Any kinos about contemporary social dynamics?

Any kinos about contemporary social dynamics?

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Islam will save the west

Cringe and redpilled.

no, homosexual fascism will

Even my normalfag friends are starting to realise how much instagram thots make off of betas.

My greatest joy in life is watching my friends gradually start to acknowledge things I was called crazy for ranting about 6 years ago.

Only if separated from Arabs, we could convert to Islam and still send home all the Arabs.
White sharia is the shit.

It's a bittersweet feel

user, you're crazy

Just go MGTOW. It's literally the only reasonable response left in today's world.

>islam without the muslims
So...1950s style christianity?

It's time for soi cucks to rise up seriously

I want to kill
- kikes
- niggers
- faggots
- chinks
- poos
- gypsies
- muslims
- sòi whites
- jannies
- pitbulls

you aint based if you disagree

Cringe yet red/blackpilled. Also 500 days of summer is basedcuck-core

That's literally what ISIS, the Altright, incels, school shooters and such are.

Men who are on the lower end of the pussy pyramid grouping together to overthrow the system and gain access to it or gain revenge on those that denied them it. Oscar wilde said it best.

Attached: oscar-wilde-quote-everything-in-the-world-is-about-sex.jpg (800x420, 40K)

this is you right now

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these are just incels in denial

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Damn I just got blown the fuck out

Lots of MGTOWs have had gfs and wives in the past though.

absolutely based

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>1950s style christianity
Forgot about all those child brides in burqas at the local malt shop

Hence why 1950s christianity is superior. That's my point.

Based but cringe

There's literally nothing wrong with giving women money for being pretty

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I legitimately hate all of them I want to thank all the Jews and crybaby trannies on here for waking me up to how fucking awful they all are


Shitty fucking mods do your goddam job