No longer a matter of IF, but WHEN

No longer a matter of IF, but WHEN
Avatarfags unequivocally BTFO

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How much Disney stock do you own?

Thanos dabbin' on Avaturds LMAOOO!
Cameron should just go back to his cuck sub. He can't come back from this.

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>has to make $3.5 billion to beat Titanic
not gonna happen lmao

>adjusting for inflation
GWTW will always be king in that case


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lol, fuck up Cameronfaggot. We winning now.

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>It won't beat this one movie I like if you adjust for inflation
>>No movie will beat an absolute classic released in 1939 if you adjust for inflation
>[autistic whimpering]
Just stop

lmao, cope harder I don't give a shit about marvelcucks or cameronshits. you're both carrying water for pathetic millionaires who are destroying cinema

>destroying cinema
Cinema is and has always been trash.

If "films" are a hobby of yours, you need to reevaluate your life.

>you can't adjust for inflation because otherwise my disney overlords won't win this non-challenge and I won't get my good boy participation sticker

Cinema is so trash that you're here crusading for hollywood jews to make more money, got it.

Avatarfags and Trumptards will be BTFO completely by next week when Endgame reaches 2.8 billion

>you can only adjust for inflation on the movies I say you can
Gone with the Wind is #1. Get over it

How much did disney pay you to make that picture?

>captain Marvel

>noooo my Jewish movie is about to get beaten by another Jewish movie!

Have sex

you are disgusting zoomer trash

I'm beyond over it, GWTW is a fantastic movie and deserves to be there.

>I-I don't even like Titanic
>Goes into a tard rage when GWTW is brought up
Yeah, okay nerd. Jerk off to inflation some more.

He's right though
Movies are boring as fuck and movie theaters are smelly garbage cans

>Goes into a tard rage when GWTW is brought up
point out where I did this

I don't even care they beat other movies, what bothers me is that so many people are willing to pay to watch literally live action comics. When did the geeks stop getting bullied? What the fuck are Chads in high school doing?

>What the fuck are Chads in high school doing?
Watching Marvel movies you deranged fuck

Based Disney showing these incelcucks of Yea Forums their place.

>What the fuck are Chads in high school doing?

literally watching Avengers Endgame

>Avengers Endgame ends up making 3 billion
>Avatar cucks go full cope mode and start spamming "Adjusted for Inflation"

They're doing it right now, they're scared

Frankly Avatards and Marcels I don't give a damn.

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>they're scared
they need to have sex

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How absolutely devastated will Cameroncucks be if Endgame grosses over $3.2B?

It's possible if the movie has legs

Imagine pretending to be hyped for Smurfs in Space 2, just so you can believe you are spiting some boogeyman.

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It won't even beat Titanic. Screen cap this, I'm certain.

welcome to the zoom zoom world

It's going to beat Titanic by Saturday.
Screen cap this, I'm certain.

Check off 1.8, it's at 1.82b not counting today


I couldn't care less about the obscenely rich making more money, but Avatar was a dogshit film, so I'll be happy to see it dethroned

>this is what butthurt haters actually believe
Cry more.

Ticket sales too. I expect if disney does a re-release of the original star wars that can take that spot from GWTW. Avengers EG and IW likely have beaten Avatar on ticket sales though. EG for sure will by the end of its run. Price/money is a weird thing to care about though.


Is brand wars shilling the zoomer sports? Like since none of them have been outside long enough to get a tan they turned to shilling marvel vs dc?

you're scared, look at you backpedaling

I bet you loved spamming your trash DC flicks a few weeks ago, look at you now

Since I'm not a buttfucking retard I don't shill corporations for free in my down time. Just trying to get some insight as to why you mongoloids bother

Fucking great. I don't care for these usually but I want to see that awful movie fall from the top finally

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>goalpost moving
Pathetic kek. Cope

They're terrified

Some people are N E R V O U S

>adjusting for inflation is goalpost moving

>endg*me scrapes past Avatar making $2.8bn overall
>few months before release of Avatar 2
>based Jim re-releases Avatar so everyone has a chance to get back up to speed in the way it was meant to be watched
>Avatar earns enough to push it over the $3bn mark and solidify its position over endg*me
>Avatar 2 makes $3.5bn - $4bn overall
>mass suicide of capeshitters causes Avatar 4 to perform significantly better
Where were you when capeshit fans were given false hope of glory only to have it rightfully ripped away from them only a few months later?

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Adjusting for inflation is fine
Getting pissy when someone brings up GWTW after that is just being a bitch


I didn't get pissy over GWTW, I said it's a fantastic movie and deserves the #1 spot you deranged spastic.

Avatar 2 is going to flop
3D was the only reason people went to see the first one and no one gives a shit about that anymore

Kek no one remembers Avatar even. It was a one time thing and wasn't by virtue of whatever Avatar itself was.

That was like 45 minutes ago
Don't you have a life?


>china still see's movies

Avatar 2 is gonna make 500m in china for sure, if it makes 400m US then hey.... it's doing fine.

>Avatar 2 is going to flop
Imagine actually believing this
>Kek no one remembers Avatar even
And yet here we are, STILL talking about it a decade after its release.

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Because of its undeserved spot at the top which is finally coming to and end

>undeserved spot at the top
How so?
>finally coming to and end
What makes you say that?

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Literally the only reason Avatar is being brought up is because another movie is going to pass it

Because it's a shit movie
>What makes you say that?
>still in denial

>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all the effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it doesn't do it
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began that cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine, after ALL that, it STILL doesn't come out on top
>just... imagine

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>Literally the only reason Avatar is being brought up
Redditors seethe about Avatar every week and based /acg/ bros eagerly await Avatar 2.
>Because it's a shit movie
How so?
>still in denial
Denial over what?

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>playing dumb

>playing dumb
??? Are you actually going to explain yourself or are you going to keep rambling like a schizo?

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How could you possibly know this much about Reddit without being a redditor yourself?

I mean, End Game is huge. The culmination of how many movies, something that won't be done anytime soon if ever and it's memorable as fuck. It deserves the top

Cope you retard. See you in a couple of days when it breaks 2bil

Because you stick out like a sore thumb when you post your capeshit drivel here. Go back.

>See you in a couple of days when it breaks 2bil
$2bn ain't shit marvelfag. If you think that figure is impressive when it literally took 20 movies and a massive shill campaign to get, you're deluded. Call me when it breaks $2.78bn (it won't)

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>still playing dumb

>still thinking capeshit #20 is going to topple Avatar
0/10 you're just butthurt

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>Disney owns both