are there any fascistic films or films that glorify fascism?
Are there any fascistic films or films that glorify fascism?
Stukas is underrated. My Dinner With Andre has some good third positionist redpills. Edgar Wright has said the ending of Hot Fuzz is pro-fascist.
facism is bad
t. facist under a "communal" guise
Conspiracy (2001)
There are other similar movies from Fascist Italy
the films of Milius, Gibson, Snyder, and von Trier.
holy shit user youre so brave for standing up against the ebil natsees
imagine, if they got into power, we couldnt pump 3 year olds with body altering hormones and, by the way things are going, we'll end up being able to fuck em in about 2 years and I dont want to miss out on that of course
FBI im being sarcastic
sounds based
Starship troopers
Imagine not understanding Starship Troopers.
Like all the avengers movies are solved by hanging out with your strong friends and kicking the shit out of people who disagree with you
Imagine not actually understanding starship troopers. The guy who made it sure tried but if you're not a pussy the only thing they did wrong was pretend the war was defensive
The Dark Knight
Was made a pariah by the studio system because he actually went and made an anti-fascist superhero movie. Even a liberal like Hbomberguy acknowledged the genius of Batman v Superman.
superheroes themselves are basically fascist
>a bunch of genetically superior beautiful people fight over whether to genocide the inferior subhumans, or just wait for them to die out
I saw that movie and it was pretty boring. Also, I didn't find anything anti-fascist about it. It was just a superhero movie.
It was pretty critical of the way America's going. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor was a beautiful depiction of an insane modern capitalist and paranoid Batman spouting neofascist dogwhistles point at an increasingly frustrated Alfred ("They brought their war here!" "How many more people have to die!) and literally paraphrasing Cheney quotes was a neat touch. And little things like Lex Luthor actually hiring PMCs to massacre civilians in a third world country... It was a lot more socially aware than your usual capeshit.
How is Conan fascist? Can someone red pill me on this
because it's never run by the righteous.
The only people willing to become what are essentially slave drivers are the worst types of people. Greedy, lying, deceptive, manipulative.
They are also great at usurping leaders.
So if you form a government that gives ultimate power to one ruler, 99% of the time Jews will infiltrate that leader's position and remove any righteousness from the society.
It's dangerous to create a position with that much power. You can't trust humans to rule righteously, only God should have that role.
Restricts trade. Almost monopolizes economy entirely. No free market. Facilitates a requirement for extremist tactics like heavy espionage, which in turn has an even longer repercussions over global trade. Basically you'll always be fucking poor, even when you're well off. It's a fucking nightmare and you never want to go back to that shit. Not even if all the jews will be gassed or the aryan race will ascend from the heavens we are all going to be in complete deep shit.
>monarchy = facism
Not exactly firing on all 4 cylinders are you OP?
Superior white man kills black man. Dat's racist yo.
Honestly, it isn't. Or at least I cannot see any message from that film that resembles any form of fascism. However, its aesthetics are similar to every fascist states wet dream about honorable ancestors and health.
>Ebert was disturbed by the depiction of a “Nordic superman confronting a black”, in which the “muscular blond” slices off the black man’s head and “contemptuously [throws it] down the flight of stairs”. His sentiment was shared by Adam Roberts, an Arthurian scholar, who also said Conan was an exemplar of the sword and sorcery films of the early 1980s that were permeated in various degrees with fascist ideology. According to Roberts, the films were following the ideas and aesthetics laid down in Leni Riefenstahl‘s directorial efforts for Nazi Germany. Roberts cautioned that any political readings into these sword and sorcery films with regards to fascism is subjective.
Robin Wood, a film critic, suggests that in most cases, there is only a thin veneer between individualism and fascism; he also said that Conan is the only film in that era to dispense with the disguise, openly celebrating its fascist ideals in a manner that would delight Riefenstahl.
Why are you justifying it? It's obvious OP just posted a random image. It's self-evident that it's not racist, there's no need to explain it. Don't reply to idiots.
>imagine unironically being a fascist sympathizer
okay now what
fascism != racism, e.g. Integralism
But yeah, the Conan movie is also not racist.
free market is shit and the main cause for globalism
fuck off econoshill
>citation needed
>because it's never run by the righteous.
Nothing ever is. Nothing.
based pre-programmed response
Spiderman with Tobey Baguire
triumph of the will is considered fashkino even by liberals and communists.
star wars prequel trilogy