would you feel the same about a guy telling his gf to avoid/rethink getting some trashy "portrait tattoos" of her grandparents on her forearms
I don't hate them but it didn't change anything, it honestly just made things worse. The carrot was no longer there, the mystique was gone and we were just standing there holding each other as we both tumbled terrified into the future. She was a nice girl and had a lot of heart (and tig ol bitties) but I fell out of love and broke up and now I don't see how it gets better with two people. I need to build myself into something before I can find someone again and i don't know who I want that to be, so I'm stuck in a permanent state of arrested development hoping I'll find my inspiration but the who (women) I was finding it for don't excite me or enthrall me, they just arouse me.
"I don't hate you I hate what I became because of you" is probably the best way to sum it up. I can't put this just on women, this is obviously my own psychosis but fuck did losing my V card just show me how little "free love" meant. I always thought it meant love everyone regardless of themselves but all it means is what a handful of anons impotently post "have sex" and that breaks my heart. I still love everyone, because somebody has to, it just broke me a bit when I realized that is in no way reciprocated/
yeah especially if you put some light make up and and shave your hands women think you're a lot younger.
fuck off.
It's less raids and more that discord personas become known through the boards. Particularly somewhat attractive thots. Then cults of personality, or just general interest builds up around these figures and e-drama associated with them. Eliza/Ciara is one figure who probably did more damage to /r9k/ than any other. The other is a pedophile spic called Mantras (Michael Sosa).
Made me lol.
>Why not just found your own bank and internationalism payment processing service bro?
Not an argument. Chatting platforms and financial institutions are two vastly different things.
>Being a tripfag didn't hurt either.
See you had me going here, but the prospect of a tripfag being into women requires too much suspension of disbelief.
There's a picture up above where the girl's friend Michelle instigates the entire cascade of events that lead to the mayhem of their lives. You have to understand that some people can be insanely jealous and actively try to ruin what you have together. I'm not saying everyone is like that but it depends on the situation, if you have some proof and your partner loves you and is willing to listen to you. Then yes. You can always make new fucking friends.
She wants to have as much cock as possible with no repercussions, she never wants to be held to a standard. Her perfect man would either never ask how many cocks she's swallowed, or if he does ask, wouldn't care about the number. Once she's had all her looks used up, a little bored by the miles of cock, she's ready to "settle down". Meaning to have complete access to his wallet for everything she wants and when he finally starts treating her like an adult instead of a needy child, divorcing him and taking his shit.
You really need to understand the subtleties and dualities of things, "Stop seeing these people" can be a sociopathic manipulator move or genuinely good advice depending on the context
Write a book you fucking retarded literary genius good lord. Fucking wonderful post.
How about - don't get involved in a long term relationship with a girl that decided to do some stupid shit you can't accept in the first place? You can't exactly go weeks/months/years with someone and not notice a thing like that
I wasn't aware you were being serious. Everyone knows that when liberals pull the "just make your own X bro!" card, they're not making it in good faith, and neither are they really committed to a broad application of private property rights as they relate to discrimination.
If Chapo Trap House suddenly got deplatformed everywhere for ToS breaches, then they'd quickly change their tune.
If you even for a second, turn on your partner with thoughts like these. It was over the second you even considered that. This person loves you. You betray your experiences together and whatever trust you ever had if the person really cares about you. It's seriously fucked up, man. Just imagine, your girl loves you, wants only the best for you, in the most unconditional and genuine but your rampant paranoia ruins it. It literally happened to me.
Any of you other boomers ever feel depressed at how ugly women get when they get older? I remember thinking Sarah Michelle Geller was fucking gorgeous back in the day on Buffy, and now she's like 40 something jfc.
>How about - don't get involved in a long term relationship with a girl that decided to do some stupid shit you can't accept in the first place?
That doesnt answer the question. Stop using pilpul, moishe.
Still not an argument. I saw discord being a honeypot from 10 miles away but you nu-anons still swarmed to it like mutts to a Lauren Southern meetup. Why not learn to code and make your own chatting platform; why is this so hard to answer?
I never asked my girls about the amount of dicks she has taken, if she is a whore I will find out sooner or later because my friends will tell me or I will figure it out.
I always tell them the same thing when they start to talk about their past relations and boyfriends, "I dont care, you were a virgin before we hooked out as far as it concerns me".
Found out the hard way with my first relationships where she told me the truth and I was acting paranoid stalking her and going through her fb chat.
>Why not learn to code and make your own chatting platform
Because I'm an accountant and can't be fucked to learn new skills user.
desu I feel sorry for her
I'm curious about those of you who have slept with or met up with girls from Yea Forums: What are they actually like? Are they really as nuts as people ITT claim?
No wonder all your answers come back to "oy vey but de money"/"oy vey just ask me to staht my own bank why dontcha"/random obsequious observations
Not if you get a good job and marry an 18 year old when you're 30
It'd have to be one hell of a girl, I'll tell you that. It's just ink, whatever.
this guy fucks women
Realtalk, I'd love to learn to code but I just don't have the time. I can do a bit of shitty web dev building basic websites and forms and what have you, but actual serious development work seems so goddamn labor intensive.
Ironically it also seems like the math is way too abstract.
What a fucking incoherent post.
As nuts as you are more or less. From asexual to sexually unhinged. Better than dating strippers though, meaning at least they don't do hard drugs or are mixed up in *too much* fucked shit.
>It's just ink, whatever.
I'm having trouble coming to this conclusion. Maybe because I was raised differently than most zoomllennials
High school freshmen have multiple partners, it's 2019 user
god fucking damn son
>The male penis was designed by evolution to function as a scoop to remove opposing male sperm.
Pure speculation, written about briefly in a few internet articles. Don't be one of those faggots who takes every guess a scientist makes about something as an undeniable fact.
I'm an alcoholic, sue me
theres worse things in the world than ink
yeah its stupid but we got boys turning in women, cutting their own dicks just to not be lonely and everyone virtue signalling and praising the fuck out of it for social points so you tell me whats difficult to come to terms with so its like whatever
well, I was whipped because physically, she was a short stack brice dallas howard, but with feminine hands and feet (love bdh but she has big fucking hands). She was physically perfect and a geek, so a lot of our interests aligned: vidya, anime, movies, etc. She also wasn't a mom like a lot of women my age are, so I really wanted it to work.
I'm learning the hard way. Shit sucks.
God I miss the old /r9k/, it used to be such a comfy place to just chat
It doesn't require secret meetings or even real co-ordination, it's just a kind of steady organic process of consensus and group dynamics. It's not just Jewish either, though there's plenty of Jews at the core.
Women are what they are, though. Fallen world and all that.
>live 5 blocks away from my old high school
>whenever I drive by, half the girls are dressed like porn starlets
>would fuck them if I was attractive enough
>It was over the second you even considered that
And maybe that's a good thing sometimes
See you in court motherfucker
It's not the worst thing, still a red flag.
>It doesn't require secret meetings or even real co-ordination, it
Feminists have been openly saying for decades that they want to 'critique traditional gender roles' or whatever. This obviously means 'weaken gender relations' they just think that if you ruin the family some better system will magically spring up
This. The foreskin is designed to protect the glans. The retard who came up with the foreskin suction cup theory is probably an uncut fag who's bitter abut his ugly turtleneck penis
They almost all have daddy issues, but usually different varieties:
>Dad literally didn't exist in their life, single-parent family
>Dad was abusive
>Dad was emotionally absent - not necessarily bad - just never spoke to his daughter or validated her in any way
Childhood sexual abuse is also very common, as are cluster b personality disorders. Borderline disorders are the most common, which means you'll be dealing with panic attacks and self-harm much of the time (be prepared for early morning phone calls where she's sobbing about how much she's cut).
The first ever Yea Forums girl I dated dug up on the archive every single post I've made, found one from two years ago where I'd said I'd "fuck the shit" out of some other femanon given the chance, and didn't speak to me for two full days afterwards.
Sexually they're almost all hyper-submissive, and the low self-esteem translates into what they see as cathartic fetishes about being degraded, abused and made to feel worthless. The problem is that if you've been living out these fantasies with a string of boyfriends (serial monogamy), it makes them feel even worse in the long run. Actually that's the most common trait they all share, wanting to be hurt, abused, pissed on etc. Since they're hypersexual, it's also the easiest way into their panties since most guys are either too pussy or simply too decent to do things like that to them.
Their hobbies are fairly predictable: video games, anime, manga.
Their politics usually aren't half bad (apolitical, un-PC types to full on right-wing), and their sense of humor is usually about as compatible as you're going to find as a male 4channer, which is always something I appreciated about them actually.
Not really sure what else I can add.
yeah also made me /hatemyself/ too
>The male penis was designed by evolution to function as a scoop to remove opposing male sperm.
how that works? because it doesn´t make any sense
Yeah, that's the other thing. There's nothing secret about these social forces, they do it all out in the open and yell about it from the highest rooftops. The only secretive parts involve money.
>short stack brice dallas howard
>was physically perfect and a geek, so a lot of our interests aligned
what the hell happened man
dont drink or do drugs
even if I could meet a girl like this again, I could never be loved the same
if there's any chance for you to be at peace with yourself and who you are but also compromise with her, even if you don't think it's possible, take it
The suction cup theory is retarded, but mutilated jew cattle copes are just as bad
>dug up the on the archive every single post
That's what you get for being a tripfag
Spotted the cuck!
this is way too real
Now hold on just a minute, pal.
I don't dislike women, but I can't bond with most of them. Mostly due to a lack of shared interests and poor social skills on my part. Sometimes I wish I could be sexually attracted to men so I could fuck off and be gay and not have to deal with courting women.
I can only blame myself. I'd get texts when I was at lectures along the lines of "DID YOU POST THIS? WELL DID YOU? YOU LIKE HER, HUH?"
Femanons are a helluva drug.
How so?
there's compromise and there's change this this this nitpick nitpick nitpick. also, she didn't like my dog and wanted me to get rid of him, so that sucked.
Cucking is pretty fucked up though. I've done it once and it's a horrible sensation, for everyone. You can kind of pinpoint the exact moment you realize you've just become a horrible human being and you fucked over multiple people, including yourself. After it I hoped I would never get karma back for it.
youre forgetting that reddit isnt for people, its for communists
No, she was ok with it when she had access to dick but her boyfriend would sit at home and wait. When she realized she wasnt getting male attention but he was getting female attention she realized she didnt have the power in the relationship.
This is beautiful, please post sauce.
>I can only blame myself. I'd get texts when I was at lectures along the lines of "DID YOU POST THIS? WELL DID YOU? YOU LIKE HER, HUH?"
I met an /r9k/ girl on discord recently who started sending me nudes and wanted to meet up. She went berserk one evening because I said the helpdesk_girl emoji (this one) was cute and I'd fuck her if she was real. She wasn't even joking, she was genuinely mad.
We say "oh man" to other people because we want validation from men when stupid shit happens. validation from the gender that matters.
>she didn't like my dog and wanted me to get rid of him
This might come across as a pupperino doggo r*dditor thing to say, but you made the right decision.
It's like every relationship I've had in my early twenties. Especially from soc. I got stalked by a girl from my area on my workplace and she sabotaged my supervisor's car and left our nudes in it. The morning cut calls happened to me too, but from strippers. Some of them had dads though so idk about that
whoa...such a based poster
> I got stalked by a girl from my area on my workplace and she sabotaged my supervisor's car and left our nudes in it.
How chad do I have to be to get stalked by a girl? I want a female stalker
and then everyone clapped
>poor social skills
bro that's what they want you to think. only faggots are into socializing with women. a lady's man is the gayest thing in the world.
I love dogs, never betray an animal that's true. But if you meet someone special you can make things work even if they're against pets, a girl I dated had snakes it was a terrifying experience everytime I was at her place but we made it work for a few months, she would dropem off for weekends at her parents house.
See, I never actually met up with anyone from /soc/. It always seemed like the /soc/ crowd weren't OG 4channers but weird transplants from other parts of the internet. There was this one Canadian girl from /soc/ who used to send me nudes and she wasn't into video games, anime, fantasy/sci-fi or anything like that. I still have no idea how she actually found 2009 Yea Forums and what she got out of it. All she was into were drugs.
Bad. Fucking. Move. I FWB'ed a massage parlor girl and she was nuts. I wasn't aware Asian chicks could actually be as crazy as White ones until I met her. She fucking _hated_ men with the fury of a thousand suns.
bro I don't know about this
it was pretty fucked experience, I've had a girl check on my googleactivity and all the sick shit I jerk off too and I guess that's hot since we did some shit together but still that's your privacy it's pretty fucked man
>I FWB'ed a massage parlor girl
How do I get to this level of chadditude
I never understood all those daddy issues you guys keep on talking about, partly because we dont have that many divorces in my country and I know one or two girls only with that backround.
What makes those girls easy and attractive to you guys. How do you procced to fuck them generally speaking, just act like a caveman?
>100% up to you
No its not.
>I FWB'ed a massage parlor girl and she was nuts. I wasn't aware Asian chicks could actually be as crazy as White ones until I met her. She fucking _hated_ men with the fury of a thousand suns.
strange industry to get into if you hate men
Met her at a Chinese restaurant, impressed her with my Chinese and got her number. As cliche as it sounds, Asian girls are kinda easy modo if you're white.
All I know is I'd kill for a female stalker. it means I'm desired/desirable.
My highest was around 10 when I was 13-14. First weekend completely alone since I started fapping (I was a very late bloomer) and I just beat my dick raw all saturday. Nothing was coming out in the last few and the last one didn't feel good at all. I started to get worried I would cum blood if I kept going so I didn't fap all that sunday. Good memory if I'm being honest.
You arent forced to marry anyone that makes you miserable
If she's sleeping around a lot...why the fuck would you marry her?
>has gf
>has pets
>no kids
have immigrants
There is literally NOTHING to like about modern women. Pre-feminism women had grace and were actually feminine, and therefore were based. These types of women will not exist ever again.
have more sex
Redhead girls are fucking insane though. Sure they're pretty, but they may also stab you in your sleep for no apparent reason.
>As cliche as it sounds, Asian girls are kinda easy modo if you're white.
Why do wh*tes think they can complain about tfwnogf then
Not even slightly exaggerated. Our society is so fucking gross
Chad wouldn't go for a literal whore
Chad could fuck one repeatedly without having to pay through
oh me
>women constantly have to pat themselves on the back to feel validated
>can't ever come together and accomplish anything because they are always stabbing each other in the back over petty things
Men just let women pretend they are relevant outside of their vaginas to keep them happy
Fake and gay, my country has more natural gingers than any other in the world and they're no worse than other people.
ginger is an anagram for nigger though, and you can never trust niggers.
I think it's more that the industry itself made her hate men over time. Apparently it's a common thing with long-time escorts too. Can't really blame them given what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
M8, being stalked by anyone is fucking terrifying. Having the online bleed over into IRL in that way is terrifying too. Always take care of yourself, you never, ever wanted to get doxed. Trust me.
Where are you from?
>What makes those girls easy and attractive to you guys
They're looking for a surrogate father figure and their lack of one makes them amenable to all sorts of weird fetishes and fantasies. They also usually lovebomb the shit out of you in the early stages of a relationship. This is more BPD than daddy issues, but the two are so tied at the hip they may as well be the same. Being lovebombed by a girl who then suddenly cuts you off without warning isn't something you want by the way, it's a horrifying, mentally scarring experience. I say that without any exaggeration. It completely fucks you up mentally.
>How do you procced to fuck them generally speaking, just act like a caveman?
Just be normal and decent. I have to admit the one thing that seemed to get them to spread their legs more than anything were shared sexual fetishes/interests. It's funny how quickly they change their tune and basically open up about every depraved fantasy they have once they realize you enjoy slapping a girl around in bed.
I've never complained about tfwnogf, or at least I haven't since I was like 19 or something. Getting white girls is significantly easier as a white guy than it is for ethnic guys. For obvious reasons. Ethnic guys need to treat their own women with more respect and stop chasing anything with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Trust me, you fucking don't. Your life will be a living fucking nightmare, whether you're with or without her.
She'll terrorize you, your family and anyone else you might meet in the future.
Batshit women who stalk doesn't do it because they love the man, they do it because they want to control the man.
She should have been raped
>I think it's more that the industry itself made her hate men over time. Apparently it's a common thing with long-time escorts too. Can't really blame them given what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
Whores they hate themselves more than anything because they sold their body as a cheap commodity
>Being lovebombed by a girl who then suddenly cuts you off without warning isn't something you want by the way, it's a horrifying, mentally scarring experience.
Go on. I'm curious about this.
Your viking rape nation doesn't count. We're talking about western redheads here lad.
The one I dated was a super freak. I even had a redhead pass me in the street who purposefully blew cigarette smoke into my face when she walked past, and laughed about it, the whore. What the fuck is their problem?
soc was always just normie containment, I've met up with chicks from jp, asp, vp, ic, and even tg, that's about it I think, my favorite one was the chick from vp, naive virgin girl, I barely brought myself to have sex with her, you know how they post too good for this world, basically the girl, she might have had a saviour complex though idk. Second to best were chicks from asp, fit, perky, beautiful and I got my shit kicked in when I didn't want to commit one time, and her brother fucked me up real good into icu
Parlor girls are simple, they play it safe and don't complicate life a lot, I've only dated a hairdresser though. With strippers I can't help myself, one time a friend therapist told me that I'm drawn to places I spent my childhood in and I've always been around bars and that kind of thing, strippers honestly have insane amounts of empathy and a capacity to love and nurture but you cant get them out of that life unless they want to, and most strippers make so much cash that it will never happen and the dope is so good that even if you have a giant dick they'll never ride it out with you out of there
shit sucks
have sex
Are you one of the /soc/ regulars? I visit the board like once every 6 months because I need a picture of a random person for something, and the "rate me" threads has the same fucking people posting every single fucking time, with a few new faces added. And it has been this way for the past 5 fucking years.
How many "7/10 ;)" does a person need to get over the years before they realize that "hey, I might be a 7/10", and stop posting?
What the fuck is this thread
It's an absolute nightmare
What happened to my board
>I've met up with chicks from jp
You need to tell me about this because I was OG /jp/ from 2008 onwards, and all I can remember is that Pygmalion tripfag chick.
>It's funny how quickly they change their tune and basically open up about every depraved fantasy they have once they realize you enjoy slapping a girl around in bed.
Every girl I had in my bed enjoyed a good ass spanking till it was red and got horny when we started talking about it.
What I'm interested in is the red flags for identifying them and your strategy for getting them to bed over the other guys he is talking to.
I think I might know a girl like that, her boyfriend died when she was 16, and then a week later her father from cancer, and now she just sucks dick and is taking antidepressants.
She is really skinny too, takes care of herself.
Love is just affection out of self interest.
She'd have fucked a nigger anyway
Stop chadsplaining. If you're stalked by a girl then that means you must be desirable.
Damn right it's our duty to lead. We stopped taking charge and taking responsibility for the future of our society and look where that got us.
>I feel like we say "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" because women are fucking useless.
Yea Forums BTFO.
I have to say, this post turned out to be VERY based
lmao faggots
You've misunderstood. My advice isn't "don't grow, don't develop, don't change, be a manchild forever, make her accept it". My advice is to not change at the behest of somebody, but to change when that view aligns with where you want to be.
>If you aren't at least willing to listen to your partner
What does "basic communication" mean to you? Of course you fucking listen, but you don't allow her to dictate. You've got a functioning brain and a moral code, you can listen and still say no. Obviously you don't just stonewall her by just saying "no", you stick to your guns and explain why you're not doing the thing: communication.
>In fact this is insanely narcissistic...
Don't strawman me. It's not psychotic or narcissistic to be unwavering on certain subjects that make you "you". For example, I won't have an open relationship and no one will convince me otherwise, because I know myself well enough that I don't want one and I won't thrive in one. I also won't give up fitness as a hobby because I know it's important to my mental and physical well-being, but a lot of women are uncomfortable with their guy hitting the gym because he "shouldn't need to try, he has me".
>Change is not a bad fucking thing
Never said it was, my dude. Every person in a relationship should have an idealised version of themselves they're working towards. Their partner should support that, not be at odds with it. I'll say it for the third time: Upfront, tell them what you're about. If they're not down with that, they're not worth your time. If they don't want what you want to become and if you don't want what they want to become, why enter a relationship?
Change IS a bad thing when she wants a kid but you don't. Change IS a bad thing when she convinces you to drop all your friends and hobbies to make her life more convenient. Change IS a bad thing when your life becomes her life, when your sense of self is gone.
Two people. Together. With their own lives to live. Not just hers.
This kills the discord trannies
smash puss
>Trying to teach an obvious roastie about basic communication
Good luck.
>What borderline girls actually do to your psyche
Humans are hardwired to understand the natural process of making friends or romantic connections. Biologically our brains are aware that there is a "feeling-out" phase, followed by a gradual increase in interest from both parties, followed by what's called pair bonding which is basically the "end game" state.
Human brains also understand that in order to break the pair bond connection, there needs to be a serious collection of evidence to do so.
BPD girls bombard you with love/affection at such a rapid and intense pace it fast-tracks your brain into the pair bonding phase. So your subconscious interprets two months with a BPD girl as if you're already in a long term relationship, no matter how level-headed you're trying to remain.
And when BPD girls throw the relationship in the trash, your subconscious can't comprehend why the pair bond was severed and basically glitches out.
This is why a lot of guys in this thread mention slipping into a depressive state. It's not so much depression as it is a level of prolonged, incomprehensible confusion which consumes them.
I do, it's very lonely
I just want to be loved, you know. Have a genuine connection with another human being. Stop blowing all my cash into booze and cards. Make a family.
This was a very long time ago
I met her in a drawthread by coincidence, a friend of mine is an artist and loves manga, he was doing vagabond requests in the thread because it was popular at the time, I can't remember the year 2012~? and someone requested something from kaiji, and I watched that show with another girl who introduced me to it and I did a crude doodle of it and we just went back and forth in the thread she said she was a girl and we exchanged contacts, she was from upstate and looked like an average korean girl.
I don't actually know what the culture there is or who's who. But a friend forced me to post in rate threads a couple times and I got a 6. It's funny because I always thought of myself as a 4 and in general I've never had compliments given to me for my looks, the opposite actually. I've accepted my fate and went on the best I could. I used to have a cat who was lazy ugly and kinda stupid but he was so horny all the time and he just went out and banged other cats like he didn't give a shit, he was walking and acting like he was the most alpha cat in the universe when it came to pussy, it's kinda the same with humans and sex, I'll never forget him.
BPD is a myth btw, most girls are just cunts who treat people badly
smash puss
Have sex nerd.
>What I'm interested in is the red flags for identifying them
There are several:
>What's her relationship with her father like, is there one at all?
>Is she "nerdy", i.e. is she into video games and anime (Does she use pornography?
>Does she have a string of bad relationships in her past
>Does she use drugs
>Is she a masochist
>Does she believe she isn't like other girls? As much as feminists have tried to nix and sexismshame this particular claim from e-girls, they still phrase it in other ways
And so on. Honestly, the biggest red flag, as much as it sounds like a joke, is "is she a girl who uses imageboards?"
>and your strategy for getting them to bed over the other guys he is talking to.
Honestly mate, I don't have one. I'm the one who posted earlier ITT about how hard it is to get girls in online communities these days. I fortuitously came around at a point where competition for this sort of girl was rarer, nerdy shit less mainstream and attention whoring less user friendly than it is today. As a result, I sort of got lucky by being in the right place at the right time.
These days I suspect even if you tried to contactfag on /r9k/ or /soc/, you'd just end up getting a discord (if you're lucky) and having to compete with two dozen other men talking to her, of whom at least a couple are probably better looking and in better shape (even if you're not bad looking yourself).
Back in the day we'd just exchange burner emails, chat over there for a week or two, swap MSN or later Skype and then take things from there. It was a lot easier.
BPD is not a myth unfortunately. Most girls aren't like that.
>I do, it's very lonely
>I just want to be loved, you know. Have a genuine connection with another human being. Stop blowing all my cash into booze and cards. Make a family.
"Women find me desirable and I have lots of sex but I just want a hug, a bloo bloo"
>It's funny because I always thought of myself as a 4
I don't mean to bring you down, but having browsed the "rate me" threads a lot over the years looking for pictures of people with very specific features, I've noticed an overall trend of people rating higher than reality, either because it increases the odds of getting a higher rate in return, or because they're just scared of hurting feelings.
Every time I've been there, every literal 2/10 malformed mutant was being rated 5/10, or 4/10 at worst. As if being a fucking mutant is average.
>I met her in a drawthread by coincidence, a friend of mine is an artist and loves manga, he was doing vagabond requests in the thread because it was popular at the time, I can't remember the year 2012~? and someone requested something from kaiji, and I watched that show with another girl who introduced me to it and I did a crude doodle of it and we just went back and forth in the thread she said she was a girl and we exchanged contacts, she was from upstate and looked like an average korean girl.
Interesting. Was she into raceplay? Every Asian girl I've met online, at least the second-gen ones, are all into weird raceplay shit like being called a dirty chink whore who loves white cock. It's genuinely baffling.
I dont get this one
> You watch a show only seen by tweenage girls and homosexual men.
Just saying.
Many will fall for BPD girls because theyre easy to fall for. That's their thing, they start out strong and intense. They'll treat you like a king and tell you lies about how all the people in their life before you were abusive and did horrible things to her.
That's called the idealization phase.
Then, its all downhill from there. She will start to learn things about you. No one is perfect and you are no exception. This triggers a complete critical meltdown in their brain because they are unable to accept that you can have flaws and still be a good person.
This is called black and white thinking.
From that point on, you will demonized. She will take things that you've said and done in the past and present and spin them into falsehoods to make you out as the literal anti-christ. It will get worse and worse until she sees you as an entire different person, a person that she made up.
This is called devaluation.
Which is then shortly follow by her turning cold and ditching you like you never meant anything to her at all.
destroy kitties
Here's the BPD redpill niggers:
Borderlines are brain-damaged childish paranoid reptiles who, lacking the ability to synthesize impressions of themselves and others, have no sense of unified self or emotional memory, and thus, in order to feel "okay" and not their default catastrophic emptiness and depression, they must keep themselves in a state of perpetual emotional overstimulation.
They're terrified of abandonment, because the prospect of emotional deprivation necessarily entails them being forced to confront their own painfully hollow and insubstantial nature, but at the same time, they are psychological incapable of healthy attachment, because their self-absorbed, childish, immature nature makes them deeply averse to obligations of emotional labor, and they only ever see people as flat, one dimensional caricatures whose only value is how useful they are in distracting the borderline from her own ever-present emptiness.
They desperately want love, but they are literally unable of understanding how to preserve and cultivate it once they find it. They want to hold, but all they can do is cling and claw anyone who gets close to them. This is not sexy or romantic, fyi. Irl, outside of the kinky sex for which they are rightfully infamous, borderline hoes are boring, tiresome, depressing losers.
lol whatever nerd
kill all normalfags
Also, might as well add that when /soc/ first became a containment board because Yea Forums was being spammed with the threads, I posted my picture a couple of times. I'm the same as you, 4/10 on a normal day, 5/10 on a great day. Yet every fucking "rate" was a 6 or 7.
> you can listen and still say no
That's not listening. That's hearing just for the sake of it and then doing what you think is best anyway. I tried really hard to get people I cared about out of drugs, out of clubs, out of fucked up shit and they didn't want to listen and that's how you go your separate ways. The problem is that you don't need to be in a completely fucked up situation like involved with drugs for somebody to tell you something important that you need to think about and do something about it to change and with narcissists, it will never happen, hope that makes more sense.
I've dated narcissists my whole life this is something I've thought about for a long time and rationally I am inclined to agree that you can't tell people what to do, but it doesn't change the fact that change needs to happen and you don't have to fight over it. You can work together.
It wasn't a strawman. It's a legitimate self-absorbed characteristic. What makes you think that what makes you- you are even your own ideas and belief systems and not a collection of things you've been exposed and influenced by your entire life from different sources, and not all sources are good, healthy and productive to a healthy successful life between two people. You're already on a defensive about it and I didn't even mention that this change has to be about you accepting to be in an open relationship or that this is an example that is put to the question. It's very simple, if your partner wants an open relationship and you don't, you reexamine your belief system and see if this is truly your belief or a belief instilled by society, religion, parenting etc whatever it is. If this is not for you - then don't compromise it's perfectly acceptable to be with WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE WITH. There's billions of girls in the world. All I'm saying is that most changes a partner wants to see in you are not that extreme and melodramatic and there should be open dialogue and compromise.