Is Chris Evans one of the most aesthetic actors of today?

Is Chris Evans one of the most aesthetic actors of today?

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No. He's totally a shit actor though.

he needs to do something with his hairline before it's too late

And Gay as fuck.

God I wish I was this log

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Is this a meme? Can someone please show me what a healthy hairline is for a white male in his 30s? Every time someone posts their “ideal” hairline, it’s always some swarthy looking brown skinned male model, not a white blonde guy like Evans.

That's easy as shit to do and requires almost no effort

shit tier hair line

he's balding.

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Its mine too.

It's not fair

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His side profile is subhuman

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It is a meme. The ideal hairline is literally 1-2 inched above the brows, but some people just have high hairlines. Others are balding, but its a meme to say a high hairlines = balding by default

Is he actually gay?

I've seen worse

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Bet you look worse than that lookismfag.

>easy as shit to do and requires almost no effort
Just like having sex

That's what a normal Caucasian skull looks like, nigger.

Reminder that nobody cares

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ITT: ultra salty Trumpfags

>I checked my ancestry and somehow I’m not Jewish

Subhuman? Where the fuck are you looking? He looks like a Roman god, I’m sorry for you, as you are clearly of a small, turdlet, potato looking race.

this isn't a cope thread, pals.

fuck are you talking about mutt?

I love that no matter how jacked and succesful he becomes he will always cry himself silly over ever little Draumphg tweet. More like Captain Amerifaggot lol

>Captain America a favorite of mine
>Chris Evans is an absolute psychopathic asshole
Feels bad bros.

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He already is bald. It's very obvious in some pictures that he is wearing a hair system that is glued to his scalp. I have an eye for spotting them.

Is his bicep supposed to be big? Lmao I have seen teens at my gym that have bigger and more vascular arms than Evans

unironically this

>insults drumpf once on twitter
>h-he's a psychopathic asshole!!!

he does nothing for me. incredibly bland. i unironically think uncannily skinny CGI pre-serum steve rogers is much hotter

>Linking a character and actor together like that

Dont mind me, just being the more attractive white dude and the more likeable character overall.

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literally perfect, trumptard.

when is he coming out of the closet? he could totally eat my boipussy

SEETHING trumpfags

>tears apart an already split log
Somebody get this man a trophy!

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He looks like an owl.

I hope

RDJ & Tom Holland are the only really attractive men of the MCU.

How does one achieve this physique?

>Tom Holland
>Chris Evans
>not attractive

Wii fit and Zumba.

also Chadwick Boseman

You haven’t seen his Twitter have you? He even has a pet name for him, then he talks about “love and tolerance.” Lmao


I'm not American, nor am I a fan of Trump.
My issue is when he attacked that smirking kid for doing nothing wrong.
Any one that attacked a child for standing still over the adult who turned out not only to a liar about being a war vet, but was clearly trying to intimidate a child in public, is a psychopathic asshole.

They’re beautiful
Holland is though. But so is Evans
He’s one of the ugliest dudes they could find. Mackie is way better.

Chris Evans on a man with stolen valor: "incredible strength and dignity"

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>making the basedboy face in his profile picture

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Post yourself please

Really? This is some desperate cope

Post a selfie

have sex

Post your ass

>doesn't agree with my political opinions
>"psychopathic asshole"

Someone's being a little psycho here alright


So many women squealed at this in the cinema. God I hate them

At the time what people had was a context free video a couple minutes long.

>that tweet
>psychopathic attack
Did it hurt your feelings this much user
Is Evans #problematic to you?

>only 6 feet "tall"

lol, what a turbomanlet

women being horny for attractive men is BAD cause it hurts my feefees >:(((


Oh so after more context game out he retracted his statement and/or apologized...right?

>my holes are all that give me validation

snopes hasn't given a verdict on it yet. sorry sweetie

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It's bad because you should be fucking quiet in a movie theater, I know women are sub 100 IQ so we have to treat them like kids but even ten year olds know to shut the fuck up during a movie.

t. never chopped wood

Hey now you know what those salty feminists feel

This. Signing on to be Captain America in the MCU was the best business decision he ever made. Without it, he would've been starring in straight to DVD movies the rest of his life.

Literal video evidence, but alright.

People no longer need to retract false statements in the Trump era. When the President does it everyone can do it.

the mean women disrupted my very serious capeshit viewing experience by expressing audible excitement >:(((

have sex

You were an adult man watching capeshit which means you have sub 100 IQ as well.

Because they always preach about how men think with their dicks but in reality they're much more shallow than we are and if you don't look like Evans they won't even give you the time of day

and yet I still know to be quiet in a movie.
So maybe women are sub-50 IQ

You mean the women who can get male attention and sex every day of the week? Yeah that's totally relatable

Owls are cool.

>whats true: he made a claim with no supporting evidence
>whats false: news reports spread this claim
>verdict: we dunno lol maybe hes telling the truth

I wish I was memeing when I said I'm a literal lumberjack. I grew up with the axe and ripping a log like that apart with your bare hands, when the cleft is that deep to begin with, is fucking easy. Gravity does 90% of the work, like in all woodcutting.

>Feminist getting sex

hey just a tip you should stop fetishizing victimhood because it’s leading you to draw some very bizarre and borderline delusional conclusions about how the world works

shut up already you incel

Men and women thirst for attractive people, less attractive people get salty.
I don't see what's so hard to understand about this.
>You mean the women who can get male attention and sex every day of the week?
It's pretty easy to get laid user

no, you see, it’s perverse and pathological for women to desire attractive men but healthy and natural fot men to desire attractive women

kys cuckknights

>just be yourself bro
>it works everytime

holy shit people really raged at this post

Jus b urself

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lost the argument.
>no U!

I mean his a capeshitter after all
>'Just stand there sweaty, look purdy for the camera, spout yer quips, and that's it'

His actor is cool too

>I'll compare myself to a movie star so I can avoid bettering and improving myself and continue to blame others for my shortcomings ;)

pic related is how it should look like, normalfags

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they'll just reply with
this is officially the jawlet and hairlet cope thread

You don't lose arguments incel, you make them. And you haven't made any, so quit typing and have sex

Evans is unironically a good actor and Cap is also my favorite. I can't imagine someone playing a boy scout and make him that sympathetic.

But yeah, try to distinct the actor from the role. Sam Jackson is also one of my favorite actors who has a huge diversity of roles, but he is a "BLM" libshit retard in real life who thinks blacks get discriminated on a daily basis.

Post bicep

He's not clenching his jaw like every other fag actor.

it's a cope to pretend that Evans isn't very attractive. That guy might be better looking but they are still in the same league way above your average person

there's a disparity in the willingness of say a female or male 8 to sleep with a 6

Are you alt right? Blue eyed and blonde haired white man?

this makes sense if you think about this for more than 5 seconds and don’t immediately jump to “women are shallow by nature!!!”

sex is much more of a risk and much less of a reward for women than it is for men for a number of reasons, both biological and social. women are more at risk for contracting STD’s, are able to get pregnant, are more physically vulnerable, and are more likely to suffer pain or injury during sex and much less likely to experience orgasm. the calculus there is a lot more complex for women. so you’re going to need a stronger incentive to overcome the barriers in place there, and sleeping with a more attractive person is one such incentive.

Based and blackpilled, tranny nigger lovers BTFO.

He has a very obvious double chin there, too much fat

I've thought about it plenty, I was just pointing out that it's true.

Aesthetic is not fucking synonymous with beautiful. It's CONCERNED with beauty. "Aesthetic appeal" is the appeal that is related to beauty, as opposed to, say, dramatic appeal (the appeal as related to his acting ability).

Stop butchering the English language.

so gravity is the cause of chris evans tearing the log apart

Notice how he points it upwards before pulling it against his chest.

yes.. yes... I see it all now
gravity is doing all of that

Beautiful women have sex and marry ugly dudes all the time bros, you need to have something going for you though

Oh you must be a sub 50 IQ woman.

why is that? I was agreeing with your lumberjack science

I'm not a lumberjack.

>haha just be yourself

post a picture of your hairline

The anons criticizing Chris Evans remind me of pic related. Pure jealousy

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I was thinking of the exact same thing. The dude is more attractive than all of Yea Forums.

there must be one model tier autist here

Chris Hemsworth > Chris Evans > Tom Holland

Chris Hemsworth > Tom Holland < Chris Evans*

tom looks like a generic twink

I can get behind this idea if you knowmsayin

he's already got a kino hair transplant

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Chris Evans seems kinda cool in person but his political tweets are fucking retarded.

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This user got it

Jesus christ he looks small here, is he off cycle?

>calls out a nigger for being dumb

in english, doc

pretty sure a disney pr team handles all the tweets

I was not sexually attracted to him as i am a straight male but yes i appreciated his aesthetic.

God he is beautiful in Endgame.