Cast her

Cast her

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Other urls found in this thread:

Idris Elba


inb4 Larkin Love webms/images

both are great choices

nigger fuckers


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>wanna get into Marvel/DC comics
>ain't got a clue where to start

Manga was so much more simple.

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any actress who has a rack and is willing to hit the fucking gym at least a year in advance.

Don't bother. Very little of it is actually worth reading unless you have very low expectations or just want to look at the art.

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Don't even bother man, comic universes are 90% shit. Just read something like Preacher or Transmetropolitan instead.

brianna beach

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Annika Albrite or Kendra Sunderland

Stefania Ferrario

Leslie Jones

If you want to start with Peegee, you can read pic related.

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Nicki Minaj

There is no way she can be portrayed correctly on screen, whoever you choose. In one way or another, the character would be fucked up.

I honestly dont care about comic books, so whenever I see I can only think of Larkin.

Some blonde with huge tits. Like Beth Lily. Who cares if the slut can act.

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Most of it is pure shit, just pick up something written by one of the few decent writers who've done capeshit like Alan Moore or Grant Morrison. Also, not really capeshit but check out Hellboy, it's done from beginning to end by the same guy and it's finished.

That ugly ass DC comics logo.

Kingdom Come art style fucking sucks

Just read the wikipedia pages. The stories might sound interesting, but they're garbage-written, with art that is either Saturday morning cartoon tier, or pathetic teenage wank fantasy.

Just start reading and you'll get the hang of it. But honestly, don't bother.

An Actress with real big tits and pretty face.

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she looks used up

This. Swamp Thing versus Batman was surprisingly good.


shame about her stomach/underboob tattoo though

Tits can be faked easily. The actress needs real muscle.

Plebbest opinion I've ever read.

What other completed comics/graphic novels (where you can easily go from vol 1. to the end) would you recommend apart from Preacher?

read the authors, not the characters.

What this user said.

knowing hollywood they'd cast a 2x4

No. It's Power Girl. Focus on the tits. Fake the muscles instead if it's necessary.

this already happened with tomb raider

knowing hollywood now, they'd cast a 4x4

a black 4x4

Alicia would be great as PG

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The only correct answer. Just add tits.

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She has a no american woman can play her

Looks like a superhero from here.

Start with the planet Hulk stories. I got all my normie friends into comics with that

She's like 50 now, and fat

if she was younger she would be a great Cass

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Best choice

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>designing her suit to have the cleavage window be just above her asscrack instead
fucking kino studio decision

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she's 42 and looks aight, i'm sure hollywood could get her back in shape for the role

>having both

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I'm not sure you understood, it's not powdered donuts girl

thanks for introducing me to my new mommy gf :^)


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Brie Larson? She literally only need to play herself.

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But can she act ?

Christina Hendricks + my face


Hentai I read unironically has a better story and anime sums up al the manga worth reading anyway.
(western) comics have always been subversive Jewish shit I refuse to read them and unironically hated them as a kid and would much rather read mad magazine and watch the TV shows at most

And better.

Already been done perfectly.

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Varbies fuck off this is a pear bbw super mummy thread (siri)

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Patrician taste.

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Wew those tits

Ok Yea Forums, maybe i have finally understood. The thing about put back the stones on their respective timelines is not about preventing the creation of new branches in time, but to prevent the original timeline and the new branches created to drift into chaos and darkness.

Is that right?

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>no muscle

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Christina Hendricks
Daddario as Wonder Woman

ITT: literal prostitutes


>Wondy looks like a sticc
>Amazon extra #78 looks like Wondy
Bravo, Hollywood.

this. If you are going to keep spamming this thread at least pick actresses and not just "hurrdurr big tits durrr"

Be gone varbies
Booblets btfo
Disgusting roid clit flat chested womenlets snusnu'd by based Amazonian master race mummies

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*blocks your penis*

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Forget PG, who's going to play Mia?

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user you better give that fucking sauce

That British girl who has nice body and muscles

Here ya go.

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What. The. Fuck.

it could work

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>wrasslinacting experience
I'm ok with this.

she was a child prostitute and got infected

when DC was based

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More female asian muscle beasts plz

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Sarina Valentina.

Don't read the montly publications, nowdays it's all pure shit, the BEST thing you can do is look up a character that you are interested in and then searching in google "Best comics of X" then read only the Kino top tier.

some recomendations are Kingdome come (Justice league), The Dark knight returns (Batman), Superman all star and Punisher MAX.

there is a lot of indie and artistic comic out there that is pretty fucking good (transmetropolitan for example) you can also read those if the generic capshit isn't your thing.

best of both worlds desu

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agree, no one cares about powergirl for the story or the character, it's all about those big titties and lesbian inuendos with Terra

Too dyel

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>let's cast a tall plank as Power Girl


we get it, you like men, now fuck off

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The Sandman comics by Neil Gaimen were some of the only really good ones, try those

you on the left

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>this thread
just step on my balls already!

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most likely you since I'm not attracted to hybrids with male bodies and barely female faces

>/fit/ women are men

you on the right

Project harder faggot

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jessica biel is a fit woman
those freaks you posted are roided up abominations
man arms

One of those things is not like the other.

You're the reason they cast Gadots and Larsons.

larson has no ass, a manface and shit feet, and I'm not even a footfag
gadot is a disgusting kike board
nice projection though

Terrible choice but I have 100+ of her videos, so based and also my nigga

legit fucking terrifying, jesus

the sandman

Bryce Dallas Howard

>conveniently forgetting about Blade Trinity with ultra buff sexbomb Biel
p sure you're one of the fags that went "ewww she looks like a man"

fukken SAUCE


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are you really trying to say that pic related looks like any of the freakazoids I replied to?

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Is that fucking synthol? At least in the shoulders

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you're a nigger and a nigger faggot


not as big as some of those girls but you cherrypicked an image without flexing

when she's pumped during the fight scenes she looks almost as big as this chick

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wonder what excuse they'll make up for the lack of boob winfow

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Vivian Blush

>gay AND blind
bugger off

> Forums_Recommended_Comics_Wiki
Start with the old, don't touch the new. It's shit. Everything marvel past 2015 is garbage

based GoddessFootDomination poster

Gemma Atkinson

Might as well go with matt kroc at that point.

(vertigo that is not Marvel)


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Rin is mai stronkthiccfu

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100% muscle
she looks bigger there because she's pumped
here she is without a pump

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> roids


looks like a man t.b.h.

fun fact: the reason why women get those underboob tattoos is to cover up implant scars. same is said about women with those over-pussy, under-belly button tattoos to cover c-section scars.

>noone posting the goat

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I would cast her off a fucking bridge

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Quads and I get a perfect girlfriend.

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She’d be great if she could put on the muscle

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>he wants a dyel Power Girl

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powerGIRL, not powerMAN

BASED AS FUCK. fuck muscular "women"

You know Peegee is swole af in the comics, right? She's even bigger than a lot of girls itt.

Is this real or an edit. You can never be certain with current comic book writers


t. soiboi

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says the guy attracted to men with kinda girlish faces

Debecki but in a foam muscle suit with huge boobs

>no reply
Thought so.

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aaah yes, this and the abominations being posted on this threadhave the exact same physique

when is this gonna happen

Tasha Yar?

lmao is this a real comic

Unfortunately the art isn't even that good in most cases. Basic backgrounds and characters with such skewed "anatomy" even /3/ couldn't fuck up as much.

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prime gemma atkinson

Yes and the last page is her saying she's voting for Hillary Clinton

how do they explain her being fat as fuck

She's fat, and she got powers

lol who is this? she kinda looks like my mom

At least you tried

it's pretty obvious

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It's time to play

she's a professional blogger

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In June 2018, Sony Pictures announced a film adaptation with Maria Melnik hired to pen the script. The film will be produced by Neal H. Moritz and Dan Mintz.[10]

it wont come out but if it does she will be skinny like tomb raider reboot


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Came here to masturbate to this.
And I did, felt quite nice.

google nude photos of the actress diora baird. thread over and you are welcome

>diora baird
too old, gramps

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What are you smoking? She has big breasts but is a perfect example of skinny fat for women and not at all a powergirl.

The Punisher Max series.
Early Deadpool.
Some of the Ultimates runs.

low test

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I8 and over kiddo

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god bless the internet


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Tay is readdy

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says the virgin popping wood at every pair of tits he sees