This right here is peak Disney and you can't convince me otherwise

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This right here is the highest natural number and you can't convince me otherwise


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Extremely based op



I remember seeing this in the theatre with my school, it was so good I still remember parts of it more than 10 years ago

zoomer pls

This was peak Disney before Atlantis came out.

I was born in ,1969 faggot

the first 30 minutes are great but then it goes full ferngully. also rourke and helga did nothing wrong

rourke and helga were both inferior to milo, that's why he killed them

Cast the live action?


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Plot is good until the middle of the movie. then it is instant dogshit. had so much potential but just went downhill quickly

God, so damn close.
Anyway Atlantis is great and I'm happy it has a following. Hopefully now that the kids who saw the movie have grown maybe some of them will sneak into the industry and make something more for the franchise.

True, the second act does have a rather large slow down. Honestly the journey to Atlantis could have been a movie in and of itself.

wrong, treasure planet is peak disney

This movie has a lot of similarities with stargate

i'm pretty sure this plagiarized a nip film

It certainly had the best waifus.

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It hardly even feels like disney, that's how good it was. Good thread OP.

don't mind me, just posting one of the greatest achievements in film history

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I can't deny you
There are at least 4 other Disney movies of the 90s that are better

brown spunky tomboy, perfection

Yeah, too bad it's a chore to sit through in its entirety.

Post the atlantian waifu

Brown a best

stick to Fantasia 2000

But that's even worse.

Knockoff Nadia of the Blue Water.
kida is hot

Also Treasure Planet

Do both these films get put into the "Kino with feels girls could never understand"?

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>grandma worked at one of the local kinoplexes
>had access to previews of movies a couple of months before they premiered to the public
>see trailers for this as a kid and get H Y P E
>granny gets tickets for our whole family
>the girls at the theater thought me and my siblings were so cute that they gave us a whole fucking box of Tom&Jerry bags full of mixed candy
>followed by the greatness of the movie as well as the smugness of having seen it 2 months before any of the other pisspants in my school
good times

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Sweety, no.

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As a kid growing up without my dad most of the time, this movie was important. No modern Disney movie would go for a paternal love story like that anymore.

why was I not born a dog?

This is both the best Disney movie and probably the best David Lynch movie.

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Fuck you for torpedoing John Carter sequels you faggot ass film.

Yeah I'm thinking I'm staying in Atlantis.

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