Yea Forums gets triggered when white characters are played by non whites

>Yea Forums gets triggered when white characters are played by non whites
>doesn't bat an eye when non white characters are played by whites
Why the double standard?

Attached: The-Passion-of-the-Christ-1-768x329.jpg (768x329, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>brown eyes


Because Yea Forums has been filled with /pol/redditors since 2013

>God himself
>Being anything but white

>white people being changed into africans
>a jewish man at most being changed a few shades lighter
>the same
Yes I agree non whites should be played by non whites but this is the most retarded comparison you could have picked

Attached: Vittuuntunut apustaja.png (1337x1289, 217K)

Jesus was historically depicted as a light skinned redhead, there are tons of examples

he looks passable for a levantman.
Mediterranean people really all look nearly the same.

Attached: 1037931805.jpg (1000x541, 73K)

We don't need to, the media does that for us. Our job is to raise hell on issues that msm doesn't talk about. It's all about balance, you see.

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jesus was nordic

Now reverse all that & you have the left.

Yes, Jesus was historically whitewashed by western representations. What's your point?

based. nigger jesus when

even if this wasnt bait, its such a fucking retarded argument
>why do niggers always wait out a fight when a fellow nig and a whitey throw down and whitey loses
>why do niggers jump in and beat the shit out of whitey when hes winning?
simple. theyre niggers, and like everyone else but whites, whatever team nigger does is morally superior than whatever team whitey does
objectivity can only be reached when theres no racial bias, and the only ones trying to get rid of that are whites, every one else plays home team
what it boils down to is that im going to cheer if a nigger dies and feel bad when a white man dies

pls provide an accurate photo of Jesus.

Why did you suddenly start sperging about niggers you edgy /pol/ child? Literally rent free

>Light skin
>brown hair
>brown eyes
That's a not uncommon mid-east phenotype and more so then than today, as we know from ancient genetics findings.

I believe there's one either with his birth certificate, or his death-then-rebirth certificate.

Well actually the fact they made Khan a white guy in Star Trek did piss me off majorly, and they only did it because they didn't want to be insensitive and make a Muslim looking villain.

Attached: jesus1.jpg (768x1005, 146K)

No you dumb faggot there weren't even any white Christians until the 500s

>and still nobody sees the racism of "this one race is the only one that it's ok to make the villains"

Hey, I don't knock over all your black angel figurines, or yank the picture of african american Jesus off your wall, so leave Ted Nugent out of this.

Attached: nuge.jpg (271x392, 30K)

Who the fuck is that? MOhammed?

Maybe because the US is majority white and should remain pure white. I am not a white nationalist, bee tee dubz.

He looks so bland though. Like the middle eastern John Doe.

how big was jesus's peepee

This is one the earliest representations of Jesus. Does he look white to you?

Attached: Good_shepherd_02b_close.jpg (272x384, 24K)


looks like Stuart Margolin.

Attached: angel.jpg (809x800, 54K)

>>and still nobody sees the racism of "this one race is the only one that it's ok to make the villains"

Hollywood has been whitewashing crime for decades. How many movies have there been where somebody gets mugged by a white guy ?


Not my fault you're retarded

>Hates jews
>Over glorifies and worships the king of jews
What did Mel Gibson mean by that?

>melvin gibsonovitz


>the king of jews
That's the term the Romans used to mock him. Neither he nor his followers ever use that term.

He's The Son of Man.

This isn't even true.

Liberals are not in any way an authority when it comes to the history of art. Jesus has been depicted as a brunette Caucasoid for the most part and these types of people are not uncommon in the middle east, especially prior to the Arab Muslim invasions and their mixing with Blacks etc.

>king of jews
Are you retarded or what? Jews hate Jesus

Jesus was literally white, unless you're a neonazi who thinks italians and mediterraneans aren't white

>brunette Caucasoid
myself brunette caucasoid kindly doing the needful

Attached: _90397693_mediaitem90395534.jpg (660x371, 31K)

>This isn't even true
But forensic data shows otherwise. Sorry that you're triggered by facts sweetie.

Jesus was expected to be from the lineage of King David who was a ginger.

How come he black?

>being the son of a woman

>Zechariah 9:9
>Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!
> Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!
>See, your king comes to you,
> righteous and victorious,
>lowly and riding on a donkey,
> on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
>Son of Man
He's the son of a jewish woman descended from the line of a jewish king, with a jewish god and raised by a jewish stepfather within jewish traditions. Jesus was jewish and so were the 12.

wasnt jesus dad god (white) and his mother mary (also white) ? why would he be anything but white?

being in the humanities is almost a direct implication someone is left you dumb shit.

And those representations were always wrong. Blame Thomas Aquinas that fucker that said "since Jesus is perfect he should look very attractive!" even though tge Bible says he was ugly and short

MENA people have Caucasoid skulls therefore Jesus was white from a scientific view point.

There are credible theories that Jesus and the NT are Greek. Have you actually seen a Jew? They’re European looking. Even without that that, the Middle East pre Islam was probably whiter than Southern Europe is today you dense, barrel scraping, racist shit eater.

>descended from the line of a jewish king
>also he had no human father
lmao nice cope

Dravidians are of Australoid ancestry.
>forensic data shows otherwise
Prove it.

jews are white

>shitskins create nations so vile and disgusting they cross oceans and deserts to live in white nations
>shitskins wonder why the whites in those nations have no desire to view them on TV and film
Why the double standard?

The earliest depiction has him looking like a typical Middle Eastern man would pre Islam, which is to say Southern European. You American libtards piss me off with your ignorance and willing retardation.

If you're christian like Mel he had no human father and came from David's line.

That was made by a team of ((scientists)) who do the same things they did with Cheddar Man. I.e lie and subvert.

Dravidians and regular Indians are classified as Caucasoid


because whites are better
it's not a "double standard" when the two things held to the standard are fundamentally factually unequal

>being in the humanities is almost a direct implication someone is left
1) That's not true. I challenge you to prove it.
2) That doesn't contradict what I said at all. Under the circumstances that you were right, which you aren't, that would only be an appeal to authority fallacy, not a refutation of what I wrote. Subhuman retard.

Liberals simply cannot do logic. It's what makes them liberals.
In the same way "fatness used to be the standard of beauty" as "evidenced by art pieces of fat women", Jesus wasn't "whitewashed" by "europeans" as part of some idiotic conspiracy to "make Jesus White".
people just draw shit. Lots of people still like fat women. Sexual attraction is not determined by culture and people just depicted Jesus the way they figured he would look or in a way they thought looked appealing. The eastern Roman depiction of Jesus as a brown haired Caucasian isn't exactly a shocker because the Levant is full of people that look like this, many indistinguishable from Europeans.

>Prove it.
Here you go, now show me the forensic data that proves Jesus was white.

Classified by whom? they have australoid admixture.
Stop acting like you've studied this subject. You probably believe in gender.

god is white so of course his son will be

Racists are not rational you fucking retard lmao

>The earliest depiction has him looking like a typical Middle Eastern man would pre Islam, which is to say Southern European
For someone calling others retarded you sure like to spew some retarded shit yourself.

>tfw heimdall(germanic mythology) is black african man

Attached: Thor_Heimdall.jpg (600x288, 33K)

The people who divided people into races.
Europeans, Arabs, og Indians, all white.

Whites are pleasant to look at, whereas nonwhites are not, don't overthink it

>Stock et al. [9] also found this to be a feature of Indian crania, but in their analysis it was a feature otherwise shared with Andamanese and Veddas, whereas here we instead find a European/Egyptian (“Caucasoid”) similarity for Indians.

Attached: 1508293309585.gif (657x527, 122K)

It’s true you dense fucker, you can google it yourself. It’s an Orthodox icon. Face it, he’s white.

Note that this wouldn't be exactly like how Jesus looked like, it's just expeculation from the the phenotypes of the region, but he likely was brown eyed and black haired, and very, very shaggy and burned from the sun.

reminder that only I am white and everyone else isnt

>lol just google it
Not an argument you mouthbreather.

When do black/brown characters get played by white ones? If you’re upset about race erasure go picket Marvel for what they’ve done to a shitload of white characters? Ahh but you’re not upset, because you’re literally a racist.

Your retarded bait subject doesn’t count to anyone who knows the first thing about the Middle East in the era of Christ.

You're intellectually inferior and didn't even read your own article that shows that it was in no way meant to be authoritative, but speculative.
The speculation actually, if anything, validates what I wrote> > Jesus has been depicted as a brunette Caucasoid for the most part and these types of people are not uncommon in the middle east

The picture is literally a brunette Caucasoid.

Well you’re so dumb you don’t know about the icon, so how else would a low IQ turd like you discover it?

prove it

>Your retarded bait subject doesn’t count to anyone who knows the first thing about the Middle East in the era of Christ.
They were freshly colonized by the greeks back then

It was not made by the same team that did cheddar man. Nice cope though.

maybe because i hate nonwhites

>brunette Caucasoid
Yes, that's what middle easterners are. They're not white

jesus was nordic you kike

>recover the earthly remains of jesus to win an internet argument

Greeks were Nordic

>Yea Forums is one person
You're a stupid faggot OP.

Not him, but that's your subjectivism. Chances are Jesus looked far more like pic related than the guy in the OP. Obviously nothing points to him being handsome either.

Attached: arabic-teenager-260nw-247013335.jpg (390x280, 15K)

wrong, only the top aristocracy philosophers and great leaders like alexander the great were nordic. most greeks were black

>the icon
This representation was before that , so shove your icon up your ass you mong.

>The people who divided people into races
>Europeans, Arabs, og Indians, all white.
You have no evidence to back up what you're saying.

Caucasoid =/= part caucasoid =/= White Europid

"Arab" and "Indian", especially "Indian" are too ambiguous to be casually considered Caucasoid. See Nagaland for example
Subhuman liberals don't belong in these discussions. Stick to cutting off your genitals you fucking freak.

This doesn't disprove what I've written. There is a heavy caucasoid strain in India, usually among the upper caste Indians who have a direct genetic connection to ancient White populations. The darker castes are the ones closer to Australoids. It would be simply scientifically incorrect to call such populations "caucasoid" and especially more erroneous to call them White.

>It would be simply scientifically incorrect to call such populations "caucasoid" and especially more erroneous to call them White.
Skull shape is Caucasoid
Provide a study saying otherwise or fuck off

He can’t, he’s using the American libtard conspiracy theory that for millennia people lied about a Jewish man from just South of Europe, who lived in an area dominated by Southern Europeans and demonstrably olive skinned/fair Caucasians like the Coptics, Yazidi and Persians.

>but every1 who isn’t a WASP is brown
That’s the level of his intellect.

I didn’t say the exact team, same agenda if you bothered to read deeper than the Daily NPC

Even modern day Syrians don’t look like that. Gtfo.

modern day syrians are Nordic

The icon looks darker than that lmao

Whites are better

Well Assad is whiter than OP

That’s just a representation of a middle eastern man from that region, it was media that named him “Jesus”

Reminder that before the Arap invasion everyone from Morocco to India used to be Nordic

>Reminder that before the Arap invasion everyone from Morocco to India used to be Nordic
Before muslims invaded spain there was a germanic kingdom there

If google is to be believed, these are Syrians.

Attached: Migrants-693848.jpg (590x350, 45K)


You've lost the debate and are now struggling to save face by trying to move the parameters of the argument. Liberals genuinely are characterised by cognitive dependencies in their ability to process reality and follow correct sequences in logic. You're all shit at arguing and shit at research because you have crooked brains.
The "whitewashed" depictions of Jesus historically, especially the eastern roman ones, are not particularly shocking as you can still find people from the Middle East that look this way to this day. If they look "European" it's because a lot of Europeans and Middle Eastern peoples look strikingly similar. This is also often the case with pre-Arab invasion North Africans.

Liberals don't understand this because Liberals think that Africa is a country and shit like that.

>Not him, but that's your subjectivism.
No it isn't you mentally inferior little rat.

What I said was very much fucking true.
>pic related is a Middle Eastern man.

Attached: Palestinian_Aed_Abu.jpg (1400x933, 173K)

And these creaturas were born by cousins marriage on Israeli soil.

Attached: F120108KG02.jpg (3476x2317, 915K)


to be fair 'germanic' refers to linguistic trees (like latin for instance), not 'nordic' (but they were included)

I would love to invite that man to fuck my white daughter

How the fuck are Nagas of India Caucasoid you brainless fucking subhuman?

>levantines=south europeans
American education. Even back when everything was hellenized to shit there were still differences.

White peole are attractive

>to be fair 'germanic' refers to linguistic trees (like latin for instance), not 'nordic' (but they were included)

Goths are lituerally from sweden

>pic related is a Middle Eastern man
And so are these, by the majority.

Attached: news1.jpg (700x467, 104K)

>muh liburuls
Genuine brain damage.
>bla bla bla some middle easterners look european
No, it's the opposite. Parts of europe were occupied by middle easterners for centuries you mong.

Remember that Khashoggi guy? The arab? He could pass for any European ethnicity by looks

Some more palestinians.


Attached: 000_12N2QY-e1521212130749-640x400.jpg (640x400, 53K)

Daily reminder that Jews are Nordic

that's just some literally who from Jesus's time
pic related is the real Jesus praise be

Attached: 5827865eb89b91fc5183398158268cd0.jpg (575x266, 49K)

>Punjab people are Middle Eastern

American Democrat education.

>Daily reminder that Jews are Nordic

Attached: alexander_macedonian_empire.jpg (1920x918, 410K)

Another one.

Attached: 000_11O28H.jpg (768x512, 116K)

why the long face

>Liberals are not in any way an authority when it comes to the history of art
>me: yes they are, given the fact most of academia is liberals
>That doesn't contradict what I said at all
Fucking fool.
>Under the circumstances that you were right, which you aren't, that would only be an appeal to authority fallacy
if youre one of those retards who think citing papers is "appealing to authority" youre dumber than i thought.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 3.54.47 PM.png (1066x624, 87K)

>Here's a thing made up in the middle ages.

Dravidians are australoids mixed with humans

Oh, I'm sorry is God's Truth inconvenient for you Godless heathens? Does the science check out too much?

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>No, it's the opposite. Parts of europe were occupied by middle easterners for centuries you mong.

"European looking people were brought to Europe by Middle Easterners".

This is funny for multiple reasons:
1) You are obviously making a reference to the Ottomons and the Andalusians, neither of which were majority Middle Eastern, the specifically Middle Eastern control in Europe being too short and insignificant to have made phenotype altering dent in the population, (but even if it did... see 2))
2) By saying Europeans look European because of middle Eastern admixture, that would imply that the European depictions of Jesus aren't White washed but are simply depicting a Middle Eastern man who, by your own reasoning, also looks European.
Even in your own twisted liberal logic you've ended up accidentally admitting that the depictions of a "european looking" Jesus are not the result of an outlandish White supremacist conspiracy.

Again, I cannot stress this enough:
You liberals are UNINTELLIGENT. You suck at logic and suck at arguing. You suck at research. Your brains do not cope with serious debate and reasoning, this is why you cannot meme.

You are DUMB.

Reminder that liberals are Nordic

>straw man: the post
You should get your Dunning–Kruger effect checked out.

His eyes are gold.

T'was kino

Attached: TPOTC.jpg (3000x1250, 2.39M)

I even specifically told you what the logical fallacy you were making was and you doubled down on it. LOL. Your mind is literally too weak to even adapt.

I will spell it out to you.

You saying that "the humanities are full of leftist idiots" does not contradict what I wrote about liberals not being an authority on history. Authority is determined by the validity of your reasoning, research and arguments, all things that liberals suck at. Having lots of liberals in academia doesn't make them an actual authority in context (despite your error ironically being an authoritarian fallacy.).
In the same way Marxists are not an authority on economics, liberals are not authorities on history. They don't research. They do not think critically. They simply impose their nonsense upon history and try to warp it to appeal to their subjective stances.
>if youre one of those retards who think citing papers is "appealing to authority" youre dumber than i thought.

You are literally arguing that "up is down because my teacher said so", completely oblivious to the idea that there is a reality that does not necessarily conform to the whims of so-called "professors".
There are marxist "professors" of economics. That does not make them actual factual authorities on economics.

In the same way feminism is an insane conspiracy theory not rooted in fact and marxism is not rooted in fact, liberal claims about this "white washing of jesus" are baseless conspiracy theories.

Jesus does absolutely not look like this m8.

Satan's parts, the bits with Judas being cursed, the crow pecking out the guy's eye, and those Romans being over the top dicks for like half an hour were kind of awkward. Good movie though.

That is literally what you did though.

>>bla bla bla some middle easterners look european
No, it's the opposite.

I posted a picture of a Middle Eastern man that could quite easily pass for a European. This is, as I've said before, not uncommon in the Middle East, validating what I wrote about depictions of Jesus not necessarily being part of a conspiracy to make Jesus look White. Jesus is frequently depicted as a Caucasian brunette with fairly pale to olive and tanned skin in all kinds of European Medieval art (especially Eastern Roman). This is not in any shape or fucking form outlandish when you simply look at the kinds of people you find in the Middle East.

Liberals don't understand this because Liberals think that Africa is a country, that Jewish is just a religion and that Islam is a race.
Liberals don't research things. They just throw stupid accusations at people. In the same way you SUBHUMANS think that profit = bad intentions, you assume that Caucasian looking depictions of Middle Easterners must automatically be the result of a super-duper secret Nazi plot instead of the occums razor that they were just depicting what they thought he might look like.

>pic related is coptic christian art.

Attached: Coptic-Christian-Art.jpg (530x547, 220K)

You forgot they also get triggered when non whites are cast to play non white characters

Has anyone else noticed a common theme with Liberals in how they debate that mirrors with extreme precision the way they behave politically and in the media?

They will rush to hasty conclusions, failing to examine/consider the facts and when reality checks them, they will start to try and gaslight, pilpul and out right lie to try and save face and keep up momentum in a pathetic attempt to win unwinnable fights that could've been easily avoided had they simply decided to make some effort to think carefully before going full throttle.

In the same way the "Russian hacking" thing because "Russian Trump secret agent" became "Trump has some kind of tie to Russia" to "Well, Trump and Russia both laughed at us" and the way "global cooling" became "global warming" became "climate change" became "fuck I just hate White people" and the way the "maga hat kid lynched a native " became "well, he smiled in a bad way , these idiots have attempted to perpetuate the notion that brunette/caucasian depictions of Jesus are part of a secret plot when even middle eastern depictions of him depict the same thing a lot of the time, mostly because the middle east has Caucasian brunette people in it a lot of the time.

Liberals are extremely unintelligent.,

Attached: republicans-smarter-iq-2014.png (856x1015, 136K)

stay mad cuck

looks white to me

Attached: american_%22white%22.png (696x101, 26K)

Literally no one mentioned any conspiracy theory until you did. The liberal boogeyman is so rent free in your head that you make up retarded arguments in your head to argue against. Maybe you should get your mental sanity checked out bro.

what else would he look like?

Rent free

How the fuck would you even know you fucking mong?

>Literally no one mentioned any conspiracy theory until you did.

It literally started with this postYou fucking idiot.


Fucking dumb liberal loser.

fake news

That's just an amalgamation of what they assume an average Israeli looked like 2,000 years ago.

The Shroud of Turin was found to have red hair IIRC.

>Medieval middle eastern and north african art that depicts jesus pretty much the way medieval European art depicts jesus is actually only in your head even though you literally posted a picture of it.

>religion and cloudman in 2019
what a shit thread

But Jesus wasn't represented like he is in western media in early christianity, that's a fact..Keep calling me a liberal when you're the one ignoring verifiable facts, you fucking moron.

That's not a "conspiracy theory" though. Or do you really think middle eastern people were white 2000 years ago?

Motherfuckers haven't even read the book they love
The Bible says Jesus was ugly

Could be worse.

Attached: GeneticsOfRace.jpg (572x532, 51K)

Jesus was a Jew. Jews typically have white skin but they aren't white.

If you hace 'white' skin then you're 'white'.

>Authority is determined by the validity of your reasoning, research and arguments, all things that liberals suck at
yup nearly all professors sucks except the small minority of conservatives. the reason why there are barely any conservatives in academia is because of a leftist conspiracy.
people like you might as well be schizos

actually judeans didn't have white skin, they were pretty dark and swarthy, actually considered darker than arabs by the Romans. Modern day jews and Israelis have so much euro admixture and have lived in northern climates for so long they are pale.

i was raised christian, i know how the faith works
jesus is a descendant of david through JOSEPH'S line. however joseph isnt even his dad.

Nice religion

WTF is "western media in early christianity" you absolute fucking imbecile?
A lot of the "West" was still fucking Pagan at the time and those areas that had converted to various forms of Christianity depict Jesus pretty much the way he was depicted in the South and East.

You're an absolute fucking mentally inferior loser that believes in this "white washing conspiracy" because you're too fucking dumb to realise that they were just depicting some generic brown haired Caucasoid guy.
If you LITERAL IDIOTS, ever did any research you'd realise that this "Why does Jesus look kinda European?" "mystery" isn't mysterious at all because there's lots of people in the middle east that look like that too.

Consider pic related very carefully.

Attached: Jim Caviezel_Aed Abu.jpg (1940x650, 274K)

>Russian hackers used meme magic to travel back in time and make Jesus look like a European man by making Europeans look Middle Eastern.

No, dumb idiot. They was no time travelling. There are simply middle easterners that look like this. Some of them are indistinguishable from Europeans which is why some middle eastern actors play European characters and some European actors play Middle Eastern characters.

Liberals don't understand this because they are uneducated.

It's really funny to watch liberals claim Jews are White and then immediately start saying Jesus couldn't possibly have looked White. Their brains are a labyrinth of stupidity.

Why was King David a red-haired dude? Were these ultra """""""poc"""""" jews self-hating coons?

Attached: 1556660101846.jpg (299x299, 12K)

shekels for israel?

>yup nearly all professors sucks except the small minority of conservatives
That's basically true.
>the reason why there are barely any conservatives in academia is because of a leftist conspiracy.
That has literally been shown to be true. Trump actually even had to take action to protect free speech on university campuses.
This has been extensively proven that left wing political conspiracies are attempting to make universities leftist only places.

Your brain doesn't work.

He's a Semite and not a Caucasoid, sure, but you're insane if you think he looks less like other med groups of the time and more like africans, arabs or highly mixed and inbred modern jews.
His ethnic group practically no longer exists, you have to have some leeway in such cases

>Jews are White!
>Jesus was Black!

It must suck to be a liberal and shape your metaphysics purely around whatever is convenient at the time only to then discover that people actually pay attention to the things you say, record them easily with computers and then start meticulously pointing out your errors and contradictions.

Liberals will not survive the information age.

Semites were Caucasoid.

You're confusing Caucasoid with Europid though it's possible that he was Europid because of overlap and common ancestry.

>Jews are white
You guys can't even bring yourselves to call him by his real name and insist on calling him "Jesus" despite that being a made up. That's like taking a white man named Bob and saying he's actually Nigerian with the name Xoiasjdjg

>even though tge Bible says he was ugly and short
Canonical works make no mention of how Jesus looked retard

All I remember from it was it being called "anti-Semitic" by Jews and Evangelicucks because Mel directed the scene as written in the damn book. Yeah it turns out the eternal victims of modern times were actually shitty people in the past.

>naming conventions have anything to do with race
Wew lad

>tge Bible says he was ugly and short
t. ugly short arse

Attached: alex.jpg (1118x596, 91K)

apparently the sequel is going to be called the passionate jew

based and Logos pilled

That's your issue? We're not calling him Yeshua or Joshua?

You want us to call God "Dyeus Pitar" as well

Attached: The World.jpg (400x400, 33K)

Jews are white though.

Well, most of the time.

Attached: jewish.jpg (974x928, 281K)

galaxy brain stonetoss readers, everyone

>art made a millenia after Jesus is accurate because it's old.
This is most likely to resemble the real Yeshua ben Yosef. No amount of schizoid cryptokike boogeyman posting will change that.

ah got it, you're a pagan larper "muh jew on a stick" faggot

Attached: Gorgo2.jpg (1457x1432, 444K)

Jesus was Jewish

So was King David and he was red haired

Attached: 71fVm6riwCL._SY550_.jpg (152x237, 16K)

The history of Jews in the bible is amusing.
>Bad thing happens, usually self inflicted
>Jews beg God to save them
>God saves their asses
>They abandon God at the first opportunity
>Repeat forever
It's like a procedural cop drama where a side character joins the mafia and then the force has to save him, only he never learns his lesson and does it over and over again while talking shit the entire time.

There’s two groups of Jews, European descent and Arab

Couldn't that be said of all children of God, always predisposed to sin?

(except they're unrepentant in their killing)

Awww yes my familiar PC 1 and PC 2’s of course.

Didn’t say ugly and short. It said plain looking.

here you go

Attached: jesus.jpg (675x1200, 124K)

Me and Jewish Jesus will pray for you user

Imagine my surprise when the schizoid found another boogeyman.

Do you think anyone here follows logic? They're just in a war they want to win by any means necessary, not understanding how that effects the world.

you're the one babbling about "cryptokike boogeyman posting" while insisting Jesus wasnt white because "actually his name is Yeshua"

remember the charming prince pedro of aragon?

Attached: normal european prince.jpg (428x615, 32K)

"but he is PEDRO, that's a ''''''''POC'''''' name, therefore he's not white and actually is totally sullied and black"

Attached: 1556258677203.jpg (789x896, 180K)

Kind of, but Jews mastered the art of taking this to it's extremes and never learning from it.

You think Jesus was black? Do you think the moors were black too?

no and yes

Attached: 1317740163661.jpg (313x700, 43K)

/pol/ is fundamentally the opposite of r3ddit, you newfag queer. R3ddit band you for literally anything, encourages people to agree with each other and play nice, is a socialist/far left wing shit hole and bans nazis or anyone deemed extremist. /pol/ is the polar opposite. I get that they hurt your fragile feminine feeljngs, but try not being retarded.

Based brainlet asspull

honestly fuck americans and brits. Everytime we are portraid on the screen we are the bad guys with retarded accent and zealous, or we are mexicans or blacks.

look at this dude

What is your fucking malfunction you fat cocktopus dork?

1) Jesus is depicted as a brunette caucasian guy
2) He comes from a part of the world where lots of people look like that
3) people from that part of the world still do sometimes look like that.
4) what is the fucking problem? There's no conspiracy.

Attached: 1555058321334.jpg (400x400, 33K)

all of this is true if you pretend that The_Donald isn't one of the most popular subreddits on the website

doesn't fucking matter

The horseshoe theory isn't actually a theory, it's a reality.

literally took me 2 seconds
the donald is only in the list with most recent activity in number 83

I just want people who look like me to be in movies. Everything else is propaganda.

nice falseflag. the problem is blackwashing characters that are obviously white like

you're basicaly a tranny maoist angry that socialists are too right wing

imagine getting this BTFOd

Differing opinions here are always met with people attacking the person posting instead of their idea and accusations of shitposting as a means to discredit everything they say. It's the same shit as a downboat on reddit

So that post is accurate. You only get upset when white characters become nonwhite, never the inverse.

>it is impossible to say whether the image was originally created with the intention of having a Christian significance. The image continued to be used in the centuries after Christianity was legalized in 313. Initially it was probably not understood as a portrait of Jesus, but a symbol like others used in Early Christian art,[7] and in some cases may also have represented the Shepherd of Hermas, a popular Christian literary work of the 2nd century.[8][9]

>Jesus will never put His hand around your shoulder
He seems like a bro.

depends. if you make a thread on /pol/ or any board with a real intention on discussing something, putting effort in the OP and then offering your own thoughts, even though they are disenting, you will get people discussing it for real. the problem is no one makes good threads because people want to get mad at twitter screencaps, blacked threads or even personal army requests. this a Yea Forums problem as a whole and not exclusive to /pol/. you can go to any board, no matter how low trafficked it is and you will see that shit posting exists. so in conclusion, fuck off.

Thanks, was looking

No. A character that is a prince of a european kingdom should never be black. period. Jesus should have been casted as a middle eastern, I have no problem with that. the problem is when directors don't want their casting to be immersive.

I wouldn't say that ranking at 83 is worth an "only". Looking at your site it seems to be more popular than any anti-The_Donald site. It's bigger than the Bernie Sanders one, the entire Democrat one, and hell it's more active than the Nintendo ones don't those fags love that shit? Maybe he wasn't right to say "most popular", but it's definitely popular, I don't see how anyone could deny that.

number 83 in recent activity.
number 83 in recent activity
that means something big happened regarding trump or something and ledditors are posting crap, yet that still means number 83.
If you go by number of subscribers you have to go to the third page. and if you go by growth, I couldn't even find in after scrolling to page 10
That is hardly "one of the most popular subreddits on the website"

more popular than fortnite over there

again, that is not popularity, that is recent activity. which, I think, is measured by number of posts, that doesn't mean the_donald is more popular than fortnite, it means it has bigger activity RECENTLY

This is actually a good point but there is a bit of a difference in that the white washing of Jesus happened well over a thousand years ago. Depicting him looking white European is in alignment with a tradition of depicting him this way, it's not like he was depicted as some jewish guy all the way up to the point of movies when people suddenly started making him look white or something. This is in stark contrast with the color-washing of white characters in Hollywood. We had these white characters that suddenly turn black in film. Like Annie, Nick Fury, Mary J, JimmyOlsen, Domino, Valkyrie, etc...If these characters were invented hundreds of years ago and they were originally based on white character but were black this whole time I doubt anyone would care about the black washing. The issue is they are taking MODERN characters and color-washing them in the current time period so it's a contemporary form of hostile cultural brainwashing. Sure, they are both wrong but one was an error from well over a thousand years ago, the current is error purposefully being done now. So it's a bit more of a current problem whereas the other is so old it's more of a historical and cultural inaccuracy thats a bit understandable, it's about following along in a tradition of error rather than the imposition of current error.

>free speech executive order has to do with who gets hired
the delusional connections you schizos make is incredible. astounding you think thats supporting evidence.

>this is what zoomers actually believe

>can't read
>still going about "muh conspiracy'
Room temperature IQ.

That’s a realistic Jesus for his race and era, he’s a Caucasian Jew in a vastly European land. If this is the best you can do against the pervasive, blatant white erasure going on now I’m not sure why you bothered.

>he’s a Caucasian Jew
This is an oxymoron

i think you lost

buttmad drumpf tard redditor

Because they should be thankful they're being imitated by a human and not some wild beast that's more their level.

People crow about "equality", which actually means "nobody gets to do this" if we're talking about shit people want to bitch about. Saying "well now we get to do it for a while because you did" just makes you the cunt now. And will make the next white generation to go "well now WE get to be the cunts again" entirely justified.

because fuck niggers thats why