Do American bullies actually give wedgies or is this some weird film thing?

Do American bullies actually give wedgies or is this some weird film thing?

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Only if you wore tighty-whities. It also happened to the more annoying cool kids than the nerds, mainly because no one talked to or socialized with the nerds. Most people just pretended that the nerds didn’t exist. That annoying and semi-popular preppy kid named Luke though? Fair game.

This and "swirlies" never happened to me, but then again I'm a 6'4 Chad

no but americans do the gayest shit all the time.

i grew up in a white suburb in the 2000s, and they were obsessed with 'pantsing' people "pulling down the pants" and there was even an instance of some football fags sodomizing someone with a broom.

Only whites like to give wedgies. I lived in a mostly mexican neighborhood in the 80s here in TX and if they bullied you they would just kick your ass.

Bullies only do acid attacks and beheadings here in the UK.

This. Pantsing is still pretty common. I have never seen an actual wedgie happen though.

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This is a weirdly homoerotic custom to think of it.

funny. i'm a shitskin, but an american shitskin (proven to have average IQ of 112- indian americans, look it up), so we are signficantly more civilized than the shitskins of london.

i have relatives in london who live off welfare, commit violent crimes, and are literally pieces of shit with like 7 kids. no different from niggers.

parents are from bangladesh. my mom told me when she rejected some incel, he threatened to throw acid in her face. it's part and parcel there. she actually just went to bdesh a few months ago because they were selling her family's property there, and were going to give most of it to her brothers because they are men and she is a woman, despite her brothers being NEETS and my mother being the first one in the states who sacrificed a fuck ton to bring them into the US in the first place.

anyway, i feel bad for you in the UK. i'm glad the US doesn't emigrate people unless they have advanced degrees. my dad got into this country cause he had a PhD. fuck rapefugees.

Are you in Washington state by any chance? So many of you unintelligible fuckers here

Bullying is mostly done verbally or through social media now, with the occasional pushing

>t. teacher

The first time I came was in front of a girl I huge a crush on and this guy gave me a wedgie when I finally got up the courage to talk to her

>When statistical adjustments are used to convert the backward digit span results to full-scale IQ scores, Indian Americans place at about 112 on a bell-shaped IQ distribution, with white Americans at 100. 112 is the 79th percentile of the white distribution. For more context, consider that Ashkenazi Jews are a famously intelligent ethnic group, and their mean IQ is somewhere around 110.
>highest income of all ethnicities in the US

no, i'm not in washington state. NYC.

plus, we love america. so fuck off.

>It also happened to the more annoying cool kids
the cool kids 1 grade older would pull this stuff on the younger more annoying cool kids, yes.


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No need to get so salty, Rajiv. By unintelligible, I mean your accents. Is your reading comprehension so poor that you thought I said unintelligent? Also, I'm a Russian-American so I'm not that far down the list.

Looks like we got some cool kids here on this board

well that sucks, but first-generation brown folk like myself basically sound white. that's what all the black and hispanic folk in my neighborhood say about me.

my parents came here in 1973, so they don't have accents either.

it's really only the parents that have some type of accent. i don't know maybe the shitskins in washington state are the shittier ones. the ones here in new york are obsessed with education. my dad is still pissed at me for not going to harvard.

were you born here, or are you from Russia originally? i sublet my apartmnet, and usually have russian immigrants move in. they're cool peeps, don't like black people but for some reason consider me 'white' (i'm not). i feel bad for them though cause they're still immigrants.

my russian-ukranian roommate came here on asylum, wanted to work for the CIA, smart and hardworking guy, but can't cause he isn't a citizen. sucks man.

go back you fucking faggot

go back where? i was born here you low IQ envious blue collar fucktard.

also, 'folk' is a much more down to earth, non-elitist way of describing people. so fuck off x 10.


>tfw you were a semi-popular preppy kid in high school named luke that still wore whitey tighties

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who else here still wears tighty whities

I ran cross country in high school and one year this kid tried to pants one of the older guys during our warm-ups. He was wearing boxers so those got pulled down as well, exposing his dick to everyone. In one fluid motion he back-handed the kid so hard that he was just writhing on the ground for about 15 seconds, then casually pulled his pants back up. No one ever pantsed anyone again.

Pantsing happened a fair amount when I was in school (2000s and early-mid 2010s), though eventually it started to be treated like sexual harassment.

I do, user. People used to make such a big deal about that shit but women don’t care one bit. I’ve been with my girlfriend for about a year now and she maybe made a joke or two but that was it.

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stop being so fucking triggered holy shit. maybe resetera is more your speed

Football teams and fraternities are infamous for their brazenly gay shit that they treat as non-sexual rituals, to the point where it's a running joke in American culture.
Europeans will never experience watching a frat lord get enraged because someone tells him that sucking another guy's dick during rush was gay.


>stop being so fucking triggered holy shit.

Why are 90% movie bullies basically attempted murderers?

>Americans are afraid to let kids shower together because they think it'll turn them gay
>Americans install little panels between urinals to prevent each other from accidentally seeing their dicks, thereby turning them gay

How is the world hegemon so utterly terrified of seeing each other's penises in an entirely non-sexual setting?

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he's hot

only ever saw people doing wedgies in football practice and it wasn't really a bullying thing as much as just bros goofing on bros in a no homo way.

>Americans are afraid to let kids shower together because they think it'll turn them gay
It's not because they think it'll turn them gay, it's because people here are afraid of nudity in general. Also naked kids are pretty vulnerable.

>proven to have average IQ of 112
average IQ is a meme for retards. Anyone that feels the need to latch onto their demographic average IQ is almost certainly dragging it down.

back in school i saw someone bend a guys legs behind his head and drag him along the ground by his underwear

do eurogooks shower naked in grade school?

We had showers in our lockerroom where we changed for PE but literally nobody ever used them.

Most shit you seen in movies is a just an extreme visual representation of something to reach more audiences.
It's exaggerated af.

I'm sure this took place at times but not as much as it might seem. protip: most bullies in school were more subtle e.g teachers,

Just arm the children. No one is going to try and molest a naked child with a handgun.

top kek

>mfw urinals don't have dividers and I get to mog some weakling by taking the one next to him and pissing with great force that makes his stream cut off

I wear them or briefs just because I got Varicocele veiny wormy balls that do better when they're resting comfortably in a hammock than dangling.

sure, i just wanted to include that for the endless "shitskin die poo in loo" comments i was expecting to get.

the income thing, however, is real and legitimate.

Why is it played for laughs when men lose their pants and are embarrassed but it is seen as horrifying and disturbed when the same thing happens to women in film?

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Have sex

Because men aren't cowards.

Society is used to degrading men.

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It was a legitimate question. Don't assume he's an incel.

it's an incel thing to ask.

Physical bullying hasn't existed since the nineties. Nowadays you just get anonymously smeared on social media.

>getting pantsed
lol no

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i wasn't a "cool kid" but definitely a normie and it happened to me once or twice. That's the price of being in active in the social world of teenage life. One moment you're given a wedgie in the school yard by some idiot two grades above you trying to hold in the tears in while his friends are standing in a circle laughing at you and later the same evening you're making out with you're crush by the lake. Couple of weeks pass by you're at a party and the bully throws you a beer and a rought pat on the head and respects you for eating grass and not running to the teachers. I figure the real hell was for social outcast sitting alone eating their lunch every day. Hell, even the "bullies" felt sorry for them and sometimes tried to include em.

at least that's how it used to be, i have no idea how it is now.

Not necessarily.

You're fooling anyone you homo

What do you mean?

why would you buy white underwear

wearing some cheap hanes right now

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This webm makes me laugh every time, kek

If you're getting pantsed you're not a man you're a friggin NERD

I exp hhigh school like this. I wasn't really bullied. Some girls were bitches, but most guys were chilled af. I found teachers wanted to make examples of you and "teach" you life lessons, these were far worse.

Most kids wanted to be liekd and felt a force to do something impressive or funny. Some toes got stepped on but it was all in good fun. I went to many parties and everyone was usually just trying to have a good time.

boxer briefs > boxers > briefs

prove me wrong.

This past Monday I saw something like this, except it was a few dozen, both guys and girls, and most of them were either naked or almost naked.

The "alpha" american male archetype has always been infused with homosexuality. Wedgies, butt slapping in sport, homo-erotic rituals in fraternities..... In movies and literature we find the frustrated homosexual's either stuck in a normative heterosexual marriage and hating it or pathologically avoiding that fate. Cat on a hot tin roof is exemplary, but also the works of updike, hitchcocks rear window, eastwood's american sniper, aronofsky's the wrestler and Landis' anmal house

>butt slapping in sport
This is fun even if it's not in a sport

Straight guys are the gayest of them all

>i was born here

I was born on a plane, but I'm not a pilot.
I have nothing against you people, but please go back to where you came from and develop your own countries. You are not needed here regardless of what Jews might have told you.
People have been divided for a long time based on natural borders. People are much more comfortable and better off when they're around their own kind. If you remove the borders then you get, well, have you ever seen Brazil?

>and my mother being the first one in the states who sacrificed a fuck ton to bring them into the US in the first place.
Stop doing this you fucking cunts aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

a girl did that to me to laugh with her friends in the campus but I just didn't get it and didn't pull my pants up, I mean I wasn't embarrassed or anything I wasn't fat or anything why would I be ashamed of my body idk it was pretty weird but I played it off and she later told me it was pretty hot how I didn't react and we ended hooking up together, I still don't know what happened that day, I'm not a chad just average guy

Fucking Sabrina gets to play with him and his little tighty whities whenever she wants. Shit isn’t fair.

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He showed his butt in one movie I think

She has an upper lip like a gorilla

I actually have a wedgie fetish. Thanks for the gif

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Yeah, that movie where he was being Jeffrey Dahmer, I think. He’s cute.

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>I have nothing against you people, but please go back to where you came from and develop your own countries. You are not needed here regardless of what Jews might have told you.

i came from the united states. i'm in medical school. this isn't jewish propaganda. i am here because the US brings in educated individuals from all lands. that is why our immigration policy works. my dad was brought in because he has a PhD.

Brazil and whatever other examples you present are irrelevant. we aren't bringing in rapefugees, we are bringing in the best and the brightest.

no one i've met here has ever considered me to be anything other than an american. that is what i am, an american.

why are you so mad? you and i are no different. i grew up in a white suburb, went to college filled with whites, and i am a productive member of society.

there's a doctor shortage in the world, and considering asians need the highest stats (higher than whites) because we are the only race to not benefit from affirmative action, the ones who actually get into medical schools are exceedingly competent.

you're not shipping off blacks, yet they need 1/4 the scores (GPA/MCAT) that i need. you're telling me you'd rather have a black or hispanic doctor?

please, give /pol/ a rest. i am already here. i don't care about the country my parents left, I care about this country. i don't want to use the cliche "we are all immigrants", but somewhere along the line your family came here too from another country.

So just chill.

we comprise

I want to bully and give a cute guy a wedgie

>born on a plane, not a pilot
that analogy makes no sense. i was born in america, but i'm not the president.

>go back to where you came from
i came from here. i am still here.

>people are a lot more comfortable and better off when they're around their own kind
really? so you'd ship off countless doctors and surgeons and claim that you're better off. as if, this country or the world has a surplus of doctors and surgeons?

the only ones who are, essentially the 'new' jews, are us. get rid of us, and you are under the jew's thumb as you always have been. you need allies. you hate blacks and jews and hispanics and every other race. you won't be winning. turn on the television, and see BLACKED on every channel.

use your brain. make allies. ideally, intelligent ones with lots of money.

yes, and all my cousins now are ivy-league educated despite being discriminated by colleges especially ivies for being asian.

what you two don't understand is that we are not rapefugees. we came to this nation because we have advanced degrees. that is something important to consider when importing immigrants, which the US will continue to do regardless. so pick your immigrants wisely. in fact, most of us asians are conservative and republican anyway, and are against affirmative action. we are the most outspoken critics of aff action and we can get away with it because no one will accuse us of being racist like they would accuse you.

pick your battles wisely. the only alternatives are jews, nigs, and hispanics.

Yeah, I got a wedgie once. Then I learned how to throw a punch.

yeah me too

>People are much more comfortable and better off when they're around their own kind.

my own kind is here in the states. i've never known any other.

i'm also north indian, and probably whiter than you.

>nothing against your people

and you wonder why 2019 is so full of anti-white male sentiment... baka

I donno why american kids that get wedgies are fine with it, one of the cunts at the school I went to wedgied someone in the middle of class, so the guy turned around with his knickers up his bum and stabbed the guy in the eye with a pencil, he's blind in one eye and almost died just because he wedgied someone, silly cunt

I sympathize with the other guy simply because here, in socal at least, everyone that comes fresh off the boat and even older generations of different cultures insist on shoehorning their belief and value system on top of fundamental established principles of basic human decency and common sense.
If you come to this country, legally, you have an obligation to first of all learn the english fucking language so you can communicate the stupid shit you wanna say to me and keep the stupid shit you believe in - to yourself. I don't need to be berated on why I don't know what the hell is ramadan by some snot nosed kid ten years younger than me in a grocery store of all places. I'm tired of having to filter out every single bit of useless information you feel the absolute need to bring into my life day in day out.

I don't want to walk into a clothing store and argue with some persian chick's mother about how I accidentally saw her daughter without her burka on. This is AMERICA. Not Pakistan. Put a fucking hat on or something, ok you don't want to? That's your business but keep ME out of it. Fuck sake.

just don't wear underwear

shart directly on the hands of the bully


When I'm about to sleep sometimes I remember the day I received a wedgie in front of the whole class and did nothing

I've never seen it or a swirlie

A fetish directors/producers push.

I’ve seen a swirlie. But that was more of a tradition.

that sounds like fun

fuck you man

t. Luke

whoever did the casting for sabrina has a twincest fetish

What's with americans showering together after PE?
The few chads that tried to do that in my HS got laughed at and called faggots by the rest of us and the other chads, idiots wanted to larp like in the american high school sports movies.

I just got punched in the face a couple times

no, the bullies at my school were pretty patrician and all found it passé

but she pulled them down herself?

in italy is normal this shit lmao

I do sometimes. Makes me feel like a nerd and I like it.

yes it was very common

t. oldfag

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>tfw I will never invite Stacey, the cheerleader, to the Prom even though I'm a nerd of the science club and Chad the Field Marshal bullies me and since he is the son of the director he is trying to cut our club funding.

I never encountered anything like that where I was from, I'm guessing it was a thing from like the 70s that just got carried over through media.

Most schools don't do this

Most schools in the US haven't had kids shower after gym since the 90s

god that's hot

Yes, yes it is.

MA? think that sodomizing thing was my town.

You got any more like that?

I cringed even imagining how his balls felt

>After PE
yeah that doesn't happen much unless you are in a poorer part of the country, in which case it's more out of necessity. On the plus side, all the boys and girls would share the same bus and would often get changed at the same time.

Man, I miss varsity soccer in hs. Fun times were had.

T. Went to hs in Montana

Wedgies actually feel really nice.

I like the thought of reaching in there and pulling out the undies from the crack hnnnnnggggh
Or pushing them further in

I've never seen a wedgie or a swirly in real life. Honestly the "cool" kids tried to be cool with the "nerds". They didn't hang out with each other too much, but most people were decently fine with each other. Shit was nothing like TV high school.

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What do it feel to be bullied by a girl, bros?

like cumming

I just wanna be bullied by guys though...

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being smart and having good grades were hugely cool at my school. I never understood the meme that cool kids were dumb and only nerds cared about grades

I gave a wedgie to your mom's girlfriend LMAO

imagine the smell

wow... so this is the power... of the cumskin menace...

wouldn't be that bad

I know, that's why I want to imagine it

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but the point was that she was doing it to embarrass herself, and ended up facing sexual harassment allegations.

Wedgies are something you might give to your little brother when you’re both still really young. Aside from that though, it seems pretty gay and totally not something normal for school.

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Whitey tighties make you look like a boy whore man.

This is true. Needs and weirdos are completely ignored. Alphas and bullies really don't even want to be 10 feet near them.

And that's a good thing

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It happened in my elementary school, but it was obvious kids were just imitating TV shows and cartoon's.

Who here was never "bullied" but got into a lot of fights?
fuck niggers and the buses they rode in on




KYS breeder loser
You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too, a thread about wedgies is already gay as fuck