

Attached: chopallthedicksoff.png (1920x1440, 1.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:

clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT00660010?term=leuprolide and central precocious puberty&view=results#evnt

I'm not an expert, but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Umm ooh ahh uhh

my trans friends said....UHHHHHHHHHHHH

Imagine making Joe "weed makes you able to see through time man" Rogan look like an intellectual heavyweight.

well my friend chopped her dick off and uhhhh yeah she's normal as can be

why is joe talking to a white man!

This made me a Joe Rogan fan, he is probably the only libtard I respect

The collapse of society can't come sooner so faggots like this will die off.


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uuhhh, trans folks

>runs a show called Adam Ruins Everything
>ruins himself

Who is the guest and why should I care?

>can you explain the question?

The guest tries to defend giving gender changing hormones kids and Joe Rogan shuts him down.

some faggot

You could tell he was completely unused to anybody questioning his rhetoric. The simplest of follow-up questions left him genuinely baffled.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so right yeah my trans friends uhhhhhhh right so to unpack this im not an expert but uhhh like theres a lot of folks who feel this way uhhhhhh so yeah I just my show is a trans folk

Uhh uh well uh uhhhh
This is uhhhh I'm not uhhh an expert uhhhhh
Can't I just argue against a strawman I set up and look smug at the camera uhhhhhhh this isn't fair

niggas iffy UHHHHHHHHHH


well I don't have the research in front of me

It’s just funny when Joe posted scientific facts about kids injected with hormones and then Adam says he disagrees. Joes just like
>wtf what you mean you disagree?
>how do you disagree with a fact?

I hate Cali fags saying 'folks' in a desperate attempt to seem earthly and likeable

I'm actually afraid to watch this because I can't handle cringe comedy.

>child abuse is okay because my friends say so
>uuhhhhhhh Joe, don't use anecdotal evidence
>oh, you have a scientific study to support your argument? W-Well, let's not draw too much from one study :^)

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it's the best one he ever did, pure kino
from 1:20 it turns into higher plane

I always had a feeling this guy was an idiot who just uses his beliefs and a team of writers to tell him what to say. Glad he went on JRE to show it to everyone

this goofy faggot has replaced the lead singer of Harvey Danger (read a book boomers and zoomers) as All Time Most Punchable Face

It's not so much cringe comedy as it is being infuriated by this guy's stuttering, "uh, uhm, right, I'm not an expert, uhhhh" and not being able to reach through the screen and punch him.

Wait, you're telling me pic related isn't the lead singer himself?

In a sequentially ranked hierarchy, based on level of critical importance, the disparity between Joe Rogan and Adam Conover is too vast to quantify.

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>You'll pull out your study, I'll pull out mine, let's not dwell on it, it's not the point.

alas no
the only musical bone in his body is maintained clean shaven (gillette razors only) for bathhouse insertions
Adam ruins the tamborine and skin flute


I smirked

>6 minutes long


>leftist with propaganda tv show on a 'comedy' channel gets destroyed

>Joe Rogan is forced to never do livestream again so some jew organization can edit out anything that makes leftists looks stupid or else media will do a smear campaign against Rogan and get him deplatformed

>turn on trutv for some impractical jokers
>adam ruins everything block is on
he really does ruin everything

That part about women actually hating alphas is true right guys?

Why hasn't Joe done a livestream since the Adam appearance?

Is the joe rogan experience pretty neutral? I am left leaning, but not really militant about it and I wonder if the podcast is for me because i know he's had alex jones on it

I have never heard of this happening and no one I know says “folks” ever so
Im not sure what youre even talking about


No he's far right for giving nazis a platform, incel

what are you talking about he's had plenty of videos since then and he does them all live

based and jokerpilled

Is it worth watching the whole thing or should I just watch the highlighs?

He's a leftwing culture warrior so he pisses off rightwing culture warriors.

uHHHHH.........ooooo.......let me pull something out of my asshole.....no.....nothing there.....UHHHHHH. Trans.....kids....urm. Did you just say something? My anus is talking again, hang on.......nope.....nothing what so ever. Help.

im gonna be honest here people that add this at the end of their sentence trigger me

nah, he is mostly just stupid and has disproportionately right wingers on which he can't argue with because he mostly agrees with his guests.
His fanbase is also pretty right wing and gets assblasted whenever a lefty or wymen is on.

Masshole here, the only people I've ever seen say folks are Califucks and New York fucks.
They love that shit for some reason, I guess they don't realize it makes them look like fucktards.

you should care because this is a shill thread trying to get us to watch Rogan's podcast.

Waitaminute...did he said chicks don't like alpha guys?

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Adam legitimately came across as a fucking person who knew what he was talking about, for the most part

Are right wingers pro weed/drug legalization?

It's only cringe if you relate to his retarded positions.

The ones who watch his podcast are


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ha ha so snarky :)

They are when it fits my narrative.

do left wingers all cut their cocks off?

are you living under a rock
im a bong and then again all you have to do is go on some libshit twitter thread and all you see is

its a strange kind of contempt where they incorporate the language of the people they hate and ridicule

>White people
"P-Physical discipline is child abuse, w-waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!"
>Also white people
"Cutting off your child's dick and/or permanently fuxking up their development by putting them on hormone blockers is #woke!"
Can a left-wing white person explain this dumb shit to me?

if they go full libertarian "capitalism and free markets solve everything, regulations bad" then they should be.

>scared to even watch something to find out for himself if he likes it or not
I believe that you're left leaning

>probably the only libtard I respect
I never thought about it like that, but yeah you're right.


totally! I wish this was another le epic capeshit thread!


well i tapped out at about 3:45.

it's like pottery

>Cutting off your child's dick and/or permanently fuxking up their development by putting them on hormone blockers
no one is cutting off childrens dicks. the only thing they would do if they think a child is trans is putting them on puberty blockers, which would delay their puberty until they can decide which physical characteristics they would prefer.
You don't have to agree with this, but screaming about children undergoing transition is utterly retarded because its not happening. You are just as bad as this Adam guy, having a retarded emotional response to shit you can't back up.

>Joe Rogan is forced to never do livestreams again

JRE is a garbage podcast.

Nah, putting a child on puberty blockers because they're a boy that likes playing with dolls is child abuse, and shit like this makes me glad that you're going extinct.

paranoia paranoia everybody's comin to get me

He’s libertarian or alt right for sure. He thinks Alex Jones is batty but knows he’s gold. Joe literally was laughing in his face at the things he said.

Joe has enough guests on that aren’t political or are left leaning that you’ll find many interesting topics, I personally think he’s a dope but he’s the perfect foil for letting people tell their stories.

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A Mormon cuck coworker of mine loves this fag and tells everyone at work to check him out for "giving funny, nonbiased information on politics". Total cancer.

In what universe is Joe Rogan alt right?
Is this like the meme where people call Candace Owens and Thomas So well alt right?

I feel secondhand embarrassed for Adam.

He sounded like he's never reasoned himself into his beliefs and now is struggling to rationally justify them.

The moment Rogan said "Nahhhh" to his bullshit Adam completely deflated in his presentation of intellectual confidence. Like this is probably the first time Adam has been outside of his group of friends that never disagreed with him before.

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>the only thing they would do if they think a child is trans is putting them on puberty blockers, which would delay their puberty until they can decide which physical characteristics they would prefer.

Experimenting on children’s genitals because they might want to be a chick someday, who are highly likely to have been influenced into it by overzealous parents is fucking Dr Mengele levels of pure evil.

>because they're a boy that likes playing with dolls is child abuse
do you think there might be more to this process, retard? psychological and medical analysis and tests by professionals that have actually studied this shit? You should try reading about this stuff, don't get all you information from someone like Rogan. people getting assblasted about shit just because they don't know anything about it is the thing that will make us go extinct.

Joe is good when he actually forces people to justify their beliefs.
It’s a shame he doesn’t do that all the time though


It’s essentially become a form of coded language to identify those who are in and out group

>In what universe is Joe Rogan alt right?

I’ll defer to libertarian then. I doubt any other political category would fit him as accurately.

What's this Adam's show even about?

>he thinks he's basic
Honestly if i could i would make a lifesize sonic di

While uncommon children have undergone that procedure before. Youre right in saying it isnt commonly performed under those circumstances but its still occurring fairly often at early teen ages, which is mind blowing. Giving children hormone blocking drugs because their undeveloped child brains are confused as a result of people repeatedly telling them that “its good if you want to switch genders” is abuse. We know children are impressionable and can be convinced of almost anything, hell, its the reason why plenty of them believe in Santa Claus for a decent chunk of time. You mean to tell me that a child who wholeheartedly believes a fat guy magically climbs down their chimney every year to bring them presents has the mental faculties to decide whether or not they can delay their own puberty (a concept they almost certainly dont understand) with drugs (which they have no understanding of) in order to dramatically change their future (which they have no meaningful conception of) because they are going through a phase where they think its kind of fun and cute to wear girls dresses and put on makeup and be more feminine for fun? The problem is their warped parents and educators are not just wholesomely supporting this exploration “hey theres nothing wrong with liking girl toys too!” but encouraging them that this is who they actually are, when it isnt and never will be, and then on top of that they turn on the tv or check their vile social media, filled with hate and propaganda and get pushed even further by the bright lights and fun videos and “support” into making changes in their lives that are ultimately destructive and lead, eventually, to dramatically higher rates of depression and suicide?

Forcing drugs on your children that change their natural, healthy body rhythms because they are a bit curious is abuse, it’s warped, and it is of the same vein of argument as saying that because they like sexual pleasure they should be having sex.

Psychology is pseudoscience and gender theory was literally founded by a pedophile whose principal experiments both killed themselves.
I'm much more inclined to believe that white people believe this shit because you're genuinely fucking evil, as such you are a cancer that needs to die.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh delaying your childs development is a good thing! (and heres why!!!)

basically it's "WELL ACKCHYUALLY" the show

have sex

Go extinct

He's a comedian that plays and pretentious know-it-all that "debunks" mostly right wing talking points.

The show is literally leftist mental masterbation propaganda.

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>The moment Rogan said "Nahhhh" to his bullshit Adam completely deflated in his presentation of intellectual confidence.

I don't feel like watching the whole thing. The cringe is too much

they also spent like 3 years sperging out about being called snowflakes and then tried to steal it and use it on people for a year or two, but it didn't work as well and they mostly stopped now

>lol adam is so dumb he doesnt know anything
He literally backs up every single claim he ever puts out with a study which you can follow in any single one of his videos. Holy fuck, you right-wingers are fucking dumb as fuck.

>wypipo ;_;

well my trans friends say they wish they had irreversible gender-changing drugs pumped into them at an early age so I dunno I think you're jumping to conclusions


This fucking faggot claims that leuprolide doesn't create permanent harm and its reversible even though the source from the FDA has a key detail he didnt add, "approved for use on girls (age 8) and boys (age 9)." So now u got fucking people using it way earlier and living with brittle bones. Good shit. Fucking new studies in 2010 show that it fucks up kids. good work adam


Don't have time stamps but look up "Trans athletes", "hormones for Trans kids", and "Alpha/Beta male" on youtube.

>You mean to tell me that a child who wholeheartedly believes a fat guy magically climbs down their chimney every year to bring them presents has the mental faculties to decide whether or not they can delay their own puberty (a concept they almost certainly dont understand) with drugs (which they have no understanding of) in order to dramatically change their future (which they have no meaningful conception of) because they are going through a phase where they think its kind of fun and cute to wear girls dresses and put on makeup and be more feminine for fun?
As far I understand this I don't think it's the child that makes that decision, and the entire reason puberty blockers are used so that the potential change is as undramatic as possible, while leaving open the possibility that the child was indeed just in a "phase" and no real harm was done other than puberty beginning somewhat later than normal

>Go extinct
I atleast have a choice about that. A perma virgin like you will just go extinct on its own.

This guy must have seriously triggered /pol/ for there to be this many threads about him, based as fuck.

>psychological and medical analysis and tests by professionals that have actually studied this shit

Psychological tests aren’t a safe way to prescribe permanent, severely body and mind altering drugs. They’re up to the discretion of the psychologist, and a child may tick every box for having transgender tendencies and then turn out to not be transgender when it’s too late. There are gung ho doctors who are excited to progress in society, overzealous parents who teach their child either knowingly or unknowingly to behave as the opposite sex.

It’s an extremely dangerous and very easy to fuck up process that has a high failure rate even in adults who’ve believed themselves to be transgender their entire lives. I weep for the young man who is physically castrated and mentally destroyed by fresh and progressive political trends. They exist despite all the testing you’ve described.

>it's a /pol/ gets mad at pointless social issues instead of systemic underlying economic conditions that make life worse for everyone, especially white people episode
epic i like it

Go extinct

It's basically pic related in show form. He condescendingly spews half-truths at the audience to push leftists agendas.

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Reminder that a whopping 70% of kids that said they experienced dysmorphia during puberty grew out of it by the time they reached adulthood.

>i was merely pretending to be retarded


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kys commie

reads a lot like some of the anons in this thread

>which physical characteristics they would prefer.
Using a euphemism for cutting of their dick doesn't trick anyone, faggot.

I was just guessing, did I hit the nail on the head with kissless perma virgin?

i'll continue to spread communism on Yea Forums until everyone here is either dead or red

Damn Reddit is even gayer than I imagined

Unemployment is at its lowest point in 50 years, let us take a breath and complain about something else.

Seems decent, I was listening to an episode of him talking with some comedian i don't know. I will report back in a few months how i enjoy the full body of work

You seem rather upset by your inevitable extinction.
Thank god too, the world will be objectively better when you're gone.

Nobody was triggered by Adam. It's the exact opposite actually. The whole show was a cringe fest of a leftist dipshit imploding when presented with basic logic and reason. Adam got so btfo by Rogan he had to sticky a post on his Twitter with an explanation why he looked like a fucking idiot on the show to his mentally ill following.

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Can't wait to kill antifa commie scum like you when the civil war happens.

haha good one

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>catching on

Okay, so the whole argument of “the child has felt this way since they were a toddler” is nonsense. Im glad that you said that and agree. Its great to see that you realize that how a child feels about issues they dont understand shouldnt allow them to determine their fate in ways that will ultimately result in misery for them.

So there we go. The child doesnt make the decision. So we are leaving it up to the parents, who I would argue in the majority of these cases have manipulated and abused their children into feeling this way so that they can have their own little pet project. Just look at the plethora of celebrities with their designer trans kids. The parents give them these drugs, and this process becomes a warped ritual, one that becomes central to the childs increasingly damaged, fragile identity. Nudge nudge nudge, “oh whats that sweety, you want me to call you by a new name?” “Sure mommy!”

Even more disturbing is access to the internet, and the sick twisted mutants that inhabit it. Imagine a young, confused, lonely child finding an online community of trans people who convince him/her to become trans every waking second of that childs day. Being impressionable, and gullible (remember Santa Clause) this child will start heading down a path that they were manipulated to head down, grown from a natural seed of curiosity and a phase that many children experience regardless. Instead of passing through it, they are manipulated by outside forces into making decisions that are not benign in nature.

You think halting hormonal development for years is fine? Really? So no consequences then? What about lost inches of height? Strange bone development? Changes to the voice? If its so benign and results in so few changes, why do it at all then?

Oh, thats right, to warp the childs identity by changing how it views itself on a number of fundamental levels, including its own name, its daily rituals, the clothes it wears and how it speaks.

>its a strange kind of contempt where they incorporate the language of the people they hate and ridicule
It's a Jewish thing, the Gentiles who do it are imitating Jewish comedians like Stewart/Liebowitz

>yeah X is bad but Y is worse so why care about X at all?

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>gene modding invented
>every child white

and also you're not asking the important questions; what are the quality of these 'jobs'? how much do they pay? do they offer benefits?

Nah, white genes are weak, you've proven that yourselves time and time again.
The true gene Chads will be Asians.
Whites can rot in the dirt where you belong.

all social issues are the result of economic issues

>everyone should make $50 an hour

The seething hapa exposes himself again.

The fucking what? Reddit seems like a wild ride.

>it's ok for people to be literally paid slave wages because i'm a social darwinist
>i love america and my fellow americans btw

I kinda wish we would just go all the fucking way for a few months just to show everybody what they're fighting for. Starting next week:

>men and women both compete at the same level in any and all sporting events without any handicaps or adjustments in the rulebook
>men and women now use the same facilities, bathrooms, etc without any additional form of regulation
>men and women MUST be equally represented in in and all occupations, including modeling, sanitation, construction work, manual labor, etc.
>men and women are equally covered in all facets of all insurance coverages
>men and women receive equal rights in divorce court, child support, and child custody cases

Alright boom, here's your Utopia.

I'm black actually.
And yea, considering China owns half the planet and are the only ones making actual strides towards gene editing, you know I'm right.
Whites are a cancer, they have held humanity back 70 years by obsessing over faggots, trannies, and other nutcases.
Your time is over, just lie down and accept it like a man instead of whining.


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>if everyone makes good wages, they can afford what they need!
>prices will stay the exact same!

In some sense I agree with you that the preoccupation with transgenderism and homosexuality is seriously holding back white society, but if white people are good at one thing its snapping out of shit and going full Holocaust mode at the drop of a hat. Plus we literally do everything that matters, and while blacks and brown people will breed at alarming rates, their grip on power will remain nil and their countries will sanitize themlseves through intense famine. Global warming will unironically save the world, in this sense.

go south and take up the fight in Venezuela brave comrade
put your sheckels where your commissar sucker is

The gigas0y

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>im black
lmao no you're not lad.

so this whole time I tried to explain trans stuff to a literal nigger on a chinese gene editing board. what a time to be alive

Nah, whites will continue to behave like moronic cretins because you're led by your women.
You have the same problem as American blacks; you live in a feminized society.
Eventually, you will regress in the same way American blacks have, just like how all Americans (I'm assuming you're Euro) already have.
Hence why single motherhood is higher than it's ever been among white Americans.

You pol retards are pathetic. Adam adopts the scientific consensus that gender is in fact a social construct. His best work was when he dismantled the idea of monogamy. Women are not monogamous polyamory should be more widely practiced.

>Im glad that you said that and agree. Its great to see that you realize that how a child feels about issues they dont understand shouldnt allow them to determine their fate in ways that will ultimately result in misery for them.
To be fair I wasn't the same person you were replying to and I was just relying to you my understanding of the usual argument I hear, seeing how you seemed to have a bit of a weird image of it.

>You think halting hormonal development for years is fine? Really? So no consequences then? What about lost inches of height? Strange bone development? Changes to the voice? If its so benign and results in so few changes, why do it at all then?
I don't know what consequences it has nor do I know if it's fine or not. That said, I was reading the study posted and from the conclusions it appears that at least the height of the patients was equivalent to the standard population, and that the treatment had no negative effects on reproduction. If accurate, puberty blocking at least seems like a much better and safer idea than starting to transition them immediately.

No one cares about the ramblings of an insane pedophile except white people and Muslims.
Ironic that you have that in common.

what about stds?

Rape is a social construct.

bad stats
>if everyone makes good wages, they can afford what they need!
>prices will stay the exact same!
Ah, you subscribe to the 'trickle-down' economy ideal. Very successful one, that.
>ignores the entirety of africa


This stuff fucks you up retard. It shouldnt be used on kids and it shouldnt be called "safe"

>ignoring the issue will make it go away

I guess you do that with bills, women, children, needing a job, AIDS, no surprise a black man is too lazy to do anything.

post pic of ur hand with timestamp fagit. if not im just gonna assume its r/asianmasculinity here rn

I don't get it

>A number of economists and finance experts have claimed that the Shadowstats CPI is conceptually wrong and that their usage leads to easily disproven and absurd conclusions.

From it’s own Wikipedia page. You might as well be getting your stats from InfoWars or the Onion.

No, I live in the US. I wont deny that society as a whole, black, white, mexican, whatever, really does appear to be regressing. In many ways I blame the internet. The problem for you is that whites control literally everything, and even if you elect nonwhites to governmental institutions (brown people still like whites a lot btw) whites will still lead in the private and scientific sectors across the board. We work too hard, we’re too smart for our own good really and we forged entire societies in this manner. Meanwhile blacks breed like crazy but achieve nothing other than the perpetuation of their own misery. In regard to Africa, Asia and India, the next 50 years are going to be incredibly harsh for those already harsh places. Being a white male feels like an unironic blessing to me. As far as your “feminization” argument is concerned, id say thats a construct you came up with yourself after consuming whatever fit your silly little ideology youve created on /pol/ over all of these lonely years.

In the end whites will continue controlling everything, we’re just too good at it. Without us the world would collapse entirely, progress would come to a near halt. Whites are just too hard working for our own good. If you ever visited anywhere else in the world you’d understand how this is true.

The "issue" is that trannies are a plague, they either man up or fuck off.
Trying to cater to and build society around the mentally ill is why your countries are quickly becoming shitholes.
All because you actually bought into the gender theory bullshit popularized by an insane pedophile.

>(((economists))) and (((finance experts)))
i wonder why capitalist cocksuckers would claim the most truthful stats are wrong

Google John Money.

>bad stats

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>This stuff fucks you up retard
>Overall, long-term treatment with leuprolide acetate is safe, rapidly reduces hormone production to prepubertal levels, suppresses the clinical signs of puberty, preserves adult height potential and does not appear to have any negative effects on reproductive function.
Could you elaborate more on why exactly you're citing that study

>he said uh for 5 whole minutes
What a piece of shit

I knew your response would be some sort of conspiracy. Instead of it being as simple as the website not being totally accurate all the time.


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cum on now

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>my source says this
>well MY source says THIS

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>The problem for you is that whites control literally everything

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>Economist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy Paul Craig Roberts has cited John Williams' estimates in a review of unemployment rates in 2013.
Is that good enough for you?

>Trying to cater to and build society around the mentally ill is why your countries are quickly becoming shitholes.
so we should go the african way and burn the mentally ill for witchcraft? we already had stuff like this a few hundred years ago Tyrone. I know its hard to catch up but please try to understand that we deal with stuff like that in a more civilized way.

I think what matters is how long these “therapies” go on for. Granted, I find the entire thing to be a total non starter. Whether or not transition vs hormone blocking therapy should he undertaken is insane, because the children undergoing it have no idea what theyre doing, its largely at the whim of their parents, and we all know that not everyone is operating as an unbiased, good actor.

Im just wondering how the efficacy of something like hormone therapy can be argued about when undergoing it at all is associated with higher levels of suicide and psychological morbitity than the rest of the population. I figured the points I made about physical changes resulting from the therapy itself would be questioned, but the variables involved are incredibly diverse here, theres a big difference between blocking hormones at age 7 and age 14, for example, and theres almost certainly large variability between subjects since hormonal development is so varied amongst us all to begin with. Our bodies evolved this delicate system and now we go and halt it for what? Because we’re going through a silly phase?

Well I agree whole heartedly then. SJWs are Jezebels trying to bring the world to ruin. Please don’t exterminate the white people that are disgusted by this.

Dealing with it nowadays seems to mean facilitating it.

>comedian that plays

This is becoming more and more of an elephant in the room. Transexuals claim that they’ve been born in the wring body and promote the idea that SRS will remedy their condition. But suicide rates are above 40% after SRS, surgery clearly isn’t an effective remedy.

It means dealing with it in a different way than going full ogga bugga mode.

Is IJ zoomer kino?

>clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/results/NCT00660010?term=leuprolide and central precocious puberty&view=results#evnt

missed one more link myb that was suppose to go with the post. the 2010 study of "safe" is what most people quote without the mention of bone damage. considering that the 2010 study didnt even have tested patients submit adverse effects on the post treatment makes no fucking sense.

but aren't they even higher without surgery?

And what way would that be?

>You either burn trannies at the stake or try to make it illegal to call a man a man
How about you, y'know, tell them it deal with it like a grown fucking adult?

s e e t h I n g

In that situation they tend to commit suicide.

uh no cause theres a lot more on the other sections m888

psychological and medical intervention. I know you don't believe in it and it mystifies you, but it has a better track record than bush magic.

Oh well?
The world is better off with weak people who can't handle reality doing the rest of us a fucking favor and necking themselves.


>"Treatment with an LHRH agonist for 3.5 years increases adult height by 0.6 SD in adolescents with very short stature but substantially decreases bone mineral density. Such treatment cannot be routinely recommended to augment height in adolescents with normally timed puberty."

>Im just wondering how the efficacy of something like hormone therapy can be argued about when undergoing it at all is associated with higher levels of suicide and psychological morbitity than the rest of the population.
You seem to imply causation with hormone therapy itself here, when from what I understand the higher levels of suicidal ideation are associated with transsexuals in general regardless of hormone therapy. I wouldn't be surprised if the condition is just inherently tied with depression or something, but at that point the suicide problem seems more societally related. That's just my intuition though, I wouldn't know.

>Because we’re going through a silly phase?
I dunno. While it seems oddly "trendy" nowadays, I'm having a hard time dismissing transsexuality completely as a silly phase any more than I'd do the same to homosexuality.

Shooo to discord Mr tranny

yeah so we did an episode on that right?
and its not scientific at all so right women aren't attracted to wolves right

>psychological and medical intervention.

Perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn’t lead to body mutilation.

So many threads and I have yet to see this 'scientific study'.

But the psychological and medical intervention is ineffective, suicide rates are still significantly higher than almost any other population demographic.

This. Hate when people say that

>women are not monogamous
We didn't always have 50% divorce rates, people lived in monogamous nuclear families for a long time before we started making excuses for shitty behavior

Or you could watch the video that’s being discussed. I know that’s nearly impossible because it would mean clicking off this website for a few minutes when it’s the only thing keeping you sane.

Play it at 2x speed
Banjo kazooeee

It's true in one sense and false in another. They will publicly decry toxic male behavior but also get aroused when a guy is take-charge and asserts himself. Women are a fucking meme, keep this in mind whenever you see faggots posting screencaps of random roast tweets

>Here we see the mating call of the self assured, moral superior.

so we should find a better treatment. until then we should do the thing that keeps their suicide rate as low as possible. maybe there is a way more effective way like hypnosis or psychedelics or some shit.

Fair enough, but this and KHN article seem to focus on using this drug as an unnecessary off-label growth booster for short kids. The effect on bone density for, uh, "potential future trans adults" I guess would of course be the same but arguably there's a better reason for going through with it despite the risk other than the worry that your kid's going to be a manlet.

Good to know though, thanks.

>hypnosis or psychedelics
I thought you didn’t want voodoo methods?

Not being perfectly effective isn't the same thing as being ineffective

Im linking the hormone therapy to the increased rate of suicide because, in my opinion, not traveling down this route at all is superior to mangling your identity to conform within it. Im saying that if the kids simply move past it, their chances of becoming normal, or simply becoming gay, but healthy, are almost certainly higher. Now we are entering more speculative territory but I feel common sense is on my side here.

In regard to it being trendy, im literally chalking it up to this. I completely agree that other mental illnesses contribute heavily to this, but the transgender circle, way of living and hormone modifying rituals can not lead to better outcomes paychologically. How could hanging out with people who are all warped in this manner and constantly depressed or manic benefit a young child? These are the people they are seeking out on the internet for advice.

I think the dramatic increase in transsexualism is simply the result of children being exposed to it more and more and encouraged to do it more and more by parents who are becoming increasngly unstable themselves. Honestly, I blame the internet. If this were something more natural like homosexuality, we would expect to see it far more often throughout history. That simply isnt the case here. Increased exposure by mentally unstable people with agendas is what is causing the modern increase, and in a few decades we will look back on this period in disbelief. Im not saying I want all of the trans people to kill themselves, but when they do we will have no choice but to look back and go “wow, this was bad, and we should have stopped it, not encouraged it”. In the end I really dont want to see people die, or see children suffer needlessly. I blame the internet and social media for a lot of this.

It is in the case of suicide.

>resetera trannies don't even try to blend in anymore
fuck you

I don't know anything about hypnosis to be honest, but psychedelics can really alter someones mind permanently. Maybe for the better, or they go even more insane. First we need to make that stuff easier to research.

He knows exactly what he believes but he doesn't want to say it outright because he knows people find it repulsive. He did insinuate what he actually thought though, and it's that tranny athletes won't be a problem in the future because people like him will be able to get to kids earlier and earlier.

Laugh at him all you want, but after him Joe isn't doing live shows anymore. So who really came out ahead that episode?

You know how there are some people out there that somehow embody every single stereotype of a certain demographic? Think of every extreme modern politically left trope and you've got the guy in the OP.

he calls himself borderline socialist. unless you consider being a hunter alt-right which you probably do because you are a total faggot.

There is no center.

It seems fairly evident that nature desire, jealousy and sexual competition create a context where monogamy leads to more healthy relationships and family units than hypergamy. It should surprise nobody that mommy bring home a 6’9 black man one night and daddy bringing home a 4’11 Asian the next night might possibly bring up a few problems if you’re trying not to mentally scar the next of your genetic line.

A lot of research has been done on psychedelics and they have a staggering number of drawbacks; addiction, withdrawals, tolerance levels increasing. And they’re quite variable from person to person. Not to mention they don’t exactly make you functional. The same mindset was used when testing sedatives on people suffering from PTSD, but they just became stupefied.

Joe talked with Sam Harris about doing live shows and it sounded to me like Sam was averse to it for a number of reasons. Joe seems to respect Sam a lot and I think that he probably followed Sam’s suggestion in this case.

Why did Adam Ruins Everything have to get so political? The show was so much more interesting when it was on College Humor and they had episodes about orange juice and wedding rings and shit.

These people need to be exterminated

Whoa bro let’s keep things light. If you’re right then you’re right.

Same reason JK Rowling wanted to, it’s in vogue.

Not on the internet because extremists on both sides have taken over discourse. Can't have a proper discussion because it always ends up between muh its da nazis! and muh its da jews!

But using this on kids is the general problem here. Other than just being a manlet ur gonna have genuine problems for the rest of your life due to poor bone development. Throw on suicide rates due to chronic pain or overall dissatisfaction of being transgender and u got a hell of a problem that is being overlooked.

>if I was a kid now my parents would've been brainwashed into making me a girl

Dodged a bullet, boys. Feels good to be a dandy picking up chicks in libraries, museums, and symposiums.

Yeah that is simply false. Psychedelics are the opposite of addictive for the vast majority of people, theyre so exhausting to take. Their benefit comes from snapping your brain out of its normal, dysfunctional rhythms. The only downside comes from the slight risk of aggravating latent mental illness but even that isnt guaranteed. Many psychedelics are being reevaluated for their potential therapeutic value. Sure some hippies abused them way back when, but nowadays there is absolutely a worthwhile sphere within which they could be reintroduced for a massive number of disorders. Its not like youll be taking them every day, but rather resetting your brain once every few months, if necessary. Literally “snap the fuck out of it”.

that's how it starts. the lies. the soi. the feeling of liberalness. it turns men queer.

>Im linking the hormone therapy to the increased rate of suicide because, in my opinion, not traveling down this route at all is superior to mangling your identity to conform within it.
I'm pretty sure many or most transsexuals would say that not traveling down the hormonal therapy route is the same as mangling their identity to conform with their body. Since I'm not one nor do I have evidence they're wrong, I don't feel like I have much of a justification to not believe them about it.

>Im saying that if the kids simply move past it, their chances of becoming normal, or simply becoming gay, but healthy, are almost certainly higher.
If they move past it, sure. I don't entirely disagree that at least some portion of them, especially with the echo chambers you bring up, might well in fact just be gay or otherwise in a confused state due to whatever reason. However, all that just sounds more like an argument for puberty blockers to me. People way past puberty trying to transition is kind of a whole different discussion.

>culture warrior
bill o posts here?

>state approved bad acid trips

Unironically approve

>tfw unirionically a communist
I'm the only REDpilled person here. Everyone else is a bootlicker.

Attached: folks.png (1789x238, 55K)

>I don’t have the research in front of me and even though I can’t dispute what you’re saying, I want to disagree with you, so just imagine someone somewhere has the appropriate argument to counter all the sense you’re making.
How can someone show such clear emotional bias? How was this a good sales pitch for his show? I went into this knowing nothing about him but it’s clear his mind is made up even when he’s wrong and has no arguments.

>Some tranny that was in the MILITARY Joe. They wrote a BOOK Joe

Attached: yallll.png (1784x389, 67K)

>not a bootlicker
Hasn't even been tried, right?

Play at 0.75 speed to see how his brain operates in real time.

people already fuck themselve up with alcohol and tabacco so who cares. maybe a few people go nuts but it would definitely mix things up a bit

isnt that non-inclusive?

0.50x is how sjws see the world when they are high on basedweed

I want to not have my surplus value stolen by my boss, you do. You seem like the bootlicker here senpai.

The average "gender theory intellectual" folks.

He said afterwards that he wasn’t prepared and that if Joe had told him they’d be getting into gender studies he’d have read up more. Which is an indirect way of saying Joe ambushed him.

who wouldn't want to be called folk?

Yeah just believe braindead idiots like Joe who don't even name the study or it's authors.

Yeah, but the idea that theyre “mangling their identity” is a false one if the identity theyre constructing is the product of their undeveloped child brain. Their actual, developing potential adult identity only becomes mangled once they change their brain chemistry with drugs. Before that they must simply navigate the natural confusions of growing up. Thats where your argument doesnt work. When youre a child, your brain doesnt have any conception of your “identity”. Its not developed enough. Its at this point, during this confusion, drugs are introduced and whatever identity may have formed becomes mangled. Im sure trans people will tell you they “always felt that way”, but thats something they came up with after the fact, they chose this path and now theyre stuck with it. They couldnt navigate the confusions of childhood without the aid of destructive drugs being introduced and now they are stuck with it. When you “take your medicine” as a kid, its not the same as when you take it as an adult. I would argue they have no meaningful idea of what theyre actually doing.

My point is that at no point should puberty blockers be introduced to young children because at no point has the child formulated a single thought that involves any meaningful reasoning in regard to this whole process.

In regard to introducing puberty blockers during puberty, the damage is obvious. Those kids are fucked, mentally and physically.

One of the best experiences of my life was on weed so I can't shit talk the plant.

based straight twink poster

Words mean what I say they mean you bigot!


my parents brainwashed me into becoming a christian so becoming a girl doesn't seem so bad from that respect.

Im talking about the actual recent research you shit eating moron. Psychedelics are experiencing a modern renaissance, therapeutically. Youre just an ignorant dipshit.

>chat with tranny
>tell them that transgenderism is just a symptom of having comorbid issues (usually depression, OCD, anxiety, and autism)
>they rant on about it being genetic
>bring up 1 single study
>the study talks about comorbidity issues with transgender people

be a woman

I am not surprised by any of your posts anymore.

So are we just supposed to change society anytime a specific demographic tends to commit suicide and says

>if society worked better did what I wantes it to people like me wouldn't commit suicide so much!

what do they actually want? to use women bath rooms and do women sports? who cares, have fun.

>A lot of research has been done on psychedelics and they have a staggering number of drawbacks; addiction, withdrawals, tolerance levels increasing.
All of the research is showing the exact opposite of your claim. You are probably mistaking psychedelics with hallucinogens, some of which indeed are addictive (e. g. ketamine).

The tolerance build-up of psychedelics even after single dose is so steep it's very hard to come close to anything resembling abuse and one has to wait weeks to reset to baseline. This is a good thing and I don't understand why you are presenting it as something negative.

post the arguing with holes image already incel, I know you got it saved.

Could you rephrase that greentext please?

I lasted 2 minutes. Holy Shit! There should be a compilation of all the times Megan McCain says "My father".

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why would he need intense preparation to defend a side of an argument he’s clearly already married to? Joe didn’t hit him with anything out of the ordinary. It’s the basic stance against trannies competing in sports and giving hormones to children. Adam made some bullshit idealistic statement about moving towards a “better sporting world” where trannies can compete with natural men and women(which is odd since Adam doesn’t strike me as someone who gives a shit about sports anyway) and Joe shared his opinion on that.
He feels strongly one way but couldn’t muster up any sort of basic counter argument to the basic argument. Seems to me lack of preparation wasn’t the problem and it’s more him never being around people who actually question the mentally ill horseshit he believes in.

Issues with bone development sound to me like something that would be much easier to alleviate (or perhaps even avoid in the future) than hardcore body dysphoria when it's already way too late to fix that. Of course the kids who were on the drug despite turning not to be trans later on may get shafted, but whether that's worth the risk of bone density loss isn't up to me to decide.

I've been going on the assumption that transgenderism is a real, naturally occuring condition, at least to some extent determined at birth. It sounds like you think any notion of gender identity or sexual attraction or whatever isn't determined until much later in a child's life, and assuming that's true, it wouldn't really matter what's done to a future-trans child since they're going to be fucked one way or the other. All I can really respond to that is that I hope that's not the case.

Go extinct

I like pot I just hate the people who smoke/vape it
Hopefully my faggot country will grow up and legslize it

There are addictive hallucinogens, like PCP.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head. He’s never had to defend his position, people around him agreed to it and he’d ignore those who didn’t.

>I like pot I just hate the people who smoke/vape it
what are you supposed to do with it then? inject it?

I was always more partial to edibles

You can’t assume hallucinogens won’t have drawbacks like addiction.

Hate is a strong word. You should start loving yourself user. What was your great experience while high? I got high with a girl I love and we ended up making love until the sunrise.

I am in the very small group of people who are immune to edibles or rather metabolize it to something that is not psychoactive. I wonder what it feels like. That's why I vaporize, it is still clean and tastes amazing.

I never did such thing, maybe you lack reading comprehension?


I'm not white enough for this horseshit, can someone explain to me why white people are so obsessed with 1% of the population feeling happy/comfortable with their delusions yet will at the same time support putting spikes on sidewalks and benches so the homeless don't sleep there?
Can you just admit you have a tranny fetish and stop wasting all our time?

Don't reply to the not white guy.

I'm left wing but I don't believe in doing that shit to kids. Believe it or not, not everyone on the left is cool with transgenderism.

Anyone who gives or prescribes children hormone therapy with the intention of allowing them to change their gender or supports the decision to do so are child abusers. No amount of ideological hand waving is going to change my mind about this.

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The insanity pendulum has shifted so far I doubt Rogan could be considered a libtard at this point - he would have been a liberal in the 90's tier but we're at the point now that he's centrist right

based joe shaming retards

>b-but what about the homeless!?
why the fuck would you bring that up? people who defend trannys are propably the same that want policys for helping poor and homeless. or at least they pretend they do.

As a 29 year old incel virgin I must say your based level headed weedbro posts are much appreciated.
I didn't metabolise THC any different edible desu it just took longer to kick in so I ended up having a fuck load and going to sleep lol
Didn't like the green out feeling of vape/bong rips either it stinks up the entire room worse then tabaco too so concentrated THC edibles will be my thing

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so you already have made up your mind and no argument or data will change that. hello Adam

But you did, you asked if i was confusing psychedelics for hallucinogens and that research said the exact opposite of my claim that psychedelics have addictive properties. But PCP is a psychedelic with addictive properties.

>He sounded like he's never reasoned himself into his beliefs and now is struggling to rationally justify them.

Yeah, there's a lot of social pressure to have the "right" ideas in these groups.

The only left wing people I've ever met in my life who weren't down with trannies were non-whites.
I don't believe for a second that you're white.


Ah, you’re one of those false allies I’ve heard about!

Oh yea, I forgot that white people are constantly shilling for the homeless and talking about how oppressed they are.
Oh no, wait, that's trannies and faggots.

Well guess what, I'm whiter than you kiddo. I can trace my aristocratic european heritage back to the 15th century. Unlike your mongoloid ass.

I was never an ally to begin with.

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I like the left is willing to permanently ruin children and basically destroy their lives before they've even started just for the temporary exhilarating rush of power over others. The consequences of which they'll just hand-wave later as if it's meaningless.

>Yeah Jewish pedophile Dr. Money might have cut little boys' dicks off and forced them to have sex with each other in his presence, which he recorded of course, and the consequences of which resulted in both test subjects committing suicide. But he did so much for the trans community!

you'll never be a woman m8
incels still have a chance, however minute, of getting their dicks wet.
but there is literally nothing you can do to EVER be a woman.

Lmao this is like calling a republican black an Uncle Tom. Fuck off.

>yeah ill supersize those fries

why white people? you know white people are really fucking divided politically. people who shill for trannys are libs or lefties, both groups which also shill for wellfare and helping the poor and shit like this. way more than right wing conservatives you mong.

Seriously, keep an eye on this kind of language over the next year, I’m seeing a number of sympathetic individuals being labelled “allies”. If they betray that position watch what they’re called afterwards.

Most of the vocal pro-faggot lefties on the planet are whites.