Alright, what movie?

Alright, what movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

air bud

Whoever that is sounds very dumb OP

what russian or asian country did you buy her from? do you have any recommendations for websites?

>a dog with purpose

jesus does your girl have like 75 IQ? she talks fucking retarded

white women fuck dogs

This. And how to watch movie with a dog movie anyway?



Babe has dogs

Army Dog.

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tfw no retarded gf

>watch movie with a dog movie

John wick

John Wick



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Thanks for the suggestions. By the way she's Filipino. Possibly retarded too.

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A boy and his dog

what's that one animated movie with the really attractive dogs?

Plague Dogs?

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John Wick 2

>user preying on retarded girls
very disappointed in you

>That part where Cop Dog shoots an unarmed chocolate lab
How did they get away with this?

Classic Raimi


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Hachi: a dog's tale

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Isle of Dogs

>doing it doggy style so you can both watch a movie with a dog protagonist

Ywn have this

I thought the torture scenes in the pow camp were extremely well done, but did they really need to spend 20 minutes on it?

still better than niggers and shitskins

Watch Homeward Bound.
She wants emotional shit involving animals.

Great films.


she wants a movie WITH a dog movie in it, not just a dog movie Yea Forums

this is going to take some deep diving

Hi Jimmy

John Wick

The Road Warrior

Best in Show. A movie about a dog show and its participants. There is no better choice.

so nobody's going to address the elephant in the thread that OP's bitch is CLEARLY having so much sex with dogs she can't get them off her mind?

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Babe dog in the pig city

Holy kek this is legendary

Must love dogs

Shut up


white girls are obsessed with dogs cause they wanna fuck their dogs.

It was a tough watch, and I'll admit I was queasy throughout most of it, but it really showed the harsh cruelties of war, and the lengths of depravity humans are capable of when all morality is lost.


The Mask

Milo is the best dog

She's not white.

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go to liveleak and watch clips of dogs in China

Personally I thought the coming home sex scene was too long as well. I didn't really need the exploration of the toys used.

>that scene where army dog pulls his pilot out of the crashed helicopter only for him to split in half

I'd rather do it doggy style so we can both watch X-Files.

Holy reddit

all girls do that

>Babe I want to watch movie with a dog movie

This is the type of dude who brags about having a gf on the internet. They date the lowest common denominator, borderline-retarded, Instagram-obsessed type of girls who listen to Drake and Billie Eilish on Spotify all day and cry at dog commercials.

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Plague Dogs

>that scene when army dog breaks out of his bamboo cage before the starving vietnamese soldiers could cook and eat him


The Thing

What does it feel like having a Filipino gf?

My dog Skip

Who else teared up at the part when army dog's humvee flipped over after an IED and he had to listen to the last breaths of his gunner crushed under the 5 ton machine?

Army Dog has seen some shit

Word is shooting that footage was very difficult, and Raimi didn't want any to go to waste

Top kek. OP this one.

>Filipino gf

is this the ultimate red flag with women?

Honestly, I don't mind dumb girls as long as they're nice and look good. I don't think intelligence is an inherently attractive attribute.

You seem insecure about other people having a gf.

>caring about what a woman thinks
>not just getting sex and food from her

Came here to say this

>flashback scene to Army Dog's granddad dying from Mustard Gas in WW1

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Just watch Dog the bounty hunter

Ramsey Bolton's dog scenes

>Army Dog's dad barely makes it out of the USS Barkopolis alive and has to survive in a life raft surrounded by sharks

Downfall has a cute doggy in it

Use a fucking comma, pedro.

Homeward Bound.

Learn to capitalise, Tyrese.

An American werewolf in London

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I got out of a 4-year relationship in january. I'll let you try again. Go on.

pink flamingos

>4-year relationship in january
damn I got out of a 3 year one and the 4 year anniversary date gave me feels

Play Homeward Bound

put on a cooking show

That's rough, but it wasn't my first time getting shat on. I have better coping mechanisms nowadays and have been alright.

kek zoomies don't even have wives

>Billie Eilish
Feels like that person was a fad for less than a day. Felt extremely astroturfed.

Unfortunately people have been talking about her new album. Probably gonna be a couple more years before the disappears entirely and another one takes her place.

Where the Red Fern Grows. It's fun for the whole family.

>the scene during the POW camp escape sequence where army dog has to strangle the vietnamese child to death so he doesn't alert the guards

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Ol' Yeller

Didn't Raimi direct this one? I ask because I remember the scene where they respond to that black dude was raping the 14 year old white girl and K-9 ripped his throat out

White God

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I felt the same way about the napalm scene, did they think it was necessary to linger on the burning insurgents for an entire minute?

>That scene where army dog walks in on his squadmate raping a child who couldn't have been older than 12 and just turns away
Jesus Christ Van Dien...

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Holy /pol/

So, you have no gf. Thanks for clarifying.

That cat just got VORE'd

I thought Filipinos saw dogs only as food

That's Koreans

>post yfw the russian roulette scene

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