Attached: 925979AA-104F-442B-B1EC-845ED18FD575.png (1152x2008, 765K)

Why don't you go discuss this on reddit where you came from?

dubs and this cuck gets robbed and raped by feral niggers while grocery shopping

Checked and kekked.

San Francisco is practically an alternate reality at this point


Further proof Jamie was always the based one

Oh wow. Nazi trolls banded together and harrassed a decent person for their belief in basic human decency and their wish to dismantle white privilege. Thousands of hate-filled soldiers of Nazism against one person who literally did nothing wrong.

You must be so proud of yourselves. What's next? Beating up a kid in a wheelchair?


I realize that white privilege exists. I will also fight for it to keep on existing from my position of power. The fact that some druggie loser punk can't hold a job to save his life has nothing to do with this fact.

Depends of the kid in the wheelchair is a nigger.


Attached: harold.jpg (680x960, 68K)

0/10 redditspace more and you'll catch a few.

I take that as a proof that alt-righters (i.e. everyone to the right of the Democrats) want to torture and maim the disabled.

He's not wrong about genders. Assuming you know evolution to be true.

>Depends of

Still above average for a nazi brainlet.

Not the disabled, niggers. Can you read?

Phone posters rise up

IIRC Adam has a micropenis and has that weird fetish where he likes sticking stuff up his ass and dickhole.
Jamie is fucking based though.

Attached: JamieHynemanFeatured.jpg (1536x960, 272K)

Nothing he said was wrong.
I also find it hilarious how you guys actively look for shit to get angry at. Keeping seething, soicucks

Why wasn't Jamie cast as Dr. Robotnik?

i don't get what he's saying in the first post


Attached: 1555763899773.png (500x519, 175K)

Based filter putting this simp in his place.

Literally who?

>if you disagree with me it's because you are white
>which implies I think you are racist
>which means I do not have to answer you
>checkmate alt right

Literally making racist assumptions based on skin color. What's sad is his lashing out at anyone who questions his beliefs even a little shows how insecure he is in them. He didn't just ignore the idiots, he had to look cool by putting them down because they are white.

Dems have been and always will be the party of racism.

when was this?

based and melpilled

he's 100% right about the number of genders: it might be whatever, but that's up to biologists, not political activists

If you're a wypipo, you must be wrong about science.

Fuck you you filthy tranny trash. You should all be exterminated.

There are 2 genders. Male and female. Deal with it.

>tfw most kino shot of The Expanse tainted by him

Attached: IMG_3931.jpg (1600x900, 132K)

300% literally who

>shit /pol/ bait thread
>iPhone filename
Every fucking time.

Biology is not a science.

Nice. I'll go get the boys

i hope this redpilled at least 1 person

Threatening kids is libtards' area of interests though.

Good work

Does it make you feel better to respond to such an obvious shitpost?

I have no idea how people can claim to be redpilled yet use devices from one of the most soi companies of all time.