Who is the modern day Audrey Hepburn?
Who is the modern day Audrey Hepburn?
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Georgia Jones
>mfw she got blacked and all her fanboys dropped her
Idris Elba
Sneedris Baneba
There are non because appreciating female beauty is racist.
She put me in debt after I paid to spend the whole day with her.
what a stupid whore, kek
Any generic juden rat faced whore
Pretty hard act to follow up, Hepburn is pretty in photos and stuff but where she really stood out is how feminine she was. Just this incredible grace about her that was a mixture of sexy and wife-material.
Your pic related is Liara Roux who is a well self-marketed whore.
were you jerking off while typing that? pathetic
I guess not all of them jumped ship
her videos
mega nz/#!vXoRXTJQ!z8ohOwGvvs-7TMk3g_kX9xaZMWLOMVxI7leqR3MTOiE
mega nz/#!OLo3DbrI!yUrWZyNJdVGtt9KM6ypN0_5povm52bQXtfEfNW_axYw
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mega nz/#!CagHgb4J!OsPZ4_Bx7mgn6JIC_0O5HBDtWQ8KGupuEXr8_gtEnMk
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kek all women are dumb whores desu
Liara's old blogs before she became an escort
Damn, I love capitalism!
Absolutely fucking terrible. Does Michael Bay edit her videos?
Isn't she a literal prostiture?
Um, sweetie, she's a SEX WORKER and a strong independent women. "Prostitute" is a term only used by bitter incels.
How much did she ask?
Wesley Snipes
She looked normal when she was younger.
It's like thousands of dollars for a minimum of four hours. Imagine actually paying that.
Nellie McKay
Four Hours $3000
Six Hours $4000
Eight Hours $5000
I mean, why not if you rich
Why are white boys so insecure that a literal whore prostitute fucking a different client gets them asssore?
Like imagine if you got butthurt that a pornstar ate at mcdonalds instead of burger king.
if you got that much money to blow you can do a lot better than her
sex isn't guaranteed
>this money
Say what you want but she's much smarter than your regular hooker
A lot of people did. I'll never understand why nuchan knocks whores, to me it's a pretty simple and honest profession.
likely better looking as well. if i didn't already know she was a hooker, i wouldn't expect her to be one. just looks like a qt arthoe
>le food analogy
How do I upvote this?
wonder how many ppl from Yea Forums have gone on a “date” with her
ana de armas.
do girls really do this ?
Nothing is more vile than laying with a negroid
I guess she legitimately has mental illness.
I didn't realize she did porn.
Fuck black guys? Well yeah......
Imagine paying her $8000 dollars only for when she meets you she looks you up and down and at the end of the night says "thanks for the good time. Spend the night? Uh, I'm not a prostitute."
>she's not even French
>mega nz/#!CagHgb4J!OsPZ4_Bx7mgn6JIC_0O5HBDtWQ8KGupuEXr8_gtEnMk
what the fuck, dude
I'm about to jerk off to the blacked one, wish me luck lads
Don't forget to stitch the eyeholes, or they'll fray otherwise when washing.
comparing fast foods to inster-species erotica.
Cuckold basedboy!!!!
nobody actually answering
I don't understand why a guy gets an escort. Women want sex, and nabbing a pretty one for netflix and chill is pretty straightforward. The investment is small and you can actually date and marry her afterwards.
You don't want to date or marry an escort.
cause women are whores. she had class.
I'm not white though?
OP and his friends are from Yea Forumseddit
how could they answer?
more like picked up
But I'm already married and rich
Holy fuck what a nutcase
everyone who watches porn is a cuck
even talking to a female for more than five minutes is more work than I want to do.
Idris elbow
>ctrl+F "Yea Forums"
>7 results
wtf she's an oldfag?
>Women want sex
they do? maybe with chad.
>getting off on other people having sex
think, you dumb cunt
did she do any POV vids?
>mfw skimming through the video then see liara sucking viktor's clit
>promiscuous woman
>mentally unhinged
now you know why some prosties get beaten or killed. some have the audacity to do shit like this
lol she sounds like someone straight out of that reddit I am very smart
>"Yea Forums is always arguing with itself. It's filled with angry social rejects and is stuck between keeping up appearances and trying to be new when everything is already played out. All she did was get some attention towards her site, but this whole post is giving her credit as if she's masterminded the greatest scheme in the history of the internet. You could post any porn on Yea Forums and there will be an argument, the real worth here can be found in the replies immediately calling her out on her bs."
>that video of her crying about clients dropping her and losing subs
because if you're rich you'll have roasties lining up for free
LOL imagne actually believing that.
Is there a full video of her taking the bbc
behold the cuck in his natural habitat
yes someone already posted the mega links
She's not my girlfriend tho
Quads and I get a perfect girlfriend.
you are watching another man fuck a girl you like while you jerk off alone, cuck
>the only actual dick she takes is attached to a nigger
who the fuck pays money for this