Bran doesn't have a single line of dialogue for the rest of the show. His character arc is done, turns out all of this was ultimately so Arya could stab the Night King.

Cersei isn't the big final villain; it's Euron. He kills her and for some reason The Mountain and Quybern are loyal to him. Don't question it, it's about subverting expectations.

Bronn actually tries to kill both Jamie and Tyrion. He sucseeds with Jamie, but before he can get to Tyrion Sansa kills him. Tyrion makes a dwarf joke and never mourns his brothers death.

Final battle is a night time battle, the entirety of Kings Landing gets blown up but Quybern is the only named character that dies. Clegainebowl is two seconds long before Arya kills The Mountain. Euron critically injures Arya (she's fine after the battle ends, don't worry), so Jon kills Euron in rage. That somehow ends his character arc.

Dany ends up on the Iron Throne. Turns out there is no real bittersweet ending, she just wins and things are mostly fine. Expectations subverted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sorry, i think you meant to post your fanfiction blog to

> but before he can get to Tyrion Sansa kills him

In a sea of obvious bullshit, this nugget tickles me the most.

I dont doubt this shit

D&D are retarded

no way they let a fucking white male kill a pregnant QUEEN

after episode 3 this might be right


Sounds absolutely retarded. I believe it.

Whatever they do know will be shit anyways they might as well do it like you say

Jon Snow is going to kill Dany

This is so retarded I believe it at this point.

This is actually too dumb ever for these retards. Nice try though, OP

this is the worse shit I've read so far about the last episodes

it's probably real

An easy way to tell this is bullshit.. OP seems to have major details but never any explanation as to how/why they happen.

>Euron kills Cersei but "for some reason" Qyburn and Mountain don't react at all..
Ah, must have been an interesting leak to read/watch that gave you that tidbit but no explanation.

>Dany ends up on the Iron Throne. Turns out there is no real bittersweet ending, she just wins and things are mostly fine. Expectations subverted.

Yeah guys Dany just wins, no explanation at all in this the last season. Mentions subverting expectations again.. It's almost like this is all meme'd off of peoples responses to last week's ep.


Real last episode:

After military victory, Dany gives back Tarly's family sword to Sam. He kills her, is judged and killed, before revealing Jon's ancestry. Gilly tries to reveal the truth, but it only causes some dissenter to flee in secrecy to burn the Citadel.

The books are burning while the Maesters cry. The news cause chaos at all parts. Slavers' troops are seen arriving at the shores of KL. Elephants and the real Golden Company are in huge numbers. The Iron Bank gambit paid off. Mario Naharis head is put in a pike.

The sun is strong, there is no winter anymore. Final scene is the survivors wandering in random directions, escaping persecution. Final shot is Jon looking exausted in a forest. AAAAARGGHHH

The end

I fucking hate d&d

consider how fucking shit things have turned out, i think its possible. never doubt the retardation that is d&d

Honestly this

Yep, OP's bullshit was too internally consistent and even though bullshit it had a logical flow to it which D&D could never do because, like, so random n sheeit

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fake af

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Explain to me why would a woman on top of a dragon just stand there while the horde stabs at her dragon and doesn't orders him to fly or shoot fire immediately?

I unironically believe it.

I bet aryas gonna end up killing cersei too because YAAAAS SLAY QUEEEEEN

fuk this show

It would actually fit her arc but I don't see why Greyworm can't be the one to do it now after last episode.

Honestly fuck dabid, fucking idiots.

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My man Qyburn would never! Delet this now

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how does she get the Iron Throne if the Iron Throne exploded?

Fuck off, Bran is the NK anyone with 130+ IQ has already figured it out by now. Made a thread earlier explaining it

Yeah they would because Cersei has internalised misogyny and actually hates womyn

>Mario Naharis

Books are leading to Euron being the main villain too.

Only Book Euron is a wizard with a dragon killing horn and a wizard sidekick and two warlock underlings.


A little disclaimer flashes on the bottom saying a fetus is just a lump of cells.

Too bad the writers don't have a +130 IQ.

>dragon killing horn
More like suicide horn. Anyone who blows the horn can bend the will of a dragon to obey him but anyone who blows the horn dies.

>Tyrion makes a joke about it
I fully expect this now.

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>it's about subverting expectations.

You can make twists without shitting on the audience. This shit studios are doing is all about shitting on audiences.

Can you? Seems like this is the way of modern media now. Do exactly what no one would ever expect to happen, even if it makes no sense and kind of fucks the story up.

very believable

New Canon

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Watching everyone get killed by characters with zero emotional connection to them like Arya with the NK would be fucking hilarious at this point, I sort of wish they'd do it.
>Tormund kills Cersei
>Sam kills The Mountain
>Euron kills Gilly
>Gendry kills Qyburn
>Hot Pie avenges Gilly and kills Euron
>Wandering bard Eddard Sheeran kills Dany

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>Hot Pie avenges Gilly and kills Euron
This would unironically save the show for me, I'd never be able to stop laughing.


it sucks so hard it's probably true

Its bullshit but I believe it


Why would you write this?
GoT is cursed, now whatever actually happens is somehow going to be worse than this tripe.

stop spamming your shitty low quality video no one cares about you attention whoring faggot

fuck of weiss

Euron being the final boss on the show where he’s a shitty laughable attempt at a serious threat only serves to underscore what a big deal he will be in the books.

God this was unironically the worst tv show I've seen this decade
Good I was done with this shit series after that terrible ep3 anyway now I don't have to watch it anymore

>well, what is it

Sam and Gilly kill Cersei, Greyworm wins Cleganebowl.

>OP seems to have major details but never any explanation as to how/why they happen.

Neither do the writers. That's what makes it so realistic.

My thoughts exactly.

Sounds about right for what you'd expect from D&D

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based ending

you know what, I beleive this

This. D&D are hacks. I wasted my time on the books and my life on this show!

This is so shite it's gotta be real.

the big twist is sansa "turning" on her family

she is the smartest character after all

What if I told you that the plan to defeat the Night's King was to use Bran as a bait to lure him out but then they have their entire army killed beforehand for some reason. But in the next episode the army is back alive without an explanation. Sounds fucking retarded doesn't it?

>mfw arya said sansa is the smartest person she has known


also didn't you spend a few days waiting on tywin lannister...

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and look who got killed on the shitter so yeah whos the smartypants now motherfucker?

Who cares, who kills NK? Will I be surprised? I hope Sansa and Tyrion gets together again and rule as king and queen!

I fully believe this

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Thanks OP I had a few wee chuckles at this.

>Hot Pie avenges Gilly and kills Euron
this would be so fucking good, pls god make it happen

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>Be Arya
>Get trained by Syrio Forrel
>Get trained by faceless men
>Spend time waiting on/learning from Tywin Lannister
>Get mentored and protected by The Hound
>"Salsas the smartest person I've ever met"

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Not quite bad enough as what it'll be, but you're getting there. Now that the Arya subversion pleased the normalfags, they need to do one even bigger to top it each episode.

Reminder that the leak about Arya killing the NK was right and that same leak had Jon killing Dany

That's bullshit but I believe it

Also the apocalyptic long night that had been built up for 8 seasons? Yeah we never got to see the effects of that because bad guy got shanked in the guts as soon as he got past the wall. Why is the Night's King doing what he's doing even after turning against the children of the forest? What happened last time that made him retreat? What woke him up again? Why does he make more white walkers out of babies? Fuck it, it just happens for some reason, no explanation needed. We got our expectations royally subverted I'll give them that

They did claim that they filmed several endings to throw leakers off but I guess that probably was an old switcheroo and they lied about it

>Dany wins


Wait guys. Stop. I figured it out. The night king is dead so that shit they pulled on last episode is not going to work again. The only solution, make a new Night king to hijack Cersei´s army. Bran knows how to do it. The prince who was promised probably refeers to a Targaryen prince promised to the dead. Jon will probably become the new night king... but when the moment comes to kill this new night king Arya won´t be able to do it because she loves Jon. Daenerys dragons won´t be able to do it because she loves Jon too... and he is immune to fire (just like the night king we just saw). So Jon will leave with his dead army to continue his watch of the North until it´s time to claim the next Targaryen prince.