Are normalfags slowly realizing what a mess GOT is?

Are normalfags slowly realizing what a mess GOT is?

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Yes, and they're going to blame it on the characters that held up the entire series for years, of course. I know Kit gets meme'd pretty hard but his performance has always been consistently excellent as Jon. And Jon himself is a great character anyway.

only the men. girls still love it

>Chaim Gartenberg
Sometimes you just have to laugh

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>chaim gartenberg

Kit is good as Jon, Jon is pretty much like that in the books but should be a bit less sad puppy since they aged him up

They are not going to be happy with the ending.

Well Jon and Dany both form opposite ends of leadership, which I thought they were going to explore more. Jon is great because despite being the most capable person to lead everyone, he doesn't want that power. Dany on the other hand is willing to sacrifice everyoen that followed her across the narrow sea in her pursuit of power.

what's the retarded reasoning here? unites with the wildlings to take the north back, unites the north men and the dragon queen's army and successfully ends the army of the dead. what the fuck more do you expect?

>his performance has always been consistently excellent

He was pretty weak at first but he improved a lot around s3/4

Why does Jon suck? He's literally Ned 2.0, but actually listens to his advisors unlike his father and brother.

Why would you write this article now? After Arya stole the NK kill from Jon?

send this permavictim sandnigger back to the desert

I think the problem is Kit Harrington compared to Sean Bean.

he sucks because arya nothing personneled the night king? jon isn't a capeshit hero that defeats the big bad, he hasn't personally killed any of the big "villains" in the show.

idk he's prob gonna kill dany when she goes evil

Dabid wrote the character as an idiot this season and made him useless during the battle so now it's his fault.

One key trait of Jon in the show is that he refuses to listen to counsel. Most of his dumb decisions, he tuned out everybody and pushed forward, many times to disaster which is why he constantly needs saving.

Nah, men are expendable, ‘strong females’ are to be idolized and made into role models.

I'm a man and I still love it.

I want the midget to be king.

>he refuses to listen to counsel
Can you blame him though? Most of the counsel he's had has been absolute dogshit (from Sansa especially).

Normies just can't understand true self sacrifice.

They think one moment can redeem your whole life, and they want that to think they're good people. Someone like Jon whose lived his whole life trying to save people, the innocent, even those of different lifestyles than him because he realized the bigger threat. That idea is "boring" to them. They all want the wise cracking guy/girl who looks really good to come and save them. Not some dude whose literally been killed and lost everything he's loved in the name of the duty he felt he had to upheld. It's not a "positive" hero, and it's why they hate it. This guy has literally given everything to just try and ensure humanities (or Westeros' at least) survival. So far all it got him was a Kingship he didn't want, his love killed, all of his friends killed, most of his family murdered, and when he saw the abyss on the other side just to come back he couldn't even rest.

The man is just done, but his basic beliefs compel him to help. People are uncomfortable because almost everyone needs to admit to themselves they'd never sacrifice as much as Jon has to save as much as he has. Even the Northern lords balked when he brought Danerys back even though he knew it was the only literal way they even stood a chance. He'd fuck a literal log if that got him two dragons and a foreign army to help him. The man has gone above and beyond with true and real sacrifice (I'd argue even in a christ-like fashion) and people can't handle it because no one in their right fucking mind would do anything similar. Thus, their jealousy of seeing a "better man" means they have to say why he's a bad leader rather than admitting for one second they're inferior morally to the savior of Westeros.

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He is a very limited actor but he is perfect for Jon Snow.

>Jon is the protagonist
>less than four lines so far
>didn't kill the big bad
He's a side character at best

>I'm a man.


>Chaim Gartenberg

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>Chaim Gartenberg

Kit is a fucking shit actor.

Look at me I'm Kit {:(

>The adventures of Chaim Gartenberg: The hosiery-sniffing Semite - Chapter 1

whoa what are you implying here?

>Makes threads on Yea Forums

Wait, is this actually the last season of this godawful cash cow franchise TV show?
Does this mean I'll be able to browse Yea Forums without literally 1/3rd of all threads being GoT related?

>Three, Jon is a straight white male

Because hes not a woman

>Chaim Gartenberg
So representatives of the Iron Bank are writing hit pieces now?


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GoT literally could not be made in 2019. All of you faggots would riot the minute Ned died.


No. It's really not.

What's with normies and their """criticism"""
They never blame the writters and directors, they shit on the characters, like if they actually choosed to do their actions


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>gee, why isn't this battle hardened veteran not listening to midgets, retards, and women?

The mind boggles.

Anyone who currently defends Arya killing the Night King like that is going to HATE Jon killing Dany. The author of this probably loves that yassssss muh kuween killed the night kings no ebil straight maail!!!

Since I started the books I always thought Jon would die heroically or sacrifice himself, but after Arya doing that I believe Jon will "win" the throne. If he doesn't then this is a bigger shit show than I could possibly imagine. There is always the possibility GRRM gave DnD a false ending, which I also thought the second I saw Arya killing the night king actually worked.

*honk honk*

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Do you think that can differentiate between an actor and character? That guy who played Joffrey is still getting death threats to this day

dumb but lol

Jon will be the one who turns mad and Dany has to kill him because of the *moment of surprise*

>That guy who played Joffrey is still getting death threats to this day
I hate normies so goddam much

I was just thinking about this, I've been seeing it a lot in youtube comments the past few days. Lots of arguments but I haven't seen anyone calling out this type of retard thinking and instead people are just shooting them back with another obvious point about why the episode was bad.

>Implying you wouldn't also ignore the counsel of these characters any point after season 4
Jon knows he's surrounded by a cabal of selfish, prideful, narcissistic idiots. Most of which haven't held a sword yet are concoting military strategies out of their ass

proof? or are you just being an insufferable incel?

Fucking idiot, you literally can find your proof with google.

The Night King's death is antithetical to Ned's death. You're a retard.

Yes, clearly Jon is the protagonist in a show where he get cucked out of killing NK in favor of a teleporting midget.

Why are you asking him to provide proof? He was responding to someone who made that claim assuming it was true.

>Chaim Gartenberg
Stopped reading right there.

Read it again. He was agreeing to it. also see I didn't know incels were this braindead to try to justify their hate by pulling lies out of their ass.

The Night King is the inly character this board cares about and he got whacked. It's no different from Ned Stark except this time everybody feels entitled to go full hurtbutt online and cry a out it.


I think you need to read things again but I guess I can't blame a tranny for being unable to display basic reading comprehension

>Blaming Jon
Jon didn't even get to kill the Night King and had to fight all his own battles on the front lines. He and Jaime are the only good characters left


Rewatch the series and tell me that the Night King wasn't a massive flop.

Exactly, they want an idealistic king that will get himself killed.

"I hate normies so goddam much" isn't agreeing to the claim? Or are you intentionally wasting my time?

It may or not may be agreeing with the claim, but it is at least a reactionary response, which is what I said. What you're ignoring is what my actual post was about: why ask the commenter to provide a source when you could have just easily asked the source who made the claim
But this is getting far too autistic and I'm speaking to someone who calls people incels on the internet

>he's a fucking white male

Jon was alright but the goblin hijacked the climax to his arc so now in retrospect he makes no sense. Definitely not enough to justify resurrection (which is fine for a gimmick mystery figure like Berric but not for a major character). They've lost the plot.

But he's a part of the 2nd biggest plotline of the show too.

oh no annon they sacrificed the last season for build up for prequel series. It wont end it made money they are going to drag this out and beat it like a dead horse

i swear carl the cuck and aids skrillex are the only good things the ultra-left gave us

Bruh he's a shit actor. Even as Jon, I just laugh sometimes watching him. It's worse outside when he acts like Jon Snow, but a gladiator or cowboy or some shit in his other works.

>whoa what are you implying here?
I think the meme is, every time there is completely over the top ridiculous article thats blatantly false, the author has a surname common among the jewish population

It is unsetlling as it cannot be unseen once you're aware of it

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>why isn't this battle hardened veteran not listening to midgets, retards, and women?

Battle of the Bastards was a disaster, as was his expedition beyond the Wall. No one needs to explain last episode. People have torn his plans to shreds at this point. Davos game him good advice and he said noh, I'm gonna go get a wight because Jorah is looking badass to Khaleesi and I want to fuck her.

>Chaim Gartenberg is a news editor for The Verge specializing in gadgets and all things new in the tech industry, whether that's specs for the latest phones, trying out a new app, or unraveling just what on earth 5G will actually do whenever it does come around. When he's not writing about tech, Chaim also tries to find time to read books (usually fantasy), play video games (usually on a Nintendo Switch), and bake homemade sourdough.
I see they got their best man on the case.


Only white when it benefits them.


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lol fucking hell, last season everyone was hype on the Snow boy but now they know he has a claim to the throne over their fucking lunatic dragon bitch they've all turned. loyalty must be impossible for sjw nuts.


>Chaim Gartenberg
>Against CIS white male heroes

Every fucking time

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people have bashed him ever since the source material dried up and for good reason desu

god i want a war so bad, life is just hell, its complete fucking hell
ill fight too, not memeing, ill go happily off to die, just give me a fucking reason to

>occupation: trying out apps
>cucktendo switch
every single fuckin time

I don't get it.

what about Sri Lanka

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>I don't get it.
Look at the shape of the smoke

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Watching behind the scenes shit, I feel sorry for the entire cast.
Nobody's happy with this shit. Maisie Williams and her boyfriend agreed that Jon should've killed Night King and that she thought Arya killing him was a mistake from the start, Emilia Clarke can't even say the season was good with a straight face and usually sarcastically brushes the question off, it's all Nicolaj can do not to say bad shit about it, and Dinklage has verbally said that Tyrion was a dumbass for proposing the women and children hide in a crypt during a zombie apocalypse.
Really hit home that these people have nothing to do with what they're contractually obligated to perform, and probably hate this fucking season more than any of us possibly can.

All I wanted was a sword duel between Jon snow and the Night King. But the spoilers are all telling me that Jon is going to go around killing women in the final episodes. (Dani and Cirsei ) that real?

It's a sign.


Westeros did deserve a much better hero

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Didn't that guy burn his daughter alive?

Thats kind of the point if DnD didnt let their hatred of stannis cloud their judgement they wouldnt have wrote that trash and gave him his rightful story from the books


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won't happen in the book REEEEE

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Have sex

No, that was Melisandre, he just watched if I recall.

That you know of

And Melisandre btfo'd Night Cuck with Shireen's help

wtf i hate jews now

>not having faith in the One True King

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You're criminally retarded if you think that is in any way a logical point. Fuck off to the other place

>performance has always been consistently excellent as Jon
Nah he's a pretty whatever actor. he does an alright job as Jon because even Jon in the books is a sullen character with a fairly wooden personality so Kit doesn't have to do much, but pretty much any actor could.


>Tyrion was a dumbass for proposing the women and children hide in a crypt during a zombie apocalypse.
this doesn't make any sense. the last starks buried in the crypt aside from Rickon were buried there like 20+ years ago. assuming their bones haven't been turned to dust there's no way they should've been able to bust out of a crypt when we previously saw them transport a wight in a wooden box with no issue.

>chaim gartenberg
did /pol/ write this article

she was so cute here.
punished season 6 mel best mel

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Christianity is facing genocide as we speak, go fight the good fight. Otherwise there is always money in contract work.

They're probably tired of it and have been since Season 5 at least. In the case of Dinklage I think he gave up around Season 4.

Nikolai is a bookfag so he's definitely crying inside.

Same, I have been watching behind scenes during the week and it's embarrassing how the cast is criticizing this season, you can tell that they are pretty disappointed in how everything ended.

In some moments Peter and Kit looks almost angry when talking about the show or at least with contempt, I can't blame them, they have been working 10 years in this and watch it end like this must feel awful.

Idk man when your enemy can raise the dead it doesnt make much sense to send the defenceless in an underground graveyard

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You offering?

Unless they are suggesting Stannis should have been the hero, then no

>Having faith in a king no one wants
Shit tier taste

>that pic

>Chaim Gartenberg
Alright, so which brown person/woman did they want to be the protagonist

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I don't know if this is copypasta but it should be. Good post user well done

>Christianity is facing genocide
Only in America. You guys are like bedbugs.

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Chaim is also a stereotypical jew first name

Of course. You have to have one scene where a white guy kills women so that the childless 30-something gravitational wells orbiting the craft beer bars will have a topic to angrily hashtag about and remember before next year's election.

color me surprised

characters who vouched for stannis as king
Characters who opposed stannis
>small council
Really makes you think

Literally puts her on a boat to get her out of harm's way in the books. Couldn't have a good white male authority figure in D&D's rendition. There actually aren't any positive white male leads in the show now. They're all either cowards, corrupt, or impotent. Jon still isn't a leader despite eight years of building.

I must really miss season 1 and 2

>what people want matters
cringe and bluepilled

characters who vouched for stannis as king
>bunch of idiots

Characters who opposed stannis
>the current queen of the 7 kingdoms and other highly intelligent individuals

it makes sense none of them expected corpses that shouldve been nothing but dust to not be able to break out of stone when they previously held them in wooden boxes just fine.

blame the shows bullshit on that one

>season two
>stannis climbing up the fucking ladder then climbing back down again
that was when we knew what D&D where

The point is that they didn't expect the corpses at all. Episode 3 was a complete fucking shitshow written by absolute hacks in the classic sense of the word. I feel like the nepotism problem in Hollywood is reaching a peak. All the good screenwriters are kept out in favor of so-and-so hiring so-and-so because they met them at a bar mitzvah

Are you really implying journalist Shekel Golbergowitz and his articles like "top 10 reasons why you should put your 5 year old on hormone therapy" and " White people are going extinct and that's a good thing" are really nothing more than vile, malicious propaganda?

Beautiful user.
But really have sex with me

>I feel like the nepotism problem in Hollywood is reaching a peak.
It can't come soon enough, some people are irritated enough they're warming up the gas chambers.. in minecraft

>two dragons
She had three back when I quit watching, what happened?

>the most capable person to lead everyone
He really isn't. He's not a good commander and he literally can't manage politics to save his life. And it was the extremely simple to nearly nonexistent politics of the Night's Watch. I can't imagine how he'd manage to juggle Seven Kingdoms. He's got a lot of experience with personal combat and was able to rally everyone around him to fight the White Walkers, but even that is gone now.

why would they? any corpse buried in the winterfell crypt shouldnt even exist at this point

I meam George wrote the Blackwater episode and if we couldnt really see if be a stratagist on screen it was cool to see him be a badass.

How mad do you think the normies will get when they show Dani turn into the mad queen and kill everyone in KL and destroying the Iron Throne?

One died while saving Jon.

Who do you think owns the (((press)))? Hello.

*people of colour me surprised
Thank you very much.

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white men watching at live bars will be stabbed with dinner knives

How retarded do you have to be to not realize Jon Snow is the main character until the final season?

All the overly-invested white women and trannies who desperately want to fit in with white women will be seen on their respective bar cameras crying

There are some people who actually believed Dany mattered to the plot, at all, despite having no interaction with it until Season 6.

A wizard did it

Its happening in the books
Shireen is Iphigenia to Stannis Agamemnon

Yes, a plotline his character explicitly gave no shits about. He doesn't want the iron throne, he doesn't have a cunning to rule from it either. Jon was the moral man willing to give up everything for a fight he just won without any satisfaction. His character has nothing to do now.

Normies hate fictional characters that are better people than they are.


>People are uncomfortable because almost everyone needs to admit to themselves they'd never sacrifice as much as Jon has to save as much as he has
This. People have become very squeamish and self-conscious about the heroic ideal. They want to rubbish and dismantle the ideal instead of looking to their own shortcomings.

Shireen will be burnt but Stannis wont be around or aware that it happens

That is going to be the "Bittersweet" ending. Jon be forced to become the king despite absolutely despising the title, and Dany is going to be executed by him

Ned was played by a good actor

Extreme hype for Jon becoming Bobby 2.0

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>the night king was one thing, but you kids wouldnt last a day against the day king

I'm sorry but he will know. This will be the culmination of stannis' arc
>I never asked for this crown. Gold is cold and heavy on the head, but so long as I am the king, I have a duty . . . If I must sacrifice one child to the flames to save a million from the dark . . . Sacrifice . . . is never easy, Davos. Or it is no true sacrifice.
The sacrifice is happening not in the underwhelming circumstances of the show, and after the battle of ice

>Hand of the King Jamie: "Well, what is your first order my King?"
>Aegon (Jon) Targaryan: ".....Bow you shites"

>the lord of light was the ultimate mastermind behind everything btfos cersei in a single scene and becomes the true final boss

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Stop hating yourself and off to reddit with you.

kys freecucks

Maybe if he listened to them he wouldn't lose his entire army everytime he got into a battle.

A new army just pops out of thin air anyway. At this point why even bother with tactics just send the apparent endless source of man to the slaughter in a blind charge.

>it's another incel complains about muh hard man episode

>Jon be forced to become the king despite absolutely despising the title
There's nothing bittersweet about that because Jon would probably enjoy it given he used to dream about ruling over WF, not to mention Jon has abandoned his position at every stop. It's more likely he abandons his position again at the end. D&D have thrown everything out the window because GRRM will likely do the same with all the prophecy horseshit. Jon being King is the most predictable ending of all time, which is why GRRM won't let it happen.

this just popped on my recommendations, it's baffling it's the same show

>it's baffling it's the same show
What the fugg is going on, did they fire all the good writers!? Or is it really because they ran out of GRRM material??

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>go b-b-b-b-b-ack to leddittt
Shut the fuck off and die PLEASE.

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>can't even hate on Jon Snow any more because muhstrongwomyns cucks hate him too now

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One is played by sean bean the other by kit harrington

>I can't commit to my feelings because someone else might share them!
You are the biggest cuck in the history of the world holy shit.

anyone have that photo of Ygritte and Jon kissing with the giant sansa smiling in the background

makes me laugh everytime

>muh feeling
lmao pussy

>Yea Forums defending Kit now
Kit Harington sucks

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Some people have this problem with Superman too

Dany getting the throne is more predictable


Is the article about how passe white male protagonists are?

As demonstrated with the spooks film. Fair enough shit writing, but he was still wooden.

You're joking, right?

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Because (((they))) have subverted our institutions and culture for decades and that blossom bloomed so magnificently these past few years we now bear witness to this very very clown world.

(((They))) invert reality, up is down, ugly is beautiful, castrate your trans 8yo or we'll take your children away, etc etc and when it comes to this, a Hero? Lol, fuck your Hero archetypes and legends of morality you goy scum! They literally can't help themselves but to subvert and shit all over our culture and everything that is good.

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He always has the same stupid face and same stupid line delivery. His performance evokes no emotion or sympathy.

Because he's a terrible actor. His little accent trying to imitate Sean Bean cracks me up.


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>This is what it looks like to have less than triple digits in IQ

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It was clear Jon was the protagonist 2 seasons ago, if not more.


jon snow is meant to symbolize the white man

God is blatantly warning us about the future destruction the Jews will continue to reap, and yet we look away, too cowardly to confront this problem like all of our ancestors around the world did.

>Chaim Gartenberg

Let me guess dany should have been the protag, or gay worm. Jon Snow does suck though, of course none can stand up to Stannis the Mannis.

Proof Jon is /ourguy/, kek
Good thing the NK War is over and back to business funding both sides in yet another Human war that doesn't matter who wins because you always win

>The point is that they didn't expect the corpses at all.

Corpses entombed in stone are not a threat. It was stupid that they were depicted breaking out. That is the flaw in the writing. They should have just had a scene where they wear creepy knocking sounds coming from the sarcophagi.

>caring what normies watch
>caring what normies think


Ned: Think he's main character, dead in one season, which kicks off plotline(s).
NK: KNOW he's the boss villain for over seven seasons, dies before the end because actually he might not be - big story ends.
TOTALLY the same!!!

Jon snow would be a feminist if he knew what that was, so yeah, he symbolizes white men.

>Although Fischer's mother was Jewish, Fischer rejected attempts to label him as Jewish. In a 1984 letter to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, Fischer requested that they remove his name from their encyclopedia

He took the redpill

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Daenerys has even less. She's had everything given to her and done for her and her hand held by her advisors. Earned nothing through experience like Jon, Arya or even Brienne. Not good.

>Missing the point of the story
You do realise this whole show has been a procession of fatally flawed leaders? There won't be an iron throne at the end of the season, and if there is; the only character who actually wants it is Cersie.

I can't believe how incredibly quickly this board has been flooded with normieshits. I can scarcely believe that there are people here who DISLIKE getting the fucking helm's deep boring-ass explosion battle out of the way so that the show can focus on what it does best; intrigue.

The BOOKS are called "A Song of Ice and Fire". They can be about the great big helm's deep yawnfest battle with the evil ice power rangers for all I care. Because they're a more suitable medium to talk about all aspects of a great battle.

The SHOW is called "Game of Thrones". It has always been about the intrigue, first and foremost, contains the greatest actors and actresses of our age, and the best and most memorable scenes have been just two of them, talking. Why would anyone choose to waste that talent on some fucking boring "epic" battle scene we've all seen a hundred times before?

TL;DR: It's fucking disgusting that Yea Forums is arguing FOR le epic battle at the end rather than cerebral intrigues.

Nobody argued for that, people are arguing for the resolution of the major plot point of the show to be at the climax.
I would have been happy if they lost last episode, or if we had some kind of hint that it wasn't all done.
Instead it was 60 minutes of a terrible battle plan, Arya teleporting behind the Night King then apparently the woman who spent 7 seasons being built up as a retard is the final boss.

>Nobody argued for that, people are arguing for the resolution of the major plot point of the show to be at the climax.
The major plot point of the show is the iron throne, though. It's called "Game of Thrones". That's the whole driving impetus behind the show. The battle episodes have ALWAYS been normiebait for the burlington bar to screech at, while the rest of us are in it for this:

No, they want an empowered woman in her place, fucking idiot

Do you think your brothers war is more important than ours?


When dead men and worse come hunting for us in the night, do you think it matter who sits on the Iron Throne?


>tfw joke article is actually true

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Reminder of what could have been and would have turned the last several bad seasons around with a strong ending.

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this man may in fact be jewish

>"On Game of Thrones, characters are free to while away hours, even entire seasons, on the periphery. The story lines move forward and dig deeper as the episodes progress but rarely circle back and almost never pause for reflection. When I asked Benioff and Weiss if it was possible to infer any overall intentionality to the upcoming 10 episodes, they sneered. “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” Benioff told me."

We should have known they were total hacks that wouldn't conclude things well after running out of book material in 2013 when this interview happened.

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low test detected

get married
buy a house
have kids
just BE NORMAL, man for fucks sake isnt that hard lol

BASED and true

>only character the board cares about
>not Jaime
Nope nope nope

Turns out Paul Atreides gets to sit on the throne in the end.

What a surprise.

>episode two
>hey lets all hide in the crypt
>tell my friends "ayyy a crypt full of dead people, perfect place to hide"
>episode three
>it happens

This last season is hack central


not really this is cherry picked shit by propagandists that ONLY posted this shit because it's from some jewy sounding name.

surprisingly good post, nice job user

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