What was he thinking right now?

What was he thinking right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:


could've had digits

nothing he is a fictional cgi character from an advertisement for children

you must be fun at parties

>at least they gave me a chance instead of just snapping me and my whole army at the start of the battle

"I should have killed the jews"

>Heh, well played Tony"

>i won in anoter 14000000 different universes lmao

My feet hurt

Why didn't he recruit like a hundred other Thano's from other dimensions for the big fight?

>why didn't i install a robo-pussy in nebula

Attached: thano.jpg (1052x1825, 108K)

>waaaah someone made fun of my capeshit villan!!!

"I hope they remember me."

>I deserve this for being a heterosexual male.

jesus christ

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"I should of just given money to planned parenthood, they would of given me a medal for murdering half the population"

>despite making only 13% of

Woah, meta

"Wait...................did I leave the stove on?"

>mr stark I dont feel so good..

>did it leave the stove on at home?

>at least it wasn't a woman... or the black guy,,,,, heh.


>it was just supposed to be a pra-


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>Well now that I have confirmed the multi-verse theory is correct everything I and everyone else did has already transpired a countless amount of time and will transpire for all eternity

>"I wonder if that Justice League movie ever came out"

>didn't expect any of this when I woke up this morning
>tfw didn't get to become a farmer

>Watch a bunch of tryhards

No one knew 2014 Thanos was coming retard

>Captain Marvel’s feet..... are really nasty

based and thanospilled

he did. Its a hidden robo pussy and the real one is in a jar in his room.

Didn't Nebula have gauntlet after she killed her past self?

What did that Marvel girl mean with "got somehting for me shota boy"

who hurt you?

>At least my timeline's Cap won't be an African American

most reddit response possible

That post credits scene where all the female avengers rape Spiderman was kinda weird but i guess it made sense in the context of the whole cinematic universe

it was teasing the full scene in "Far From Home"

>plays a titan who towers over most people
How short is Brolin?

Attached: Brolin.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)


"Why didn't I just use the reality stone and erase the other stones + half the population with it? I really am a flawed character"

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Deadpool 2 constantly made fun of his height

Take my upboat, kind sir!

>google both their heights
>Brolin 5'10
>RDJ 5'9
okay who is lying here

>No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

probably the only poster on this board who has sex

haven't seen it

RDJ is 5'7 but wearing big boy boots


Have sex


RDJ is lying to himself

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Go back to /got/


Cheese and rice

>Mr Stark, I dont feel so gooodddddd?

utterly based

Spiderman: Hey invincible god beast, are you sure you can get through that army that you've had no trouble with whatsoever?

Black (YAAAAS SLAY) Queen with a spear: She has backup.

>I can't help but feel that girl power moment would have been stronger without Captain Marvel

At my theater, a zoomer sitting behind me literally screamed "DIE!!!" during this moment.

would you say that he... HAS SEX?

There was zero tension in any scene with Captain Marvel until Thanos jammed the power stone into her. I had no idea the writers and directors were bold enough to make things semi-difficult for her.


she has the exact same problem superman does and yet still somehow manages to have less of a personality.


yeah i guess that makes sense

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>also you forget, they cast someone who doesn't know how to smile

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. . . I forgot the safe word

>Forgot to take ma protein

See that guy right there. Looks like he's out on the bottom of his luck. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got in this wacky situation. Well it all started in the Summer of '93.

>teeenaage waaastelaand...

>at least it wasn't captain marvel


Perhaps he's wondering why you would snap half a universe before time-duping infinite resources into existence.

Professor Hulk's Recipe for Infinite Pym Particles:

1) Start with 2 canisters, one to get you to the 70s and back just in case Pym's being an asshole and tells you to fuck off.
2) Convince him to give you any number greater than two canisters.
3) Travel back to your present.
4) Wait any arbitrary length of time. Let's say one minute.
5) Travel back to your previous arrival.
6) Take all the canisters.
7) Travel back to your present.
8) Repeat Steps 4-7 as desired.
9) Pay back your past selves from your surplus "before the world notices."

Pic-related is the sigma notation for the geometric growth rate you get assuming 5 cannisters as a starting point, with a loss of two canisters per trip, you can time-dupe 3072 into existence in just ten minutes. It kind of makes you wonder why a roomful of geniuses would ever be worried about running out. Now reconcile yourself to the fact that you can do this with literally anything, even people, because the Russos are lazy fucking hacks.

You could dupe infinite Tonys and Natashas back into existence and not even disrupt any timelines, because you end up creating way, way more than you're taking after your 2nd iteration. Infinite Mjölnirs, infinite Infinity Gauntlets, infinite Cap shields, Caps, Tonys, Natashas, Thors, Marvels, and any other resource you can imagine are all waiting for you in your own unalterable past.

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Some black guy yelled "oh shit he ain't comin back this time"

>should of
>would of

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oh my god

have sex

Making a form of the bootstrap paradox possible in the relatively seamless setting of a multiverse is some next-level hackery.

Why do people think this guy is such a well written multi dimensional character?
>i'm going to kill exactly 50% of all life in the universe because there aren't enough resources somehow
How the fuck does this make any sense to anyone? How the fuck can anyone even take this seriously?

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>not starting a bombardment right after i saw portals opening was a mistake

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"Is I am Iron Man supposed to mean anything to me?"

Holy based

it's his passion and determination for his plan that makes him admirable

If he knew the "avengers" and stark's name he sure knew "iron man"


But his motivation makes no sense. He sounds like a laughable loony as opposed to a logocentric individual on as the movie portrays him to be.

Listen people like Thanos for the same reason people think AOC is smart

Of course no one agrees with the logistics of the plan, have you not seen the countless threads about it? I'm telling you most people like him for his will to act on his life goal at all costs, which is why a lot of anons like the final shot of him smiling in IW, he finally succeeded.

got 'em

Literally every person besides Tony who had a chance to use it was a coward. Solved

I thought his character was supposed to be some radical rationalist that is correct on the mathematics or logic but is ultimately wrong because he doesn't make ethical considerations.

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>wowzie! right in the



thanoth gaming?


Thanos deserved to win. Fuck those Avenger faggots.


>Those RDJ boots
Surely SOMEONE must tell him how ridiculous he looks, how it screams insecurity.

>No, this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

The power stone gives energy to the snap
The space stone controls the scale of the snap
The reality stone decides what exactly happens during the snap
The soul stone chooses who gets snapped
The time stone dictates which timeline the snap affects
The mind stone who the fuck cares it's a kids movie lmao

Power stone enhances the other stones, giving them MAX POWER!
Space and Time stones, back by Power makes you omnipresent.
Mind stone, backed by Power makes you omnicient.
Reality stone, backed by Power makes you omnipotent.
Soul Stone is like Sergeant that wrangles the other stones to work together for you.


If Cap would be at fault for not stopping Zola/Hydra in the padt, why didn'r he just used the stones to snap Hydra out of existence?

/ss/ is for Chads only
basedboys like getting cucked

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WTF I love Captain Marvel now.

Thanos was "based and redpilled".
He knew of the coming global economic collapse.
He became a farmer in the midwest america to sell overpriced crops to the starving chicoms and yuropeens.



holy based

>omg did you see purple homer simpson fight strong womyn #13? That was so epix!!!! XD

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Mind Stone decides who gets snapped, soul stone locks away those who are snapped.

Like the other poster said. Yes his plan is fucking retarded but his determination is admirable. Pretty much Watchmen did this already and with half the time. Normies are just too retarded to get it

Being wrong doesn't make you one dimensional.

have sex


In the comics, sure. The movies gimp the fuck out of the stones while simultaneously making them potentially fatal to the user, which in turn gimps their narrative purpose - absolute power to anyone who possesses them.

It amazes me how scared of the stones the writers were, placing all these bullshit, arbitrary restrictions on them, but then they just absolutely break time travel.

the mind stone is the one that figures out what the fuck you want the thing to do


based and has sex.

You know what was missing from this part?

A second conversation with little Gamora soul, what was even the point of that person/god/thing?
I was hugely waiting for a development there

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The Black Widow show on Disney+ is her and Gamora escaping from the Soul Stone


Go back to your containment website.

Pissed me off. An entire better story was implied by that scene. Instead we get half-assed as fuck time travel.

Oh, you mean that Soul Stone that doesn't exist anymore?


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Of course the soul stone exists

have sex

I think that's the traditional Christian God, who shows himself through Gamora's form since her soul "has returned to him" so-to-speak.
Thanos using the full gauntlet makes him reach God for a minute.
I was waiting for an explanation too.

at least that guy had sex.

Unironically the most reddit response. Fuck off.

>hasn't read the gems lore
They literally can't be destroyed and will show up again in time

Why did using the gauntlet kill Tony when the only reason it exploded on Thanos was because he used it to destroy the gems?

based partychad triggering the incels

Whatever that being is, it was older wiser Thanos who had the connection not the AU one

also based

Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.

right in the infinity stones

> Remember me Eddie?!


W-why is the horse giving him ara ara eyes too?

Man, infinity war was so good that it affects the general public perception into thinking endgame is a good movie.



Not uru metal

And that's why you always leave a note

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